Positive Planetary aspects, can help us to begin our work week, in a more up-beat, mode!
So when you find Monday, April, 25, 2011 as a day of getting things accomplished? You can just...
Blame It On The Stars!
Nice to see at last that our stars are more balanced towards the positive for a change.
And in fact, this Monday's Air, Aquarius moon, ignites the fire Aries Mercury... that is finally moving forward again, helping us to want to finish up those stalled projects and straighten out those communications snags!
Add the planet Mars, also in Aries, in positive, aspect to the moon, and the planet Saturn in Air sign Libra? And you have a day that can really be put to good use. Creativity and luck can be with you as well as opportunity coming to you through others.
True for all sun signs, but most practicually for the fire and air signs... Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Gemini, Aquarius.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011, the positive continues into the morning hours. With so much of tendency to be on the go, for Tuesday morning, that judgment needs to be tempered with caution. Too much of a good thing can make you careless, bringing unnecessary losses.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011... the trend changes...as we are in the last quarter, of the moon's phase, with a rather difficult aspect from the planet Venus, ruling our love ties, and our pocket books... to the planet Pluto, that rules disruptions, like endings! Sound complicated?
It can be! From explosive emotions bringing break-ups and angry behavior...like fights, accidents, and danger with sudden endings?
Also possible losses of our valuables on Wednesday? So Slow down and count to ten, before you rush to any decision that rules your heart or your money!
Thursday, April 28, 2011 the Pisces moon will increase your intuition, but it can also make you more sensitive. So what is it that your inner self is telling you? You might have an inner hunch that could be profitable? Or is it a sudden need to do something nice to help those less fortunate?
Friday, April 29, 2011...An Aries moon Around 9:00 AM EDT...will give you an extra edge towards being very energetic, but also a very strong desire to break routine, and use your ingenuity? Or is a restlessness, that makes you want to take a long weekend?
Whatever it is, that gets your attention on Friday morning... it can set the trend for the entire weekend!
Saturday, April 30... as we say goodbye to April 2011...we will want to be busy...Aries moon rules! Gardening, shopping, entertaining all is possible and can be highlighted for your whole weekend.
Any activity that needs enthusiasm and lots of energy...is wonderfully helped by the Aries moon... as it gets a big boost to the lucky planet Jupiter on Sunday morning...May 1, 2011! What a great way to begin a new month!!! Enjoy...by planning some extra fun activities!!!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Our work week, and for some... the beginning of a holy week begins... with the influence of last nights full moon, still affecting our moods!!!
So when you find that your Monday, April 18, 2011, is little difficult...being hard to follow a set plan? You can just ...
"Blame It On The Stars"
Yes our Monday, this week. is one that we are going to need to be as flexible and Cautious as possible...because there are lots of planetary aspects that will test out our patience!
The planet that rules energy, Mars... is in opposition to the planet of restriction, and learning, Saturn. That aspect by itself can put you in a tug of wills between what you want to do, verses what is really realistic and possible? However, the full moons pull of the night before, in loving Libra, and the planet Mercury...ruling communication, also in aspect to Mars and Saturn, sets a rather confusing trend that will be effecting us all week.
That means...you can expect some annoyances that might effect your communications, travel and safety, throughout the week.
The best way to handle this will be to focus on specific tasks that require great attention to detail, for the less aware of the rest of the world you can be on Monday... the easier it will be to avoid mishaps, and problems that could plague you all week.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011...the planet Mercury in a conjunction to the planet Jupiter, could cause you to over shoot your goals? And in fact, can bring such over confidence that there will be an increase of carelessness...on Tuesday, leading to fire and accidents?
Wednesday, April 20, 2011... we can finally have a bit of relief as the Sun moves out of Aries... and into more mellow, earthy Taurus, that will be with us until, May 21, 2011.
Taurus is a sensible, slower moving sign, quite opposed to sudden change. So your life can start to feel more productive and calm. With the actual planting and putting in motion those ideas and projects of spring? And with a Sagittarius moon at the day's helm, our ideas and projects could be quite lofty and inspirational?
Wednesday, is also the last day of this year's cycle of that planet Venus, in the sign Pisces ..so you may find yourself completing an emotional or financial cycle of your own on Wednesday.
Thursday, April 21, 2011, the planet Venus, moves into Aries that will be with us until, May 18, 2011... helping you to feel much more comfortable moving more forcefully, towards what you want...and using your charms to get it.
Thursday's Sagittarius moon...in fortunate aspect to its ruler Jupiter will help too, making Thursday my pick of the week, as being the most positive...of a week, that could be full of annoyances?
Friday, April 22, 2011, those communication snags, again come back to hunt you...the planet Mercury is almost motionless, as it gets ready to return to normal direct motion! Not an easy way to begin our most holy weekend.
All signs need to practice patience for the unexpected on Friday, Saturday and Sunday! But the signs of Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn, it is most important to be cautious and flexible!
Saturday, April 23, 2011, the Planet Mercury starts moving forward again...which will help us to finally make those pending decisions that we have been putting off?
However, as the planet Mercury, ruling communication and travel picks up its forward motion again... it is unfortunately in a tug of war aspect to the restrictive planet Saturn....all weekend! And that is where trouble can brew?
From discord, to delays, when it comes to getting us where we want to go and our thoughts and ideas, across to loved ones. Add a Capricorn moon, that will be with us until Easter Sunday, at 1:59 PM EDT ...and we will be leaning towards the serious!
Best to keep in mind, the trends started on Friday, and Saturday, are ones, that others can play a meaningful role, if you are open for serious responsible change?
Sunday... April 24, 2011, The celebration of Easter!
The morning hours will be Serious, and reflective... but by 2:00 PM EDT, our moods can lift...from the moon's change into the air sign of Aquarius. However, even though we are likely to feel less serious, guard a possible tendency to want to control everything, hopefully preventing a clashing of Egos!
Happy Easter Everyone!!!
So when you find that your Monday, April 18, 2011, is little difficult...being hard to follow a set plan? You can just ...
"Blame It On The Stars"
Yes our Monday, this week. is one that we are going to need to be as flexible and Cautious as possible...because there are lots of planetary aspects that will test out our patience!
The planet that rules energy, Mars... is in opposition to the planet of restriction, and learning, Saturn. That aspect by itself can put you in a tug of wills between what you want to do, verses what is really realistic and possible? However, the full moons pull of the night before, in loving Libra, and the planet Mercury...ruling communication, also in aspect to Mars and Saturn, sets a rather confusing trend that will be effecting us all week.
That means...you can expect some annoyances that might effect your communications, travel and safety, throughout the week.
The best way to handle this will be to focus on specific tasks that require great attention to detail, for the less aware of the rest of the world you can be on Monday... the easier it will be to avoid mishaps, and problems that could plague you all week.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011...the planet Mercury in a conjunction to the planet Jupiter, could cause you to over shoot your goals? And in fact, can bring such over confidence that there will be an increase of carelessness...on Tuesday, leading to fire and accidents?
Wednesday, April 20, 2011... we can finally have a bit of relief as the Sun moves out of Aries... and into more mellow, earthy Taurus, that will be with us until, May 21, 2011.
Taurus is a sensible, slower moving sign, quite opposed to sudden change. So your life can start to feel more productive and calm. With the actual planting and putting in motion those ideas and projects of spring? And with a Sagittarius moon at the day's helm, our ideas and projects could be quite lofty and inspirational?
Wednesday, is also the last day of this year's cycle of that planet Venus, in the sign Pisces ..so you may find yourself completing an emotional or financial cycle of your own on Wednesday.
Thursday, April 21, 2011, the planet Venus, moves into Aries that will be with us until, May 18, 2011... helping you to feel much more comfortable moving more forcefully, towards what you want...and using your charms to get it.
Thursday's Sagittarius moon...in fortunate aspect to its ruler Jupiter will help too, making Thursday my pick of the week, as being the most positive...of a week, that could be full of annoyances?
Friday, April 22, 2011, those communication snags, again come back to hunt you...the planet Mercury is almost motionless, as it gets ready to return to normal direct motion! Not an easy way to begin our most holy weekend.
All signs need to practice patience for the unexpected on Friday, Saturday and Sunday! But the signs of Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn, it is most important to be cautious and flexible!
Saturday, April 23, 2011, the Planet Mercury starts moving forward again...which will help us to finally make those pending decisions that we have been putting off?
However, as the planet Mercury, ruling communication and travel picks up its forward motion again... it is unfortunately in a tug of war aspect to the restrictive planet Saturn....all weekend! And that is where trouble can brew?
From discord, to delays, when it comes to getting us where we want to go and our thoughts and ideas, across to loved ones. Add a Capricorn moon, that will be with us until Easter Sunday, at 1:59 PM EDT ...and we will be leaning towards the serious!
Best to keep in mind, the trends started on Friday, and Saturday, are ones, that others can play a meaningful role, if you are open for serious responsible change?
Sunday... April 24, 2011, The celebration of Easter!
The morning hours will be Serious, and reflective... but by 2:00 PM EDT, our moods can lift...from the moon's change into the air sign of Aquarius. However, even though we are likely to feel less serious, guard a possible tendency to want to control everything, hopefully preventing a clashing of Egos!
Happy Easter Everyone!!!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011, That dark frustrating feeling that could be your morning companion?
You can just..."Blame It On The Stars"
Yes, Monday, April 11, 2011...the planetary aspects that were disturbing our thoughts and emotions over the weekend...continue... perhaps with even more dramatic results?
What is happening is... a difficult fire, water, combination! Sun and planets in fire signs... and Moon in Water sign.
It is true that the Sun and planets... Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, and Uranus, are all in the energetic Fire sign of Aries...giving us a fiery, lets get things done attitude!
However, Monday's moon in the water sign of Cancer... puts out that fire... which can give us a battle between our inner and outer worlds!
And that is why you may find Monday to be aggravating and emotional! Especially if you are a water or fire sign? Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, (water) Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.(fire) But All signs would be wise to slow down and look carefully before taking action. Poor Judgement and a desire for control, brings misuse of energy!!!
The planets Pluto and Mars, in negative aspect all day, also on Monday... can cause sudden unnecessary endings. Look before you leap! Do not burn your bridges.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011, egos are still riding high, but things are likely to go much smoother. Due to the moon's change away from the emotional water sign, into a complimenting fire sign, of Leo.
All sun signs can benefit...making Tuesday a day to get things accomplished, or to set things in motion, to do so.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011...is my pick of the week to be the most harmonious and productive! The fire Leo moon on Wednesday, gives us the get up and go signal, with its positive aspect to the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter, we even feel lucky!
Thursday, April 14, 2011... a more reserved attitude give us pause for thought. Call it the Virgo moon. We now want to be more detailed and cautious. A Good influence to help you complete those tax returns.
Friday, April 15, 2011...our Virgo moon continues to makes us more thoughtful and interested in sharing information. However, the planet Mercury as the moon's ruler on Friday, being retrograde...could cause frustrating delays due to mistakes and communication mix ups.
Saturday, April 16, 2011... our weekend begins and ends with a Libra moon. Which lends itsself nicely towards wanting peace and harmony.
Wonderful for getting out, and being with loved ones.
And in fact, is the key toward the whole weekend! The total full moon being Sunday night at, 10:55 PM.
Remember a Libra moon is ruled by the love planet Venus, and is the best moon, for love relationships, old and new!
So this is not a weekend to spend alone...get out and enjoy!
You can just..."Blame It On The Stars"
Yes, Monday, April 11, 2011...the planetary aspects that were disturbing our thoughts and emotions over the weekend...continue... perhaps with even more dramatic results?
What is happening is... a difficult fire, water, combination! Sun and planets in fire signs... and Moon in Water sign.
It is true that the Sun and planets... Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, and Uranus, are all in the energetic Fire sign of Aries...giving us a fiery, lets get things done attitude!
However, Monday's moon in the water sign of Cancer... puts out that fire... which can give us a battle between our inner and outer worlds!
And that is why you may find Monday to be aggravating and emotional! Especially if you are a water or fire sign? Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, (water) Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.(fire) But All signs would be wise to slow down and look carefully before taking action. Poor Judgement and a desire for control, brings misuse of energy!!!
The planets Pluto and Mars, in negative aspect all day, also on Monday... can cause sudden unnecessary endings. Look before you leap! Do not burn your bridges.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011, egos are still riding high, but things are likely to go much smoother. Due to the moon's change away from the emotional water sign, into a complimenting fire sign, of Leo.
All sun signs can benefit...making Tuesday a day to get things accomplished, or to set things in motion, to do so.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011...is my pick of the week to be the most harmonious and productive! The fire Leo moon on Wednesday, gives us the get up and go signal, with its positive aspect to the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter, we even feel lucky!
Thursday, April 14, 2011... a more reserved attitude give us pause for thought. Call it the Virgo moon. We now want to be more detailed and cautious. A Good influence to help you complete those tax returns.
Friday, April 15, 2011...our Virgo moon continues to makes us more thoughtful and interested in sharing information. However, the planet Mercury as the moon's ruler on Friday, being retrograde...could cause frustrating delays due to mistakes and communication mix ups.
Saturday, April 16, 2011... our weekend begins and ends with a Libra moon. Which lends itsself nicely towards wanting peace and harmony.
Wonderful for getting out, and being with loved ones.
And in fact, is the key toward the whole weekend! The total full moon being Sunday night at, 10:55 PM.
Remember a Libra moon is ruled by the love planet Venus, and is the best moon, for love relationships, old and new!
So this is not a weekend to spend alone...get out and enjoy!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Our first work week of April 2011, is all about Activity... with six astral bodies in the Mars ruled, impulsive Fire sign of Aries! Actually setting the pace for the entire month!!!
But that New desire to put that energy into realizing your dreams...on Monday??? You can just...
Blame it on the Stars!!!
Yes, our real big Astrological news, For Monday, April 4, 2011 is...one that will surely effect us all for sometime?
The change of sign for the planet of dreams and intuition, Neptune!
A happening that only comes, every 13...15 years!
And because it takes 165 years to complete its full cycle through the signs...the last time the planet Neptune, was in the sign of Pisces was on Feb. 21, 1848.
Interesting just two years before in 1846, was the year when Neptune was discovered. Coinciding with the infamous Gold rush! Does this mean anything? ... It has been said that the planet Neptune is the one of dreams!!! Could it be... that the gold rush back then, brought dreams fulfilled from finding Gold?
What do you dream about? The planet Neptune in Aquarius influence... started in early March of 1995.
Its effect on you, in that sign could have given you the dream to be more independently creative and free?
And now with Neptune's change on Monday... your Dreams will surely be effected!!! Because being in its own ruled sign of Pisces...it is even more significant...in helping you to dream, all allusive... sensitive...intuitive... and mysterious things for your future?
Lending itself nicely, with lots of impact, to help you realize those Pisces dreams!!!
Until it retrogrades, bringing it back into freedom loving Aquarius, on August 5, 2011 and then truly completing its stay in Aquarius finally on Feb 4, 2012.
So this Monday, begins a preview of time through early August 2011...of seeing the beginning of a dream, that you will be working on and will become finally more clear, when Neptune remains in the sign of its ruler, Pisces... from Feb 4, 2012 until March 31, 2025.
Wow that is significant...and all the Aries influence combine to create a rather frenzied pace all week... but also one, with a lots of possibilities?
The challenge on Monday, April 4, however will be to look before you leap? Enthusiasm may out weigh caution, and judgement for all sun signs!!!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011, you may awaken with a new clarity? The moon in slower pleasure, ruled sign of Taurus, in favorable aspect to Pluto, is useful for you to weed out the truth, and reconcile differences.
Making Tuesday my pick of the week, to be the most productive and positive one!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011, looks good too. However, a Sun planet Jupiter conjunction, might make it actually appear too good? Where judgement could be severely impaired, causing overspending, accidents, and fire.
Thursday, April 7, 2011...the moon in the air sign of Gemini, will feed your enthusiasm, helping you to get things done! Thursday this week also promises to be a day when you will want to be busy communicating...and catching up with those spring chores? Especially for Air signs of Gemini, Libra, Aquarius...and Fire signs of, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Friday, April 8, 2011...emotions rule in the morning as the moon squares the love planet, Venus! Not a great way to begin your day? Expectations can be too high, careful communications are the key.
With Friday night, being a good one to get out, and socialize!
Saturday, April 9, and Sunday, April 10, calls for using extra patience!
Ego's could be running wild, with the Aries Sun, and planet Mercury in a fiery conjunction! Add the moon in the emotional water sign of Cancer, as it is most of the weekend... and trouble brews!
Guarding our temper and being diplomatic with family members... is the Big key, towards having a safe and happy weekend!
Be Careful everyone!!!!
But that New desire to put that energy into realizing your dreams...on Monday??? You can just...
Blame it on the Stars!!!
Yes, our real big Astrological news, For Monday, April 4, 2011 is...one that will surely effect us all for sometime?
The change of sign for the planet of dreams and intuition, Neptune!
A happening that only comes, every 13...15 years!
And because it takes 165 years to complete its full cycle through the signs...the last time the planet Neptune, was in the sign of Pisces was on Feb. 21, 1848.
Interesting just two years before in 1846, was the year when Neptune was discovered. Coinciding with the infamous Gold rush! Does this mean anything? ... It has been said that the planet Neptune is the one of dreams!!! Could it be... that the gold rush back then, brought dreams fulfilled from finding Gold?
What do you dream about? The planet Neptune in Aquarius influence... started in early March of 1995.
Its effect on you, in that sign could have given you the dream to be more independently creative and free?
And now with Neptune's change on Monday... your Dreams will surely be effected!!! Because being in its own ruled sign of Pisces...it is even more significant...in helping you to dream, all allusive... sensitive...intuitive... and mysterious things for your future?
Lending itself nicely, with lots of impact, to help you realize those Pisces dreams!!!
Until it retrogrades, bringing it back into freedom loving Aquarius, on August 5, 2011 and then truly completing its stay in Aquarius finally on Feb 4, 2012.
So this Monday, begins a preview of time through early August 2011...of seeing the beginning of a dream, that you will be working on and will become finally more clear, when Neptune remains in the sign of its ruler, Pisces... from Feb 4, 2012 until March 31, 2025.
Wow that is significant...and all the Aries influence combine to create a rather frenzied pace all week... but also one, with a lots of possibilities?
The challenge on Monday, April 4, however will be to look before you leap? Enthusiasm may out weigh caution, and judgement for all sun signs!!!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011, you may awaken with a new clarity? The moon in slower pleasure, ruled sign of Taurus, in favorable aspect to Pluto, is useful for you to weed out the truth, and reconcile differences.
Making Tuesday my pick of the week, to be the most productive and positive one!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011, looks good too. However, a Sun planet Jupiter conjunction, might make it actually appear too good? Where judgement could be severely impaired, causing overspending, accidents, and fire.
Thursday, April 7, 2011...the moon in the air sign of Gemini, will feed your enthusiasm, helping you to get things done! Thursday this week also promises to be a day when you will want to be busy communicating...and catching up with those spring chores? Especially for Air signs of Gemini, Libra, Aquarius...and Fire signs of, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Friday, April 8, 2011...emotions rule in the morning as the moon squares the love planet, Venus! Not a great way to begin your day? Expectations can be too high, careful communications are the key.
With Friday night, being a good one to get out, and socialize!
Saturday, April 9, and Sunday, April 10, calls for using extra patience!
Ego's could be running wild, with the Aries Sun, and planet Mercury in a fiery conjunction! Add the moon in the emotional water sign of Cancer, as it is most of the weekend... and trouble brews!
Guarding our temper and being diplomatic with family members... is the Big key, towards having a safe and happy weekend!
Be Careful everyone!!!!
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