Thursday, December 31, 2009

Today Thursday, December 31, 2009

Our year ends today with a Full Moon eclipse in Cancer...bringing with it... a signal to let go of the past and take on new challenges!

Seldom do we see the stars in such a significant pattern as they are as this year ends and as we begin a Brand New one...2010!

And you can expect that these astrological happenings in our solar system, Are abound to effect YOU in some personal way.

The key then...would be to be extra aware of what is coming at you through others, and to look carefully at what you are putting out there in the way of emotional turmoil, as you need to keep your temper under control and avoid under cover activities.

Also these unusual aspects, begin their most intense trek towards upheaval with the Cancer moon at its fullest ...which here in New England, would be at 2:12 PM...that is the time today that even gives our beloved Country, as well as our own home life and security a possible feeling of a tug of war concerning what we need to change in order to have a more secure realistic future.

A time for letting go of what isn't working? Saying good-bye...forced into recognizing what needs to be identified in order to improve your life... for a New Year!

Try to remember, as you get close to our midnight hour, 11:53 PM... a planetary aspect between Mars and Mercury, can make you feel a bit off... from your own natural timing...! And if that for you, turns out to be missing that midnight kiss..? "You can just...Blame it On The Stars"!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Today December 29, the relationship planet Venus squares the somber learning planet Saturn... which can make you question the validity of some of your important relationships...including looking at your financial budget, where you need to be more careful and conservative. Also Mercury's conjunction with the north node on this same day reminds you to initiate conversations that will help you to make decisions that are practical ones.
And then...we will end this year of 2009, and begin 2010 with a very powerful and emotional lunar eclipse in the sign of Cancer.

That Cancer moon eclipse...will tend to put all your ideas about family and security right up front for you to focus on, like it or not?

This is especially true for the cardinal signs of... Capricorn, Aries, Libra, and Cancer, but all sun signs will feel extra emotional, and need to be more patient with the turmoil that could be coming from others. Therefore, if you find yourself feeling edgy and out of sorts this New Years Eve, You can just "Blame It On The Stars" and try to be just an innocent observer!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Today December 26, the planet that rules our communication, Mercury, starts a three week direction change! So if you find yourself having to change your mind, and your plans? Just, "Blame it on the Stars"!

Yes, muddled communication, and the need to repair and do things over ...will be effecting us each day for the next three weeks...all due to a retrograde planet Mercury. And this backward annoying trend effects all sun signs.

So try to practice more patience with your daily communication, and if you can, delay those important decisions until the end of next month. In fact, you may find these next three weeks, you are re-thinking and repairing many things that were left from last September... which was the last time Mercury was retrograde!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

As we move closer to our Christian Holiday, Christmas...

You may my find yourself with lots of unexplained mood changes? And if that is, what's happening in your life right now...You can just, "Blame it on the Stars"!

In fact, the stars on Christmas day can totally change how you see your life, and what hard facts about yourself, and the way you are living your life, that need to change?

Sound serious? Well it is, coming from an exact conjunction to our Sun from the planet of change and upheaval Pluto on, December 25, 2009?

Could it be that these few days before that date, we are stating to see... what areas are the most in need of change? The answer to that question is defiantly..yes, due to another planet conjunction of the truth Jupiter , and the intuitive planet Neptune, that is with us from December 21 - to the 24... bringing us all to the table of realization!

Like what we see or not, those days through Christmas, it would be wise to be extra careful with how you express yourself. Be aware if you might be over doing it? Or perhaps taking things for granted, and maybe careless? Instead be on the lookout for the truth, and let your new found truths give you the inspirational ideas to bring positive change right into the New Year.!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Our work week begins December 21, and is very Astrologically significant!

This important date: is the Winter Solstice (the shortest day of our year ) and the day the Sun moves into the focused sign of Capricorn! Our mountain Goat sign of Capricorn inspires us to get real about our goals for the New Year! Also... bringing more into this astrological stew, we have Mars, the planet of action, turning retrograde in the sign of Leo. Mars is the energy that helps us all to go for it, and express our desires! So when Mars travels retrograde; its excited active energy, becomes covert and calculated, and its motives tend to be hidden? Yes, when Mars is retrograde, everyone's thought patterns are more introspective and we tend to think about ways of acting on issues and concerns which relate to the sign in (Leo). effecting our reputation and ego's... as we move back over some of what we put our energy into that what we  did not finish, or have the courage to express.

Mars in retrograde... can give us a chance to think before acting; to assess our motives and aggressions before re-acting; to find our inner demons and send them packing before they continue to interfere with our life?

The planet Mars turns retrograde only once every two years and two months... but the effects of each period differ, according to the sign in which the retrograde happens? With Mars retrograde in Leo, as it is now, people with Sun, Moon, or Leo rising, will be prone to such introspection. But We will all tend to re-consider personal views and opinions about life? Since Leo is a fixed Sign, the other fixed Signs, Like... Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius, will also feel the effects the most! Scorpio in particular is liable to conflict and be headstrong in the arena of career and public image, because Mars is the old time ruler of Scorpio.

Yes, with our Leo Mars now in retrograde position you may find yourself being more aggressive and egocentric! And those most affected can just...

"Blame It On the Stars" as they find themselves inclined toward grandiose gestures and improbable schemes? Also enthusiasm and inspiration, could seem muted during this phase, as anxieties develop around image and ego's desire.

Try to keep in mind, that this may not be the best time to start a new creative project...because if you do, you may abandon it or just lose energy for it when Mars again moves direct.

However, this a great time to complete long-term projects that you need to get back to. Mars turns direct again, on March 10, 2010, in the first degree of Leo, just in time for a busy new, spring?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Our work week of December 7, through December 9, can be disruptive and explosive!

The planet of communication Mercury, and the planet that brings, endings and new beginnings Pluto... is now in a planetary conjunction.... in difficult aspect to the restrictive planet Saturn... giving us all the desire to revolt against the status quo!

Yes, if you suddenly want to jump the fence and throw out what feels restrictive?

Just blame it on the stars! But watch out! Impulsive behavior might just come back to bite you?

Tempers can flare, arguments can get out of hand, and explosive behavior is possible? Don't get caught in the middle, or allow yourself .... to just see the dark side, of the things that are going on around you?

This would be true for all sun signs to remember!

But most important for those born on December 23, 24 and 25... to keep in mind.

Also try to be extra alert in all areas of travel, communication, and finances if...your Birthday

is October 16,17 or 18?

And those born under the sign of Cancer on June 22, 23, or 24 need to stay out of emotional arguments that you might get dragged into? LAST...but not least! Are those born under the impulsive sign of Aries,

on March 21,22, and 23. doing something on impulse these next few days coming from your ego or anger can really bring unnecessary havoc into you life?

Thursday December 10, we start to have less restrictive planetary influence, which can improve everyone's mood helping our holiday spirit, just in time for those weekend Christmas parties!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Happy December...The last month of 2009... a time to look at how this year has effected our lives, as we look forward to our New Year, and what that new year can bring?

Today, as we begin this December, the planet Uranus turns in its orbit and starts moving direct again! And after being in backward motion for the last five months it helps US, to move in a more direct motion too!

In fact, Uranus is the planet that gives us the desire to liberate our lives from the shackles of convention, and make us want to change whatever is stagnant in our life?

Also Uranus rules electromagnetic energy and can be like a lightning storm that creates chaos, as it helps in cleaning up our stagnant air... revealing a fresh new world...?

However, that new world is... only once the storm has cleared? Which can bring a new way of doing things, but-- the road ahead needs your help in paving it ? What it is going to be, is up to you? How independent are you feeling? And what isn't working in your life?

It’s not every year that Uranus turns direct within hours of a full Moon? And his full Moon in Gemini, occurs in the very early hours of December 2 EST). and because of it...Expect that full Gemini moon, to increase your desire for independence, and freedom, as it heightens up all your emotions! Like double the trouble, or double the fun? What a way to begin a month?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Are you finding it difficult to get those Holiday plans for your family Thanksgiving nailed down?

If you are in that... I am not sure who's coming to our Holiday dinner dilemma? You can "Blame it on the Stars!"

Strong Emotions...and mixed up plans... will be due to our love planet Venus, as it crosses paths with excessive planet Jupiter on Monday, making us unrealistic, and careless!

But it is on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, when confusion, deception, and strange imaginings... can create discord, and the changing of our Holiday plans?

Yes it is... the planet Venus again! However this time, it is in conflict to the dreamy planet Neptune. Making it difficult to really know what we want?

So if you are expecting more romantic fulfillment, and all family ties to get along, and be in the proper holiday mood, guess again?

It's best to keep an open mind, and as they say, "go with the flow" this Thanksgiving? In other words... be flexible and open minded? And do not jump to Any conclusions!

Your greatest allies this Thanksgiving, will be your kind, generous, and understanding, spirit!

All leading you to a more balanced mood... just in time for our weekend?

Monday, November 16, 2009

This work week of November 16, begins... with a fresh start... new moon, in the passionate intense sign of Scorpio, bringing with it... a need to straighten out our relationship entanglements?

So if you are in a battle of romantic wills, pulling against each other this week... Just blame it "On the Stars"

Yes, the new moon, on November 16, and the planet Venus, in planetary square to Mars, on November 19, will be brewing up some very powerful emotions this week!

However keep the faith...because as our week ends, the Sun's entrance into optimistic Sagittarius on November 21, restores our positive attitude, and will help us to see what is truly good in our lives! And that more positive attitude, helps a lot with mending those romantic fences that need attention? This is especially true if your sun sign is...Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo or Pisces ? But all signs will feel more positive!

So think ahead to plan a more fun filled weekend of November 21.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Feeling silently determined, and hoping that all you are longing for... will work out in your favor?

Well, you can blame that edgy "I want things to go "MY way" feeling...On The Stars!

This extra push of determination is coming from our Sun, in the determined sign of Scorpio that is forming several Planetary aspects this week? Along with... (what can be life-changing ) Saturn-Pluto square... taking place on November 15! But FIRST, we have to deal with our Scorpio Sun in square to expansive Jupiter, on November 10, bringing possible misunderstandings and an overconfidence that could lead to doing more of something than is good for you?

However, look to receive out of the blue support, with the Sun's good... position in a beneficial trine to independent Uranus on November 14, which would be the best day of the month to be open minded and look for the new? Then Keep an eye out for being hopelessly fooled as the Sun, squares the planet Neptune on November 15,. That is a day when everything may not be as it seems!

Finally, for significant November changes coming soon... Mercury's entrance into outspoken Sagittarius , on November 16, brings information we may -- or may not -- want to hear! And, begins a new cycle of being more productive, to our fire signs, of ...Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Wednesday November 4

The visionary planet Neptune after being retrograde for half the year; is now changing motion and going direct. And Dreams that have been on the edge of your consciousness can now come into clearer focus!

Yes, still another planetary aspect to make your November more significant!

Since last May, have you felt like your life has been on a pendulum going back and forth? Well, you can blame that seesaw feeling, and change, of your dreams and goals, "on the stars" !!!

But....the good news is... the planet of expansion and truth, Jupiter is now also in direct motion in the same sign as Neptune, and that can set things in motion to make those most important expansive dreams come true! So think positive, and look for the real truth, to have major expansive changes in December.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fasten your seat belts for a rocky November 2009!

Yes, if you find yourself up-tight, and argumentative as this November begins? You can blame it on the stars!

The fireworks happen when information-collector planet Mercury in emotionally intense Scorpio: squares the planet Mars in respect-driven Leo! This argumentative aspect makes us eager to jump into the fray to give our opinions! We all have our sensitive spots, and with this feisty aspect in our solar system on November 1, you may feel tempted to sting with your words! But... If you can take inventory of yourself rather than focusing on other people's issue, you'll be the one that gets things accomplished and be the peace maker.

November 2: Full Moon in Taurus heats things up with our love life, and our pocket books!

You will want to keep your wits about you, in both areas, with our emotional, stubborn, full Taurus Moon, as Neptune changes direction... bringing confusion and deception.

So don't allow yourself to be in the dark about your love life or your money! This is a time when it makes sense to be more on top of where your money is going, and if... a relationship is worth keeping? During this full Moon, step back and go through your financial affairs, and look for the truth in your emotional ties. If something doesn't make sense, use the current Mercury in Scorpio to play detective. You may need to address areas of disagreement about how money is handled, or how an existing relationship is valued? Although conversations can get a bit feisty with warrior Mars weighing in with a square, make more, practical investments, and clear up the confusion in your love life, with a heart to heart, honest appraisal of a relationship that, can make you feel more content and secure!

This full Moon will most affect those born October 31-November 4, January 28-February 1, April 29-May 3, but it puts all sun signs in the mood to weed out what is not working in their lives.

Aries...This months activities will be difficult for you to control. So much depends on how others are affecting you. Try to stay with your original plan and let others help you?

Taurus...Anger and a desire for control, are issues that will plague you this month of need to use that extra energy in a wise direction that can improve your life, not unsettle it?

Gemini ... Doings things that have lasting effect on your future security makes this November a purposeful and significant. Use your time wisely!

Cancer... This month You now are seeing all those cracks in the area of your security, that you were not aware of before? Don't panic...create a plan.

Leo....If you Are feeling angry and disorganized as this November begins, do not rush to fix things on impulse! Instead take it slow, and look carefully at where the long haul takes you?

Virgo...Feeling better ? Saturn has finally left you sign, and this month gives you a lighter
more fun feeling. Enjoy, and look for a new direction that brings future surprises.

Libra... November brings a need to be more serious and practical that will be with you for some time? Do not look for the easy answers or short cuts, it time to practice patience, and Learn!

Scorpio...You are a master in solving mystery's, but this month you could allow your pride
to keep you from seeing what really need your attention? Stay extra alert!

Sagittarius...This month you can move out of that fog, as you can see truths that alluded you before. Think long range, and be optimistic to bring positive changes.

Capricorn...A month to look at what you have been avoiding. Saturn your ruler is trying to bring a better more secure future, and faces change is never easy, but necessary! Wake UP!

Aquarius...Your open minded attitude will come in handy this month. Remember you do best when you can see things from a distance. Slow down, and do what you do best detach!

Pisces...Your feeling pulled from all the new possibilities this month. But clarity in what your true needs are, can give you the push towards a more realistic secure future.

So if your feeling a little different during this month...Just blame it on the stars!
Saturn is now in a different sign, after a two-year stay in Mercury ruled Virgo.
Now in Venus ruled Libra, the sign of partnership, Saturn's tough love forces us to face our flaws.

However, when we've learned our lesson, Saturn acts as the planet of security, and Saturn in Libra can ignite the painful process of working on ourselves, and shedding our relationship that are NOT working... Improving our long range future -- And the pay-off may just be... the lasting love you have been looking for?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Looking for the right day to give you the extra edge, to use your... intuition, creativity, and imagination?

Well, the stars say it's coming.... On Saturday, October 25!

A day that can give you that extra lucky positive intuitive push !

That is the day, that the planet Mercury forms a positive aspect, called a trine, to the planet Neptune, and that planetary aspect will give you more imagination, and even psychic thoughts? So play those lucky hunches, and pay extra attention to your newly found inspired creative ideas? They could really pay off!

And as this month of, October 2009, winds down....

Be aware that your important relationships and financial security will be in the limelight once again.

This back to thinking about money and relationship mode happens, when the Planet Saturn moves into Libra, on October 29th.!

Yes, Whether you..are...married, seriously committed, or single, you are prompted to take your relationships more seriously from Saturn's more somber influence?

In fact, Saturn's new sign position, will help you finally make those relationship and financial decisions, that you have been putting off?

The end of October, 2009...brings you

the end, of a going no where relationship? Or... a need for more financial commitment?

Just Blame it on the Stars !

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wondering about your love life, or finances lately? Yes, it is in the Stars!

The planet that rules both, has entered its on sign of, Libra,...( the sign of the scales)... bringing lots of weighing each side of your vacillating position on love and money? In fact, this time of year we usually find ourselves looking at what we have accomplished over the spring and summer that we can bring to fruition and harvest? However, with our current planetary aspects...this October's need to harvest and move forward is even more intense! With the planet of luck and expansion Jupiter turning direct on October 12-13 giving us all a push to move ahead...along with the planet mars entering into proud fiery sign of Leo, on October 17, we are really ready to roll!

No more do we want to sit on the side lines, we want to act. And if you are born under the signs of Pisces. Virgo, Sagittarius, or Gemini. You will need to reconsider all your options before a hasty decision puts you out of the game. Unfortunately this warning, should be for all sun signs when it comes to changing something around our love life, or finances, on impulse during...October 25-Nov.2.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Feeling a little grumpy, today through October 14th? Well, blame it on the stars!

This is especially true if your sun sign is, Virgo.. Pisces..Sagittarius..or.. Gemini?

However, everyone will be feeling a bit more serious due to planetary aspects in our solar system making their magnetic pull on our thoughts, and feelings?

What is happening is.... the planet Saturn's third conjunction this year to the planet Mercury.

Saturn's influence, is the structures of our life, like what represents our work, growth, and responsibilities. Mercury is communication , how we think, talk, move about, and how we connect to others? So put those two planets in the sign of Mercury ruled Virgo, as they are on October 6 and 7 and you have that, "I am feeling edgy problem"? Or you might call it, just a bad mood! This could seem to be due to aggravating delays, snarled communications, and break downs of machinery. But the truth is, these next few days anything that has been giving you some extra thought and aggravation during this past summer, or has needed to be repaired, is now going to be tested for it worth and reliability. Yes, a time of looking at what is Right and working in your life and what is Not?

This questioning and facing the truth will also be effecting our weekend? So slow down, take a deep breath, face the real problem of what you need to do to correct what you didn't want to take the time to see before, and your serious mood will have done its job! Remember, it is not the instant success that really pays off in the future. It is the time of mind, heart, and energy that we put into something that brings us the reliable results!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Shakespeare said "the fault lies not in our stars but in ourselves". Astrologer, Valerie Greene might disagree. Valerie Greene's offerings of Astrological readings in various length, and detail, can show you just how much the stars are at fault for your mood, and life's happenings everyday! Though Valerie's career began in the state of MA. and she has lived much of her life there, Valerie Greene was born in the white mountains of NH, and returned to that area, in 2006. The White mountains being the place she liked the best, was the perfect spot for her to retire from a very successful radio and TV career from doing her net work radio program, "Valerie Greene's Horoscope Hot line," and TV 5's Astro-analysts". However, in the year of 2008, with the economy in trouble, Valerie decided to come out of retirement, because she passionately believed her knowledge could help people to understand what was going on in their individual lives? Valerie wanted once again to make a contribution, and not to waste all the years of her experience and knowledge! She is thrilled to be able to do it from her own birth, hometown! “Yes, you can go home again,” she said. Though people are skeptical of Astrology, Valerie Greenesay's "It is not magic or mysticism:it is science! Even though it is not recognized today as one, It is a very ancient and legitimate science, the very first science from which all the legitimate sciences came from, like astronomy, and medicine. In fact, by studying the time and place of one's birth an astrologer can find a persons health strengths, and weaknesses". Hippocrates, the Father of medicine, said "you cannot study the health of the body, until you have studied their stars". Valerie believes people put astrology down because it makes them feel uncomfortable due to what it reveals about them! However, astrology can help a person to understand just how special they are, and guide them towards their best potential, as tendencies in their life good and bad, can be revealed. Valerie Greene say's Astrology expands the limits of the mind and one’s perspective, heralding in a new era, when each new star is recognized. When the planet Pluto was discovered in 1930, it heralded in, the beginning of the atomic age, the sexual revolution mind expansion, and the use of drugs. Valerie believes, with Pluto being recently downgraded to a planetoid, we could have effected our consciousness, in this age we now living? She says "the stars don't just affect people at birth through magnetic force, they continue to do that daily throughout our lives." The movement of the planets change, which is why many people continue to want and need Valerie Greene to read and chart their stars. In fact, she can now read the stars for you any time or year, for what ever you might be wondering and think you need more enlightenment or help with? Because the time that anything begins has it own magnetic influence, which can give you information of its success or failure? Valerie knows, and helps others to know too, that even though the stars are important, and Do affect our daily lives, "Life is still what YOU, make it!" Every person is special and unique.... Your stars have an influence, but you hold the key! Astrologer Valerie Greene is ready to tell you how your stars affect you. This web site, is the way you can reach her.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

“What’s Special About ME?

By: Valerie Greene
That is a question that often comes my way. And you know it makes sense that it would when you think about it from an astrological point of view?

And using astrology, I CAN tell you… YOU Are Special No one is just like You! That is because on the day and moment, that you took your first breath from OUR planet earth, at that exact moment in time, a magnetic planetary map was established that is only yours! And that is what makes YOU special! This map is called an astrological Natal chart.

My job is to draw that chart, in the heavens on the day you were born and interpret properly its effect on YOU and your daily life? That interpretation ( natal chart) also would include what's going on NOW from our current daily planetary transits? However, since I do not have YOUR special chart in hand yet, I can now only use the different sun signs to give some heads up knowledge about how this months planetary transits can affect you?

So Check it out, find your sun sign, even a little knowledge about how your life is going to be effected by the planets this month can be huge help! So how does this months predictions look ....applied to your sun sign?

OCTOBER 2009....

Aries… You need more time to make those important indecisions? Do not let pressure and bad advice from others deter you from what you have always wanted? Look to those who can give you the help you need to support long range goals.

Taurus…Priorities... financial, health, home, and love ties claim more of your time. Intuition will play an important role in your life this month. Play those lucky hunches.

Gemini…This month will be difficult to plan. Lots of unexpected duties, and responsibilities that need your full attention. Extra effort on your part does pay off in the future. You just cannot see it yet? Patience pays off, slow down, to avoid disruptions and dangers.

Cancer…Activity in the home front. Make the time to improve your security, in home and family matters. Hard careful work is key. Unexpected Expenditures, cannot be avoided, but diplomacy can avoid arguments.

Leo… Do Not judge how things look in the first part of this month. Try to keeps things on hold, until after the 16, then expect a faster more productive cycle to give you some fun and new friends to enjoy. Be ready for new love and new beginnings.

Virgo…More of the same restrictions around you. It is a month where all your current efforts seem to be tested yet again. However, through extra patience, and effort you can now have a glimpse of all your hard work finally paying off in the not so distant future?

Libra…This is the month that your sign shines the best! Love is in the air but so is deception, or the unexpected truth coming to the surface. Let it happen, endings always bring new starts

Scorpio…Something is not as it appears right now. A muddled picture clears, as your need for the facts help you to discover some unexpected truths? Honesty brings needed enlightenment, with more financial and emotional balance.

Sagittarius… You are Not sure where you stand on most things early this month. But Your more positive attitude returns after the 12 as it becomes clear, that your restrictions were self induced, and your life becomes more active and fun bringing new opportunity to improve your personal life.

Capricorn…Your month's start brings opportunity thorough others. But the 10, through the end of the month you need to stay alert to what is real! Deception comes from being careless and looking for the easy fix

Aquarius…You are more in the spot light this month, and have been though most of this year. The lucky expansive planet Jupiter has been in your sign, and our Libra sun right now is, helping your life's direction too, which can bring lots of new beginnings. Think positive and go for it!

Pisces…A year of surprises. You need to take extra care in getting your thoughts across to those in your life that matter. Speak from your heart and make it clear how you feel. Your health, work, and love life, improves from past positive actions. Your spiritual world is heighten by a new found discipline.

To order an Astrological birth chart based on your very own individual birth data click here.
This..."It is in the stars" site...


Astrologer Valerie Greene Gives YOU
up-to date facts about Astrology and how daily planetary transits can effect all areas of your life! In fact.........
The Stars DO very much effect your, Love Life!

Author: Valerie Greene

Ever wonder why a relationship never really ever got off the ground?

Well, there really are magnetic influences coming from our solar system that help to control who you like…and even more important, who likes YOU? However...As it has been said, “the stars impel (urge or drive forward) not compel" (urge with force) But, the Urge is still very much there for a love Tie to be Made?

So now, be comforted from understanding your feeling of guilt from a lost love is unnecessary! Your last relationship’s ending wasn't your fault after all!

Just blame it On The Stars!

And how does this information guide or help you? The truth is it can? Knowing your own planetary birth chart gives you the edge of seeing yourself objectively! This inner knowledge can keep you awake to your real needs in a partnership? Yes, romantic, financial, or with your health?

OUR Stars dictate the success or failure with relationships, career, money, health, Or... on any new endeavor?

And you thought Astrology was all about sun signs?

YES, it is much more than daily predictions.
In fact, it is all about the details of YOU,
and Your very Own uniqueness?

So do yourself a huge favor and give yourself a wonderful present ! Order an Astrological birth chart, based only on Your very Own individual birth data.

This chart can really help you to understand how to make the most of your potential in all areas of your life!

Ask and learn... best time frame for you to do Anything, including best future time frame to meet that RIGHT match? Or what signs would be best for you?

To order an Astrological birth chart based on your very own individual birth data click here ...