Monday, August 29, 2011
Pay extra attention this week my Astro-bloggers! A week to get things done!
This Monday... day after the storm, seems to fit into what the Stars are trying to help us with!!!
Yes, this Monday began with a new moon! Perfect, time to be stetting our trend for the up coming fall season.
Virgo Sun, and Virgo Moon today, Aug. 29, gives us an extra emphasis on a more thoughtful, practical, approach to all our communications!
Hopefully you worked towards your goals this Monday? And if you did and are reading this after the fact...give yourself a pat on the back!
Because the trends that you set in motion will be working all month on your behalf. What a great why to start out our work week!!!
Tuesday Aug. 30 is also a significant one to get things done, as details on pending projects, can at last be qualified and clear enough, to make you feel like you are finally moving forward.
Especially if you were born under a Water or Earth sign,
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.
Wednesday, A Libra moon ends this month on a more serious tone!
But serious can be good! It makes us get down to the basics. The areas of our lives that affect our future, and how to move diligently towards a more secure one!
The Libra moon in a conjunction to the planet Saturn, on Wednesday... help us to be more fugal and sober. But that approach along with putting extra effort, at trying to be heard, can really pay off!!!
Especially for the air and fire signs of... Gemini, Libra Aquarius
Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo.
The New month of Sept. 2011, begins in Thursday, and it also looks
Promising for progress!
I'll be back to give you my heads-up on it, soon... so that you can...again
"Just Blame It On The Stars"
Sunday, August 28, 2011
OK Astro- Bloggers, I know you must be wondering about how our "Stars" are effecting this North Eastern Storm, that many of us are experiencing... known as Hurricane, Irene?
Interesting that much of this storm has come under the influence of a waning moon in the powerful fire sign of, Leo!
A moon that tends to bring recognition...something we can really now relate to;
as the last two days, have really been news worthy. All coming from the warnings and stories, related to a major threat of a, powerful hurricane!
However, as I write this...on Aug. 28, the waning moon in Leo, will soon give way, and enter the Earthy, analytical sign of Virgo, at 2:13 p.m.EDT.
This change in moon sign, will increase our desire to analyze our individual situations, and as the moon conjuncts the reigning Sun, also in Virgo... at 11:04 p.m.EDT.
This moment in time, called new moon... dark of the moon...we set the pace for the next four weeks!
That is the monthly time, when what we are involved with, and doing... expands!
So try to keep that in mind as you pick up, clean up, or are just now living somewhere, Irene has not yet visited, but predicted in your path?
Also the high tide comes just after new moon at, 11:25, EDT...which might make the expansion of water and flooding worse than expected?
The best aspect that our Stars are giving us is today however, is a helping hand towards renewal, from a Sun Pluto trine aspect!
A positive aspect, that helps us to make lemons into lemon aid!
Meaning... use your super analyzing clearer thinking through tonight, into the first few days of September... to improve your life!
More we begin a new work week...of what we can
"Just Blame It On The Stars!"
Interesting that much of this storm has come under the influence of a waning moon in the powerful fire sign of, Leo!
A moon that tends to bring recognition...something we can really now relate to;
as the last two days, have really been news worthy. All coming from the warnings and stories, related to a major threat of a, powerful hurricane!
However, as I write this...on Aug. 28, the waning moon in Leo, will soon give way, and enter the Earthy, analytical sign of Virgo, at 2:13 p.m.EDT.
This change in moon sign, will increase our desire to analyze our individual situations, and as the moon conjuncts the reigning Sun, also in Virgo... at 11:04 p.m.EDT.
This moment in time, called new moon... dark of the moon...we set the pace for the next four weeks!
That is the monthly time, when what we are involved with, and doing... expands!
So try to keep that in mind as you pick up, clean up, or are just now living somewhere, Irene has not yet visited, but predicted in your path?
Also the high tide comes just after new moon at, 11:25, EDT...which might make the expansion of water and flooding worse than expected?
The best aspect that our Stars are giving us is today however, is a helping hand towards renewal, from a Sun Pluto trine aspect!
A positive aspect, that helps us to make lemons into lemon aid!
Meaning... use your super analyzing clearer thinking through tonight, into the first few days of September... to improve your life!
More we begin a new work week...of what we can
"Just Blame It On The Stars!"
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Hello all my faithful bloggers..just keeping you informed about what those Stars...could be doing to us...And what... has to say about next few days....
"The stars seem to recognize that August is coming to an end and they're acting accordingly: all the troubles you've had this month will finally end, and you'll be ready for a brand new start!
That doesn't mean there won't be a bump here or there. On August 25, Mars will meet up with Saturn and the side-effects include severe crankiness and becoming extremely accident prone. If ever there was a day to physically exert yourself to total exhaustion, this is it! Try rock climbing, a triathlon, repairing everything broken in the house -- any specific, strenuous task that requires all your focus is a must.
Fortunately, by August 26, everything will start to improve as Mercury goes direct. Technical problems, delays, and communication issues will finally be resolved. Then on August 28, the Sun will shine a gentle light on Pluto, indicating that you've overcome some major problem, learned important lessons, and you're ready to move on. This, paired with the New Moon in Virgo on the 29, will provide you with an excellent opportunity for new beginnings!
Then, Jupiter will go retrograde in Taurus on August 30, and you'll have a chance to rethink what's truly most important in your life. For the next few months, you'll focus more on satisfying your internal needs than worrying about material possessions.
With all these planetary movements, this is an excellent time to evaluate your current career. Are you satisfied with your career path, or do you feel like you could do so much more with your life? "
Good advice to think about... Check back soon when I'll be back to tell you my slant on the latest Astrological movements that could be effecting your luck, and life! has to say about next few days....
"The stars seem to recognize that August is coming to an end and they're acting accordingly: all the troubles you've had this month will finally end, and you'll be ready for a brand new start!
That doesn't mean there won't be a bump here or there. On August 25, Mars will meet up with Saturn and the side-effects include severe crankiness and becoming extremely accident prone. If ever there was a day to physically exert yourself to total exhaustion, this is it! Try rock climbing, a triathlon, repairing everything broken in the house -- any specific, strenuous task that requires all your focus is a must.
Fortunately, by August 26, everything will start to improve as Mercury goes direct. Technical problems, delays, and communication issues will finally be resolved. Then on August 28, the Sun will shine a gentle light on Pluto, indicating that you've overcome some major problem, learned important lessons, and you're ready to move on. This, paired with the New Moon in Virgo on the 29, will provide you with an excellent opportunity for new beginnings!
Then, Jupiter will go retrograde in Taurus on August 30, and you'll have a chance to rethink what's truly most important in your life. For the next few months, you'll focus more on satisfying your internal needs than worrying about material possessions.
With all these planetary movements, this is an excellent time to evaluate your current career. Are you satisfied with your career path, or do you feel like you could do so much more with your life? "
Good advice to think about... Check back soon when I'll be back to tell you my slant on the latest Astrological movements that could be effecting your luck, and life!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Monday August 22, 2011.. the Stars will dictate a trend to do everything twice!
Yes, our work week begins with us being more connected to doing things over!
. It is just the Gemini moon, ruled by the planet Mercury, that is still retrograde, and a new Virgo Venus... giving us double trouble!
Try go with the flow, and allow the trend... it can even work for you, because your second try is likely to be better!
Along with a new feeling aspect...coming from the planet Venus, that on Monday began it cycle in the Mercury ruled sign, of Virgo that will be with us until September 15.
All this on the Sun winds up its stay in the powerful fire sign of Leo. That Leo Sun has been responsible, for a very out going and enthusiast 4 weeks. So do expect to put some finishing touches on projects that you have put into motion since July 23.
Tuesday August 23, we welcome the Sun also into the commutative earth sign, of Virgo and, that Sun's position will be with us until September 22.
This is the time of the sun's influence that helps us to get back to the more basic areas of education, and using our knowledge to advance our positions in life.
Virgo is a thinking sign, that tends to lean towards perfectionism, so we began a phase of wanting to be more detailed, working towards improving our lives in a practical way?
No wonder this is the time of year that children go back to school, and we get back to a more rigid daily routine.
Tuesday's planetary aspect look pretty good, for our welcoming new sun sign of Virgo. And in fact one of best days of the week for communication, education, and travel.
Hopefully you will make Tuesday a productive one, as Wednesday and Thursday of this week, shows more days of unexpected aggravations...
But of the two days, Thursday August 25, is the most difficult to plan, as the Cancer moon, and Mars collide and square the planet of restriction, Saturn.
Better aspects are brewing for Friday, August 26, and the weekend, I am happy to say! So check back, to learn about them...
And what else... you can, "Just Blame It On The Stars
Saturday, August 20, 2011
The planetary influence over this weekend, leans towards the positive!
As the Sun and Venus still in a close conjunction, increases our desires.
However the problem will be... to keep a balanced perspective. As our Moon in Taurus... makes us stubborn and overindulgent.
Saturday is the easier of our two weekend days. With a moon, Jupiter, conjunction at around 6:00 a.m. EDT. Putting us in a optimistic mood, that can reign throughout the day.
Just be aware that your enthusiasm might get out of hand, and be watchful of a tendency to go to the extreme in wanting to have all the control? You can't! And a bossy attitude will just create needless disputes.
Sunday's morning hours? Best to sleep avoid mix ups with communications.
Retrograding Mercury..will tangle with the moon early by 5:00 a.m. EDT
And then most of Sunday ...egos are apt to clash... due to a Moon, Sun, Venus aspect, called a square.
Not an easy day to keep your emotions running smoothly, especially if it involves, how you like to be seen or appreciated! Patience everyone.
Try to get out and enjoy yourself, but with a cautious courteous eye!
What Henry Seltzer has to say...
about this August 21, 2011 moon.
Last Quarter Moon
The Last Quarter Moon taking place this weekend, on Saturday, August 21 – at about 3 PM on the West Coast, 6 PM on the East Coast – represents an excellent chance to look back over the course of the month and evaluate where you have been and how far you have come internally. This phase is not so much about action, but rather about reaction to events that have transpired over the course of the three-week period that preceded it, and comes with an extra strong push in this direction from the Mercury retrograde period with which we began the month...At that time, Mercury occupied the initial degrees of Virgo, and now at this important crossroads, Venus enters Virgo practically coincident with this Quarter Moon, which features the Sun in the 29th degree of Leo in very nearly in exact opposition to Neptune, just as Mercury was when it began its backward motion nearly three weeks back.
With Neptune in the picture there is always an emphasis on paradoxical situations and feelings, along with an especially strong dose of synchronicity. Music and poetry are favored as expressions of mystical meaning; truth that is non-rational and that goes beyond the more obvious factoids of merely logical ratiocination. This mystical factor is very important to keep in mind as we ponder our position in an expanding personal universe. As a society we are in the midst of immense change, and we are striving mightily to discern what our own portion of that change might encompass, because it is going to take all of us. Part of what holds important clues for us now is our ability to see beyond the immediate concerns of putting bread on the table to what constitutes the largest possible picture meaning of what we as humans are up to at this important juncture in a radically transforming civilization. It’s a truly excellent time to journal, and to reflect on our transition, both personal and societal.
With this philosophical backdrop in mind we might begin to see where we fit in, and how the changes that we are going through personally contribute to the larger trends of either what we would appreciate or what we would like to eliminate as we look into our deeper motivations and the ultimate consequences of our actions.
More from me...soon as I check to see what...You can,
"Just Blame It On the Stars"
As the Sun and Venus still in a close conjunction, increases our desires.
However the problem will be... to keep a balanced perspective. As our Moon in Taurus... makes us stubborn and overindulgent.
Saturday is the easier of our two weekend days. With a moon, Jupiter, conjunction at around 6:00 a.m. EDT. Putting us in a optimistic mood, that can reign throughout the day.
Just be aware that your enthusiasm might get out of hand, and be watchful of a tendency to go to the extreme in wanting to have all the control? You can't! And a bossy attitude will just create needless disputes.
Sunday's morning hours? Best to sleep avoid mix ups with communications.
Retrograding Mercury..will tangle with the moon early by 5:00 a.m. EDT
And then most of Sunday ...egos are apt to clash... due to a Moon, Sun, Venus aspect, called a square.
Not an easy day to keep your emotions running smoothly, especially if it involves, how you like to be seen or appreciated! Patience everyone.
Try to get out and enjoy yourself, but with a cautious courteous eye!
What Henry Seltzer has to say...
about this August 21, 2011 moon.
Last Quarter Moon
The Last Quarter Moon taking place this weekend, on Saturday, August 21 – at about 3 PM on the West Coast, 6 PM on the East Coast – represents an excellent chance to look back over the course of the month and evaluate where you have been and how far you have come internally. This phase is not so much about action, but rather about reaction to events that have transpired over the course of the three-week period that preceded it, and comes with an extra strong push in this direction from the Mercury retrograde period with which we began the month...At that time, Mercury occupied the initial degrees of Virgo, and now at this important crossroads, Venus enters Virgo practically coincident with this Quarter Moon, which features the Sun in the 29th degree of Leo in very nearly in exact opposition to Neptune, just as Mercury was when it began its backward motion nearly three weeks back.
With Neptune in the picture there is always an emphasis on paradoxical situations and feelings, along with an especially strong dose of synchronicity. Music and poetry are favored as expressions of mystical meaning; truth that is non-rational and that goes beyond the more obvious factoids of merely logical ratiocination. This mystical factor is very important to keep in mind as we ponder our position in an expanding personal universe. As a society we are in the midst of immense change, and we are striving mightily to discern what our own portion of that change might encompass, because it is going to take all of us. Part of what holds important clues for us now is our ability to see beyond the immediate concerns of putting bread on the table to what constitutes the largest possible picture meaning of what we as humans are up to at this important juncture in a radically transforming civilization. It’s a truly excellent time to journal, and to reflect on our transition, both personal and societal.
With this philosophical backdrop in mind we might begin to see where we fit in, and how the changes that we are going through personally contribute to the larger trends of either what we would appreciate or what we would like to eliminate as we look into our deeper motivations and the ultimate consequences of our actions.
More from me...soon as I check to see what...You can,
"Just Blame It On the Stars"
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Ready for some more planetary happenings, that makes you feel like there still is, a full moon?
That will be with us, through most of this week!
Starting Monday, August 15, 2011, the Leo Sun, and the Planet Venus are in a conjunction, all day... that can surly light your fire!
But the secret will be, to keep it lit!
Water and fire produces steam... and with our Pieces moon, and water Cancer Mars, on Monday, and Tuesday, they are likely to dampen your spirits!
Enthusiasm would like to reign! The Sun, Venus, and even retrograding Mercury, are all in the powerful, ego driven, Fire sign, of Leo.
So expect your attitude to be more out going, forceful, and direct.
However, that attitude will come with some risks!
Especially that sudden desire you have to control things. You need to be really careful, that what you are trying so hard to achieve, is really all worth it?
Rational Judgment can be very off... all this week!
Things may appear better or worse, than they really are on Monday, and Tuesday.
But add Wednesday's August 17, Moon, into Aries... as it conjuncts Uranus , in the a.m... forming a Grand Cross with Mars, and Pluto, and then the moon's opposition to Saturn? And...
Stand back and expect the unexpected! With possible dangers, and arguments brewing! I am wondering how it all, will effect the stock market? As well as your, pocket book, and love-life?
We might also find that issues in our lives from early summer time, are reemerging now, creating opportunities for more thought, and greater clarification.
Just keep in mind, on Wednesday... the powerful pull that those aspects could be producing in your life, makes you more accident prone and impulsive. So slow down, and do not over react...especially if you were born under the signs of...
Aries Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn.
Thursday, August 18, 2011 is my pick of the week, for being the best one to get things done! And to feel better.
With a Sun Moon, positive aspect, called a trine...
that will also have the added zest of Moon trine... Venus Sun conjunction!
Wow, even Mercury, gets a trine on Thursday, to the moon!
Perhaps making us all much more focused towards, the positive, to bring out our best?
Certainly a productive day for the Fire and Air signs?
They are... Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius, Fire. And Gemini, Libra,
and Aquarius, Air.
In fact all sun signs should have a better attitude on Thursday. Feeling at last, not as emotional?
And by Friday...August 19, that feeling of being pulled, almost like there is still a full moon... is noticeably lessoned, at last!!!
Look for more, star forecasting... for the weekend, of August 20... to check back to see what else...
You can..."Just Blame It On The Stars!"
Friday, August 12, 2011
Hello my Astro - Bloggers Friends...yes, we are in for a, Full moon!
Are you already feeling it... this Friday, August 12,?
Well, this is what... "" has to say about it!
On August 13, the full Moon rises in Aquarius, placing it directly opposite the Leo Sun. With these two planets playing tug-of-war over the Earth, your goal will be making sure neither wins!
If this sounds like a challenging task, that's because it is. Aquarius and Leo are polar opposites in the zodiac.
The full Moon in cool, detached Aquarius is a rebellious mischief-maker prompting you to shun the status quo, seek equality for all and have a strong desire to help society. The Sun in warm-hearted Leo, meanwhile, strives for status. You'll feel an urge to achieve greatness, and you'll worry more about your closest loved ones than improving the world.
Adding to your conundrum is the fact that each of these are fixed signs, making them stubborn and unwilling to compromise. Does this mean common ground is impossible to find? Absolutely not! On the contrary, the Universe throws these challenges your way specifically so you can learn to find the middle road - even in a sticky situation such as this.
The key is to pay close attention to everything around you, while making sure you don't find yourself pulled in one direction more than the other. Stand your ground and find a way to balance the situation out. The satisfaction of discovering a happy medium, will make all your effort worthwhile!
My take on it... is some of the same...but also giving a bigger heads up to those born under the signs of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio, to keep in mind.
Because they are the sun signs that are directly involved with this full moon's pull!
Another important factor that I find significant... about our Saturday August 13, 2011, full moon... is the aspects it makes to the planet that rules love, Venus, and to the planet that rules communication, Mercury!
When the aspect, of the full moon is pulling on Venus, and Mercury as it is most of the day on Saturday, there will be extra emotional intensity, that will effect our thoughts, and communications!
Not a weekend to spend alone! So try to get out and about, with a cautious eye to keep your ego in you look for new ways, to express yourself, and people to have fun with.
New romance is possible...just give it proper time to develop, before you can know if it is for real!
More soon...that you can just... "Blame It On The Stars"
Are you already feeling it... this Friday, August 12,?
Well, this is what... "" has to say about it!
On August 13, the full Moon rises in Aquarius, placing it directly opposite the Leo Sun. With these two planets playing tug-of-war over the Earth, your goal will be making sure neither wins!
If this sounds like a challenging task, that's because it is. Aquarius and Leo are polar opposites in the zodiac.
The full Moon in cool, detached Aquarius is a rebellious mischief-maker prompting you to shun the status quo, seek equality for all and have a strong desire to help society. The Sun in warm-hearted Leo, meanwhile, strives for status. You'll feel an urge to achieve greatness, and you'll worry more about your closest loved ones than improving the world.
Adding to your conundrum is the fact that each of these are fixed signs, making them stubborn and unwilling to compromise. Does this mean common ground is impossible to find? Absolutely not! On the contrary, the Universe throws these challenges your way specifically so you can learn to find the middle road - even in a sticky situation such as this.
The key is to pay close attention to everything around you, while making sure you don't find yourself pulled in one direction more than the other. Stand your ground and find a way to balance the situation out. The satisfaction of discovering a happy medium, will make all your effort worthwhile!
My take on it... is some of the same...but also giving a bigger heads up to those born under the signs of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio, to keep in mind.
Because they are the sun signs that are directly involved with this full moon's pull!
Another important factor that I find significant... about our Saturday August 13, 2011, full moon... is the aspects it makes to the planet that rules love, Venus, and to the planet that rules communication, Mercury!
When the aspect, of the full moon is pulling on Venus, and Mercury as it is most of the day on Saturday, there will be extra emotional intensity, that will effect our thoughts, and communications!
Not a weekend to spend alone! So try to get out and about, with a cautious eye to keep your ego in you look for new ways, to express yourself, and people to have fun with.
New romance is possible...just give it proper time to develop, before you can know if it is for real!
More soon...that you can just... "Blame It On The Stars"
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Get Ready to... "Blame It On the Stars"!
OK everyone, If you thought this past weekend was a bit aggravating? Stand back and prepare yourself for more of it...along with the unexpected all this week!
What are those Stars doing to us?
Mars in the sensitive home loving Water sign of Cancer, is in discord to the planet of disruption and Change, Uranus... in the Fire impulsive sign of Aries...
causing lots of weird happenings! But try to put your extra effort into making Monday, August 8, as productive as possible!
Because a favorable Moon, Sun, Planet Venus aspect, is the best this week gets.
Mercury retrograde, back into the proud Fire sign of Leo, along with Venus, gives us strong desires... and those desires will need an outlet!
The glitch would be to have them show harmlessly!!! With those extra desires being shown in a unique way, without anger or manipulation? Avoid trying to control others, because it will surly backfire!
True for all sun signs, but most important for the signs of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra, to keep in mind, all week!
More soon, we are heading for a Full moon, next weekend!
OK everyone, If you thought this past weekend was a bit aggravating? Stand back and prepare yourself for more of it...along with the unexpected all this week!
What are those Stars doing to us?
Mars in the sensitive home loving Water sign of Cancer, is in discord to the planet of disruption and Change, Uranus... in the Fire impulsive sign of Aries...
causing lots of weird happenings! But try to put your extra effort into making Monday, August 8, as productive as possible!
Because a favorable Moon, Sun, Planet Venus aspect, is the best this week gets.
Mercury retrograde, back into the proud Fire sign of Leo, along with Venus, gives us strong desires... and those desires will need an outlet!
The glitch would be to have them show harmlessly!!! With those extra desires being shown in a unique way, without anger or manipulation? Avoid trying to control others, because it will surly backfire!
True for all sun signs, but most important for the signs of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra, to keep in mind, all week!
More soon, we are heading for a Full moon, next weekend!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
August 6, 2011 First Quarter Moon.
The First Quarter Moon of Saturday morning, August 6, will be a bit hard to handle!
This is that first lunar phase... where we get to see just how much of what we put into motion from the time of the New Moon, one week ago, that has really proven viable?
Or we find in contrast that instead...what might be now running into trouble?
This August 5, Lunar phase is accompanied by Mars in opposition to Pluto, and square Uranus! Not easy! All while a newly retrograde Mercury exactly opposes allusive Neptune.
So you should expect some very interesting dynamics, that can tempt you into accomplishments, and activities that could be very out of the norm.
All being accompanied by first quarter energy, producing probable extra tension too.
It’s as though we are trying to put at least some of our eggs into a basket... but they are either falling out, or we are wondering what we really want now, in the basket?
Another problem with these aspects is the accident prone side of Mars-Uranus, that can be unexpected, and with Pluto, opposite as well... tempers could flare!
Therefore it a really, a time to watch your step and keep your eye on the prize! As you try to keep, a high-minded point of view.
One method might be to keep thinking, when things become intensely aggravating is, “what difference will this make in a hundred years"?
Another choice that might to step back from any reactivity as it begins, and not only count to ten, but count to ten again?
Since the Mercury Retrograde period is extra intense at this time we are faced with having to do everything twice; or perhaps finding out later that we didn't need to do it at all?
Remember to not, try too hard. However it’s a wonderful time to look into your true motivations... and allow yourself to see how your past is now effecting you?
Ever think about starting a journal? The timing now, is perfect for one!
As you learn to deal with these mixed up trends, your new ways of coping and knowledge...will help to better handle, your future...
so journal like crazy all weekend, regarding your concept of what seems to be happening to you. It should be very enlightening for your future reappraisals.
The First Quarter Moon of Saturday morning, August 6, will be a bit hard to handle!
This is that first lunar phase... where we get to see just how much of what we put into motion from the time of the New Moon, one week ago, that has really proven viable?
Or we find in contrast that instead...what might be now running into trouble?
This August 5, Lunar phase is accompanied by Mars in opposition to Pluto, and square Uranus! Not easy! All while a newly retrograde Mercury exactly opposes allusive Neptune.
So you should expect some very interesting dynamics, that can tempt you into accomplishments, and activities that could be very out of the norm.
All being accompanied by first quarter energy, producing probable extra tension too.
It’s as though we are trying to put at least some of our eggs into a basket... but they are either falling out, or we are wondering what we really want now, in the basket?
Another problem with these aspects is the accident prone side of Mars-Uranus, that can be unexpected, and with Pluto, opposite as well... tempers could flare!
Therefore it a really, a time to watch your step and keep your eye on the prize! As you try to keep, a high-minded point of view.
One method might be to keep thinking, when things become intensely aggravating is, “what difference will this make in a hundred years"?
Another choice that might to step back from any reactivity as it begins, and not only count to ten, but count to ten again?
Since the Mercury Retrograde period is extra intense at this time we are faced with having to do everything twice; or perhaps finding out later that we didn't need to do it at all?
Remember to not, try too hard. However it’s a wonderful time to look into your true motivations... and allow yourself to see how your past is now effecting you?
Ever think about starting a journal? The timing now, is perfect for one!
As you learn to deal with these mixed up trends, your new ways of coping and knowledge...will help to better handle, your future...
so journal like crazy all weekend, regarding your concept of what seems to be happening to you. It should be very enlightening for your future reappraisals.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Happy August, 2011 my faithful bloggers!
As this first day of August begins, it looks like our "stars" might try to send you soaring?
However, watch out...almost immediately, they'll try to tug you back, to what could be an unpleasant surprise.
So Get ready for a bumpy "didn't go the way, I thought it would ride"? Because the sun and planet Jupiter are in conflict!
Also, loving fiery now Leo Venus, entices our emotions, as it favorably aspects unconventional Uranus!
This makes you more innovating, perhaps giving a breath of fresh air into your romantic life.
Or is it your financial life? Try the new approach.. in both areas.
Breaking routine is what can be useful this first day of August.
Just keep in mind, that the Sun has a conflict to indulgent Jupiter, and you could be tempted to go over the top!
Also, keeping that newly found enthusiasm will be extra-challenging on August 2, when fiery Mars moves into gentle Cancer.
Your energy might slow down a bit as everyone feels more emotionally sensitive all month from our planet Mars, now after August 2, being in the water sign of Cancer.
Try to be aware to strike a balance between what your feelings are saying to your energy, and what really needs to be accomplished this month.
Adding to the frustration...this week Mercury goes retrograde, on August 3.
As I have explained, with that planet Mercury moving backward in Virgo, you might find yourself becoming even more impatient when things don't turn out how you expect.
Just do your best to prepare in advance... and be ready to initiate backup plans!
The planet Neptune, also muddies our it too turns retrograde moving backward into Aquarius on August 5.
Hopefully, this will bring us back to a period of more humanitarianism..that could show up in our everyday outlook for awhile?
Or, will just magnify uncertainties about the future, while also challenging scientific and social conventions.
All in all... a week of changes in our solar system that will be with us for awhile...but now you know, just blame this weeks aggravation, and unruly changes on the stars!
More soon!!!
As this first day of August begins, it looks like our "stars" might try to send you soaring?
However, watch out...almost immediately, they'll try to tug you back, to what could be an unpleasant surprise.
So Get ready for a bumpy "didn't go the way, I thought it would ride"? Because the sun and planet Jupiter are in conflict!
Also, loving fiery now Leo Venus, entices our emotions, as it favorably aspects unconventional Uranus!
This makes you more innovating, perhaps giving a breath of fresh air into your romantic life.
Or is it your financial life? Try the new approach.. in both areas.
Breaking routine is what can be useful this first day of August.
Just keep in mind, that the Sun has a conflict to indulgent Jupiter, and you could be tempted to go over the top!
Also, keeping that newly found enthusiasm will be extra-challenging on August 2, when fiery Mars moves into gentle Cancer.
Your energy might slow down a bit as everyone feels more emotionally sensitive all month from our planet Mars, now after August 2, being in the water sign of Cancer.
Try to be aware to strike a balance between what your feelings are saying to your energy, and what really needs to be accomplished this month.
Adding to the frustration...this week Mercury goes retrograde, on August 3.
As I have explained, with that planet Mercury moving backward in Virgo, you might find yourself becoming even more impatient when things don't turn out how you expect.
Just do your best to prepare in advance... and be ready to initiate backup plans!
The planet Neptune, also muddies our it too turns retrograde moving backward into Aquarius on August 5.
Hopefully, this will bring us back to a period of more humanitarianism..that could show up in our everyday outlook for awhile?
Or, will just magnify uncertainties about the future, while also challenging scientific and social conventions.
All in all... a week of changes in our solar system that will be with us for awhile...but now you know, just blame this weeks aggravation, and unruly changes on the stars!
More soon!!!
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