Lots happening with our stars this
We all want to experience falling madly in love like we see in the movies.
We all want to experience falling madly in love like we see in the movies.
Well, right
now it's possible! Because thanks to Venus, the planet of
into the partnership sign Libra, Sunday at 9:04 a.m.
the Libra
scales, are tipping in our favor for, love.
It is true, that whenever the planet Venus shifts into a sign,
the energy of that sign
affects our romantic side!
The energy is bold in
some signs,
shy in others,,
but in Libra, Venus' home
we can get a balanced
look at the big picture.
. So, get ready ...
because your next round of romance is about to begin,
especially if your sign
is Libra, or Aries?
A good start
to your Sunday morning,
to welcome
a new position and sign for the planet that rules the nice things in
luxurious, including our money, and how we spend it
. All being
with us until Nov. 21, Thanksgiving Eve, when it changes into
just after
8:20 p.m. EST.
All that
alone should get our week off to
changes that are on their way to us?
But the there
is more...much more!
The planet Mercury is
changing its position, and sign too!
And that happens as our
work week begins on Monday, Oct 29, at 2:18 a.m.EDT.
Mercury, is the planet of
thought, and communication, and with this change into the
Fire sign, of
Sagittarius, we should find ourselves being more assertive, truthful,
and positive, until Nov.
12, when it back tracks back into Scorpio.
However, the fact that a
new sign for Mercury, and Venus, is also accompanied
with a moon in Taurus,
that will be in opposition to the restrictive planet Saturn,
just before a Full moon
at 3:49 p.m. EDT
All tending to make
Monday, this week... a day to be reckoned with!
No wonder there are
rumors of storms, and preparations to enhance our security!
This should be true for
Monday and Tuesday this week no matter where we are living.
It is always the way of a
full moon, to ignite our passions, but this particular one, looks
most intense!
Slow down and count to
ten in all you do. action, and judgement are also off.
Due to a Mars, Jupiter,
aspect on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday this week.
the last day of Oct, 2012, "Halloween" looks better! Which should be a high
energy day.
Moon in Air Gemini, will feed the new placement and sign for Venus,
as it pulls on Mercury in fire sign opposite Sagittarius. Caution in what
you are being pulled into?
New month, Nov. 1, 2012. A day to be in communication! Are you in need of
professional advice, that you need to call for consult? Or is it just catching up
with old friends? Thursday this week is the day!
Nov. 2, plans in the morning hours can go astray! Stay flexible, and the path is
cleared by Friday night, with social ties and opportunities for fun, to multiply.
Nov. 3, will be hard to plan. As the unexpected will be the norm. Guard your first
reactions. What you do in haste on Saturday, can come back to haunt you! But
what a week!
Sunday, Nov. 4, you can smooth out those ruffled feelings enough
to bale out your whole weekend, starting your new week on a positive
Giving extra
attention to home and family on Sunday, makes it so!