Sunday, August 29, 2010

After a bout of very intense and significant planetary aspects, our Stars now...are settling down to a more, balanced pace!

So when you find your life getting back to a more normal pace, too?

You Can just...Blame It On the Stars!

Our Monday, August 30, 2010 begins our work week, completing our last two days of the month with an easier astrological trend!

Helping all sun signs to feel less tress, and more capable in getting work completed. And thanks to these more favorable Planetary aspects, we now likely to have a more positive Outlook, and therefore, able at last, to make better decisions.

Tuesday, the last day of August, 2010... can also be a day that we are happy as we look towards being practical and work minded. However, make the most of the early morning and afternoon hours on Tuesday, because that tend changes a bit late in the day, as the moon challenges the dreamy planet Neptune, bringing allusions... and then enters the duel sign of Gemini around 9:20 PM EDT... bringing confusion, and exasperating do-overs?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010 a new month begins with early morning hassles, coming from a moon, sun square. Perhaps making you late for work, or in trouble with the boss? Whatever it is, that got your day off to a bad start...

You can be sure it has something to do with your ego, and yourself esteem? Especially if you were born under the signs of Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius, or Gemini? Count to ten, before you say... what you are likely to soon, regret?

Thursday, September 2, will be better able to view the good in your life? Especially when it comes to your personal relationships. And if you have apologies to make, Thursday's daylight hours, will give you the desire to make things right. In fact, Thursday's daylight hours is my pick of the week, to get things accomplished, both romantically and financially.

Friday, September 3, 2010 tempers and emotions flare again... as the moon in the sentimental home loving sign of Cancer,... looks for more assurance and security? Causing unnecessary rifts and arguments, especially in the morning hours, but unfortunately... setting a negative trend right into Saturday!

Saturday, September 4, 2010 the start of our Holiday weekend... could be a bit challenging as the Moon makes negative aspects to the planets Venus and Mars... bringing the possibility of family disputes and lovers quarrels, throughout the day. Practice patience and allow for the possibility of a change in plans, that effects those family get togethers?

Sunday, September 5, 2010, the Moon's change into the fire sign, of Leo, early Sunday morning... will lighten our spirits, and put us in the mood for fun! Just in time to make the rest of the Holiday weekend Happy!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our work week begins with a "Happy Birthday Virgo" As our sun starts it's cycle, in that analytical earth sign...on Monday, August 23, 2010.

So when you find yourself, being more analytical too, for the next 4 weeks... through- September can just...

"Blame It On The Stars"

And it happens every year at this time! That is why, it is this time every year, that we start being more thoughtful, and practical about our future plans. Especially when it comes to education and striving towards our desired goals, concerning mind, and body.

Like, the preparing for... and starting a new school year? And the sudden desire to think about and plan... better future work, and look for ways to have better health. All in time... for the Season of, Fall?

Yes, Monday August 23, 2010, kicks off that trend with the moon, in the freedom loving sign of Aquarius, making us very innovating and excited to try something new, towards those more practical goals.

However, All sun signs are apt to feel a bit restless, this Monday, as our pending full moon starts to tug on our emotions and remind us of what we would like to break fee from, and change!!! Effecting all signs... but mostly the signs of... Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010... that feeling increases when the moon reaches its fullest, at around 1:04 PM EDT...and then Tuesday's full moon, evening hours...our emotions can really lead us into overreacting, as we become overly sensitive, and stubborn.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010...our Pisces moon, will be tugging on the Planet Mercury...causing lots of indecision, and communication mix ups!

Not the best day to make up your mind about something or, expect to make a good impression!

Thursday, August 26, a day when intuition will be stronger than reason. So hold tight to your hunches...and look for ways to play the long shot, and use your ingenuity...especially when trying to solve a problem.

Friday, August 27, 2010, Using Extra Caution, in the early morning hours would be wise... as the moon changed into impulsive accident prone, Aries, very early morning... forming a conjunction to the planet Jupiter, with difficult aspects, to Pluto, and Saturn! Setting a negative pace for the entire day!

Saturday, August 28, 2010 after a difficult Friday night... we can begin our day very energized! But is it too much energy, or leftover anger??? Be careful...perhaps misdirected energy will be what makes your Saturday, accident prone? Guard Temper, and impulsive behavior! All sun signs need extra patience, on Friday and Saturday, but the signs of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, and Libra, need to keep that in mind, the most!

Sunday August 29, 2010... calmer winds blow in to sooth your frazzled nerves... saving, the weekend and Sunday's activities! All sun signs will feel the lifting clouds, from the positive influence of our moon into the loving, more patient sign, of Taurus. Helping us with a more balanced attitude, to begin a new week!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Our work week begins with an intense, water Scorpio moon, in difficult aspect to our proud, Leo... Fire Sun? Which can put you right into, A power struggle!!!

So, if you begin your Monday, morning August 16, 2010... feeling a little out of sorts, wanting more control...

You can, just "Blame It On the Stars"!

Yes, ego clashes, and power struggles are on the astrological menu, for Monday this week...especially effecting the signs of...Leo, Aquarius... Taurus... and... Scorpio. Patience, and keeping an open mind will be everyone's best choice though most of the day to avoid, those difficult snarls, and unnecessary arguments!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010, our moods recover with a more optimistic view... helping our general attitude... Due to the moon in the optimistic, lucky sign of Sagittarius. And in fact, making Tuesday my pick of the week... for the best day of the week, to get things accomplished... and be in a positive mood. Try to make Tuesday, work for you! Because... most of the rest of the week, will not be that easy... to complete tasks...especially new ones... without a lot of hassles!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010, our attitude changes and we start a cycle of time, that can bring aggravating delays and miscommunication...into the rest of the week! All sun signs may feel it...but the signs of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces, are apt to experience the aggravations, from it...the most?

Again, the best line of action for dealing with the, snarled activities, and frazzled nerves... would be, to not be, overly rigid. Keep a let it happen,... attitude... with a flexible open minded approach... to all communications... delays... and hassles. That way, you will set a more favorable tend for the rest of what could be... a very difficult, and emotional week.

Thursday, August 19, 2010, Passions run very high...good or bad? All coming from a Venus, Mars conjunction! And that overly passionate aspect puts more power to feelings, and how we express them.

Add the moon, in negative aspect to the planets Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto... and your Thursday, at the very least... will be difficult to plan. So, Be alert to the unexpected, and use extra caution when driving or using machinery!

Friday August 20,... continues the trend of difficulties...with the planet Mercury, starting its three times a year... back tracking, called "Mercury in retrograde". A cycle of time that seems to cause lots of mind changes and delays... especially with communication, and having to repeat tasks over and over,... to get them done.

It is a terrible time for machinery, and if you have an appliance or an automobile that is just limping along it will likely break down sometime within the next 3 weeks. Mercury will be in retrograde from August 21-September 13, 2010 causing, those break downs...miscommunications, and, changing of your mind!

However, one of the nice things about Mercury in Retrograde... it is the time when we are most likely to connect unexpectedly to or meet... an old friend?

And Saturday August 21... is our first full day of it's move in the retrograde direction... bringing the possibilities of reunions with old friends back into your life... though September 13, 2010?

Also, Saturday's moon, in the sober sign of Capricorn, puts us in a rather reflective mood, that dampens our spirits, and keep us only seeing the restrictions in our life... not a great attitude for weekend fun?

Perhaps the best activities, will be getting caught up on some of those responsibilities that you have been neglecting lately?

Sunday, August 22, 2010 winds down the rein of our Leo Sun. And with the moons change into the free minded sign of Aquarius...we might start to feel less restrictions, helping us to bail out our weekend's dull-drums, into having a good Sunday, and weekend after all?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

This is a very significant astrological week ... all beginning this Monday August 9, 2010, with the planet of love Venus, opposing the planet of luck, and beliefs, Jupiter... Along with a New around 11:09 PM EDT, ...setting your trend, for the whole month ahead!

So if you have been waiting for some sweet new beginnings...they could be... on their way!!! And you can..."Just Blame It On The Stars"

Yes, this week's Aspects from Venus to Jupiter...both astrological benefactors... can sweeten up our lives!However, could it be...too much of a good thing? Guard the tendency toward over indulgence, and frivolity, leading to carelessness!

Also, Monday August 9, 2010... it might be difficult to see, or want to deal with unpleasant issues, so, though your Monday, can be very may find that it isn't that productive!

Tuesday August 10, 2010, continues the cycle that makes this week... one that can produce change in your life? Due to Tuesday's Venus, Pluto square...bringing... emotional, new starts and endings!!! A day when what has been hidden from you, may finally emerge... or hidden agendas can be exposed...Have you checked you credit balance or interest rate lately?

Wednesday August 11, your mind will be on more practical issues, and that is the best day of the week to make thoughtful decisions. True for all sun signs. But particularly so for the earth and water signs of, Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio.

Also, Venus settles down to a easier pace on Wednesday...bringing a more balanced equilibrium. Making it a good day to be more social and communicative...and just have fun!

Thursday August 12, 2010 morning and afternoon hours will be the most productive... because by 6:43 PM EDT when the moon in Libra starts its pull on the planet of the unexpected, may have some unexpected aggravations, of your own, that can continue right into the next day...

Friday the 13... a day that is associated with luck? In fact, the Libra moon, makes aspects so strong to Pluto, Venus, and Mars, right into your morning hours of 8:00 AM EDT.... that you are likely to awaken Friday August 13, 2010, feeling very emotional...or is it passionate...or...angry?

Whatever it is, that you have strong feelings about they will be triggered by the moon's conjunction to the planet Mars, as your day gets started? Try to keep in my mind, that feelings can get out of hand, causing accidents, and arguments as you are driving to work, or... pleasure.... Friday morning?

And that Friday the 13 warning, is for all suns... but partially for the Cardinal signs.... of Libra, Aries, Cancer and Capricorn.

Saturday, August 14, 2010, will feel much lighter, and if you overreacted, recently... it can be a good day to mend fences and get your relationships and financial dealings back on track... intuition will hold the key... of where, and when?

Sunday, August 15, emotions heat up again with our Scorpio moon, but with hidden intensity...that can bring a slow burn or smolder that can grow into explosive ego conflicts on, Monday August 16.

Best to make Sunday one to give extra attention to concerns around the home, and family...that way, bruised egos might be avoided, giving you a good and positive start for the week ahead!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

After dealing with the astrological turbulent, final days of July, 2010... this new month of August... continues to keep us in a fiery pace!

Yes, with our sociable Leo Sun, and planet Jupiter, in Aries...that can raise our confidence, energy and enthusiasm...right through mid-week.... we want to be out and about, and think...that, we have all the answers!

So when your Monday, August 2, 2010... turns out to be a busy and rather hectic one?

You can just "Blame it on the Stars!"

And in fact...our very busy Monday August 2, 2010 is my pick of the week, for getting things accomplished! Especially if your sign is... Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn!

Tuesday August 3, and Wednesday August 4... we are all apt to be a little unrealistic, as the planet that rules our beliefs Jupiter, meets a powerful square aspect to Pluto, along with a difficult opposition to the energy planet, Mars!

Which brings... over confidence! Giving you... the "I have all the answers attitude". Also, with Mars in opposition to Jupiter on Tuesday, and Wednesday, we can sometimes be a bit reckless, wanting to gamble, and test our luck?

However for most of us... it will probably just give us a pleasant boost in our energy and enthusiasm!

Thursday August 5, 2010, the morning hours for travel and communication look difficult...with a tendency to have to repeat everything we are doing twice.

The moon in the sign of Gemini on Thursday, also gives the fire and air signs a lift... but too much of a good thing creates problems... especially for those signs of... Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius... Air, and, Sagittarius, Aries, and, Leo, Fire.

Friday August 6, 2010, it will be the signs of Pisces, and Virgo, that need to be extra alert to....if... are they being realistic?

Then on Saturday, August 7, 2010, the planet that rules our feelings and love-life Venus... enters into the tactful, companion minded sign of Libra, too. Coloring our emotions more strongly through September 8, 2010.

However, it will a bumpy start for Venus in Libra on it meets an opposition to Uranus...creating another tug of war, between our desire for intimacy, and our desire for freedom.

Not an easy day for relationships, or any decisions that have to be made, concerning your money.

Winding down our weekend on Sunday, August 8, 2010, a conjunct from our new Libra Venus, to the sober planet Saturn...can plummet our moods, dampening our expectations, and enthusiasm... as relationships and our ideas, seem to blow from hot to cold!

However if you can, try to work at being more positive, and social, by Sunday evening... in order to set the pace for a New Leo... on August 9, 2010. Which is our once a month opportunity... for new beginnings!