Monday, January 25, 2010

Feeling energized, wanting to finish up old stalled projects, mend emotional rifts, and clean up the clutter?

Well.... if this feels like your life today, through the end of our month of January? Then you can just-
"Blame It On The Stars"!

In fact, that energized getting things done.... attitude, is coming from the Planet of love Venus, and our Planet of energy and passion, Mars, that are in an aspect that is like a tug of war, called an opposition. And it is this opposition aspect... that is now giving us all more emotional energy that needs an outlet.

So it would be wise to look for ways to let off steam this week. But you need to do that harmlessly. Like getting things accomplished! And this can mean... opportunities that seem to appear out of the blue from the people and passions that we know and love?

Try to keep in mind... the key in doing things Right, this week is...

What was our original intent?

Meaning, if the opportunities line up with what we have always wanted, then go for it?

However, if you find that others suggestions, projects, and passions are suddenly appealing, causing you to change...then you need to stop and turn around. Because it is what we get pulled into through others...that involve out ego, our finances, love life, and passions, that can come back at us... to make us accident prone, angry, and emotionally and financially mislead.

These words of caution are for ALL of this work week? But most intense for Wednesday January 27!!!

And extra caution with everything that you are doing, that Day is Important!!!

Expect all sun signs to be more serious, and hard to please that day. But, it can be most difficult... for the signs of Libra, Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn to be in a, productive, positive clear minded mood.

Our weekend of January 30-31 planetary aspects... of feeling pulled in two different directions... heats up again? Therefore, the wise would enjoy the extra energy, and enthusiasm, to have the fun... but look carefully at what, and who is doing the offering. Meaning... Slow down, and Look before you leap.

It is great to be active, and our Leo moon on Saturday night will help us all to want to party! Just the overindulgence, and getting pulled into turmoil that you need to avoid, to end our first month of this new year, 2010 safely!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Now that the planet Mercury has moved back to it's normal forward direction, and the planet Jupiter has entered a new sign. You will begin this Holiday work week, with a new desire to move along towards your own sought after goals. And you can just..."Blame it on the stars"

Yes, our momentum is finally picking up, as we all feel more enthusiasm about our future plans. And all sun signs can now benefit from a clearer mind... when we are suddenly able to finally make those decisions that we have been putting off?

This is especially true for the water signs of Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio, as these signs will begin to notice the rest of this whole year... as being one of expansion, opportunity, and luck. With our mid month of January.... now, setting the pace for a year, of new beginnings!

However, if your sign is Gemini or Sagittarius, you would be wise to take a second look now, at what your real True vision for the future is? Because Jupiter in the sign of Pisces, and throughout this year... will force you into dealing with areas of life that will demand more clarity and TRUTH.

The sign of Virgo will also, now have a chance, to expand their lives and benefit through our new Jupiter influence this week... effecting you through the whole year. And you should expect these opportunities and luck to be coming at you through your relationship and newly found partnerships.

In fact, this week in mid January 2010 can shed a new light into all our love lives and partnerships. And that is especially true for those born under the signs of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, and Scorpio.

However, this new feeling aspect, from Venus, and the Sun this week... entering the lofty sign of Aquarius.... will be giving all of US... a new desire to be more open minded and social...

which is just what we need to make our winter now.... feel more FUN!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Our week begins with the moon in the truthful sign of Sagittarius...So if you find yourself giving others a candid view of what you think...You can just..

"Blame It On The Stars"?

Also bringing YOU... to your own personal reality check, and dramatic events this week... is the changing direction, of two of our planets... along with the planet of truth, ending it stay in the independent sign of Aquarius where it has been for the last 12 months!

Therefore, it would be helpful to slow down and think... before you express yourself! Especially on January the planet Saturn changes its direction...which sets the pace, for how we see our responsibilities, and deal with the more sober side of life for the next several months. Making these coming months important ones... giving us all... learning experiences for our future. Then a solar eclipse in Saturn ruled Capricorn, on January 14, highlights the themes of responsibility that we will be dealing with those months. Then...even continuing more with a change of pace in our lives... this week.

Is...on January 15, when the planet Mercury at last, turns back to its direct motion... allowing you to stop spinning your wheels... and finally make some progress with those needed decisions that you have been putting off.!!!

However... Jupiter's entrance into dreamy Pisces on January 18, may change our perspective... as we begin our next work week? So don't be surprised when a more sympathetic attitude finds you changing or altering your view again... to what you see as true and most important.

This is new Jupiter in Pieces for the next 12 months, can effect all sun signs... but those that might misjudge the truth the most this year, would be Gemini and Sagittarius.

However, January 18, of 2010 to January 22, 2011... all sun signs can gain from an extra push of intuition, imagination. But it is the sign of Pisces...that will have a year of expansion, inspiration, and luck!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Feeling a little restless and discouraged?

Well if you are, you can just... "Blame it on the Stars"!

What is happening in our solar system today, January 5, and through the next couple of days...
are planetary influences that bring us all a need to think about our finances, and love life.

And those thoughts...seem to change by the minute, as we vacillate between what is positive, and what is not. In fact, that is where the discouragement comes in. Not being able to make up your mind and see things as they are, and bring your ideas about love and money to a conclusion.

But guess what? For most people right now...this is not the time to make important decisions! These days of serious contemplation, from today right through January 15, is a time to be looking back, at what needs further attention? Not attempting any new major direction change until there is important reflection on how and what you did in the past, that needs to change. All areas of life can be effected, but the most likely ones that can be nagging at you right now, are emotional and financial. And It could be helpful to remember
that these extra serious feelings and money worries are just natures way of helping you to own up to the past transgressions can be rectified for your future!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Wondering what the New Year has in store for your, Sun sign?

This is what your sign's trend will be... for this year of.... 2010

Aries... Work at stabilizing your career, and a new belief in yourself...can make this a year...that dreams can come true! Guard your health, reputation, and how others can effect you in a negative way! Expect new interesting friends to expand your horizons.

Taurus... Communicating with those involved with your security, along with your energy directed towards improving your home... pays off! Love-ties and fiances will require more careful planning and attention. Family structures expand, bringing deserved recognition.

Gemini...Finances and close emotional ties, effect your home-life.and will bring needed change. But extra effort is necessary... direct proper time, thought, and energy, towards implementing your future desired partnership goals! Believe in yourself, and don't be too quick in making decisions.

Cancer...Your image is more on display this year. But is it positive? You need to keep in mind, what you have learned about yourself.. is Best for You. Do not allow others to pull you away from what you know is necessary and right? A year of making important decisions, and new beginnings. Practice patients!

Leo...Expect to be busy, and use your energy towards a more positive self image! Guard your pocketbook, temper, and reputation! Partners will play a role in how you are reacting, to what is coming toward you. Look for what can be positive opportunities for more recognition!

Virgo...Your serious attitude coming from last years happenings, will give way to an improved self image! Now all last years hard work, starts to pay off...bringing more security, better health, and deserved rewards. Partners surprise you! Lighten-up!

Libra...Keeping things a secret feels necessary, but is it wise? Actually careful communication is key to what you are feeling serious about. This year, it is the long haul ahead that you need to be working towards? This is not a year of instant success!

Scorpio...All your hard work, now begins to pay off! Luck, expansion, intuitive Investments, and more fun is in this year's stars! But You need to practice lots of gratitude and positive thinking in order to receive all that can come your way? Travel and higher education, will beckon!

Sagittarius....A new attitude and a new you... is trying to emerge from all of the difficulties, and restrictions, that you experienced in the last two years! But, You need to let the thoughts of your negative past go, in order to really experience a happy more fulfilling life? Keep your thoughts, and all your communication truthful and positive. Prayer, and meditation brings needed answers.

Capricorn...A year that will make you own up to what you have not wanted to face. Intuition and creative imagination can help you financially. Try to be flexible and open minded when communicating. Partners hold a key to how you express yourself. Unnecessary misplaced anger can sever emotional ties.

Aquarius... You can still keep that positive image that was with you through most of last year? Financial opportunities will come from intuition and the desire to give back and be unselfish. Home and health requires more focus, with a good results. Influential friends, give you needed support.

Pisces...The luck planet Jupiter puts you in the spotlight!. A different self image and style, attracts emotional support, and excitement into your life. Use your newly found passions and energy wisely! Do not over commit yourself. Partnerships need to be transformed, if they are to survive? Learn from the past, and think positive.This can be your year for making you dreams come true!