After a somewhat disruptive weekend with large high's and low... lows...
We began this Monday work week, April 26, with...finding it difficult to see... just where it is that we are heading. So if you feel like your life, right now... is like riding a bicycle getting nowhere? You can ...just, "Blame It On The Stars!"
Yes, change is in the air. Again!
Saturn and Uranus, will be exactly opposite each other on April 26, forming what is known as an 'opposition' in astrology...two planets positioned 180 degrees apart.
This is the fourth of five such oppositions that started on November 4, 2008, and it will continue until July 26, 2010.
These oppositions always come in a cycle, and happen approximately every 45 years. The last time these two planets formed oppositions was 1965 to 1967..
and before that from 1918 to 1920. The Saturn-Uranus opposition, that has been sending us on a roller coaster ride... returns for an encore to evoke more major shifts... both in your personal life and globally.
Bringing in another round of changes...this month and beyond...which will hopefully accelerate your personal growth? It isn't always fun... but it's sometimes necessary!
Saturn is the planet of authority and experience...and represents the tough and conservative disciplinarian... while Uranus is wild and unconventional...the maverick planet of change! Saturn rules the status quo, while Uranus rules reform.
Saturn and Uranus, are mortal enemies in mythology, and their combined energies in astrology signal tension... and transformation.
Issues that have been festering beneath the surface emerge... and the rules of the game shift. Uranus energy brings innovation through instability. Sudden and unexpected events shake our foundations... and force us to look at things in a new way.
In order to make wise decisions during these times, we need to look at where Saturn, and Uranus is located in our charts...or where it lies in relationship... to the other planets currently in our solar system.
This helps us to assess where to make changes in our lives... and how to break out of established routines. Astrology shows us the themes that are in play, and guides us by providing important make us aware...
Yet, we are the ones who have to decide what to do with that information? This is a time to make sure... you're not on the sidelines, now! This is the time to get involved!
And that is likely to be the rhythm of this week as we finish out April, 2010, and begin our new month of May, 2010.
The moon in the air sign of loving, peaceful, Libra as our work week starts out Monday, April 26... makes us want to reach out to our love-ties...and feel connected to what is bigger than ourselves...perhaps..even smoothing out any ruffled feathers that have come from past hurts and discord?
However, we are also... still, somewhat suffering from a difficult Mercury, Mars, aspect... that could have made our general moods yesterday, (especially in the morning hour of Sunday April 25,) ...feel very cranky and impatient.
That is why, your need to take things a little slower... and lighter... is wise...for all sun signs to keep in mind this Monday!
Tuesday, April 27, minds will be given a more lofty the moon during the daylight hours will make a harmonious aspect to the planet Neptune.
In fact, our inner intuition and desire for peace and harmony.... is so good during that time... that is makes Tuesday... the pick of the week...for getting things accomplished, and feeling good.
Wednesday, April 28, is another story...and can in fact, be.... the most difficult day of the week, to avoid ....aggravations... delays... and sudden angry outbursts! All sun signs, may have frustrations getting things done on, Wednesday, April 28.
This all coming from a Scorpio, FULL, moon... that will be extra intense.... because not only will we all experience the full moon's pull... on our emotions...affecting our relationships...but, that same pull... will aspect our energy...(Mars aspect)... making us accident prone... and angry!
And all sun signs... would be wise to slow down... guard against accidents... angry outburst... impulsive behavior...and to count to ten...before they rush into anything on Wednesday!
And this warning is (imperative) to keep in mind...for the signs of.... Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius... all day, on Wednesday April 28.
Thursday, April 29, 2010, can still be quite difficult as far as seeing what is true... and keeping reasonable... about our expectations. As we can have, a tendency towards taking things for granted... and over indulgence's....all coming from the moon's... positive aspect, to the planet Jupiter... especially in the morning hours. Late afternoon on Thursday... judgement is cloudy...
as the Scorpio moon... meets Neptune... in difficult aspect... our imaginations then.... work overtime... and we can be deceived! Or, be the deceiver?
Friday April 30...we close out, our month... with a desire to be free of our negatives... so much so, that we need to temper our newly found energy...and enthusiasm...with a more philological approach.
All sun signs... can feel a lift from the moon influence in the high minded fire sign of Sagittarius...with the other fire, and air signs of Leo, Gemini, Aries, Libra, and Aquarius feeling its beneficial lift... in spirits... the most!
Our weekend of Saturday, and Sunday.... begins with the new month of May, 2010... with the Sagittarius moon... helping us to want to stay... optimistic, and active...
giving most signs a good attitude during Saturday's morning hours! So, if you have fun things you want to do... on Saturday... what they call, (May Day)...get to it...Early!
Because Saturday's evening hours, and Sunday's morning hours... look Astrologically difficult!
Moods can plummet... angry outbursts again... are likely... and so is... misuse of energy... causing arguments... and accidents... Saturday night... into much of our day on Sunday.
Not an easy way to begin our new month of May! However...if... all sun signs can keep to their original course...try to stay positive... while keeping a watchful eye..and their faith... in what the weekends activities can teach them?
It is possible... that the planetary aspects during our weekend... will gives us a chance to make changes... that will bring us, a very significant May, 2010.
So, Slow, and Steady... should be your weekend's course!!!!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Mercury - the planet of communication started its backward trek over this past weekend... late Saturday, night, April 17.
On a basic trivial level, Mercury retrograde means communication delays and foul-ups. with aggravations like... crashed computers, missing files, emails going astray... and friends and business contact delays. Like unexpected changing of plans, and snags, in getting contracts or agreements signed?
So if your last few days have exercised your patience, with lots of repeat obstacles?
You can Just... "Blame It On The Stars"!
But there is a deeper meaning to Mercury retrograde which is about looking inwards and finding time in our busy schedule to ask ourselves fundamental questions. So instead of getting uptight about hold-ups... a Mercury's retrograde period can be looked at, as a blessing in disguise... often our chance to go deeper, be reflective, think... not act, listen rather than speak..reflect to see what you need to re-do from the past?
Mercury's three times a year change in to get our attention, giving us an opportunity to straighten out our thinking. So while we might become very absent-minded during these weeks, this is also a time to enjoy our own company and let our imaginations wander.
Who knows what inspiration we may come up with? Do you have an idea that often pops into your mind that you need to finally put into action? That is just what Mercury in retrograde can be helpful for.
Our Monday April 19 2010... is what many call, Patriot's day! And this year with the moon in the home loving sign of Cancer, it fits!
Because our Nation's declaration of independence was signed under the sign of Cancer! Therefore the general mood this Monday, will lend a hand towards patriotism and doing things that involve family.
The day starts out early with an astrological square, bringing challenging moments, but improving aspects mid day give us a chance to regain positive momentum, until around 6:00 PM... when the moon's pull on Planet Pluto could.. put us in an a emotional tug of war.
Tuesday April 20, is an easier day, for seeing things more clearly, and in fact it can be a very good day to get those chores done around the home. It is also the day the Sun, enters the sign of Taurus that will be with us until May 20.
Wednesday April 21, the moon starts the morning hours off in positive aspect to the planet Uranus...increasing desire for independence and creativity...
and though there could be some ego conflicts, from the moon entering the sign of Leo around lunch time... as it starts to square the sun by 2:PM.
However, Wednesday is still the astrological pick of the week to get things done. A day to feel energized and enthusiastic. And all signs can benefit...with the signs of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, and Scorpio, are the sign that will need to be the most aware of ego's conflicts, and unnecessary disputes.
Thursday April 22, the possibilities of disputes increases for all sun signs! Emotions can get out of hand, and so is the tendency to over-spend!
Friday April 23, double check your facts before signing might you be over- paying for something? Or...who, are You fooling? Guard against deception, especially during the morning hours...and pay attention to intuition, and play the long-shot!
Saturday April 24, our ability to reason more carefully, comes back, and all signs will feel more reasonable and realistic...but most helpful for the signs of Virgo and Pisces to clear the emotional air. But the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius may still benefit by biding their time, before speaking up.
Our weekend ends Sunday April 25, with the planet of love...and finances, Venus entering the sign of Gemini, that will be with us until May 19, 2010.
And this Air sign Venus, can be just what we all need to lift us away from the heavy emotions that have been effecting us lately.
So all signs... benefits on Sunday...if they think... get out, and about, and be more social!
On a basic trivial level, Mercury retrograde means communication delays and foul-ups. with aggravations like... crashed computers, missing files, emails going astray... and friends and business contact delays. Like unexpected changing of plans, and snags, in getting contracts or agreements signed?
So if your last few days have exercised your patience, with lots of repeat obstacles?
You can Just... "Blame It On The Stars"!
But there is a deeper meaning to Mercury retrograde which is about looking inwards and finding time in our busy schedule to ask ourselves fundamental questions. So instead of getting uptight about hold-ups... a Mercury's retrograde period can be looked at, as a blessing in disguise... often our chance to go deeper, be reflective, think... not act, listen rather than speak..reflect to see what you need to re-do from the past?
Mercury's three times a year change in to get our attention, giving us an opportunity to straighten out our thinking. So while we might become very absent-minded during these weeks, this is also a time to enjoy our own company and let our imaginations wander.
Who knows what inspiration we may come up with? Do you have an idea that often pops into your mind that you need to finally put into action? That is just what Mercury in retrograde can be helpful for.
Our Monday April 19 2010... is what many call, Patriot's day! And this year with the moon in the home loving sign of Cancer, it fits!
Because our Nation's declaration of independence was signed under the sign of Cancer! Therefore the general mood this Monday, will lend a hand towards patriotism and doing things that involve family.
The day starts out early with an astrological square, bringing challenging moments, but improving aspects mid day give us a chance to regain positive momentum, until around 6:00 PM... when the moon's pull on Planet Pluto could.. put us in an a emotional tug of war.
Tuesday April 20, is an easier day, for seeing things more clearly, and in fact it can be a very good day to get those chores done around the home. It is also the day the Sun, enters the sign of Taurus that will be with us until May 20.
Wednesday April 21, the moon starts the morning hours off in positive aspect to the planet Uranus...increasing desire for independence and creativity...
and though there could be some ego conflicts, from the moon entering the sign of Leo around lunch time... as it starts to square the sun by 2:PM.
However, Wednesday is still the astrological pick of the week to get things done. A day to feel energized and enthusiastic. And all signs can benefit...with the signs of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, and Scorpio, are the sign that will need to be the most aware of ego's conflicts, and unnecessary disputes.
Thursday April 22, the possibilities of disputes increases for all sun signs! Emotions can get out of hand, and so is the tendency to over-spend!
Friday April 23, double check your facts before signing might you be over- paying for something? Or...who, are You fooling? Guard against deception, especially during the morning hours...and pay attention to intuition, and play the long-shot!
Saturday April 24, our ability to reason more carefully, comes back, and all signs will feel more reasonable and realistic...but most helpful for the signs of Virgo and Pisces to clear the emotional air. But the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius may still benefit by biding their time, before speaking up.
Our weekend ends Sunday April 25, with the planet of love...and finances, Venus entering the sign of Gemini, that will be with us until May 19, 2010.
And this Air sign Venus, can be just what we all need to lift us away from the heavy emotions that have been effecting us lately.
So all signs... benefits on Sunday...if they think... get out, and about, and be more social!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
It seems we have been in an Astrological pattern that intensifies our emotions! And this new work week Monday, is no exception.
So if you find, April 12, 2010 difficult... (especially in the morning hours) can,
"Just Blame It On The Stars"!
Our love lives, and our finances, will spark our attention again this week... as the planet Venus and Mercury continue their trek in the very tenacious sign of Taurus. By itself those two astral bodies... turn our thoughts to the pleasures of life.
But when... there is another planet in difficult aspect as we have had, lately... ..those thoughts of pleasure and how we would like to act on them...can bring a time of emotional turmoil, and dissatisfaction with our relationships... and our finances!
And that is why you might just feel... like you got off on the wrong side of the bed this morning? All signs can have their morning hours feel a bit hectic and aggravating.. However, the signs of Aries, and Libra are the ones that will need to exercise the most patience, to stay safe and happy.
And the signs of, Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius, need to take a deep breaths and detach a little before making important decisions today as our work week begins.
The signs of Virgo, Pieces, Gemini and Sagittarius have most likely already experienced a need to be more flexible over this recent past weekend...and by mid day this Monday April 12 , will at last... feel less stressed, and more productive!
Tuesday April 13, all signs can benefit from an Aries moon... bringing more activity and less emotion in their day... and making "Tuesday", the pick of the week... towards getting things accomplished that requires energy and enthusiasm!
Hopefully we will all take advantage for what we can get done on Tuesday April 13...because the rest of the week... looks more than challenging...especially when it comes to making decisions and getting things done.
That is because the planet that rules thought and how we communicate them...Mercury, starts slowing down, getting ready for it's backward motion. With Mercury completely retrograde by, Sunday April 18.
This Mercury change in direction happens about three times a year...(every four months)
And marks a period of time that is never easy... for making decisions... and... experiencing all kinds of breakdowns.
In fact, if you have a car or an appliance that is just barely limping along... expect that it will soon need some extra attention from... April 15 to May 28... it is just what Mercury in retrograde does...bringing things from our past... that needs to be readjusted and given attention.
So again I encourage you to try to get the most important decisions and things done by Tuesday April 13, and Wednesday April 14th.. moon... morning hours.
Because by Wednesday's evening hours... the moon's entrance into passionate Taurus... stirs up our emotions it negatively aspects... the planet of passion, Mars, in proud Leo... making another difficult time when our emotions... and our pocketbooks get out of hand.
And unfortunately, the rest of our week... that trend continues...with Thursday April 15, being extremely intense! All sun signs are likely to notice... their emotions pulling at them... from matters of their hearts, or matters... that effect finances...
with the signs of ...Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo having the most difficulties on Thursday, April 15, and
Friday April 16.... as conjunction aspects... with the Taurus moon... continue to ignite our desires to have things our way.
Friday's evening hours... will be very difficult to keep the status quo! Best, ways to avoid conflict... would be to stay as flexible with your schedule as possible... and prepare for the unexpected.
Saturday April 17, is better... as the moon's change into Gemini... improves our ability to be a little more detached. However, the planet Mercury in stationary position on Saturday... does make decision making on Saturday...and for the rest of our weekend...almost impossible.
So do not expect to feel like your are making much progress with getting things you finish out your weekend...on Sunday April 18th.
You should however, feel less emotional... and therefore...want to be more social... and a easy going attitude... can lend a hand... at making your Sunday, Fun! Enjoy!
So if you find, April 12, 2010 difficult... (especially in the morning hours) can,
"Just Blame It On The Stars"!
Our love lives, and our finances, will spark our attention again this week... as the planet Venus and Mercury continue their trek in the very tenacious sign of Taurus. By itself those two astral bodies... turn our thoughts to the pleasures of life.
But when... there is another planet in difficult aspect as we have had, lately... ..those thoughts of pleasure and how we would like to act on them...can bring a time of emotional turmoil, and dissatisfaction with our relationships... and our finances!
And that is why you might just feel... like you got off on the wrong side of the bed this morning? All signs can have their morning hours feel a bit hectic and aggravating.. However, the signs of Aries, and Libra are the ones that will need to exercise the most patience, to stay safe and happy.
And the signs of, Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius, need to take a deep breaths and detach a little before making important decisions today as our work week begins.
The signs of Virgo, Pieces, Gemini and Sagittarius have most likely already experienced a need to be more flexible over this recent past weekend...and by mid day this Monday April 12 , will at last... feel less stressed, and more productive!
Tuesday April 13, all signs can benefit from an Aries moon... bringing more activity and less emotion in their day... and making "Tuesday", the pick of the week... towards getting things accomplished that requires energy and enthusiasm!
Hopefully we will all take advantage for what we can get done on Tuesday April 13...because the rest of the week... looks more than challenging...especially when it comes to making decisions and getting things done.
That is because the planet that rules thought and how we communicate them...Mercury, starts slowing down, getting ready for it's backward motion. With Mercury completely retrograde by, Sunday April 18.
This Mercury change in direction happens about three times a year...(every four months)
And marks a period of time that is never easy... for making decisions... and... experiencing all kinds of breakdowns.
In fact, if you have a car or an appliance that is just barely limping along... expect that it will soon need some extra attention from... April 15 to May 28... it is just what Mercury in retrograde does...bringing things from our past... that needs to be readjusted and given attention.
So again I encourage you to try to get the most important decisions and things done by Tuesday April 13, and Wednesday April 14th.. moon... morning hours.
Because by Wednesday's evening hours... the moon's entrance into passionate Taurus... stirs up our emotions it negatively aspects... the planet of passion, Mars, in proud Leo... making another difficult time when our emotions... and our pocketbooks get out of hand.
And unfortunately, the rest of our week... that trend continues...with Thursday April 15, being extremely intense! All sun signs are likely to notice... their emotions pulling at them... from matters of their hearts, or matters... that effect finances...
with the signs of ...Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo having the most difficulties on Thursday, April 15, and
Friday April 16.... as conjunction aspects... with the Taurus moon... continue to ignite our desires to have things our way.
Friday's evening hours... will be very difficult to keep the status quo! Best, ways to avoid conflict... would be to stay as flexible with your schedule as possible... and prepare for the unexpected.
Saturday April 17, is better... as the moon's change into Gemini... improves our ability to be a little more detached. However, the planet Mercury in stationary position on Saturday... does make decision making on Saturday...and for the rest of our weekend...almost impossible.
So do not expect to feel like your are making much progress with getting things you finish out your weekend...on Sunday April 18th.
You should however, feel less emotional... and therefore...want to be more social... and a easy going attitude... can lend a hand... at making your Sunday, Fun! Enjoy!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Our work week begins with the planet Venus, located in the indulgent sign of Taurus, making positive aspects to the moon and Pluto... increasing our passion, and our enthusiasm, as it aspects flamboyant Mars, in Leo.
Therefore, get ready for magical moments, with a few sparks flying, Monday morning April 5, around 7:00 A.M. EST.
So if you started this Monday April 5, with love on your mind? Then you can... "Just blame it on the Stars"
All this coming from the moon in ambitious Capricorn, in a conjunction to explosive and seductive Pluto!
However, the romantic mood will not last long. Tuesday our Capricorn moon, can dampen our spirits as it squares our Aries Sun, giving us a Tuesday that is difficult to plan, and be in a good mood.
Wednesday April 7, Pluto, starts turning retrograding..signaling in... a time for new beginnings and endings!
Also on Wednesday.. Saturn, the planet of duty, that has already been moving (retrograde) since, Jan. 14, 2010, will re-enter Virgo.
This reverse motion helps us to make sure that we have learned the lessons of realism and discipline that Saturn has been trying to teach us for the last two years.
This especially applies to the those born under signs of... Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and these signs may now find, that they are back tracking on issues, and things, that they might have made hasty decisions about last fall.
And all signs should expect to have some thoughts now, of when it would be a good time to get serious for a more secure future... like a new fitness regime, and or... even better... a good time to streamline your work methods.
Whatever the situation is, that you may now find yourself re-thinking, Saturn in retrograde... is giving you another chance to make it right, and do better?
This lasts through May 30, and then when Saturn turns direct.. that new forward motion from June 1, will test out your progress.
Then July 22, 2010, when Saturn again enters Libra... you will be able to see the results, of how well you did... in changes...that effect your future security?
Pretty significant stuff for just mid week? Then on Thursday April 8, the moon in the sign of Aquarius makes us want to break routine...and the key to a good day is to be as flexible as possible! Our passions are running high that day, and expectations are great!
All suns signs, will be effected..but the signs of Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Leo... need to be the most careful with how they express their emotions!
Friday intuition can play a role in your day. The moon in conjunction, to the planet Neptune gives you higher thought..from 8 AM until 8 PM EST.
By Friday night the moon slips into the sensitive sign of Pisces, which can change our general moods to be less active, and dampen some signs spirits. Like the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius, could be extra sensitive and feel a bit reclusive.
That slower more Solomon trend lifts on Saturday... because of favorable aspects from the Venus, Mercury, and Pluto that lasts, right though Sunday. Making our weekend tuned into our loved ones, wanting to please them... we find ourselves being unselfish, which brings... harmony...enjoy!
Therefore, get ready for magical moments, with a few sparks flying, Monday morning April 5, around 7:00 A.M. EST.
So if you started this Monday April 5, with love on your mind? Then you can... "Just blame it on the Stars"
All this coming from the moon in ambitious Capricorn, in a conjunction to explosive and seductive Pluto!
However, the romantic mood will not last long. Tuesday our Capricorn moon, can dampen our spirits as it squares our Aries Sun, giving us a Tuesday that is difficult to plan, and be in a good mood.
Wednesday April 7, Pluto, starts turning retrograding..signaling in... a time for new beginnings and endings!
Also on Wednesday.. Saturn, the planet of duty, that has already been moving (retrograde) since, Jan. 14, 2010, will re-enter Virgo.
This reverse motion helps us to make sure that we have learned the lessons of realism and discipline that Saturn has been trying to teach us for the last two years.
This especially applies to the those born under signs of... Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and these signs may now find, that they are back tracking on issues, and things, that they might have made hasty decisions about last fall.
And all signs should expect to have some thoughts now, of when it would be a good time to get serious for a more secure future... like a new fitness regime, and or... even better... a good time to streamline your work methods.
Whatever the situation is, that you may now find yourself re-thinking, Saturn in retrograde... is giving you another chance to make it right, and do better?
This lasts through May 30, and then when Saturn turns direct.. that new forward motion from June 1, will test out your progress.
Then July 22, 2010, when Saturn again enters Libra... you will be able to see the results, of how well you did... in changes...that effect your future security?
Pretty significant stuff for just mid week? Then on Thursday April 8, the moon in the sign of Aquarius makes us want to break routine...and the key to a good day is to be as flexible as possible! Our passions are running high that day, and expectations are great!
All suns signs, will be effected..but the signs of Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Leo... need to be the most careful with how they express their emotions!
Friday intuition can play a role in your day. The moon in conjunction, to the planet Neptune gives you higher thought..from 8 AM until 8 PM EST.
By Friday night the moon slips into the sensitive sign of Pisces, which can change our general moods to be less active, and dampen some signs spirits. Like the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius, could be extra sensitive and feel a bit reclusive.
That slower more Solomon trend lifts on Saturday... because of favorable aspects from the Venus, Mercury, and Pluto that lasts, right though Sunday. Making our weekend tuned into our loved ones, wanting to please them... we find ourselves being unselfish, which brings... harmony...enjoy!
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