Sunday, November 25, 2012

We're in for an intense week due to Wednesday's Full moon, Lunar Eclipse in Gemini. Think back to late May when the Solar Eclipse in Gemini was in effect. Anything that was started then, should be coming to a peak now.

Monday, Nov. 26, at last, the mind planet Mercury turns direct after a three-week retrograde. Communication issues should finally be resolved over the next few days.

Tuesday, Nov. 27, if you've been thinking of starting a fitness regimen, what a great day to do so, as energetic Mars joins with transformation Pluto.
Mars, being the ruler of Aries well tend to give extra high energy to that sign. So if you are an Aries, you might feel as though you are suddenly super charged, and ready to take on the world. What project or goal will you tackle? Maybe you will want to pursue more than one? Make a priority list and start at the top.
Wednesday, Nov.28, A Full moon, and romantic Venus, which is currently in the seductive sign of Scorpio, in positive aspect to passion Mars, all now helping us to act more assertive in going after our hearts desires. With emotions running on high, go for it and have some fun!
However, it will be the water and earth signs getting the biggest boost from Venus, Mars, and Pluto gearing us towards new positive goals. They are the signs of, Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces,(water) Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, (Earth).

Thursday, Nov. 29, the intensity continues as the stars are aligned for romance when love planet Venus, and passion planet Mars, hook up. Accept all social invitations regardless if you're single or partnered.

Friday, Nov. 30, A difficult day to plan. Your intuition helps a lot in the morning hours. But as the day moves along into late evening, stay as flexible as possible, in order to have a fun care fee Friday night.
Sat. DEC. 1, A good morning to catch up on some extra sleep. It will tend to be the early risers, on Saturday morning who are likely to get pulled into some unexpected aggravations and pressure from others.
Afternoon and evening hours look good for family get together's, and sprucing up the home front.
Sunday, DEC. 2, a day to accomplish those hard to do projects, that the last three weeks have been nagging at you, to do! Finally it all turns out the way you expected. Wow it is nice to at last, feel like you are making some progress. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Monday, Nov. 19, helps us begin our work week on a positive note.
The Aquarius moon, in positive aspect to the luck planet, Jupiter sets a nice trend early, around 7:00 a.m. EST. The only negative, not wanting to be confined to a work schedule! Best to try to keep your day as flexible as possible, in order to really enjoy it.

Tuesday, Nov. 20, an early morning difficult aspect between the Scorpio Sun and the Aquarian moon can cause problems with those in Authority. Better Slow down to avoid a traffic ticket, and guard your temper. Snarled traffic making you late for work might cause a rift with the boss. Use diplomacy! The days trend improves as it goes along, when the moon enters the intuitive sign of Pisces.

Wednesday, Nov. 21, getting ready for Thanksgiving? Practice patience!

The Pisces moon tangles with the planet Jupiter, impairing your judgment. Mix ups, and having to do things over are likely. Be safety conscious, carelessness on Wednesday can cause fire! Losses that come, will be due to overconfidence.

Thursday, Nov. 22, Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Our day begins two new astrological cycles! The Sun newly into the optimistic Fire sign of Sagittarius. And the planet of love Venus, into the intense secretive sign of Scorpio.

Both, important new cycles, that are likely to bring change into our work place, and our personal emotional relationships, for the next 4 weeks. A busy go for it time for the fire signs, Sagittarius, Leo, Aries. And a more opportune time romantically, for the water signs of Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer.

Interesting that these new trends begin on the Holiday of Thanksgiving, when most will have a day to contemplate their blessings. Because a negative Mars Uranus aspect, could make us angry and accident prone, if we are feeling rushed. So please slow down, and enjoy a hopefully quiet, feeling blessed day.

Friday, Nov. 23, shop till you drop day? You certainly might if you are up real early to catch those bargains.

The moon, Mars, Pluto, and Uranus, could certainly put you in the wrong place at the wrong time! Patience will be wearing thin all day. Slow down and ask yourself if what you are doing is really going to be worth the effort?

Saturday, and Sunday's aspects Nov. 24, &; 25, looks like an active and easier time to control your days plans . So enjoy fun times with family and friends to complete your weekend with, a smile!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hope we all had a Happy Veterans Day on Sunday.

Emotions were running high thru out the weekend with a Libra moon, putting us on a sea-saw. Rocking from positive to negative with a flash!
For many of us Monday, Nov. 12, is a no work or school day. Interesting that the moons change into the intense sign of Scorpio, early morning suites the desire to hide away and do nothing.

All signs will tend to keep a low profile, and draw more into their own thoughts and lives, without the normal desire to be out and about. So let yourself pull back a little and go with the flow, as the moon closes out its monthly cycle. Perhaps closing out a cycle of your own? What in your life, would you like to put a stop to? Monday, this week is the day to give you the extra will power to get it done!

Tuesday, Nov. 13, after 5: 30 P.M. just the opposite. It is a new moon day, coming in at 5:08 p.m. and following just 4 minutes latter  with a Total Eclipse of the Sun at 5:12 p.m. Wow! Important happenings.
It could be time to wipe the slate clean and get a fresh start within a current partnerships or change personal habits that have been getting in the way. Remember facing intense emotions with courage helps commitment to growth. And that can be the difference between frustration and making a major breakthrough to what you need to do differently?
Wednesday, Nov. 14, the new moon is in full swing, and so can be your new start in whatever you want to increase for the next two weeks.
The back tracking of Mercury once again in Scorpio... brings helpful communication that is tied to the past.
Thursday, Nov. 15, a good day to feel your enthusiasm! What is it that you want to accomplish? A fire Sagittarius moon, lends spark to the love planet Venus, as it pulls on the luck planet Jupiter. Opportunity knocks. Just do not let others pull you into overdoing it!
Friday, Nov 16 a Capricorn moon early in the day, cools down enthusiasm, as you are made to look at serious issues. Try to stay flexible, and prepare for the unexpected on Friday night
Saturday, Nov. 17, our energy planet Mars changes signs, and enters sober Capricorn. A new cycle for the planet that rules our passions and energy that will be with us for almost 6 weeks. This new trend is bound to slow us down, as we become more serious towards getting our security more sound, and deal with nagging practical concerns. Not an easy day to be frivolous, or very sociable.
Sunday, Nov. 18, the dark mood lifts, and you will be ready to break away to have some fun. An Aquarius moon is just whet we needed to get back to our lighter side, and just in time to begin a new week.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

What a week... to be going to the voting polls!
The planet of thought, (Mercury) the planet that helps us make up our mind, is changing direction on that very day!
So I wonder how can we come to any real conclusion just who is going to be our President for the next four years? The last time we had such an important astrological event, was when we went to the polls
in Nov. 2000. Remember?
That was the time we went many days waiting to learn who truly won the vote to be our next USA president?

Mercury appears to stop its motion, on Nov. 6, 2012 and will then appear to be moving backwards called retrograding,
until Monday, Nov. 26.
That is why on Tuesday, conversations can seem to wander off track, and information could be easily lost or delayed!
Along with understanding details, all requiring, patience, and extra attention, to details all week.

In fact, communicative Mercury retrograding on Tuesday, starts a three-week reversal period when confusion is prevalent and complications are more common!

However...this can be a favorable period too. As success with repeated try's towards repairs, that were not done properly in the past, to reconnecting with friends and people from the past, that you find yourself suddenly connecting to again. All potential possibilities coloring the communication trend for the next three weeks, starting Tuesday.
Monday, Nov. 5, looks to be a busy one! Make it work well for you, by getting all those leftover projects that might not have gone well over this past weekend. All sun signs should feel a positive momentum towards getting thing accomplished on Monday.
But the Fire and Air signs of... Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini can really feel a helpful lift, toward their saute after goals, on Monday, this week.
Tuesday Nov. 6...a day that will be out of the norm. Not only will Mercury going retrograde, cause its problems, but a moon in Leo in difficult aspect to the Sun, can bring huge ego conflicts.
Slow down in all you do, and guard expectations. Nothing is, as it seems, and you cannot control things like you want to. Patience!
Wednesday Nov. 7...The Leo moon still is making Egos clash, as we all want to have our opinions heard.
Thursday, Nov. 8 the morning hours can be very difficult. The picky Virgo moon, will be tangling with retrograde Mercury, ... causing snarled traffic, and confusing communication!
Friday, Nov. 9, a sweet Venus, Jupiter trine, starts the weekend off on a delightful note, but overindulgence, might ruin it. Try to establish and set limits early in the day.

Sat. Nov. 10, and Sunday, Nov. 11, both look to be socially inclined, because a of a loving, sociable, Libra moon. However, it would be wise to keep your Saturday plans flexible, as a Pluto, Uranus, negative aspect, is sure to bring, the unexpected!

Sunday Nov. 11, dictates calm, and a desire for pleasure in being with those you love! Enjoy!