Sunday, September 23, 2012

Trying to manage the process of change?
Well, you can "Just Blame It On The Stars"
Yes, the planets, are helping you to make some important changes in your life!
In fact, the next four weeks are a potent time, when we must again face up to the necessity for some things near and dear to us to be irrevocably lost in order that we might be empowered to move on with our lives.
Try to keep in mind that it is, the very acceptance, that change is really happening during these next 32 days, that is the best way to prepare and make the most of the NEW, which can be gifts of opportunities, that we allow, to give ourselves.
The Sun's new position, in loving Libra, the beginning of Autumn, on Saturday, is the perfect tool, to sooth our ego's enough to see the benefits of change, leading to large transformations! But Like the butterfly, coming out of it's safe cocoon it may feel a little scary.

Monday, Sept 24, we will tend to begin our day with thoughts about responsibility. A serious Saturn ruled moon in Capricorn gives us the need to own up, and see what needs doing! Do not let it put you into a worry mood, and cloud your day. Challenges are there for you to move through, and test for firm ground.
The signs of Capricorn, Cancer, Libra, & Aries will be the signs that could have the most difficulty smoothing out problems, and working through some unexpected restrictions during the daylight hours. Moods improve, and things get resolved by the evening hours when the moon enters freeing Aquarius at around 7:30 EDT.
Tuesday, Sept. 25, a moon, Mercury, Jupiter trine makes it a good day for new starts, as emotion, mind, and luck are complimenting each other! All making Tuesday my pick of the week as most beneficial for being a productive one!
Wednesday, Sept 26 continues with a positive up-beat mode. Just be careful not to overdo a good thing. Mars and the moon, and Venus, tangle in the morning hours! Avoid being pulled into negative emotional disputes, and wanting too much control!
Thursday, Sept 27, a Pisces moon, makes us sensitive, and intuitive. We will need to use our inner senses more, but will we take the extra time? Early morning happenings, brings confusion as the moon and is ruler Neptune co-join.
Friday, Sept. 28, we wake with the Pisces moon challenging our luck and faith planet, Jupiter! That can make us, unrealistic and overconfident, as well as careless. Guard your expectations, and be aware that there is a greater danger of fire, especially during Friday's morning hours. Evening hours will save our moods, as a favorable aspect from the moon to Mars can make Friday a fun, romantic one after all, leading us into a fun active Full moon weekend!
True, our weekend starts on Sat. Sept. 29, with a beautiful Aries full moon! One that will have an extra impact too, because it tangles with Pluto, and co-joins the planet of the unexpected Uranus.
Oh my, for keeping your emotions in check! Slow down, and count to ten, in any kind of unexpected relationship problems. Keep the thought this too well pass. The good news is, you might just be sleeping through its most difficult influence, as it is the most powerful in a negative way, just before midnight and early a.m. EDT hours Sunday morning.
Sunday, Sept, 30, we say goodbye to Sept. 2012. What a month! And what a nice enthusiastic moon we will have helping us to be that, all day on, Sunday!
Yes, enthused, and active, will be the trend for Sunday!
What do you have planned?
The Aries moon, is feeding your mind, and emotions to have a fun and active Sunday. Enjoy!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Monday Sept. 17, 2012
Looking for a nice change of pace this Monday? Well, you are likely to get it, and you can..."Just Blame it On The Stars"

Yes, more changes in the Star brew this work week! The planet Mercury, the one that rules our communication is now in the peaceful loving air sign of Libra. Nice! And it will be with us, helping to give a more balanced loving approach with our thoughts, and words, until it enters, Scorpio, Oct. 5, 2012.

Also accompanying Mercury's change in sign this Monday for loving thoughts, is the moon, as it too is in loving Libra, making good aspect with Venus and Jupiter! What a great way to start out our week.

Many will find their day to be a busy productive one. However, if yours is a fire, or air sign, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, and especially Libra, you could find Monday this week, to be a very beneficial one.

Tuesday, Sept. 18...Morning hours could be difficult. A moon Saturn conjunction, cools off our moods and can ruin the whole day! Slow down as you travel, and exercise patience, to cope!

Wednesday, Sept. 19, the moon and planet of energy, Mars, both in Scorpio, gives us a very strong will to do things our way...fights, discord, and accidents, come from trying too hard and wanting all the control! Removing obstacles takes cooperation

Thursday, Sept. 20...Watch out! Mercury in aspect with the planet of the unusual Uranus, can bring the unexpected through others. Who in your life might be responsible for dragging you into a dilemma,, discord, or surprise?

Friday, Sept. 21... a Sagittarius moon, empowers our spiritual side, getting us in a positive mood just in time for the weekend. Look for fun, being with loved ones and friends, Friday night.

Sat, Sept 22, we begin a new season, Fall. A month when the Sun's position in Libra, dictates...the beauty of color, and the celebration of summer's harvest. But with a change in sign of Sat's moon into Capricorn, at 3:15 p.m. EDT...we may not feel much like celebrating. As our thoughts get pulled into a more somber practical direction. A good day for reflection, just don't allow it to get the best of you!

Sunday, Sept. 23, Mercury and the moon tangle...with mid day as the most difficult time to get your point across, and have smooth travel.
Sunday's evening hours look easier, and can be beneficial for looking at practical concerns.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

If you find that your work week begins with your mind, and thoughts working over time? You can, "Just Blame It On The Stars"
Why? Because the planet Mercury, and our Virgo Sun, are in such close proximity by degree, that they are putting out, each other's normal magnetic energy, flow.
The sun ruling our ego's, and Mercury, ruling our communication, in Monday, Sept. 10's conjunction, blurs what we are trying so hard to say, and get across to others. The best way to cope, would be to slow down, in all areas that are needing you to think, and communicate. And try to use extra care that you are "not" being misunderstood in some important way.
Brilliance is possible on Monday, but recognition for it, will likely have to wait another day, to be recognized.
Tuesday, Sept 11, our minds and hearts will be on the past and how those past events have shaped our lives.
Fitting that the Moon is in, our Country's natal sign, of Cancer...and on Tuesday, is in negative aspect to, Saturn, reminding us of the anniversary of those we lost 9 years ago, on this date! Not an easy day to be in a good mood, and feel light hearted.
Wednesday, Sept 12, the moon changes into joyful Leo, which helps our day to get off to a more optimistic start. An added plus on Wednesday, comes around lunch time EDT, when the planet of love Venus, also in Leo, co joins.... giving us an even more positive jolt....
All making Wednesday's, daylight hours my pick of the week, as best day, to get things accomplished, to a positive conclusion.
Wednesday's evening hours, a moon Mars, square, could cause a clash of egos, changing those favorable thoughts into arguments! Practice patience, and compassion!
Thursday, Sept. 13, the Leo Waning moon, (dark of the moon) in positive aspect to Saturn, can give us the edge in seeing what responsibilities that we need, want, and are able, to at last, take care of.
Fallowing through will be easier, as we are more up, for the challenges, truly seeing, what is needed!

Friday, Sept. 14 the last day of our moon the time of the month to end the unwanted in your life. What will it be for you?

Clean out the clutter? Go on a diet? Whatever it is... let this moon phase on Friday, help you to do it?

And this weekend starting on Saturday, Sept 15, is just the opposite!!! We get a fresh start with an efficient New Moon in Virgo on Saturday night! This new moon will be good at refining our manners and appearance while taking a more careful approach to relationships, helping smooth out some rough spots in love. Personal improvement, is an achievable goal that increases the chances to find happiness with that special person... look for new beginning on Saturday night

Sunday, Sept. 16, isn't quite as smooth as the moon's change into Libra makes us waiver and could bring abrupt change? Peace!!! Slow down, try to balance things out, you're setting the trend for the next 4 weeks!

Happy New Moon, everybody!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Holiday, Monday, Sept 3, 2012, Labor day!

Feeling a little blue, and unsettled?

Well, you can..."Just Blame It On The Stars"!

This Holiday Monday, has the planets Venus, and Saturn, in conflict...and that is what is helping to disrupt your mood, and give you those more, serious thoughts, highlighting all your worries, and life's concern. Try to use, this sudden need to be serious, by looking at important areas in your life that need attention. Just beware not to allow a negative mood to get the best of you! Danger in the day will come from over reacting.

Tuesday, Sept. 4, impulsive behavior in the morning hours, can make your whole day difficult!!! The Moon, Saturn, and Venus are colliding, early a.m. EDT. So be extra cautious as you make your way on the road, Tuesday morning. Emotions running overtime too, can bring quarreling, and impulsive behavior, all day! Slow down, and do not allowing others, to influence what you know is best for you, is the best way to cope.

Wednesday, Sept 5, a more serene moon in Taurus, at last helps our moods, and brings back reason.

A helpful Sun, moon, trine, makes dealing with those in authority, and our ability to make wise decissions, easier. A day to get things done and feel like you are moving forward.

Thursday, Sept 6, can also be a productive one. The love planet Venus, enters Leo, exact at 10:48, EDT... bringing a more assertive way with loved ones. A good day to tell someone you love them, or start a new savings account. Enjoy!

Venus will be in the fire sign of Leo until Oct 2. helping us to have more forward movement around our finances, and love lives.

Friday, Sept 7, a Gemini Moon will try to bring more activity into your life! A good lift, to set a busy trend for your weekend too. As many plans made on Friday, will expand into connections for more fun things to do, on Sat.

Yes, Saturday Sept. 8 looks like a busy one, due to a moon Planet Jupiter conjunction, around 8:00 a.m. EDT.

Let it help you towards being lucky, and spiritual. But guard against over indulgences and carelessness!!!

Sunday, morning, Sept. 9, inner reasoning greets your day, as the moon dances nicely with Saturn, helping to remind us of what is really, important. That more reasonable attitude, blends well with family,  and latter in the day... loved ones,  along  with our family ties... bring  many happy Sunday smiles!