Monday, April 30, 2012

Our Stars influence this Week...
As we say good-by to April, and begin May, 2012.
Feelings may seem over the top all week ... Ending with a Saturday night's, Full Moon!
Wow...a full moon reflecting the watery depths of Scorpio!
Strong emotions!
Yes, this can be week, to focus on getting your way emotionally!
True for all signs, but extra helpful, for the water and earth signs...Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus.
Monday, April 30, ending our month... we will have a helping hand aspect in the EDT morning hours. Setting this positive pace, is a Leo moon, in positive aspect to Saturn...bringing a reasonable plan outlook and attitude.
Tuesday, we welcome May, 2012. And a Virgo moon, in positive aspect to the Sun, on Tuesday, can act like a gift! Making Tuesday, a good one, towards advancing our desires and progress towards our goals!
Wednesday, May 2, will not be as easy.
The day begins with a negative aspect between, the moon and the love planet Venus! Guard expectations, and your spending habits.
Thursday, May 3, your emotions can be difficult to read, even for you? A tendency to allow others, to drain your energy, or have too much power over your life, might create needless disputes that go into Friday,
May 4.
Then simple discussions might turn into emotionally charged debates. Yet you can overcome, negative results as you mix the strength of your convictions with a deep compassion and inner understanding.
Try to think long term, keeping in mind learned truths, from the past! All those serious thoughts will be due to the Libra moon Saturn conjunction on Friday, mid day May, 4. And that aspect sets in motion our strong desires, for connection, right through the weekend.
All leading us into that passionate Scorpio Full moon, on Saturday night. So try to plan time with loved ones, for the whole weekend.
As desires even intensify Sunday morning, from a tug of war between what we want, and what is really available...Patience!!! By Sunday evening your spiritual outlook and prayer intervene, bringing your weekend to a joyful conclusion.

Monday, April 23, 2012

News from
Take advantage of abundant good will, faith and support as a major planet aspect pattern, a grand trine, dominates this week! You receive a great deal of attention as the Sun trines Mars on April 23. Then, Mars moves toward a trine with powerful Pluto on April 29, when influential people will do all they can to help you. In the midst of these helpful aspects, Mercury squares Pluto on April 25, when you'll want to follow your intuition. Remember, words are powerful -- choose them wisely

Now:... How I see, what we can just "Blame It On The Stars", this week!

Monday, April 23, 2012, a Mercury, Uranus, conjunction, brings the unexpected! Enjoy surprises...but that need for sudden change, can make you accident prone!

Slow down, and keep the days activities as free as possible.

Tuesday, April 24, continues that desire to stay busy, and even increases our desire to communicate...very helpful for the Fire and Air signs, to receive a needed lift!

Wednesday, April 25, those long thought out plans can now move forward, the Gemini moon, in good influence to Saturn, makes us interested in clearing up all those communication snags! Enjoy!

Thursday, April 26, and Friday, April, 27...
What is it you are trying to accomplish in the home front? On Thursday, you may suddenly feel overwhelmed! Don't try to push domestic issues for awhile... right now, they need careful thought and extra patience! The appropriate answers, will be much clearer, by Saturday, April, 28.

Also, Saturday's Leo moon, puts you in the mood to out like minded friends. Especially if yours is a Fire sign! Try to plan a fun, weekend!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Our work week starts out with a few astrological handicaps.

So when you find Monday, April, 16, a bit hard to plan, and somewhat aggravating...You can "Just Blame It On The Stars"

What stars are giving us these unplanned annoyances?
Big ones! The Sun, and Saturn! Wow, that would mean a battle between what our egos want, and what isn't, happening in our lives.

Like Wanting, a good self image, verses what we feel is difficult, serious, and lacking? Oh yes, that might just put you in a negative mood?

What would be most helpful to keep in mind, therefore for Monday, this week is...

we make our own luck and success, and it is not good, or helpful to compare yourself & life to others? Or to let what's going in the lives of others, spoil your day and out look!

Guard activities carefully Monday morning, if you live in the EDT zone, because being impulsive during the morning hours, can bring unnecessary accidents.

Tuesday, April 17, a new way of communicating that will be with us for awhile begins...

Thanks to the planet Mercury, entering back into Aries, as it was before it started back tracking on March 2, 2012.

It is helpful to have it back there too, because all those holdups are at last released towards conclusions. Nice!

However, Tuesday's Pisces moon, we tend to be a little too sensitive. Use your intuition, and be patient with yourself and others, to make the most of your day.

Wednesday April 18, after an emotional morning, we are ready to get going again! The moon enters the sign of Aries EDT just before noon, and that will help to get us motivated!

Like putting on a new spring supper coat? Whatever it is you want to make a plan to change, or get rid of?

Wednesday this week's waning moon will help you! Go on that diet? Stop smoking? Make that important decissions!

You can now be packed with the right, get to it, thought, to be successful. Especially if your own sign is, Aries!

That holds true for Thursday, April 19, too. Because that waning moon, graces your emotions as it harmonizes with the planet of love, beauty and money, Venus.

Thursday, also begins the new cycle of the Sun, in the Earth sign of Taurus..and is my pick of the week, as the most positive, at getting things accomplished.

Seems like this whole week is one of building towards something more active, bringing expansion, and new beginnings?

Try to keep that in mind all day on Friday April, the moon wanes pulling on the planet Saturn, your mood might be a little somber. Best to use it to clear out what you do not want in your life. Including how you might be letting others effect you negatively?

And then...what can be better to start a new cycle, and move towards the new and positive than, a new moon? And we have just that, on Saturday! Because early morning at 3:18 a.m. EDT April, 21. the moon will be new, in the loving, sensible, earth sign of, Taurus!

Pretty special! A new moon, and a new Sun sign, all in time to help us have a nice weekend.

However, try to break away from your normal routine if you can? A Mercury, Uranus conjunction, on Sunday, is sure to bring surprises, and you want them to be happy ones! A a fun, safe weekend!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Stars gear us towards renewal, but still, there are a few hold- backs!

Feel like you are poised towards accomplishment, but still cannot seem, to get things off to a firm start?

Well, you can "Just Blame It On The Stars"!

Yes, Mars, the planet of action, is responsible, for those challenges lately. The ones of trying to move freely, ahead.

However, I am happy to say, by the end of this week that changes!

Because the retrograde motion for Mars, that has been with us since Jan. 23, 2012 ends, Saturday April 14.

And as it returns to normal direction, we in turn will benefit, with a more normal forward direction for our own individual lives. Nice!

But in the meantime this week, we still will have, its backward motion, causing lots of delays, & frustrations.

A lot of them being tied to our finances, and our emotional relationships!

Monday, April 9, brings the beginning of some of that, as the moon in truthful Sagittarius... brings past emotional issues, and surfacing financial truths, that we might not be ready to face.

Guard the way you deal with loved ones, and how you spend your money.

Neither of those areas are under clarity,...through the entire week.

And it could be Monday's April 9, activities, that puts you right into a go-no where, scheme.

Not the best day to run smoothly, with a fire moon, being held back by our picky Virgo, retrograde Mars. All with danger, of accidents that could be in the brew, for our Monday, too!

Slow down, and don't let others push your buttons- it would be doing something in anger, or on impulse, causing you harm.

Tuesday April 10, is somewhat better, but snarled communication, is likely by Tuesday late evening, & early morning Wednesday from a moon, square Mercury.

Wednesday April 11, thoughts about wanting change are likely to greet you early as your day begins?

Just remember Not to jump the fence too far, because what is done on impulse during Wednesday's evening hours EST...can just be the Capricorn moon, in square to Uranus, giving you all that sudden rush for change...that you are likely to regret, by mid day on Thursday.

Thursday April 12, we may find ourselves starting out our day in a serious mood! One in which we seem to want to dig deep!

It's serious Capricorn moon time again... with a conjunction to the planet of upheaval, Pluto. Our serious mood to start out our day, can increase the tendency towards quarreling. And that trend will just intensify, greeting us, Friday, Morning.

Friday April 13? What do they say about that? Lucky? Unlucky?

It is up to you? Yes there ARE difficult planetary aspects, for that day! But aren't there always???

The biggest problem on this Friday, the 13, for all of us... would be, miss use, of our position of power, whatever that would be for you? And how you view yourself, and the world.

All coming from the moon, and its hard to please ruler, Saturn, in Square! Just try extra hard to be patient with yourself, and others.

And if you can do that I'm Ok, You're OK, attitude, peace will reign again nicely as the moon takes its turn in free minded Aquarius, on Saturday, and Sunday.

Just what we need, for a better attitude, all in time to bail out the weekend, and to start that nice new trend, of at last feeling progress towards our goals!

So think positive and enjoy a fun out of the norm, weekend!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Get ready for more changes in the Star brew, this week!

True! Stand back and get ready for change!!!

Not only do we have the start of a new month, but emotions and finances are in for a change too.

As the planet Venus begins its cycle in Gemini, on Tuesday, EDT at 11:18 a.m.... it will bump right in to the Moon,... in discordant aspect that had just entered Virgo, earlier at 9:53 a.m. EDT.

All by its self, a Virgo moon can increase our tendency to be picky and analytical.
However, add the bump from Venus just starting out in double trouble Gemini? And watch out!

A lot of us, will be more than picky? Many could actually lean towards mean.

And at the very least, mid day on Tuesday, it would be wise to double check any emotional or financial decisions that you might be making all day, on Tuesday.

Also your day's mishaps on Tuesday, can't all be blamed on the moon!

Because the planet Mercury will again be responsible for lots of the day's indecisions. & aggrecations.

Why? Because it appears to stand still as it again gets ready to take up its normal direct motion, once again.

And with that stand still handy-cap, everything gets delayed! Annoying mix ups, and confusion, the result? Not an easy going Tuesday for sure!

Wednesday April 4, stirs things up too. Mercury finally goes direct 7:11 a.m. (EDT) Yes, once again Mercury appears to be traveling forward, at last starting a time frame for YOU to start to move forward again, too!

Spring in general is the natural time for launching new projects, signing contracts, making major purchases, initiating relationships, But recently all being held back some, due to Mercury's retrograde motion the past few weeks.

However, Wednesday this week... begins a better time when all the activities that were verboten during Mercury Retrograde from March 12 to April 4, 2012, are now safe to pursue. Just try to be patient with them and give yourself a break to know it takes time, for new ventures, like seeds, to take hold?

Thursday April 5, is my pick of the week to be the most productive and positive! Try to enjoy it and make it work for you. A Libra moon, that enters our EDT zone, at 11:32 a.m. can really lift our sprits... and lend its self nicely, to any, and all, new starts! Enjoy!

Our work week closes out on Friday April 5, with a Full Libra moon...putting a strong emotional slant on everything! So expect emotions might have a large impact on your general mood. Also there's a tendency to fall for fantasy too on Friday this week, as sweet Venus' will be in stressful square, to surreal Neptune.

In fact, if you give too much of yourself away, on Friday's Full Moon, happening late afternoon 3:19 EDT. Your emotions, and feelings will be a reminder by late evening, as the moon and Saturn co-join.

Try to remember to restore reason and balance to your emotions to have a good weekend, You'll need a little diplomacy! And even more of that and compassion too, in order to manage a edgy Mars-Venus square, rocking relationships by Saturday night.

Sunday, April 8, Easter! We all pull our emotions in, as a Scorpio moon makes us more secretive, and introspective. Just the right frame of mind to be more spiritual, and grateful! Happy Easter Everyone!!!