Friday, September 30, 2011

What has to tell us about October, 2011!

"The leaves may be changing and the weather becoming cooler and crisper, but the stars see no reason to let the start of Autumn dampen your spirits!

October kicks off with the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn residing in equitable Libra. On October 3rd, aggressive Mars and lucky Jupiter will square off, giving you a dose of enthusiasm and overconfidence. This is great for getting your way, but be careful not to get carried away thinking rules don't apply to you!

On October 6th, chatty Mercury will line up with severe Saturn. This may bring a hint of gloominess and a slight negative tone to conversations, but nothing too difficult. Then, on the 7th, charming Venus will meet with fanciful Neptune. Your good intentions could bring romantic fantasies to life, as long as you're not too impractical with your plans. When Venus moves into intense Scorpio on the 9th, you'll experience blissful closeness with your sweetheart. Just beware of unreasonable jealousy!

The full Moon will rise in Aries on the 12th, making you feel high-spirited and impulsive, but this will be tempered by a distinct cautiousness. Meanwhile, Venus will pair up with Pluto on the same day, creating a sexy and seductive mood. October 13th will be another cosmically active day as Saturn tips its hat to the Sun and Mercury moves into Scorpio. Saturn will ensure agreements are satisfied to their most minute details. Mercury in Scorpio will bring a couple weeks of deep, meaningful conversations, peppered with forceful and exuberant opinions.

After a few days of rest, the stars kick into gear again as the Sun shines a soft light on Neptune on the 21st, creating an aura of compassion. On the 23rd, the Sun will move out of wishy-washy Libra and into decisive, resourceful Scorpio. After spending the last month hearing every side of every issue, you'll now be able to act with confidence.

The new Moon, Mars and Saturn will all play a role on the 26th to give you a military discipline, which will help you force through new plans with unrelenting determination. Finally, October will end on a high note, as first Jupiter and then the Sun line up to shake hands with Pluto on the 28th and 29th. You'll experience incredible confidence blended with a sense of empowerment. Anything and everything is possible!"

I'll be back Sunday, to give you my October slant on how I see things for our very first work week!
And also what else, you can just...Blame It On The Stars!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

OK my Astro-Followers... You were forced to deal with the New Moon, on Tuesday! Hopefully beginning new trends, that will fortify you nicely, all month?

But how you deal with an extremely difficult aspect we have all day, on Wednesday, September 28, is also very important!

What is happening on Wednesday, is a square aspect between the planet Mercury, that rules thoughts, and communication, and the planet that rules upheaval, and endings, Pluto!

This aspect tends to make us want to meet head- on, any dissatisfactions.

Meaning, your not going to back down from a fight, or any kind of communication that needs attention! The Problem with that is, impulsive behavior! And that can bring hurt feelings, and accidents, all leading to unnecessary endings.

So slow down, and count to ten to ward off the explosive side of this square aspect.

Instead, use this newly found grit and desire for taking on the difficult, to get a lot accomplished. Or to begin or complete a difficult chore, that you haven't wanted to face, or have the courage and energy to deal with?

That will give you the plus side of what Wednesday's Stars have to offer!

Thursday also will have its challenges! The Moons change into water sign Scorpio, can fizzle our enthusiasm as it rains... on the planet Mars, in the Fire sign, of Leo.

Yes you will be feeling secretive, And cannot control others!

But why do you want to? It is just your Ego talking on Thursday.

Patience Everyone!!!! More Soon...on what you can just..."Blame It On The Stars!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hello Astro-bloggers... This is An Astro- Alert!
You will wake up Tuesday, to a new moon!

 And it looks like is a very important New moon too!

 All taking place in the early morning hours, of Tuesday, September 27, 2011 EDT.

As this new moon in Libra, also is accompanied by Uranus-Pluto square that has been with us off an on, a good part of this past summer.

And in fact, over these past few years! That fact, by its self would be enough to give you a surprising day, bringing erratic trends that could be with you all month?

But this New Moon in Libra.. will also be in conjunction to the planet Mercury, within just 2 plus degrees! Add, that we have a Aries Uranus, and Pluto in Capricorn, also in close degrees... and that mix will make a morning T-square... that can bring some pretty disturbing energies!!!

What this could mean is... trends that begin Tuesday morning, are likely to be with us for weeks ahead!

Effecting us... at the most mundane level? We can expect surprises!

But because a New Moon is the kick-off for the entire four-week lunar cycle, making that entire period more prone towards surprising events, as well as possible surprising enlightenment!

We also would be wise to be extra careful, since the planet Mars, is in the picture of this New Moon too. As it is in aspect to both Uranus, and Pluto.

The planet Mars with Uranus...often adds up to accidents, even though in this case the aspect is a Trine, a mostly positive aspect. It can make us suddenly self indulgent, and needlessly careless.

There is also the probability of strong intuition, with inspiring ideas! All seemingly coming, out of the blue? Even perhaps affecting the way we see the world around us?

Yes, to me this looks like a very important new moon! Heads -up!

 Best to stay alert as possible during Tuesday Sept. 27, since we can have the unique opportunity of setting an unusual trend that will be with you all month!

Be back soon to tell you more about our week, and what we can just..."Blame It On The Stars"!
What Astrology. com's... Amanda Owen, has to say...about our Stars,
September 26, 2011 02:00 AM EST

"A new Moon in Libra on September 27 begins this dynamic week with a call to make a few changes to your relationships. Then, on September 28, Mercury and the Sun conjunct in social Libra while squaring powerful Pluto, at which point you'll want to know what you're talking about before you speak. And make sure you recognize your limits as energetic, enthusiastic Mars squares Jupiter on October 2, when you'll have plenty to do!

September 27: New Moon in Libra

A new Moon is always a good time to put energy toward something you'd like to see become more important in your life. Libra brings a relationship focus, while this particular new Moon contains a number of dynamic and challenging aspects; given all that's going on, it will be necessary for you to leave room for change. Revolution is in the air now as both Uranus and Pluto connect to the Sun and Moon. With Pluto's square, don't try to hold onto people who are no longer worth your time and effort. Uranus opposes this new Moon, lending an exciting, yet unpredictable energy -- it's time to shake things up! Mercury is in the mix as well, and its conjunction to the new Moon provides plenty of interesting conversations. Just rest assured that the next full Moon will offer an opportunity to stand back, take a deep breath and plot your next move.

September 28: Mercury and the Sun conjunct each other and square Pluto

On August 16, retrograde Mercury formed a conjunction with the Sun in Leo. At that time, you received information you were unable to put to good use ... but hopefully you at least used the intervening period for research. Now, these two planets come together again, this time in social Libra, and finally a plan comes together for you! While it's time to reap the benefits of all the conversations, agreements and ideas you've had over the last couple months, you'll need to keep in mind the square to Pluto. This aspect describes an intense conversation, while also demonstrating that people can possess strong points of view right now. Speak up if you must, but keep your mouth closed in case what you say won't help your situation.

October 2: Mars squares Jupiter

This is a very energetic duo, and you're likely to have a lot of irons in the fire! Mars in Leo is strong; it can also be quite showy while soaking up the limelight. Jupiter in Taurus, meanwhile, is practical and prefers that you take a sensible view of your material circumstances. During this square, keep an eye on your financial bottom line. Remember: If you can watch out for any tendencies to overcommit or overdo things, you'll get a lot done!"

I'll be back soon to tell you my view on what we can all ...
"Just Blame It On The Stars"

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hello, my Astro- blogger Friends, and followers!

Our Sun will shift into loving, peaceful, Libra, on Friday Sept. 23, 2011 at, 5:05 a.m. EDT, which marks the powerful Fall Equinox, ushering in a refreshing new cycle that brings with it... countless possibilities. Why?

Because...As the seasons change they reflect the ever-changing nature of our individual lives.

 We become increasingly curious about where we currently stand, how we got here, and the steps we will take next, that can improve our status, and life!

All making our Friday a significant one! Add the Leo, moon to the mix, as it tangles with the planet, Jupiter, all day on Friday... and you need to be extra cautious! Especially it would be wise to work at avoiding carelessness, and overindulgence's!

But, with that cautious eye, a special boost for Friday night fun, is a Mars, Uranus trine, and that can bring a stroke, of out of the blue luck!

Saturday, Sept. 24, is you are liklely to want to come back down, to earth!

However, there can be a tug of war between what our feeling are telling us... to what is coming at us, from others.

A Saturday that might be particularly hard to see the truths... that are now immerging ... from our close, personal relationships?

Sunday, Sept 25, 2011, is more sobering... from the moon's change into picky Virgo, at just 49 minutes past midnight new day, EDT. Now you are ready to see results! And will be willing to work towards it!

Also, moods and thoughts are likely to change again, by Sunday night!

That change happening from the planet that rules our thoughts Mercury, also, entering Libra, at 5:09 p.m.EDT which will be with us for the next 17 days!

So all in all, it looks like a very important weekend, bringing new trends that will effect how we think, and feel for the next few weeks.

Giving the Air and Fire signs the biggest boost! They are Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Air...And... Leo, Sagittarius, Aries... Fire.

Check back to see how they will effect you next week, and what else you can "Just Blame It On The Stars"

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hello all my Astrology followers!

Thought you might find What... "" has to say about the next few days.
Check it out from... ""

Get ready, because between September 15-19, you'll experience a flurry of planetary activity that will leave you in a whirlwind!

It all begins early on September 15, when talkative Mercury exchanges pleasant words with ever-exaggerated Jupiter. The phrase "chatty Cathy" will be an understatement when applied to you .. but since everyone will realize how well-intentioned you are, you'll get a positive response to everything you say.

Charm, tact and diplomacy will also be amplified that same day as Venus moves into its own sign of Libra. This transit will spotlight the traits these two share, helping you to keep the peace and maintain harmony -- as well as increase your desire for indulgence!

On September 16, Pluto finally starts moving forward again following its five-month retrograde period. All those plans of yours that were originally sent back to the drawing board will now be ready to get put into action!

Then on September 17 and 19, poor Venus is jostled by Uranus and Pluto, respectively. The former planet is inclined to be unstable, while the latter can lean toward possessiveness. When these two combine with loving Venus, you'll find yourself on quite the romantic roller coaster. Avoid making major emotional decisions until the dust settles, as current problems may turn out to be nothing more than minor glitches.

Lastly, battle-hungry Mars moves into fiery Leo on September 19. Compromise will become an unknown word, and everything -- from work to romance to daily life -- will become supercharged!

Check back soon to learn more on how I see things, that we can just... "Blame It On The Stars!"

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hello, my Astro- Bloggers, and friends!

Notice that Full moon out there this Sunday evening?

Actually the full moon in the sensitive serving sign of Pisces, is at it's fullest tomorrow morning, Monday, Sept 12, 2011, at 5:27 a.m. EDT. A time that can set a trend for an emotional and hopefully loving harmonizing day? Especially if yours is a water sign, Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer.

Earth signs too, of Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn, can get an extra lift, but the sign of Virgo will feel the Moons pull the most. And would be wise to be watchful, that your feelings are truly your own, and not just pressure coming from others that you are reacting to?

Tuesday, September 13, is not as positive, for all signs. The morning hours can be very difficult, with unexpected aggravations.

The Moon's change early in the a.m. EDT to Fiery Aries, changes all of our moods, and it's negative aspect to the planet Pluto, can bring explosive behavior!

Best to slow down, and stay self aware, of the possibility of accidents and unnecessary arguments.

Trends that have been unsettling on Tuesday continue, into Wednesday Sept. 14. As the Aries moon most of the day on Wednesday, can magnify our thoughts, while it pulls in an opposition, to the restrictive, Planet of learning Saturn.

So Wednesday this week is a day when you will need to try to stay positive! Seeing what you really can control, and not what looks so negative, that is beyond you?

Also on Wednesday September 17, your likely to finish up trends that were started, last month August 22, when the Planet Venus first entered, Virgo.

Thursday, September 17, Venus, brings new emotional and financial trends, as it enters Libra, and it will be with us until Oct. 8. 2011. A very nice feeling Venus, that increases our desire for romance and partnership, making our Autumn more beautiful.

Check back to see how Friday, and the weekend measures up for your sign, and what other can just... "Blame It On The Stars"

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our Stars this September, continue to help us towards our more practical goals...

as Wednesday, Sept 7, gives us a pleasant push early in the day, that can help us to make Wednesday, a very productive one?

Go with the flow that is coming towards you, especially if you were born under a Earth, or Water Sign. Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio?

Thursday, Sept. 8, we will be winding down projects that we have had in the works or planning stage since July. As Mercury ends its stay in the sign of Leo.

 All the pros and cons of plans you can now see, if they are truly workable , and complete them.

 Then thanks to Mercury, late on Thursday and all day on Friday, it enters its own sign of Virgo, again!

But this time, staying in forward motion giving you the motivation to complete all those details that you could not see, or get to, until now, Friday this week...through September 25.

Then, just in time for our weekend, September 10: Venus is in positive aspect, with the planet, Mars!

Venus is the Relationship planet, (in practical Virgo) making positive aspect to the planet of action Mars (in protective Cancer)! And you have, what makes-up a great team! Earth/Water combo!

Venus softens the rough edges of Mars, which itself provides a comforting shoulder to lean on. Therefore you can have a wonderful day, and weekend to spend with people you love, or ones you might want to get to know?

Since Virgo loves to help and Cancer loves to nurture, this a great time to volunteer for helping others!

 In fact, with the moons influence on Saturday, in innovating sign Aquarius, and then on Sunday, in the sensitive serving sign of Pisces. Our weekend should be filled with a lofty open minded, unselfish, approach to all our endeavors. Enjoy!

More to... "Just Blame it On the Stars" coming soon!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day Everyone...The Stars seem to agree that our day off should be fun!

The Sagittarius moon in positive aspect to the planet of Communication sets the pace for our Monday, Sept. 5, 2011, Holiday to be an active productive one.

True in general for all of us. But partially so for the Fire and Air signs. They are Sagittarius, Leo, Aries, Fire, and Gemini, Aquarius, Libra. Air.

Best to use your daylight hours on Monday, for endeavors that you want to go well... because when the moon changes into the sign of Capricorn at just after 10:00 p.m. EDT tonight, your Happy mood can change into impulsive, accident prone behavior.

And that negitive trend could continue into the morning hours of our Tuesday, September 6, 2011.

Yes, a Tuesday morning... when your first thoughts are about gloom, or being such a self critic, that you put youself into a bad mood!

So try to be patient with yourself and others in the early part of Tuesday, because a favorable trine from the Capricorn moon, can bring a happy conclusion to your day!

Especially, bringing the earth and water signs extra goodies for a pleasant Tuesday night. They are the signs of, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Earth. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Water.

I'll be back to tell you, more about the rest of the week, soon...on what you can just..."Blame It On The Stars"

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hello my Astro- bloggers...Welcome to September, 2011!

I'll bet you had somewhat of a confusing, up- and down, first day?

If that sounds true for you... than you can just, "Blame It On The Stars"

The moon started out in the peaceful loving sign of Libra and ended in the intense secretive sign, of Scorpio.

So it was a sea-saw of up...and then down. To being open, and enthusiastic, then closed and withdrawn.

There are lots of Astrological reasons for that trend.
 Nit-picky Virgo Sun and Venus...makes us a tasks master! Add our Planet Jupiter newly retrograde, helping us to dig into the past, to see our frailties, and mistakes? Then, suddenly our mood plummets!!!

But hang in there, in gets better by Saturday...yes, Saturday September 3, when the Sun Trines Jupiter, you get an extra positive boost, and maybe even some good news!

Look for it around your money, and your love life. A great day for prayers to be answered too, as the moon enters the spiritual sign of Sagittarius on Saturday early evening at 5:03 p.m. EDT staying around to impact our Sunday too.

Although Sunday's challenge will be, not to overdo, a good that fire moon, conflicts with our Virgo Earth Venus, in how we see our practicalities!

Slow down, count to ten...before making any emotional or financial decissions on Sunday. Also best to keep an extra alert eye towards, carelessness that might cause an unnecessary accident!  Happy Safe Weekend everyone!

 Check back for what you can just.. Blame It On The Stars, next week?