Sunday, December 26, 2010

Didn't get what you wanted for Christmas?

Well, the planetary aspects this week, can give you a second chance at receiving it! Or, is it the realization that a gift often comes in many sizes and forms?

Yes, when this Monday, DEC. 27, 2010...brings the unexpected...

you can just "Blame It On The Stars!"

All coming from a heavy Sun, planet Pluto, conjunction! Along with a moon's opposition to exuberant, Jupiter, and inventive Uranus! These significant aspects will be with us as we begin our day around 7:00 a.m. EST... setting a trend for this whole last week of the year, 2010.

All Sun signs will feel it's effect with unexpected changes! Like endings and new beginnings! But those of us that have a birthday on this date... and those that were born... June 27, March 25, or Oct. 29, are likely to have the most lasting effects from it?

But whatever your own personal birth date is... try to be as patient, flexible and aware of any illuminating truth coming to you that can now on this day be exposed?

Tuesday, DEC. 28, 2010 is likely to be another day when patience might be wearing thin, and a cautious attitude would be wise? Due to the Libra moon, in difficult aspect to the planet that rules our passion, and energy, Mars.

And like that isn't enough, on Tuesday to rattle our day... to give us problems with misuse of our energy, causing arguments and accidents. But we will also have the moon in conjunction to the restrictive planet Saturn, by 4:30 p.m. EST... effecting our general mood, making us feel serious, picky and generally dissatisfied! Not an easy day to go smoothly without putting in an extra effort, to be cautious and patient!

Wednesday, DEC 29, 2010, the aspects lift a bit to lighten our general moods, giving us a new desire to be more carefree. And just in time to save the last few days of this year, 2010 on a positive! As you will want to use your lighter attitude, to have some fun! Even perhaps now wanting to make those fun, New Year's Eve plans?

But keep them flexible? Wednesday's planet Mercury is slowing down... getting ready to again change, to direct motion! Which tends to effect any decisions that you might make, with your game plan changing like the wind! This can also can make Wednesday, a bit confusing with snarled communication, and problems from break-downs, of all forms of communication, and machinery.

Thursday, DEC. 30, 2010, the Planet Mercury, again starts back in its normal direction! Good news, if you have been suffering from indecisions, and feelings of being held back lately. Because as Mercury moves forward, so at last, can we!

Also Thursday's Scorpio moon, in positive aspect to the Sun, around 7:00 a.m. EST, helps our day too, at being productive! In fact, Thursday is my pick of the week, to get the most accomplished!

Especially giving a helping hand to the water and earth signs. They are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo.

Friday, DEC. 31, 2010, the last day of our year, begins on a positive! The moon and the planet, of love, Venus start out our day, hand and hand! And this conjunction gives us the desire to be in harmony, as well as want to seek out loving peaceful, companionship?

All setting our thoughts, on wanting loving close time, New Year's Eve?

So if possible, make those plans around those, who you like to be with the most! Or, a quiet be at home alone time, to do some inner reflecting, on what emotional truths you have learned about yourself, this year?

It is the morning hours of Friday, that inner reflection, and a loving attitude is very helpful and strong! But, just after 2:30 p.m. EST, your mood will be more restless setting a stronger desire for excitement? And you could be a bit impulsive, making New Years Eve plans, that you might later regret? So enjoy your New Years Eve, with a note, not to totally throw caution to the wind, with a look before you leap attitude?

Saturday Jan. 1, 2011, "Happy New Year" everyone"!

Our New Year begins... with a fire moon, in the optimistic sign of Sagittarius, at the helm! One of the best signs for the moon to be in, to help set our New Year's trend, Positively!!!

But, it will be up to you, to do you try to be extra aware of all the things that are good in your life... that you are truly "Thankful" for!

All signs can benefit from that optimistic thankful attitude, as we begin our New Year on Saturday! However, the fire signs of Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries are the signs that will receive, a extra lift, from our first Day, of a new year, with a Sagittarius moon... in their favor!

Sunday, Jan. 2, 2011, our energy will be directed towards being busy!

And in fact, due to a planet Mercury moon, conjunction, can be a very productive! So what is your wish to use the extra energy? Taking down those holiday decorations? Making those phone calls? Or traveling back home? It will be the morning and daylight hours, EST... that will work out to be the best! So get an early start in doing the things that you want to go well.

Your activities will not seem as clear and easy, by late afternoon and evening on Sunday. Because the moon will then make a negative aspect to its ruler the planet of expansion, and truth Jupiter, and the planet of invention, Uranus... effecting judgment, leading towards over indulgences, and a sudden desire to break from any restrictions, perhaps leading to accidents.

So try to be realistic, and open with any scheduling of your the evening hours of Sunday... and use extra care and thought, when driving, communicating, or making decisions. All helping you to end our first Sunday, of our new year, 2011 with a smile!!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

What a week... A full moon, a lunar Eclipse, a sun sign change...

The celebration of Christmas!

All getting started...with what looks like... Planetary aspects lined up to give us... another few days of struggles, and controversy!

So when you are feeling confused and a bit cranky, early this week...

You can just..."Blame It On The Stars"

Yes, that strange fluctuating mood, you may find yourself in this, Monday, DEC. 20, 2010 is like the Ebb and flow of the tide!

One minute up and the next down? And in fact, it actually is... the natural rhythm on all of us...from Monday's almost full moon... along with some negative significant aspects, that it is making to other celestial bodies...

Giving us a somewhat, roller coaster Monday! For all signs! Which is just setting the stage for our... Winter solstice, on Tuesday, DEC. 21, 2010!

Also being accompanied with... the rare event of a lunar Eclipse! So rare, on that date... that NASA data claims.. the last winter solstice with a lunar Eclipse was DEC 21, 1638?

This year's event will take 3 hours and 38 minutes of early Tuesday! Beginning at 1:33 a.m. EST, when the Earth's shadow will turn up just on the edge of the moon, according to NASA. Then it will take about an hour for the shadow to cover the entire moon! Totality begins, at 2:41 a.m. and lasts for 72 minutes....

NASA also claims that total lunar eclipses during winter in the northern hemisphere is fairly common...but a lunar eclipse falling precisely on the date of the solstice is quite rare! However, we won't have to wait 372 years for the next one! Because the next one... occurring on that date will be just 84 years...happening on DEC. 21, 2094.

Best time for viewing, again according to NASA is.... if you only have time for a quick look, that you take a peek 3:17 a.m. EST. That's when the moon will be fully covered...and it is just after the moon is at its fullest, occurring at, 3:14 AM EST. All brewing things up astrologically on us, even if you are sleeping, it can tug at you!

Which can have you feeling cranky and emotional when you awaken and start your day on Tuesday!

Especially if you happen to be born under the signs of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, Libra, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, or Sagittarius.

But all signs will have to deal with unexplained annoyances most of Tuesday. At 6:38 PM the Sun will start its cycle in the Earth practical sign of Capricorn, beginning the time that nature in our area has its time of sleep. Which is why our own personal lives become more reclusive and use the season of winter to attend to our more serious survival skills.

So that is maybe why Tuesday night, you find yourself taking stock of what you have, and what you do not have. Effecting your general mood!

With a bad mood following you right into Wednesday, DEC. 22, 2010. And between 6 and 9 a.m., it would be wise to use extra care in all you are doing. That is the time that the moon is making a difficult aspect to the planet of restriction Saturn, judgment will be off... and the way we deal with disappointments can be explosive! Caution!

Thursday, DEC 23, 7:51 a.m. EST, the moon entering the fire sign of Leo, I am happy to say... can brighten things up a bit...with the fire and air signs of Leo, Sagittarius, Aries, Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini, getting the biggest boost! However, all signs can find Thursday's mood better, and able to at last accomplish those last minute Holiday shopping chores.

Friday DEC. 24, the day before Christmas...Looks mostly positive, with the Leo moon in good aspect to the planets, Saturn and Mercury, we should be thinking more optimistically, and clearly. Just try not to let it get out of hand, as the moon's fire may tend to have you over-do... bringing unnecessary spending, on impulse buying?

Saturday DEC. 25, 2010. A Merry Christmas Everyone...the stars are cooperating to give us, what I see is the best day of the week! With a harmony aspect between the Capricorn sun and a Virgo moon! Putting our inner self and outer self more at peace...

which is what Christmas is all about!!! Peace On Earth And Good Will toward Men! All signs will benefit! And the signs of Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, are in line for some very nice Santa surprises!

Sunday, DEC. 26, 2010, tops off our weekend, on a see saw... with a few positive morning aspects, where things in general seem to go well... and then evening negative moon aspects... bringing mix-ups, and change of plans, that might just dampen our spirits.

Is it the weather that's changed... causing problems... or is it snarled communication?

Just try to stay open and flexible, and use extra caution traveling Sunday, to end your Christmas weekend, happily!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

We begin our work week this Monday, DEC. 13, 2010, with the planet of communication Mercury, moving in retrograde direction...which will make it difficult to keep our thoughts and communications clear!

So when you find yourself confused, and wanting to change your mind, this week? You can just..."Blame It On The Stars"!

It is true that changing your mind, and communication glitches are likely to bring you some trying moments, that will test your patience this week!

All beginning with a negative Sun moon aspect, Monday, DEC, 13, 2010, effecting us during the morning hrs EST, giving us problems involving our suddenly fragile egos. Then Monday's late afternoon, and evening hours, brings a tendency towards over over indulgence, with a unrealistic game plan.

Remember, whatever you are doing in the first few days of this week... it will not be easy to do things half way. Also try to guard yourself from over reacting, and over promising!

Tuesday December 14, 2010... negative moon, Pluto, Mars, aspects, continues, to make it difficult to stay on track... and in fact, is my pick of the week for the most aggravating and difficult!!! Especially if your sign is Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn.

But all signs are likely to feel aggravated about something on Tuesday! From wanting to dig out truths, so much...that impatience to receive results can lead to very angry outbursts bringing explosive behavior! With quarreling that causes relationship break-ups, and unnecessary accidents! So Caution and patience should me your motto all day on Tuesday.

Wednesday, DEC. 15, 2010 morning hours are still not much better! Due to the Aries moon in a tugging aspect called an opposition to the restrictive planet, Saturn. Which can put you right in the middle of something, that would be best to avoid.

So ask yourself, if what is making you upset and angry, on Wednesday morning, isn't really someone else's battle? Or, just who has influenced you to feel the way you do? Because by Wednesday evening, you might just feel... or see things very differently? True for all sun signs!

Thursday DEC. 16, 2010 a Sun, planet Jupiter, conjunction, puts the pressure on our enthusiasm...effecting how we see ourselves, challenging us all day, to keep from over doing or spending? However, our optimistic attitude on Thursday, makes it my pick of the week, as the best day to feel good and be lucky! Just be careful not to overdo a good thing!

Friday, December 17, 2010, a Taurus moon brings our thoughts back towards practical concerns. As we seek out those special gifts and make Holiday party plans, that include our love ties? But a moon, planet Venus opposition, might make it difficult for you to include everybody on your list? Expect to feel pulled between what you want, and what is really possible.

Saturday, December 18, 2010, again a tendency to over spend, or over extend yourself, will be the trend. And if you are attending evening holiday parties, try to avoid over indulgence's that can bring unnecessary problems, and embarrassing behavior, that could even be dangerous!

Sunday, DEC. 19, 2010, our communication planet stirs things up again, as it back tracks once more into the fire sign of Sagittarius. Bringing our weekend to a close with even more communication mix-ups! This will be especially true for the sign of Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces. But all signs are likely to be doing some reminiscing, and changing of their minds over Sunday. Patience everyone!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

On December 5, the new Moon in, Sagittarius, the Archer... made it a great time to take aim at your most ambitious goals, and fire!

Perhaps giving you a direct hit, towards something that can be finally within your reach?

So if you are feeling as though you want to get a lot accomplished as you began this new work week?

You Can Just..."Blame It On The Stars"!

And your new feeling of ambition that is with you this...Monday DEC. 6, 2010,.... is only the beginning!

Because... last night, Sunday December 5, 2010 along with a new moon... the planet of invention, Uranus,... that has been in backward motion since July 6, 2010, (called retrograding) finally went direct again! Add the planet of action Mars, moving into calculating and practical Capricorn on Tuesday evening, and we are definitely in a move forward mode!

Yes, these three significant planetary aspects, acting on top of each other early this week... gears us towards opportunity!!! You will feel the benefit of their influence so much more, ...if...and when, you find yourself taking your own individual initiatives seriously enough, to put your new ideas into motion!

Remember a new Moon is always a good opportunity to start something new, and with optimistic, adventurous Sagittarius Sun, in your corner, it's time to shed any doubts or questions, slowing you down?

Monday, DEC. 6, 2010, Uranus is now direct again! You probably have had some plans and ideas brewing in the background since Uranus took a backwards stroll in Pisces, on July 6, 2010! Now, as the planet moves forward, it urges you to do the same. It's time to stop thinking about your ideas. It is time to turn them into reality!

And Tuesday, evening DEC. 7, 2010... to help you towards practical accomplishment in implementing those new ideas,... is the change in sign of Mars... the planet of action! Mars will enter the get-the-job-done-right, Capricorn, at 6:49 PM. And this placement of Mars, encourages you to not only look before you leap, but to move toward your target in a forceful yet prudent manner. Which can mean... achieving your goals if you're realistic about what you can accomplish?

So what all of this means is...we now are in a time, of a few days...that it is good, to take action! Whether you go for something big, like a career change, or just decide it's time to clear the clutter from your space so you can think more clearly.

This week of December 5, 2010, Sunday through Wednesday, December 8, 2010, you couldn't ask for a better time to get any job you have been putting off done!!! Just remember that if you make your move on these particular days, it's not just your goals you can reach, it might even be your dreams!

Thursday, DEC 9, 2010 some of that ambition wanes... as the free minded sign of Aquarius is the moons new placement. And that gives us a desire to be less involved with work and want to play. In fact, so much that a negative moon, planet Venus aspect, can get us in trouble with the boss.

Friday, December 10, 2010, is also a day when you will want to feel free... looking towards a fun weekend! However, the planet of communication Mercury, will be slowing down in motion on Friday! And that slowing down, will begin to effect many areas that involve your thinking and expect to have some confusion with your weekend plans, effecting all signs!

Saturday DEC.11, 2010, the planet Mercury will be retrograding...which means that we will begin another time of review... from Mercury back tracking. That retrograding of Mercury, lasts until the last day of this year 2010, which will cause a lot of changes, and mix-ups of your mind...all during the Holidays!!! And that phase begins on Saturday, mixing things up a bit for your day?

Another reason the early part of this week... is the best time to be productive! Because it is difficult for us to keep to our decisions, that are made... when the planet Mercury, is retrograde.

Sunday, DEC. 12, 2010, early morning... pay attention to inspirational ideas, that could be lucky? And then plan a reflective, quiet day where you can give into a desire of helping others?

Our Pisces moon on Sunday, will make us sensitive, but very caring!!! Best time to include those less fortunate, into your holiday gift list, to make your Sunday a winner!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Our work week begins with many still lingering thoughts... about last week's Holiday, Thanksgiving! Along with the rethinking about the purchases that we made, in our best time to buy... holiday weekend, shopping?

Therefore, when you are finding it difficult this Monday, November 29, 2010, to get back on track? You can just...

"Blame It On The Stars"

Yes, It will be a little difficult to keep your ideas and communication flowing easily Monday, as this month of November winds down.

So You should try to look carefully before you leap as the planet Mars, on Monday, hits an overly confident, impulsive negative aspect to the planet Jupiter... Add the edge of a very picky, Virgo moon. And these negative planetary aspects make us deal with opposites ...from being overly confident, to being picky and prudent. Which tends to lean us towards impulsive decisions that can backfire. All Coming from a false sense of bravado and wanting perfection!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010, the final day of November, the planet Venus, purrs back into the sign of Scorpio! Bringing with it, a sense to want to reform your thoughts and feelings. Especially when it comes to our fiances and love lives. So expect those deep down emotional, financial entanglements from the past of September 9, 2010, to be given a new look, and even perhaps, re-run?

Whatever was your delight, and romantic pleasure from weeks ago? Can be back from a transcendental nature, on the menu again, until early January, 2011.

Tuesday, early morning, from 5-9:00 AM EST... planetary moon Mercury aspects, makes communication and travel difficult, so use extra caution driving, or using machinery. And expect that the rest of Tuesday to be one that you are looking at mistakes that you have made in the past, that now need correcting?

Wed. December 1, 2010. a new month and a new placement for the planet of communication, Mercury! Bringing our attention to our more serious side? Yes, the planet Mercury enters the earth sign of Capricorn, having it's effect on us, until it retrogrades back into the sign of Sagittarius, on Dec.11, 2010.

This new effect on our thought planet, Mercury in Capricorn, also begins with conflict on Wednesday. Between a more practical mind set, and what our feelings and desires are saying.

In fact, an early morning Wednesday's moon, conjunction to {Capricorn's} ruler planet Saturn, makes Wednesday my pick of the week as the most difficult to be in a good mood! Not the way we like to begin a new day let alone a new month!

Thursday, December, 2, 2010, our moods will improve some. But we will be back to looking at our emotional and financial challenges. Because Thursday's moon, in the intense sign of Scorpio, makes a favorable aspect to its penetrating and explosive planet Pluto, helping us to solve unresolved mysterious and own up to past mistakes.

All sun signs can benefit from a more reflective attitude on Thursday, but the signs of Scorpio, Taurus , Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces, and Virgo the most!

Friday, December 3, 2010...intense moods prevail, with the moon in Scorpio. Not a great day to question authority figures. And if you were born under the sign of Leo or Aquarius... best to do a little soft peddling. Friday, we are feeling intense, and are not wanting to yield! Make sure what you are fighting for is really worth the effort!

Saturday December 4, 2010, a moon change to Sagittarius just before 1:00 PM EST, puts us all in a more positive energetic mood! And if you were born on a fire or air sign? Like Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra... you could find Saturday a key day, to enjoy getting a lot accomplished over the entire weekend!

Sunday, December 5, 2010, due to a { new moon}... is a very significant one!

Because, whatever we want to grow and expand, does just that... as the moon increases during the month! This new moon actually happens, Sunday , DEC. 5, 2010 at 12:36 PM EST. So try to keep a positive attitude starting Sunday afternoon, that can hopefully last all month!

And remember to do the things that you want to increase and have a positive new start, or beginning! True for all sun signs to keep in mind!

Happy First week of December 2010 everyone!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Our work week begins with a bit of an emotional, or financial hangover? Due to our recent weekend, topped off with Sunday's, full moon!

So if you find yourself, recounting how much money you spent over this last past weekend, or rethinking about your new romantic ties???

You can just..."Blame It On The Stars"

Monday, November 22, 2010, get ready to feel motivated!!!

The Sun has just begun it's cycle in the Fire sign of Sagittarius! And that new placement, effects all of us, sparking up our lives for the next, 29 days!

With Monday giving us an even bigger boost to be on the move to get things done... from our Air sign, Gemini moon... to the planets Mercury, Mars in a conjunction! Wow, lots of astral influence to put us out and about, motivated!

However, that extra energy might be combined with a fuse of emotion?

Feelings left over from the weekend that can stir things up a bit? What is it that now needs some careful thought and planning?

Is it your holiday plans? Re-checking the guest list for Thanksgiving? Monday is the day, to see what you have forgotten, and what needs your attention to make your week a fruitful one!

Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2010, the morning and afternoon hours EST, the Gemini moon will continue to make us feel like communicating and want to be busy! All sun signs can benefit from a positive Venus moon aspect, happening around 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM EST, that can help you in lots of ways for holiday planning or initiating any new endeavor? Romantic, financial, artistic, or just to holiday shop?

Make the most of it because Tuesday evening, the moon will enter the home loving Water sign of Cancer which can completely change your mood? Especially if your birth sign is Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn.
Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2010 the Cancer moon will heighten your thoughts about family... appropriately for thanksgiving day plans! But even more so, because of the Cancer moon, that will be in difficult aspect to the restrictive planet Saturn affecting us during most of the day on Wednesday.

Expect to be feeling sensitive and reflective. Guard tempers and your pocketbook... particularly if your sign is Libra, Aries, Capricorn or Cancer.

Thursday, November 25, 2010..."Happy Thanksgiving" everyone!!!

A day when the emotions continue to rein...and even perhaps on our Thanksgiving day table! Therefore, "you can't please everyone" should be your motto!!! Try not to allow the influence of Thursday's difficult moon Venus aspect, to cause hurt feelings, or to allow the negative tone of those that seem disgruntled, ruin your day.

Friday, Nov. 26, till you drop day? Looks good. The Leo Moon will rule, giving you the energy and strong will, to get out there and find those bargains!

Also, a positive Sun, moon, aspect early morning on Friday, can put you in the right place at the right time! So try to get an early start, that way, by Friday night, you can do some bragging about your newly found treasures, and gift finding. All putting you in a perfect party mood for the weekend!

Saturday November 27, 2010, the Leo moon, can bring out the fun side of you too! Stay busy and look for activities that keeps you on the move and social? In fact, Saturday night... moon Venus, moon Mercury, moon Mars... in positive aspect, makes it my pick of the week, for the most fun and feelings of sociability!!!

Sunday, Nov. 28, 2010, the moon changing to analytical Virgo, early morning around 4:34, AM EST, slows our pace and makes us strive for perfection. And that picky, think things through, attitude... will stay with you most of the day.

Use extra patience if you are driving, and best to get an early start, if you want to avoid the hassles that can come after 6:PM EST from a negative, Sun Moon square aspect that might end your weekend in a bad mood. Being Patient with a grateful attitude is the key!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Retrograde Venus already slid back into Libra, the sign of a close relationship, changing your feelings about something last week? However, this week parallels that in importance... as we continue to be influenced...

from Passionate and Action-oriented Mars, in Sagittarius that is raising enthusiasm and noise levels... all month!!!

So when you find yourself this week talking and acting more animatedly! Trying to be heard"???

You can just ... "Blame it on the Stars!"

And starting out this Monday, November 15, 2010... helping to make our Week significant... is a sticky Mars, Saturn, aspect! An aspect that hints to us...that self-discipline...

and hard work, will be needed... as we feel we want to make grand plans... with High hopes for Success!!! So keep in mind, as this work week begins, "Fortune," favors the brave... and rewards, honest, effort!!!

And with our Pisces moon, in favorable aspect to the sun, on Monday evening... our creative imagination, can give us the right ideas to bring very positive change into our lives? So pay attention to what you are thinking, and feeling, right into....

Tuesday, November 16 at between 7:00 AM, EST when there is a moon Jupiter, conjunction, along with a very favorable Moon, Sun Aspect! All helping you, to awaken with... inspirational, positive ideas!

This will give you more assurance to start your day, believing that things in general, are going to turn out OK?. Making Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2010, my pick of the week, to be the one for positive, action! Especially if you are a water sign! Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010, we are all feeling more energized, from a fire moon, in the sign of Aries, making a favorable aspect to Mercury, and Mars....which will gear us up, to be productive!!!

However, that enthusiastic feeling, could be somewhat frustrating as two planets Venus, and Jupiter, come to a stand still in motion, getting ready to again... pick up their normal direct, forward motion the next day.

Which means that even though you might be more optimistic towards new directions, you may not receive your full rewards for the efforts you put into on Wednesday? Therefore use this Wednesday's good planetary aspects, like a bank account? Putting something in motion, that will pay off in dividends later!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010, both planets, Jupiter, and Venus... after an appearance of standing still in motion... turn direct!!! Helping us all with a Welcomed lift in both our Confidence & Romance departments!

Venus being back in loving Libra... once again, soothes our love connections ...and Retrograde Jupiter, direct again, in Pisces! We are once more given... the green light to move forward under the benevolent care, of generous planet Jupiter, and loving planet Venus!

All happening... With our Thursday's Sun, in very positive aspect, to the innovating planet Uranus! Making this week's Thursday, a significant One, for unexpected positive change! Try to think in new, and creative ways... to make your life, Better!

Friday, Nov 19, 2010 the moons change into practical Taurus, which can help you to implement those innovating changes into a practical future, reality? Just be patient, on what seems to be showing up in your life...

Because it takes days for the forward motion of the planets Jupiter, and Venus to once again make their new impact enough to be evident in your life. So... Patience! But Not easy for the signs of Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Leo on Friday!

Saturday, Nov 20, 2010 we continue to look for concrete proof of our future stability? And finding proof of anything will not be an easy task on Saturday, due to Our pending full moon. Expect to feel quite emotional again, especially on Saturday night, as the almost full moon ignites our passions!!!

A night to spend with those you love! And a difficult one to spend alone, particularly if you are born under the signs of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, or Pisces?

Sunday Nov. 21, 2010, the Full Moon in earthy Taurus at 12:27 PM EST, will bring on the usual conflict, between our masculine & feminine nature! And as the Sun moves across the zodiac from the tug of war to the Moon...

we will be required to balance the give and take in our lives? From Our need for self-indulgence, as opposed to our need to be expansive, and generous!

So on Sunday, November 21, as your thoughts turn to up-coming holiday plans? Try to understand, that you may need to be a little more demanding, as opposed to being only cooperative. The Full moon is tugging on all the emotional, parts of you. And to be a winner, you need to be extremely honest about all of your desires!!!

Not a weekend, or a Sunday, to be alienated from others!!!! Think partnership!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Doing a little back tacking as you begin this work week...

Monday November 8, 2010???

You just might be! With our love planet Venus back tracking into the air sign of Libra, again? So when you find your mind and emotions looking at what has recently, or a long time ago... past?

You Can Just... "Blame It On The Stars"!!!

It is true, that our thoughts and feelings can be caught with our past behavior on our minds this Monday, Nov. 8, 2010. As we continue to be influenced from the backward motion of the planet Venus, entering the sign of Libra, again.

All making this... an interesting week! As we are caught between the OLD and the New? Looking at what is past, what we learned from it. And gearing ourselves up towards, new directions, that we will deal with later in the month!

And Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2010, does bring a new way of thinking, that is much more up-front... with a fiery tell the truth, attitude!! All thanks to the planet Mercury's new position, into the fire, truthful sign of Sagittarius that will rule our commutative minds through, Nov. 30!

Making this week's Tuesday a day when your going to want to look for ways to accomplish what you have left undone? Though Tuesday's early morning EST hours that might be quite difficult? Best to prepare for delays, and exercise lots of patience, until the evening hours!

Especially true for the signs of Pisces, Virgo, Libra, Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn to keep in mind!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010... A Moon Saturn aspect at around 7:00 A M EST, brings the tendency for us to only see what is missing in our lives... which can put our morning into lots of gloom and frustrating delays! Effecting all birth signs, but most particularly the sign of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and Libra!

Thursday, November 11, our day starts out with a desire to vent our we again are drawn to looking at what we have dealt with poorly in the past concerning our personal relationships, and finances. Time for owning-up? Perhaps... but because our planet Venus has yet to settle down in forward motion, we will have a tough time deciding, which direction to take? As our Thursday's Capricorn moon... makes us overly cautious, and feeling restricted!

Friday, November 12, 2010, I am happy to say the moon's change into lively, freedom loving, Aquarius, will lighten our moods...making Friday this week, my pick of the week to get things done!! Also a day when you will want to break away from routine! So look for fun things to do that will lift your mood! Especially if you are an air sign Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra!

Saturday, Nov. 13, 2010 that Aquarius moon continues... to lend it's self nicely to giving us that... "lets have a fun weekend", attitude! Just don't over do a good thing! Mid day on Saturday, strife will come from misplaced expectations, and rifts that involve your ego? Particularly if your sign is... Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, or Taurus.

Sunday, November 14, 2010, the moon changes into Pisces, around 7:00 AM EST... which will direct our pace, to be much more selective and somewhat subdued. Our Pisces moon makes us feel sentimental, and sensitive, and then our energy might seem to drop? Dampening our spirits!

Best to plan a day, that makes you feel helpful and creative? Especially if that might include, helping others! In fact, that is the key towards making your Sunday a positive one!

Because what we give to others...can come back in a positive way, to end your weekend, with a smile!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Our work week also begins a new month! And the planetary aspects are still weilding their intense impact on your emotions or finances.... that this...Monday, November 1, 2010, will be effecting your energy!!!
So when you awaken the first day of our new month... feeing a little under par? You can just...

"Blame It on The Stars"!

With Monday needing a rather slow start because our picky, Virgo moon, will be interfering with our enthusiasm?

Is that what made you late for work, dealing with all the details? Or is it what keeps you feeling stuck? Just wait... Monday's morning hours are difficult, but the day gets better as it moves along!

Tuesday November 2, 2010, it will be the outside influence that will be tugging at you! As you weigh what you think you want, verses how you see others needs, and effect on you. Especially if you were born under the signs of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, or Sagittarius.

Wednesday Nov. 3, 2010 it will be the signs of Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn, having their turn at feeling pulled between opposing forces, as they weigh their emotional, and financial options. However, all signs will feel the more serious side of Wednesday's emotional, and financial entanglements.

Thursday November 4, 2010, all signs will feel the lift of our Libra loving peaceful moon, in positive aspect, to dreamy Neptune. Making Thursday my pick of the week for best day to solve some of those dilemmas and help you to get your life back on track!

Particularly if you were born under a earth or water sign of Scorpio, Taurus, Pisces, Virgo, Cancer or Capricorn.

All due to...a fortunate trine aspect... from our intense, Scorpio Mercury, to our lucky, generous, planet Jupiter... in the sensitive intuitive sign of Pisces... that will be with us all day on Thursday... giving us a good day for all signs, to make those needed decisions!

Friday November 5, 2010, the intensity of desire and thought again, plays a large role the moons placement added into Scorpio too, early in the morning on Friday... loads the deck with extra feelings...even setting the pace for the weekend!

And a significant weekend it should be! Starting out early, Saturday, Nov. 6, just 52 minutes after midnight EDT with, a Scorpio New Moon, setting trends that can be with you the whole month! Try to be aware of what you want to grow, and expand in your life for the next 30 days!

Is that an increase for your love life or your wallet, that you are feeling the extra need and passion for? Remember It is up to you, to set the needed trend into to action! And Saturday November 6, 2010 helps...

You to decide and plan in a positive mode! True for all signs, but most significant for the signs of Scorpio, Taurus, Pisces, and Virgo.

Sunday November 7, 2010, plan to be busy! A fiery Sagittarius moon, wants to get you out and about! A welcome trend after so much internal intensity that you dealt with, on Friday and Saturday.

Your newly found energy and enthusiasm, on Sunday, can help set new priorities and get things done!!! A day to get moving, and end your weekend positively!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Monday, October, 25, 2010...Lots happening astrologically, in the love and money department!!! And will continue to be happening as this last week of October, 2010, comes to an end!

So now you know, something is... pulling at your heart strings, or pocket book!!!
And... you can just..

"Blame It On The Stars"

Yes with 4 planets in the intense sign of Scorpio this Monday, we will surely feel everything that happens to us, with extra intensity!

Especially with what we are thinking, and how we feel and how we should say it! Scorpio's ruler Pluto, asks for change! Will it be reconciliation or break-up? Will it be putting that money away into savings...Or will it be spending it?

Add our Monday Oct. 25, moon in Gemini, as it is, and you can have lots of double trouble, when it comes to how we want our emotional, or financial life to go.

All sun signs will feel more emotional because of Monday's Planet Mercury, Venus conjunction, but the signs of Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius, and Leo can experience the most upheaval and change from it.

Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2010, we will still be intense about our ideas, and feelings but those thoughts and feelings are more likely to be put into action, with activities towards mending past grievances, and admitting mistakes!

Wednesday, October 27, we are completing the phase of the planet Mars, in the sign of Scorpio, that has been with us since Sep. 15, 2010. Which will help you to complete a direction of something that you have been putting your energy and passion into the last 43 days. And that tendency makes Wednesday a significant one for endings and completion...try to make them positive ones.

Thursday Oct. 28, we begin a new cycle, at 2:48 AM EDT, when our direction, energy, and passion becomes much more fiery... from the planet Mars entering the fire sign of Sagittarius, that will be with us though, DEC. 7, 2010. Strong opinions will be aired and arguments on high minded topics will keep everyone on their toes for the next 40 days.

Try to set that new trend with optimism and new beginnings...

which might be very difficult to do on Thursday morning. Particularly if your sign is...Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, or Libra? Use extra care traveling and be aware that you and others could be overly sensitive!

And finally topping off our emotional work week Friday Oct. 29, as we get near our weekend, we have a coming together of affectionate Venus, and the Sun in emotional Scorpio! Making Friday one to put our feelings out there...

Bringing the possibilities of many new alliances, and more positive feelings... which is why... I pick Friday... as my Best Day of week to feel good, and be productive. Giving the water signs of... Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer the edge!

Saturday Oct. 30 is almost Halloween! And Our Leo moon should put us all, in a party mood! But a water fire combination, of moon square Sun, and Venus, makes Saturday morning difficult. Best to plan a slow start to your day, and try to use extra time and patience when communicating or traveling all day.

Sunday, October 31, 2010, Happy Halloween! Our Leo moon in a better aspect, helps us to close out our month, with a more positive attitude... if we work at not taking others too seriously...It is up to you? Trick Or Treat....everyone!!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Our new work week begins this Monday, October 18, 2010, with some rather startling communication trends...all coming from planetary aspects that are pulling at our thoughts, concerning what we treasure most!

So when you find yourself needing to mull over again, what's truly important to you? Emotionally, and financially? You can just...

"Blame it On The Stars"!

The planet Venus governs pleasure, love, romance, relaxation, aesthetics, peaceful feelings, harmony, money, ethics and values.

Venus is the planet that gives us our attraction, so during a Venus retrogrades period, which happens approximately every eighteen months or so for about six weeks, we might find our ability to attract what we desire... restricted or inhibited?

And that is what has set the stage for the last 11 days. And the reason you are back peddling some on your emotional and financial decisions.

With this Monday, October 18 being one that pulls us into our deep inner realms, giving us the strong desire to own up to what we really want and look at where we have been responsible for our own failures?

And in fact the moon in the sensitive water sign Pisces in good aspect to the planet of upheaval Pluto, as our Monday gets started, can bring true inspirational ideas that can transform a negative situation into a positive one!

Also, the planet Neptune ruler of Monday's and Tuesday's Pisces moon... making a favorable aspect to Mercury and the Sun, both in loving peaceful sign of Libra, help to condition us to being more open towards wanting to heal those emotional wounds and straighten out our finances.

Therefore Monday, October 18 and Tuesday, Oct. 19, there can be kind gestures, soft words... as well as some confusion and miscommunication, since Neptune dislikes detail. Expect some disappointments and just as many successes!

An exuberant, confidence-boosting Mars trine Jupiter on Wednesday, October 20, 2010 will certainly bring greater enthusiasm, along with more energy and new life to pending matters. And taking positive action during this time, can attract good luck.

However, Wednesday does have its astrological obstacles, and significant trend changes!

From the moon's entrance into Aries, just before noon, making us impatient and then by late afternoon, even angry? Guard against accidents late afternoon, into 7:00 PM EDT.

Also setting the new trend that will be with us until November 9... is a new position for the planet of communication Mercury, entering the intense sign of Scorpio, Wednesday evening around, 5:19 PM EDT.

Thursday, October 21, 2010, misuse of energy from our Aries moon Saturn opposition, as the day begins around 7:00 AM EDT, can start out our day on the wrong side of things. Try not to get pulled into outsiders, influence. A slip-sliding Mars square Neptune also on Thursday, can mean that for every step forward, we take half a step back.

Friday October 22, 2010, the extra energy being felt by our Aries moon through most of the day is up-lifting. But a bit hard to control...with the full moon at around 9:37 PM EDT, perhaps helping us to get a bit out of control, and over emotional!!!

Our Sun also entering the intense sign of Scorpio on Saturday, October 23, 2010, at around 8:35 AM EDT, along with an opposition to our moon newly into Taurus, continues that being pulled feeling into our entire weekend.

A Mars trine Uranus on Sunday October 24, 2010 can help us with a super abundance of vitality, great resourcefulness as well as a fierce resistance to obstacles and restrictions...Making Sunday a difficult day to plan, but one that may be the day you are forced to see others positions clearly enough, to make needed, amends! Ending the weekend with a strong desire for, a new start!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Our Monday, October 11, 2010, for many is Holiday!

And after a rather emotionally dramatic weekend, you might feel as though you really could use some time, off!!!

Yes, Its true, that need to get away feeling that you experiencing this Monday? You can just...

"Blame It On The Stars"!!!

What is happening astrologically to give us that need to get away feeling... is the moon in the active travel Fire sign, of Sagittarius, which energizes us to... get up and Go!

Especially if you were born, under a fire or air sign!... Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius! But we all can benefit this Monday from extra enthusiasm, and assertiveness! Making this Holiday Monday, my pick of the week as the most productive and positive!

Tuesday, October 12, we will still feel energetic, but judgement might be off... coming from a difficult aspect of the moon, to the planet of luck, Jupiter. So try to think things through, carefully before making an important decision, or over extending yourself too much. With the morning hours from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM EDT being the most, difficult, and deceptive.

Wednesday Oct. 13, 2010...Our thoughts become less active and more serious... with a early Capricorn moon, Pluto conjunction! Bringing fears that we have kept undercover... to the surface?

And in fact they might even erupt explosively? Guard tempers and any sudden urgency to try to get even. Especially during the EDT morning hours on Wednesday. With our general moods... becoming even more somber into Wednesday's evening hours.

Thursday, October 14, 2010, we are still under the astrological gun, with dark thoughts! Making Thursday... my pick of the week as the most difficult!!!

Because the Capricorn moon will be in challenging aspect to the communication planet, Mercury....from late morning EDT.

And continuing our Thursday's problems... will come from a difficult aspect, of our moon, to the peaceful Libra sun. Happening at around 6:00 PM, EDT. All of which not only dampens our spirits, but can make us accident prone and angry, with get you... no-where, ego clashes!!!

Friday October 15, the moon's change in sign, to Aquarius ... at around 10:24 AM, EDT will thankfully, tend to lighten our general moods! With the air signs of Aquarius, Gemini, Libra... getting the biggest boost!

However, the moons new position in a lighter sign, also puts all of us in a better mood and innovating mind set...just in time for the end of the work week. Helping Friday night to be fun! Enjoy!

Because Saturday October 16, 2010... it is back to the tendency of being overly emotional!!! Partially for the signs... Scorpio and Taurus! With the signs of Aquarius, and Leo getting mixed messages that could drag them into unnecessary drama? With all signs... wanting to be more in control of their freedom, finances, and love life.

With the desire mode for freedom and control affecting us all on Sunday October 17. 2010 too...making our Sunday... one to break from routine, and do something different!

Especially try not to be too pushy, and demanding Sunday morning!!! Because with the moon, and the planet Mars, in negative aspect at around 8:00 AM EDT, your over doing it... could put you in the wrong place at the wrong time...danger! Is that an argument? Or accident?

The good news for Sunday, October, 17, things get a lot more peaceful and loving... by noon, EDT. With good intuition, clearer thinking, and a desire for more sociability ...Hopefully ending your weekend positively!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The planetary influence on us, will be quite active this week! Especially when it comes to what we want from our close relationships!

So when emotions are ruffling your feelings this week? You can just..

"Blame It On The Stars"!

And those strong serious emotional thoughts are with us as we began this work week, Monday, October 4, 2010. With the planet Mercury, newly into the loving peaceful minded sign of Libra, in negative aspect to the disruptive planet, Pluto!

Not a great influence to begin our week, because it leans us to only seeing what is missing in our lives? And that attitude can pay a heavy toll on our close relationships, and our pocket books?

Yes, it is ok to take stock of what we would like to change in our lives, but don't be too hasty in how you think you are going to cure your life's ills! True for all signs to keep in mind on Monday. But partially so, for the signs of Libra, Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn!

And if we can keep a thoughtful rein on the desire for upheaval and change, Monday could prove to be a good one to weed out some helpful answers to solving mysteries that up to now has had you baffled? Play intuitive hunches that are triggered through others!

Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2010, passions are running wild! All...

Coming from the planet Venus ruler of love and money, meeting the planet Mars that rules energy, head on in a conjunction!

In fact Venus-Mars conjunction is the highlight of the day as these planets only merge infrequently. They did form a union in Libra back on August 20 (the same day as Mercury turned retrograde) and they will forge another union on May 23, 2011 in Taurus.

So what we are so intense about, and being offered this Tuesday, could come around again at us next Spring? The thing to remember is their convergence right now reminds us to balance our feminine and masculine sides, and try to smooth over differences, with that significant other.

And guide your passions into constructive and creative channels to avoid romantic setbacks. Because both planets are intense Scorpio, sparks can fly and passion needs are strong!

At least the moon in practical, picky earth sign Virgo on Tuesday, will help some to keep our passions in control... enough, to be productive? Giving the signs Virgo, Pisces, Scorpio and Taurus the edge, towards having a productive Tuesday.

Wednesday October 6, 2010, could be a day of surprises! But the key is to keep them positive ones! Lots of feelings of being pulled towards opposing forces, in the morning hours bringing the unexpected! And then, disruptions followed by a dark mood, can get the best of us into the late evening hours?

All making Wednesday, Oct. 6, my pick of the week, as being the most difficult for all sun signs! With the signs of Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn, that need to be the most alert, toward having unpleasant surprises? Slow down, and guard tempers!

Thursday October 7, 2010, is a very important day to work at making it a positive one!!! Because it is a new moon day, which helps set the trend for the next 30 days!

So try to be aware of how you want the next 30 days to go? Also Thursday this week, the planet Venus starts slowing down in motion, as it prepares to back tack called retrograding, on Friday.

Yes Friday, October 8, 2010 is the beginning a emotional phase of indecision, that can put the brakes on your finances, and love life? Or bring to fruition, what has been on hold, or from the long forgotten past? Karma?

Whatever it accomplishes in your life, it will be intense and transforming. As Venus stays in the sign of Scorpio through the rest of this year though, it will start to move forward again November 19. It will stay in Scorpio, until Jan. 7, 2011.

Also on Friday the planet Mercury, and the restrictive planet Saturn, co-join, bringing another one of those days that can make us all more serious!!! Causing negative communication, traffic jams, arguments, and bad tempers! A day when you really need to count to ten before you say the wrong thing to someone! And everyone will be extra sensitive on Friday too.

Saturday October 9, 2010... can be a very emotional one!!! Setting the tone for the whole weekend!

The Scorpio moon along with the love planet Venus, and the passion planet Mars all in conjunction... will have cupid working over time! And many new relationships will be formed, or sought after, during Saturday and Sunday. However, with all that need to let off steam, there will also be many unnecessary break-ups, and wounded egos!

Best to use those love potion planets this weekend, to make-up... not break have a Happy, Sunday October 10, 2010!!! True for all sun signs, but most particularly for the signs of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius. Patience everyone!!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Our work week begins this Monday Sept 27, 2010...

just off of Sunday's planetary square, from our new Libra suns position, in a negative square aspect...

to the planet of transformation, Pluto... as we try to recover from...thoughts and activities, that might have held you captive to a mood that required perseverance and some strings to get pulled, in order to get around problems?

Yes, that desire to get that weighted, worry feeling off your back? You can just ..."Blame It On The Stars"!

And Monday Sept. 27, your going to need to be as flexible as possible, in order to make your day a productive one. Judgement will be off, partially around drive time at the end of your work day, as you make your way home from work. True for all signs, but most difficult and dangerous for the signs of... Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Leo!

Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2010 has a magical trait to it! Sun and Moon trine! Which bring a balance of yin and yang! Male-Female Projection, and Reception. And what makes Tuesday even more special, is the fact, that the favorable aspect from the moon and sun, is there as we begin our day! Like drive time to work EDT, which sets the pace for the whole day! Making it my pick of the week to put yourself back on track, and have a good and productive day!

So if you have been looking for the right day to tell someone you care...or to ask the boss for a raise? Tuesday is the one! All sun signs can benefit from a positive want to reach out attitude! But very much an extra boost... to the signs of Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aries.

Wednesday Sept. 29, is not quite as positive due to the Gemini moon's square to it's ruler Planet, Mercury. Giving us nervous energy to burn off. That can cause communication problems and arguments? Bringing back some of the issues that have been disruptive to you, and unsettling lately?

Even on the final day of this month Thursday Sept. 30, there will be no let up from the cosmos pressure, as the Sun is poised to align with learning planet Saturn, bringing back that, "why am I am feeling so serious, and stuck?" thought pattern. Which can be hazardous to your driving skills, and decision making faculties, early morning, drive time. Difficult for all signs, but very much so to the signs of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra.

Then on Friday, October 1, 2010, as we begin a new month... with an opposition from Mercury to Jupiter. Try to Stand firm! The going might get difficult, but persistence will pay off. If you do not get distracted from your goals, especially when it concerns matters pertaining to your love-life or finances? So stand firm on what your heart is telling you... not what others are trying to convince you of.

The planets Mars, and Venus, that rule, {passion, and feelings} in a conjunction... in favorable aspect to the Cancer moon, can make our Friday morning... an intensely emotional one...

pay attention to what it is... that you truly need and want, to improve your security and home life? And if you have had, family disputes lately, Friday morning is the best time to makes amends! All getting...

us into the right moods for a good Saturday, and interesting, out of the norm weekend!

Yes, Saturday October, 2, 2010 is a good one to break from routine! Doing something for... or with family... is highlighted, and lucky! Again follow your feelings and intuition! Especially if you were born under the signs of Cancer, Pisces, or Scorpio? And all kinds of lucky innovation or out of the blue happenings, is why Saturday can be one of nice surprises! That is can stay open minded and not let others ruffle you, or interfere in your plans, or feelings?

Sunday, October, 3, 2010, completes our weekend with a boost from a Leo moon! All sun signs can feel its more fiery and enthusiastic attitude, which can make Sunday, a busy and fun one! With the fire and air signs, being given the greatest charge from it. They are the signs of Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, fire. Aquarius, Libra and Gemini, air.

However, that extra fire in your attitude, could be a problem too? From very intense ego conflicts, that might even be explosive, or a temper tantrum? Partially if your sign is Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, or Scorpio? So, Patience and slow... should be Sundays motto, to end the first weekend, in October, 2010... positively!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

As we begin this new work week of Monday Sept 20, 2010, you may find yourself in need.. of some reflection!!!

Yes... that... "How could this happening to me right now?", mode you are in...

You can just.."Blame It On The Stars"!!!

Astrologically speaking...We just came through a very important trend setting week!

Pluto, which has been retrograde since early April, went direct on September 13-14 in Capricorn.

Now that it is back in forward gear, it can continue its main purpose of reorganizing practical matters especially to do with career and money.

It takes Pluto approximately 248 years to complete its orbit around the zodiac. Due to the eccentricity of its orbit, it takes this planet between 12 and 31 years to pass through a sign! It rules Scorpio, and the Eighth House. Pluto in Capricorn has been the talk of many astrological studies and discussions, and will stay in this sign until 2024.

Pluto indicates to us that the path ahead is never straight. We take three steps forward and then pause to either reconsider, or go deeper to find better answers, or reverse our actions, to undo our mistakes? If we have learned the lessons this planet is trying to teach us, we all should have become a little wiser! And perhaps, a bit more resilient because of the experiences of recent months. And we should have learned the lessons, that Pluto has been asking us to learn!

Pluto is a very slow moving planet, we are still early in Pluto's sixteen year journey through Capricorn, the first phase of which is supposed to be all about destruction.

We are being asked to review and re-evaluate our lives, our habits, our patterns of behaviors that belong in the past, and no longer work for us. This is the time to dispose of old baggage we are carrying around before we can start to rebuild for the future. Ask yourself if you are hanging on sentimentally to something once very valuable, or even essential to you, but no longer works for you?

In order for true transformation to take place, each one of us has to learn to let go of what is worn out and what we have outgrown... whether it be in our attitudes, our relationships or even our possessions? Only when we have cleared our decks, can we open ourselves up to new growth! The time for backtracking and reconsidering is now over! Start building and creating what will stand the test of time in your personal paths ahead.

The planet Mars, also moved out of sociable Libra into passionate and determined Scorpio, on September 14, to join hands again with Venus until October 27 in their perpetual cosmic dance. Scorpio has a reputation as the miracle maker of the zodiac and can move mountains when it wants to. Add high-vitality Mars to the equation, and there will be a powerhouse of energy available for those who choose to use it? Mars in Scorpio lets nothing stand in its way but bulldozes ahead not always subtly but usually discreetly, until it gets the results it wants. However watch out for the sting of the Scorpion which gets an additional boost with Martian energy. It will be difficult to forgive those who may be deceitful, and it will be equally difficult to be forgiven if you are the transgressor. So play fair, and use that courageous, relentlessly persevering energy of Mars, in Scorpio, to a good end.

Knowing all this, should give you, hints to where your new trends lie. As you carefully look at your life now, and how you desire your life to change for the better?

Monday's Moon in Aquarius, can make you a bit restless as you straddle the line between your need for freedom, and control, verses your need for security, and a life of comfort, and commitment.

But it is Tuesday, September 21, with the moon in Pisces opposing the planet of thought, Mercury, that you'll have just the right sensitivity to pull you into, that desire to reflect your recent behavior and what role you have played in making you now, happy or sad?! True, for all sun signs, but partially those born under earth and water signs...Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, earth... Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces, water.

Also Tuesday, the sun's pull in opposition to a conjunction of Jupiter and the planet of invention Uranus,...can be very disrupting? Making for a day when the unexpected, will be the norm!

Wednesday Sept. 22, 2010, at 11:09 PM EDT will begin our 2010 Fall season, as the sun enters the sign of Libra! But the daylight hours of Wednesday, will be difficult to plan! As the almost full moon, and difficult planetary aspects, make us super sensitive, and accident prone, reining havoc on your relationships and how you express yourself. Try to keep an open minded approach on how you deal with unexpected changes and your close relationships.

Thursday Sept 23, 2010, the first full day of Fall, and a Full moon, in the impatient sign of Aries around 5:17 AM... tends to start out our day rather, emotionally! But add morning difficult planetary aspects along with that impatient, Aries moon, and you have my pick of the week as the most Difficult! Causing disruptions, arguments, and accidents, Particularly in the morning hours... and for the signs of, Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn! But all signs would be wise to Guard your temper, and slow down!

Friday Sept. 24, should be a busy... "lets get things done", Day! However, the intensity of Venus and Mars in intense Scorpio will make it difficult to keep your expectations in balance! Avoid a desire to want to control things that in time can work out OK, on their own?

Saturday, Sept.25, 2010, the sun in negative aspect to the planet of endings, and transformation Pluto. Makes it a day to work at reconciliation's and keep your ego under control! Best to play your intuitive hunches.

Sunday, Sept. 26, 2010 can end our weekend on a positive note. That is...if you can avoid the tendency to have your day and mood be controlled by others? The moon in loving Taurus, will be pulling on the planets, Mars, and Venus. Let others be instrumental in helping you, not hindering you? With the signs of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, and Scorpio, being hurt, or helped the most!

Not an easy week, but to be sure...a significant one!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our work week begins, this Monday Sept. 13, 2010 with the planet Mercury in its first full day of direct motion, since August, 20, 2010!

So If you feel that you are now being more direct yourself... you can just... " Blame It On The Stars"

Yes, Mercury turning at last, direct again, on Sunday, evening around 9:30 PM EDT, September 12.... makes it a time, for us... to also, pick up our forward movements!

And With this Monday's fire Sagittarius moon, it should be easy, to want to, and be positive about it? However, timing is everything and with the desire to be also, the tendency towards perfectionism...making us a bit too picky, that can keep us from what could be a productive day.

Tuesday Sept. 14, is better... with that being too picky attitude? But, the planet Mars, changes signs on Tuesday, and moves into Scorpio to stay, until October 27.

Making Tuesday, a trend setter, of more than a month's period, of formidable determination! A time when we may start to experience a little vengefulness too? Because it is a Scorpio Mars... that can never seem to find it in its heart, to forgive, forget, and move on!

Instead, it wrestles in anguish over any prior hurts, slights and double dealings. Not that it is entirely straightforward all the time either, since it carries all of Scorpio's need for secrecy? It does however, have its purpose, in standing rock steady in crisis, being courageous and resourceful, and provides a backbone for any difficulties ahead.

Also, making Tuesday, September 14, 2010, a very astrological significant day, is the ruler of the sign of Scorpio, (Pluto) going direct in Capricorn... that has NOT been in direct motion, since the beginning of April, 2010!

This significant change in Pluto's direction, can provide assistance in solving practical, financial and emotional, problems, and give us some answers to pending mysteries!

Wednesday Sept.15, 2010... you might wake up on the wrong side of the bed. The sun and moon negatively aspect each other from 2:00 AM until 9:00 AM EDT... which can, make you late for work, or bring morning ruffled feelings, like a dispute with the boss, or traffic jams! And the day's aspects continue to make Wednesday, my pick of the week as the most difficult!

Thursday Sept. 16, 2010, reason prevails and moods return to a sober but more productive mode, as the moon favors good communication, and cautious reasoning.

Friday, Sept. 17, 2010 your likely to mend those fences and really be productive ... from a morning moon Sun trine...making Friday my pick of the week, to feel the best and get things done!

Saturday, September 18, 2010...morning hours are difficult to plan, guard tempers, and try to be flexible! Especially if your sun sign is...Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, Or Scorpio.

Sunday, September 19, 2010 brings a period of good luck, and a time of adventurous spirit...along with a break from tension and stress, as Jupiter conjuncts Uranus...

And the moon in freedom loving Aquarius... will put us in the mood to break from routine, and do something...imaginative, and different...and that can give us... a very fun end, to our weekend! Enjoy!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

This Monday... Sept. 6, 2010 is Our Labor day Holiday!

And if you have already had... a bit of a rocky... up-and-down, Holiday, weekend?

You can just... "Blame it on the stars"!

It is true, that our solar system has been jumping with many intense planetary aspects lately. All causing lots of emotional turmoil and change...which could have made our weekend one that was not the way we had planned or hoped for?

So this Monday, September 6, 2010...we might still be experiencing last Friday's effect? But the secret for today, with our Leo moon... this new week... is to let it Go! Whatever it is, that has your ego tied up in knots...or feeling left out of...just take a deep breath, and let it Go!

And allow what is coming towards you through others, happen!

Tuesday, Sept. 7, 2010, is geared towards thought, and planning...A day when you will do a lot of thinking, and communicating! Just do not over plan, because with our thought planet, Mercury, still moving backward, in are likely to change your mind! Or misinterpret, and have communication mix-ups?

However, Tuesday is still my pick of the week to get things accomplished, or to dig out facts, about something, due to our favorable Virgo Moon, Pluto aspect...that is at it's strongest and most helpful... during the daylight hours on Tuesday.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010, the Virgo NEW moon's influence, is still with us, but instead of helping us dig out facts...on Wednesday, it will test those facts... and make us... ego driven... and cranky... causing frustrating mix ups, and unnecessary arguments.

Pay attention because emotions that get out of hand on Wednesday, Sept 8, 2010, tend to set the pace for how the remainder of your emotional, and financial year, will be!!! What is happening, is a new placement for the planet that rules our love life, emotions, and finances, Venus... into the passionate intense sign of Scorpio. And in fact, it will be in that sign through the rest of this year... until January 6, 2011.

All sun signs will feel it's effects, but the signs of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius, are the signs that are the most vulnerable to being changed significantly from it's influence the next 4 months!

Thursday September 9, 2010, the first full day of the planet Venus's new reign in Scorpio, will be tricky! As the moon newly into Libra... makes a difficult conjunction, to Saturn, square aspect, to Pluto, and opposition to, Jupiter! Making Thursday, a difficult day to plan, and negotiate what you want to accomplish, and how you feel about your life in general? Also, the planet of expansion Jupiter's, move back into the sign of Pisces, on Thursday, will tend to make us, super sensitive?

In fact, Thursday's daylight hours are my pick of the week, as being the most difficult to stay in a positive mood, and keep the status quo! Especially if your birth sign is...Libra, Aries, Cancer, or Capricorn.

Friday, September 10, 2010, our general moods the Libra moon aspect is easier... which helps us to feel less stuck. And by Friday's evening hours, we are all going to want to be more sociable, improving our relationship ties! And have a clearer view when it comes to making any financial decisions.

Saturday, September 11, another one of those days, that is best for you... to just let happen, the way it seems to want to go! What will be causing this surge in emotions, and unplanned activities is the Scorpio moon... causing very intense feelings as it joins the planet of love, and feelings Venus, newly into, Scorpio...

Add the slowing down of our thought planet Mercury, getting ready to move direct again, and we will find Saturday, Sept 11, 2010, difficult to plan, and communicate just what we are feeling? Not a day to make lasting decisions!

However, it will get us in the proper mood for, Sunday, September 12.

Which is the day, that the planet Mercury does finally start moving forward again. Bringing at last, forward motion... back into our lives.

And though, we really will not feel it, on Sunday, it will start to set the pace, with more lasting opportunities, for us to truly see... progress in our lives... that lately has alluded us.

Sunday, September 12, 2010, is a wonderful day to think about long range goals. And even make a check list, to uncover areas of our life, that have been, a bit stagnate?

A time to weed out, and uncover... as the Scorpio moon, demands looking at what we have kept hidden? Especially for the earth, and water signs of...Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces... Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

All sun signs, will be feeling more introspective... as our weekend comes to a close...but it can be the perfect Sunday, to use... for getting yourself ready... for a very busy, productive, and meaningful, week ahead!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

After a bout of very intense and significant planetary aspects, our Stars now...are settling down to a more, balanced pace!

So when you find your life getting back to a more normal pace, too?

You Can just...Blame It On the Stars!

Our Monday, August 30, 2010 begins our work week, completing our last two days of the month with an easier astrological trend!

Helping all sun signs to feel less tress, and more capable in getting work completed. And thanks to these more favorable Planetary aspects, we now likely to have a more positive Outlook, and therefore, able at last, to make better decisions.

Tuesday, the last day of August, 2010... can also be a day that we are happy as we look towards being practical and work minded. However, make the most of the early morning and afternoon hours on Tuesday, because that tend changes a bit late in the day, as the moon challenges the dreamy planet Neptune, bringing allusions... and then enters the duel sign of Gemini around 9:20 PM EDT... bringing confusion, and exasperating do-overs?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010 a new month begins with early morning hassles, coming from a moon, sun square. Perhaps making you late for work, or in trouble with the boss? Whatever it is, that got your day off to a bad start...

You can be sure it has something to do with your ego, and yourself esteem? Especially if you were born under the signs of Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius, or Gemini? Count to ten, before you say... what you are likely to soon, regret?

Thursday, September 2, will be better able to view the good in your life? Especially when it comes to your personal relationships. And if you have apologies to make, Thursday's daylight hours, will give you the desire to make things right. In fact, Thursday's daylight hours is my pick of the week, to get things accomplished, both romantically and financially.

Friday, September 3, 2010 tempers and emotions flare again... as the moon in the sentimental home loving sign of Cancer,... looks for more assurance and security? Causing unnecessary rifts and arguments, especially in the morning hours, but unfortunately... setting a negative trend right into Saturday!

Saturday, September 4, 2010 the start of our Holiday weekend... could be a bit challenging as the Moon makes negative aspects to the planets Venus and Mars... bringing the possibility of family disputes and lovers quarrels, throughout the day. Practice patience and allow for the possibility of a change in plans, that effects those family get togethers?

Sunday, September 5, 2010, the Moon's change into the fire sign, of Leo, early Sunday morning... will lighten our spirits, and put us in the mood for fun! Just in time to make the rest of the Holiday weekend Happy!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our work week begins with a "Happy Birthday Virgo" As our sun starts it's cycle, in that analytical earth sign...on Monday, August 23, 2010.

So when you find yourself, being more analytical too, for the next 4 weeks... through- September can just...

"Blame It On The Stars"

And it happens every year at this time! That is why, it is this time every year, that we start being more thoughtful, and practical about our future plans. Especially when it comes to education and striving towards our desired goals, concerning mind, and body.

Like, the preparing for... and starting a new school year? And the sudden desire to think about and plan... better future work, and look for ways to have better health. All in time... for the Season of, Fall?

Yes, Monday August 23, 2010, kicks off that trend with the moon, in the freedom loving sign of Aquarius, making us very innovating and excited to try something new, towards those more practical goals.

However, All sun signs are apt to feel a bit restless, this Monday, as our pending full moon starts to tug on our emotions and remind us of what we would like to break fee from, and change!!! Effecting all signs... but mostly the signs of... Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010... that feeling increases when the moon reaches its fullest, at around 1:04 PM EDT...and then Tuesday's full moon, evening hours...our emotions can really lead us into overreacting, as we become overly sensitive, and stubborn.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010...our Pisces moon, will be tugging on the Planet Mercury...causing lots of indecision, and communication mix ups!

Not the best day to make up your mind about something or, expect to make a good impression!

Thursday, August 26, a day when intuition will be stronger than reason. So hold tight to your hunches...and look for ways to play the long shot, and use your ingenuity...especially when trying to solve a problem.

Friday, August 27, 2010, Using Extra Caution, in the early morning hours would be wise... as the moon changed into impulsive accident prone, Aries, very early morning... forming a conjunction to the planet Jupiter, with difficult aspects, to Pluto, and Saturn! Setting a negative pace for the entire day!

Saturday, August 28, 2010 after a difficult Friday night... we can begin our day very energized! But is it too much energy, or leftover anger??? Be careful...perhaps misdirected energy will be what makes your Saturday, accident prone? Guard Temper, and impulsive behavior! All sun signs need extra patience, on Friday and Saturday, but the signs of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, and Libra, need to keep that in mind, the most!

Sunday August 29, 2010... calmer winds blow in to sooth your frazzled nerves... saving, the weekend and Sunday's activities! All sun signs will feel the lifting clouds, from the positive influence of our moon into the loving, more patient sign, of Taurus. Helping us with a more balanced attitude, to begin a new week!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Our work week begins with an intense, water Scorpio moon, in difficult aspect to our proud, Leo... Fire Sun? Which can put you right into, A power struggle!!!

So, if you begin your Monday, morning August 16, 2010... feeling a little out of sorts, wanting more control...

You can, just "Blame It On the Stars"!

Yes, ego clashes, and power struggles are on the astrological menu, for Monday this week...especially effecting the signs of...Leo, Aquarius... Taurus... and... Scorpio. Patience, and keeping an open mind will be everyone's best choice though most of the day to avoid, those difficult snarls, and unnecessary arguments!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010, our moods recover with a more optimistic view... helping our general attitude... Due to the moon in the optimistic, lucky sign of Sagittarius. And in fact, making Tuesday my pick of the week... for the best day of the week, to get things accomplished... and be in a positive mood. Try to make Tuesday, work for you! Because... most of the rest of the week, will not be that easy... to complete tasks...especially new ones... without a lot of hassles!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010, our attitude changes and we start a cycle of time, that can bring aggravating delays and miscommunication...into the rest of the week! All sun signs may feel it...but the signs of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces, are apt to experience the aggravations, from it...the most?

Again, the best line of action for dealing with the, snarled activities, and frazzled nerves... would be, to not be, overly rigid. Keep a let it happen,... attitude... with a flexible open minded approach... to all communications... delays... and hassles. That way, you will set a more favorable tend for the rest of what could be... a very difficult, and emotional week.

Thursday, August 19, 2010, Passions run very high...good or bad? All coming from a Venus, Mars conjunction! And that overly passionate aspect puts more power to feelings, and how we express them.

Add the moon, in negative aspect to the planets Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto... and your Thursday, at the very least... will be difficult to plan. So, Be alert to the unexpected, and use extra caution when driving or using machinery!

Friday August 20,... continues the trend of difficulties...with the planet Mercury, starting its three times a year... back tracking, called "Mercury in retrograde". A cycle of time that seems to cause lots of mind changes and delays... especially with communication, and having to repeat tasks over and over,... to get them done.

It is a terrible time for machinery, and if you have an appliance or an automobile that is just limping along it will likely break down sometime within the next 3 weeks. Mercury will be in retrograde from August 21-September 13, 2010 causing, those break downs...miscommunications, and, changing of your mind!

However, one of the nice things about Mercury in Retrograde... it is the time when we are most likely to connect unexpectedly to or meet... an old friend?

And Saturday August 21... is our first full day of it's move in the retrograde direction... bringing the possibilities of reunions with old friends back into your life... though September 13, 2010?

Also, Saturday's moon, in the sober sign of Capricorn, puts us in a rather reflective mood, that dampens our spirits, and keep us only seeing the restrictions in our life... not a great attitude for weekend fun?

Perhaps the best activities, will be getting caught up on some of those responsibilities that you have been neglecting lately?

Sunday, August 22, 2010 winds down the rein of our Leo Sun. And with the moons change into the free minded sign of Aquarius...we might start to feel less restrictions, helping us to bail out our weekend's dull-drums, into having a good Sunday, and weekend after all?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

This is a very significant astrological week ... all beginning this Monday August 9, 2010, with the planet of love Venus, opposing the planet of luck, and beliefs, Jupiter... Along with a New around 11:09 PM EDT, ...setting your trend, for the whole month ahead!

So if you have been waiting for some sweet new beginnings...they could be... on their way!!! And you can..."Just Blame It On The Stars"

Yes, this week's Aspects from Venus to Jupiter...both astrological benefactors... can sweeten up our lives!However, could it be...too much of a good thing? Guard the tendency toward over indulgence, and frivolity, leading to carelessness!

Also, Monday August 9, 2010... it might be difficult to see, or want to deal with unpleasant issues, so, though your Monday, can be very may find that it isn't that productive!

Tuesday August 10, 2010, continues the cycle that makes this week... one that can produce change in your life? Due to Tuesday's Venus, Pluto square...bringing... emotional, new starts and endings!!! A day when what has been hidden from you, may finally emerge... or hidden agendas can be exposed...Have you checked you credit balance or interest rate lately?

Wednesday August 11, your mind will be on more practical issues, and that is the best day of the week to make thoughtful decisions. True for all sun signs. But particularly so for the earth and water signs of, Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio.

Also, Venus settles down to a easier pace on Wednesday...bringing a more balanced equilibrium. Making it a good day to be more social and communicative...and just have fun!

Thursday August 12, 2010 morning and afternoon hours will be the most productive... because by 6:43 PM EDT when the moon in Libra starts its pull on the planet of the unexpected, may have some unexpected aggravations, of your own, that can continue right into the next day...

Friday the 13... a day that is associated with luck? In fact, the Libra moon, makes aspects so strong to Pluto, Venus, and Mars, right into your morning hours of 8:00 AM EDT.... that you are likely to awaken Friday August 13, 2010, feeling very emotional...or is it passionate...or...angry?

Whatever it is, that you have strong feelings about they will be triggered by the moon's conjunction to the planet Mars, as your day gets started? Try to keep in my mind, that feelings can get out of hand, causing accidents, and arguments as you are driving to work, or... pleasure.... Friday morning?

And that Friday the 13 warning, is for all suns... but partially for the Cardinal signs.... of Libra, Aries, Cancer and Capricorn.

Saturday, August 14, 2010, will feel much lighter, and if you overreacted, recently... it can be a good day to mend fences and get your relationships and financial dealings back on track... intuition will hold the key... of where, and when?

Sunday, August 15, emotions heat up again with our Scorpio moon, but with hidden intensity...that can bring a slow burn or smolder that can grow into explosive ego conflicts on, Monday August 16.

Best to make Sunday one to give extra attention to concerns around the home, and family...that way, bruised egos might be avoided, giving you a good and positive start for the week ahead!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

After dealing with the astrological turbulent, final days of July, 2010... this new month of August... continues to keep us in a fiery pace!

Yes, with our sociable Leo Sun, and planet Jupiter, in Aries...that can raise our confidence, energy and enthusiasm...right through mid-week.... we want to be out and about, and think...that, we have all the answers!

So when your Monday, August 2, 2010... turns out to be a busy and rather hectic one?

You can just "Blame it on the Stars!"

And in fact...our very busy Monday August 2, 2010 is my pick of the week, for getting things accomplished! Especially if your sign is... Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn!

Tuesday August 3, and Wednesday August 4... we are all apt to be a little unrealistic, as the planet that rules our beliefs Jupiter, meets a powerful square aspect to Pluto, along with a difficult opposition to the energy planet, Mars!

Which brings... over confidence! Giving you... the "I have all the answers attitude". Also, with Mars in opposition to Jupiter on Tuesday, and Wednesday, we can sometimes be a bit reckless, wanting to gamble, and test our luck?

However for most of us... it will probably just give us a pleasant boost in our energy and enthusiasm!

Thursday August 5, 2010, the morning hours for travel and communication look difficult...with a tendency to have to repeat everything we are doing twice.

The moon in the sign of Gemini on Thursday, also gives the fire and air signs a lift... but too much of a good thing creates problems... especially for those signs of... Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius... Air, and, Sagittarius, Aries, and, Leo, Fire.

Friday August 6, 2010, it will be the signs of Pisces, and Virgo, that need to be extra alert to....if... are they being realistic?

Then on Saturday, August 7, 2010, the planet that rules our feelings and love-life Venus... enters into the tactful, companion minded sign of Libra, too. Coloring our emotions more strongly through September 8, 2010.

However, it will a bumpy start for Venus in Libra on it meets an opposition to Uranus...creating another tug of war, between our desire for intimacy, and our desire for freedom.

Not an easy day for relationships, or any decisions that have to be made, concerning your money.

Winding down our weekend on Sunday, August 8, 2010, a conjunct from our new Libra Venus, to the sober planet Saturn...can plummet our moods, dampening our expectations, and enthusiasm... as relationships and our ideas, seem to blow from hot to cold!

However if you can, try to work at being more positive, and social, by Sunday evening... in order to set the pace for a New Leo... on August 9, 2010. Which is our once a month opportunity... for new beginnings!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Our new work week begins with us all still feeling the effects of yesterday's Aquarius Full moon.

So if you have been feeling a little more emotional and intense on wanting and needing... to be close to a loved one?

Than you can just..."Blame It On The Stars"!

Yes, even though the Full Moon in Aquarius on July 25, around 9:30 PM EDT... was enhanced by a lucky trine between the Sun and Jupiter. It still gave us all some very strong emotions that we continue to deal with....making us feel a bit like a roller coaster ride...

It is true that our Monday July 26, going to be a little difficult...especially when it comes to what our hearts want, verses what our head tells us is best!

All due to the planet Saturn in Libra, opposing the planet Uranus in Aries... which makes for a tug of war between, our desire for independence, and our need to have what is real, and permanent in our lives?

And that feeling of being pulled stays with us problems with our thoughts and judgement... right into...

Tuesday July 27. And in fact, making Tuesday a day when we really need to exercise our patience in all areas that pertain to decision making. True for all sun signs, but most important advice for the signs of Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, and Taurus, to remember!

And, also making things more complicated...

Wednesday July 28, 2010... the planet Mercury begins its stay in the service minded earth sign of Virgo...bringing a more analytical way of thinking...along with a new way of communicating our thoughts...that will be with us... for almost the next 3 months?

Not a great day for Virgo Mercury's first day's sojourn either... as our Pisces moon on Wednesday morning, creates havoc with what we see as real, or what is illusion...making Wednesday a very hard day to plan.

Thursday July 29, 2010 around 8:46 PM EDT... the planet Mars moves into Libra...and as it does will aspect both Uranus and Saturn right into the final two days of the month.

And because Mars is the planet that rules are passion and energy...we will continue to feel very emotional, and our ways of dealing with our close relationship will suffer or improve?

What's for sure is... the planet Mars... in the air sign of Libra... will be with us...effecting our energy and what we pursue... until it enters Scorpio, on September. 15, 2010.

And in those first few days...of Mars in Libra in a conjunction to Saturn, and also in opposition to it will be on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday this week...

you are NOT likely to be in a mood for conducive calm discussions or agreements...causing misuse of energy and possible accidents...try to keep in mind....Mars-Uranus combinations can be explosive and disruptively difficult.

Mars-Saturn aspects, tend to be impatient, with teeth gritting and sober moods...that might lead to slightly volcanic anger, as held back tempers can get the best of you.

The best way to utilize these tricky planetary energies on Friday and Saturday constructively... is to keep your head down and plough ahead with difficult tasks requiring focus and perseverance...good advice to keep in we close out this month of July 2010... but, especially for Friday, July 30, 2010...when the moon will also enter the Mars ruled sign of Aries...

setting off again the trigger to explosive behavior...causing... accidents, arguments, and the kind of impatience with our loved ones...that could lead to broken relationships?

Remember, that while these transits indicate influences that can cause us to react impatiently or impulsively... we still hold the key to just how we handle the events of our personal lives...

we just need to be extra aware of what is truly make what is happening work out, in our favor? True for all suns signs on Friday and Saturday....but most important advice for the signs of...Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn to remember!

Sunday August 1, 2010 we begin our new month... on a easier astrological footing....hopefully, giving us all a happy, productive, relaxing way to end... our...very busy, difficult to plan... weekend!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

We begin our work week this Monday July 19, 2010, with our minds on what we want to accomplish! So when you find yourself sifting though your to-do list... You can Just, "Blame it On The Stars"!

Minds are active Monday morning, as our Scorpio moon activates our passion in wanting to get things "done" in our lives! And the planet Venus that rules our emotions, in the practical earth sign of Virgo, as it makes favorable aspect to the moon during the morning hours, wakes us into looking at how we can identity, our handicaps!

This attitude and thrust towards accomplishment is helpful for all signs, but particularly helpful for the earth and water signs of...

Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn... earth...and Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio...water.

Tuesday, July 20, also a day that we are geared towards weeding out what needs attention. Making Tuesday my pick of the week to have things in general work out the way we want.

Except for the early Evening hours, of 5:00 to 8:00 PM EDT, when a negative aspect from the moon to Neptune will make it difficult to really see... what is truly a problem as our imaginations can get the best of us, on Tuesday evening.

However, the planetary activity really becomes more significant on how we view what is important, and serious in our lives on Wednesday July 21, 2010... due to the planet Saturn moving into the sign of Libra again...but to stay this time... firmly in place until late 2012. Hopefully encouraging Venus like thoughts... of more balance, good will, and cooperation?

But also marking the beginning of period of time... of around two years...that the signs of Libra, Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn will experience.. a time of owning up...testing their important foundations that they have been working on for the last 7 years?

And also on Wednesday... with the moon in truthful Sagittarius, in difficult aspect to our emotions... it will be a day to exercise more patience, particularly when it comes to our relationships and our spending habits.

This warning is for all sun signs...but is the most important for the signs of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius to keep in mind.

Then on Thursday July 22...the Sun moves into fiery, fun loving Leo, for four weeks... bringing more glitter and glitz into our daily lives, as well as a yen... to just have more, summer fun!

However that fun mood will have to wait on Thursday...because a negative moon Saturn aspect... tends to have us only see... what we don't have...instead of the good things that are surely coming?

Add extra caution on Thursday, July, 22, 2010, too! It is likely to be a day... that the unexpected is... Thursday's whole trend. As the moon not only makes us more serious...but it also will be juggling aspects to the planet Uranus, and Jupiter... causing the possibility of cloudy impulsive judgment.

Then on Friday... July 23, 2010, Jupiter turns retrograde in Aries. Bringing a time when it may seem that our forward progress is impeded and things that seemed for sure suddenly come to a full stop.

However, Jupiter retrograde periods give us the opportunity to find inner wisdom and expand internal knowledge. And Friday's morning hours, with our Capricorn moon at the helm, are difficult and serious... as we find ourselves finding fault, and checking our priorities.

Saturday July 24, 2010... the moon in a more positive the planet Venus, helps us to feel better, and again set our desires... back on course...making Saturday a good one, to feel purposeful and productive.

However on Sunday July 25, 2010... along with an Aquarian full moon... the planet Jupiter may push common sense to one side as it squares Pluto. Beware of over confidence, miss-use of energy, and carelessness that could cause a fire or accident.

Jupiter and Pluto aspects run on a theme of 'might makes right' so you may think you can break a few rules, and have a tendency in general to over-do it. But be careful... what we start, might just bounces back at you, in away that you didn't want, or expect!

All making Sunday...the last day of our weekend a difficult one to plan! Keep an open mind, because you will NOT be in a mood to keep with the status quo...being flexible, and away from boring routine is your best way of making Sunday...a good one! Have Fun!