Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ok my Astro- Bloggers....get ready!!!

August 2 to August 26, the planetary trickster Mercury, will be retrograde again!

Remember this is the time when the planet Mercury appears to be moving backwards?

Since Mercury rules communication and motion, when it goes retrograde, messages get muddled, details get blurred, and technical difficulties get triggered.

Along with the breaking down of machinery that has been just limping along?

Sounds like annoying period of time? It certainly can be? Or if you happen to be one of those lucky people born with a Mercury in retrograde, this can be YOUR time of moving forward at last.

But most of us will experience a few weeks when it seems impossible to make any real progress. However, there is a positive side and purpose for the planet Mercury being retrograde.

And that is dealing with the past. As you will find yourself bumping into old friends or at the very least thinking about them? Even maybe rehashing mistakes that you made in the past with them?

Hopefully giving you the motivation to correct past actions? Making our communications more significant, though difficult!

Or is it at last the time for you to repair family feuds? Whatever the case, you will find yourself doing a lot of reminiscing?

What you must try to avoid is not to make important decissions? Because when Mercury is moving backwards we move backwards too, by changing our minds!

So heads -up everyone...think make up...not breakup, and post pone important decissions.

More later, my Bloggers...and remember when things are going haywire? Just ..."Blame It On The Stars"!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

To keep you informed this week, here is some...

More Astrological NEWS

As July comes to a close, a host of star transits is set to reveal unexpected opportunities for you. All this astrological action will also boost your love life, improve your communications and bring new beginnings - and that's just the short list!

It all begins on July 27, when the Sun gives experimental Uranus an encouraging nudge. That's all Uranus needs to bestow you with exciting new opportunities begging to be seized. Positive change doesn't come much more easily than this!

Then, on July 28, Venus joins the Sun in Leo for a lovely tryst that will color your life with a romantic glow. Venus loves parties and frivolity, and when paired with flamboyant, extravagant Leo, you'll be able to charm everyone in sight.

Not one to be left out, Mercury will also join the spotlight on July 28, when it moves into Virgo. You'll finally get the chance to finish all those seemingly smaller tasks, and your discussions will enjoy practical, satisfying outcomes. If you can avoid becoming bogged down with trivial details, your life will speed along swimmingly!

July 29 will see a temporary sag in energy as Mercury opposes Neptune. Your creative juices will be flowing, but you'll be too easily distracted to make real strides. Don't waste time trying to get (or give) straight answers to questions at this time -- it just won't happen.

Finally, on July 30, the Moon cozies up to the Leo Sun for a new Moon that will bring fresh beginnings, hints of new romances and a whirlwind of social activity. Let your inner light shine and show the world how talented you are! So many opportunities to Seize.

All important news: About aspects that you should try to use in a positive way!!!

Also try to remember to keep in mind... that the time of the new moon, always sets the trend for the next four weeks.

I'll have more to tell you soon...on... "Blame it on the Stars"

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hello, all my faithful Bloggers...Vacation time for me is over and I am back to help you, Blame it all on the Stars!!! Thank you for being patient, I hope you did not feel deserted? Because these last few weeks have been quite the astrological ride....

With some signs, like Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn experiencing some surprises, and they weren't all pleasant ones!

However, nature has changed the script with the Sun's new entrance into Leo, on July 23, bringing newly found motivation, towards real accomplishments! But... it is up to each of us to "use" this new motivation. And our egos will be the deciding factor.

Also for the month of August, from the 3rd to the 27th...expect and prepare for some aggravations around breakdowns in communication, things that have a motor, and are mechanical? Yes! It is another Mercury in retrograde cycle that I am warning you about.

And there is lots more, that I want to tell you about how the Stars could be effecting your August. It is good to be back...I'll be writing to you again soon...But in the mean time... right now, July 24, check out what has to say!

Some more... astrological news from,

The sensitive Cancer Sun has been jarred, jerked and jolted by Pluto, Uranus and Saturn these last couple weeks, and it's resulted in a fairly bumpy month so far. But on July 23, as the Sun moves into fiery and flamboyant Leo, all the emotional turmoil will fade and you'll be excited to embrace everything the Universe throws your way!

Sitting comfortably in the fun-loving sign it rules, the Sun in Leo exudes confidence and a distinct joie de vivre. Leo is a sign that loves to party and socialize, and it wants nothing to do with the negative side of life! As such, you'll find that evens if problems arise, they'll simply roll off your back and you'll be able to move on without even breaking stride.

These good times may not come cheaply, as Leo loves to live a five-star life. Still, right now fortune definitely favors the bold, so don't be afraid to grab life by the horns. Do everything with extra flair -- and have the fun flaunting it!

Leo may enjoy being the center of attention and putting on a show for all to see, but this sign is also about being true to oneself.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

More Astrological News...from

Over the next few days, sweet Venus will move into protective Cancer and align itself with four different planets. Without a doubt, this is quite the recipe for an emotional roller coaster ride, but don't worry too much -- even though this ride may have its trying moments, it'll be lots of fun!

Venus gears up for action on July 4 when it glides into Cancer, bringing harmony to your family affairs; in fact, you'll find that you'll be more interested in intimate, cozy events than big parties or social scenes. Later that same day, an air of romantic dreaminess will surround you as Venus blows an affectionate kiss to Neptune. If you keep your lovelorn daydreams somewhat grounded, they just might come true!

Then, on July 7 and 9, prepare for the ride to get a bit bumpier. First, Venus squares off against Uranus in a confusing, though possibly enlightening alignment; then, on July 9, Venus opposes Pluto in a passionate, yet challenging aspect. Fortunately, July 9 ends with Venus cozying up to friendly Jupiter, which will leave you in a jovial and warm-hearted mood.

You can also expect a few other planets to pop up during this cosmically wild time. On July 5, Mercury tips its hat to Uranus and Jupiter, adding sparkle and enthusiasm to your day. On July 7, Jupiter and Pluto get together in an aspect that's sure to lend you the confidence to bring your best ideas to life!

Friday, July 1, 2011 Has this to say about our, July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipses!

Solar eclipses normally occur every six months, but on occasion, two eclipses will fall practically right on top of each other and encourage you to make important life changes. And that's exactly what's about to happen!

The Universe welcomed June with a solar eclipse at the start of that month -- and the same thing is happening again in July. The cosmic purpose of an eclipse is to help you improve and develop specific aspects of your life, and since these events can involve major changes, experiencing two in a row definitely presents a challenge.

While June 1's eclipse was in Gemini and all about communication, July 1's solar eclipse occurs in home-centered Cancer, so it's no surprise that it will shine a spotlight on family issues and matters of the heart. If you can focus your energies on these areas of your life, you'll surely emerge more satisfied and fulfilled.

However, this month's eclipse is anything but ordinary: The eclipsed Sun also opposes Pluto and squares off with Aries and Saturn, so expect to feel pulled in four different directions!

How can you best handle this? For starters, don't try to tackle every problem in front of you; instead, step back and carefully assess what's manageable. Only concern yourself with issues you know you can fix, and let everything else fall away. Just keep in mind that it won't take long for things to pick up again - and once they do, you'll feel better for having accomplished what you did!