Monday, May 28, 2012

A Holiday Monday, brings us some time for reflection!

 And how we view things could be a little troubling! Just try not, to let it get you down. It is just those Stars...testing your patience!

 Yes, starting with Memorial Day Monday, May 28, the planetary aspects are not that easy!!! The Gemini Sun, in conjunction with the communication Planet Mercury, are being challenged by a task master Moon, in the very picky, analytical sign, of Virgo.

 This sets a pace that can continue into the whole week.

 Tuesday, May 29, adds more emotion into the brew, as that picky Virgo moon, tangles with the love planet, Venus.

 That alone, can bring emotional outbursts and extravagant, unrealistic, spending?

 But even more difficult to handle the way we are dealing with others, is an explosive aspect, that the passion planet, Mars, is making towards our thoughts, and activities! And that aspect will be with us through all of Wednesday, May 30.

 So with the tangle of moon aspects, on Monday, Tuesday, and Mars, aspects, all through the hours of Wednesday, you would be very wise, to take extra time to think, before you speak, or act.

 Not that easy to do, because, communication, and activities that require emotional thought, will seem to be the norm?

 It is all those active Gemini planets, kind of like double trouble? Having to do things over, and nervous energy that needs to be, expressed! Patience!

 Wednesday's Evening hours around 8:p.m. EDT can be particularly difficult, as the Libra Moon, challenges any kind of restrictions!

 The aspects of the moon to planet of freedom , Uranus... is putting us in the middle of things. Only this time, it coincides with a aspect, of Uranus, Square to, Pluto!

 And that aspect continues into a time period that can color our entire summer! Wow what, a week! It could be that trends, that have their beginning over these next few days, might be more significant than you could possibly now, see, or know?

 Thursday, our month closes out, better! Even though Pluto and Uranus, have started their challenge between the old and the new, that will be with us all summer. But what will be giving us a more positive frame of mind on the last day of May, 2012, is a favorable moon, Saturn, Venus Trine.

 And that nice aspect, will help us to sooth those hurt feelings and mend those fences! Making Thursday, my pick of the week, as best day to get things accomplished.

 Also, I am happy to say that we welcome the first day of June, 2012 on Friday, with a plus, positive, from a Venus, Mercury conjunction! Nice!

 What that does, is make us not only more optimistic, but it helps us to say nice things! Just the right mood to plan a loving, fun weekend!

 So think about how you would like to spend Saturday, June 2, and Sunday, June 3, because making plans for fun, on Friday, will be the key towards a good weekend.

 Wait too long, and Saturday's Scorpio, moon could send you towards spending the whole weekend alone!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

I am sorry. Due to an unexpected injury to my fingers on mother's day This blog is not up-to date! A whole week has gone without a new post!

However, what I can now tell you, is...

Change, is in the air! And it has been, with us during last week's planet Venus, change in its normal direction, and moving retrograde, on May 16, 2012.

What will that do to us? Well, it tends to force us to revisit old emotions, that we may have thought we left behind, but now are brought to our new attention again! Trying to mend fences and relive emotional past with a better outcome? So if you have some leftover I am sorry's to say to someone the next few weeks, until June 27, 2012 is the time!

Also the status quo, will be to try to adapt to the future, even though it might seem a little unclear, for awhile.

The Sun entered restless Gemini at 11:15 am EDT, Sunday, May, 20, 2012, kicking off a month of profound communication.

But unexpected twists and turns can be disruptive with the Gemini New Moon Eclipse occurring at 7:47 PM EDT -- within an hour of the Moon's shift into chatty Gemini. Additionally, Gemini's key planet Mercury aligns with erratic Uranus, heightening the stress. Not an easy way to welcome a new moon, and a new sign!

Unfortunately that erratic trend continues into our work week on Monday, May 21. Be prepare for the unexpected, all day!

The planet Jupiter and the planet Mercury in a conjunction on Tuesday, May 22, and can bring huge pay-offs, and large expectations. Where can it be lucky for you? Think big! But do not be careless, accidents and fire, can come from overconfidence!

Wednesday May 24, the Sun, will be in conflict with the planet that desires freedom, Uranus, Not a day that you can plan... being very flexible is your best way to cope.

Thursday May 24, a new sign for Mercury, as it enters its own sign of Gemini, and will be in that sign until June 8. Expect to want more activity and new things to do during those weeks. Leaning towards, the unexpected, untried, and different experiences... Especially through Friday May 25, as Mercury, challenges the planet Uranus

Saturday, May 26, and Sunday May 27, a Leo moon will rein. And that will bring out our desire to be more popular, and active. Just the right attitude for those holiday cookouts and fun!!! Enjoy!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Our Stars, influence early morning EDT, Monday, May 7, 2012, will give us a desire for accomplishment, setting a more active trend...

And after a being under the emotional pulling influence, of our Big, Scorpio, full moon, over the weekend, it could be just what we need for the right push towards being more productive!

True for all sun signs, but particularly so, for the Air and Fire Signs. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Air....Aries, Leo, and, Sagittarius, Fire.


Tuesday, May, 8, a more active schedule is still likely! With unexpected added activities, being offered from others.

However, the key towards making Tuesday, a good one, would be to make sure that you are your own best judge for what you want, and like to do? And only take advantage of opportunities that come, that you have already been looking for?

Wednesday, May 9, the Planet of communication Mercury, begins its yearly stay in the Earth sign of, Taurus.

When Mercury changes signs, our thoughts, and the style we communicate changes.

Mercury in Taurus, can help us with a more steady, and practical it slows us down with wanting to see growth that is rewarding.

Hence spring! A time for planting our gardens, and often nurture our personal relationships. New love?

This spring's Taurus Mercury, will be with us from, May, 9 through May, 23.

Try to take advantage of Wednesday's positive new trend, as it is accompanied by a favorable Capricorn moon, Mars, aspect.

Including a moon Pluto, conjunction that can be very helpful to bring something important, to a positive conclusion.

Most helpful for the Earth signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. And, is my pick of the week, to be the best of the week, towards getting things accomplished.

Thursday, May 10, is not as easy for us to balance activities wisely, and have a favorable outlook.


The Capricorn moon on Thursday, will challenge the restrictive Planet Saturn, most of the day.


Friday, May 11, morning hours are a little erratic. A sudden need to feel free, from the moon's change in Aquarius, does not get along with your recent practical approach? Slow down and count to ten, before you overreact to something trivial.

Saturday, May 12, innovation is our best bet. Problem solving suddenly appears easy, as the Aquarius moon, in positive aspect to the Planet of love Venus, helps us to be aware of our loved ones, and our blessings.

All of the favorable feelings left over from Saturday, will put us in a caring sensitive mood just in time for Mother's Day...


Sunday, May 13. Your special desire to help, comes from a Pisces moon, that can pull you into being in the right place, at the right time, to make your day a happy one, as you give to others! Enjoy!

"Happy Mother's Day", everyone!