Sunday, December 23, 2012

Taking some time off traveling, over the Holidays.

However, I am leaving you in good hands!

This is what, has to say for this time period.

December 25: Mars enters Aquarius.Aquarius is the most independent sign of the zodiac, while Mars is an action planet that represents how you go after what you want, as well as how you act on your desires. This transit gives you not only the determination, but also the courage to set your own course -- even if others don't necessarily support what you want. But if you remain true to yourself, you'll be able to use this powerful energy to help you succeed. Mars will remain in Aquarius until February 2, 2013.

December 26: Saturn sextiles Pluto
Do you want to make your mark in the world? In this helpful aspect, authoritative Saturn and powerful Pluto connect you to influential people who can help you! Discipline is about to be rewarded, and those who have proven themselves will receive plenty of opportunities. If you use this time wisely to invest in yourself -- and others -- you'll go far!

December 28: Full Moon in Cancer
What makes you feel safe, strong and secure? The ongoing Pluto-Uranus square is featured during this powerful full Moon, as Pluto conjuncts the Capricorn Sun while Uranus squares both the Sun and Moon. You're challenged now to balance your professional goals with your personal desires, and to cultivate flexibility in the face of changes occurring all around you. Invest in your career, but also do what you can to take care of your personal needs and those of your family. In the days following this full Moon, but before the next new Moon, form a plan that will maximize what's going well for you while allowing for changes that will make you feel more comfortable.

December 31: Mercury enters Capricorn
What are your goals for the year ahead? This transit helps you focus on practical details. Take a sensible and logical approach to everything now, whether you're deciding where you want to commit your resources, how you want to spend your money or which projects to take on. Share your ideas with those you trust, for they can help you create a workable plan. Mercury remains in Capricorn until January 20.

January 3: Mercury squares Uranus
Unexpected news, interesting conversations, flashes of brilliance and lightbulb-idea moments are all part of this dynamic transit as the messenger planet, Mercury, encounters eccentric Uranus. While you may feel like you're operating on information overload, there are still nuggets of gold in the seemingly overwhelming data stream you can mine to your advantage -- so pay attention!

January 4: Mars trines Jupiter
This aspect blesses you with loads of confidence, energy and optimism! Mars in Aquarius urges you to carve your own unique path, while Jupiter in Gemini supplies you with all the information you need to succeed. Don't let any bumps in the road stop you -- you have everything you need to move your goals forward now. Don't waste this chance!

January 6: Mercury conjuncts Pluto and sextiles Saturn
There's nothing superficial about this combination! If there's a mystery to be solved or information you need, you'll stop at nothing until you get the answers that satisfy you. And because of your determination, the sound advice you receive and your conversations with experienced individuals, you have a wonderful opportunity to improve your life. This a perfect time to schedule a meeting, send out a resumé or sign a contract.

January 7: Mars squares Saturn
This aspect is all about hard work, and you'll definitely need to overcome a few obstacles today. And while you'll want to be realistic about what's indeed possible, you'll make impressive progress if you can simply stay the course. Be grateful for the gains you've already made, and make sure you don't push forward against insurmountable odds. If you can read your environment smartly -- including any and all people you encounter -- you'll know what to do. Seek alternative paths if necessary, and don't hesitate to delay your plans if it's the sensible thing to do.

January 8: Venus enters Capricorn
With the planet of love in this ever-serious sign, you won't want to play any guessing games when it comes to your love life! Capricorn relishes nothing more than a real commitment, and those with staying power will be ready to make one. Romantic evenings and promises of love are wonderful, but this is a placement looking for tangible promises. If you don't feel as if you're getting a fair return on your time, energy, and heart investment, you may want to assess your relationship. If you're single, this is an excellent time to attend events where you can hopefully meet like-minded people. For those already committed, have you thought of renewing your vows? Venus remains in Capricorn until February 1.

January 11: New Moon in Capricorn
What a powerful time to create a new goal -- or even rework an old one! With the communication planet, Mercury, joining the Sun and Moon in ambitious Capricorn, you'll make significant progress if you take time to break down your primary goal into a step-by-step plan. As the Moon gives off increased light between its new and full phases, be sure to put energy into anything you'd like to see grow or become stronger in your life. Then, at the next full Moon (on January 26), you'll have a chance to step back and see how far you've come! Abraham Lincoln famously said, "Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then we shall find the way." Stated like a true Capricorn!

January 14: Venus quincunxes Jupiter
January 16: Venus conjuncts Pluto
January 17: Venus sextiles Saturn
This is not a week to be alone as Venus in Capricorn makes a series of dynamic aspects! First, as Venus quincunxes Jupiter in Gemini, you'll need to speak up to be heard -- people are very talkative this week. Two days later, you'll connect intensely with those you meet as Venus conjuncts Pluto; love matches often occur during this powerful aspect! Finally, once Venus sextiles Saturn, people in positions to help will open doors for you, allowing you to connect with further influential people. Make sure you express your appreciation!

January 19: Mercury enters Aquarius
The communication planet's entrance into this avant-garde sign stimulates your mind and introduces you to forward-thinking people. It's time to sweep old ideas into the dustbin and allow all the recent changes in your life to inspire you to try something new. If you know the house in your chart through which Mercury is moving, apply fresh ideas to that specific area of your life. Mercury travels through Aquarius until January 20.

Enjoy the Sun's transit through Capricorn!

I'll be back the week of Jan. 20!

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year 2013, everyone!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

It is with a heavy heart I read the words below that I wrote last week. Little did I know at that time, our world be torn apart by such terrible unexpected horror, with the Slaughter of innocent Women and Children, at a primary school in Newtown CT?

Friday, DEC. 14, a day of surprises! The planet Uranus moves forward again. And with Uranus going direct in fiery Aries we . big changes to erupt on both a personal and global scale. Uranus in Aries is known for all kinds of sudden, unexpected events, and we've been spared some of this during its retrograde cycle. However, with Uranus moving in its normal direct motion into 2013, we began a cycle of more of the unexpected to come. Unexpected does not always mean negative. The challenge is how we can deal and go with change, as we use our inner genus to overcome obstacles!

As I said, last week,"the challenge is how we can deal with, and go with change, as we use our inner genus to overcome obstacles"

Hard to do with the witnessing of this terrible event through the daily media. But we need to try!

For me the planet Uranus brings upheaval to bring positive change! And I shall look for that, coming from this mayhem. It is helpful to remember... The stars impel but they do not, compel! Meaning we were given fee will, we have choice.

Monday, DEC.17 an Aquarius moon, helps us to reach out to others and look towards peaceful solutions during the daylight hours. The evening hours, moods change, from the moon entrance into sensitive Pisces. Tread softly, and slow down, judgement is off.

Tuesday, DEC. 18, trouble on the roads, and with communication, can put you into a dark mood in the morning hours. Extra care driving and being patient with others helps.

Wednesday, DEC. 19, a sun moon in conflict. Gives us trouble with our egos . Do not challenge the establishment, like your boss. Because you are sure to lose.
Thursday, DEC. 20, looks difficult due to that newly direct Uranus in conflict to Pluto. It is also the last day of the season of Fall 2012.

  We all are winding up cycles of our own too. Try not to end things on negative impulse. Anger can get out of hand, as we try to overthrow the old, for the new.

Friday, DEC 21, 2012, the day that many have talked about for years

The day that according to the ancient Mayan calendar, marks the end of a 5,000-year-old cycle. This event also coincides with the Northern Hemisphere's Winter Solstice and Sun moving into Capricorn. Many have predicted cataclysmic events, but remember the doom and gloom wrongly predicted at the turn of this century and we breezed by it just fine.

This solstice DEC 21, 2012 at 6: 12 a.m. EST, is an entering of a new era. Called the era of "consciousness"... bringing a time of spiritual awakening and realization that we're all connected. Progressive concepts and humanitarian efforts will take on a greater importance. We shouldn't let fear be a part of our decision making we will hopefully use our God given talents to truly bring peace, and good will to others just as this holiday time asks for.What a world we could have, if we just wake up to a higher conscious of "Love" Lets concentrate on that as we live through this new beginning on Friday. Energy should be high from the days Aries moon.

Saturday,. DEC. 22, a Taurus moon calms us by mid day. A nice time to be with loved ones and at holiday parties. Generosity reigns all day.

Sunday, Dec.23, another day that leans towards being with loved ones. The only problem could be overdoing. Watch that last minute gift shopping, you might just break your piggy bank.But enjoy the Holiday splendor!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Our stars bring some new trends this week. So brace yourself for a few surprises.

Monday, DEC. 10, a Scorpio moon, in favorable aspect , to its ruler, Pluto helps us to dig down deep into our inner most fears and turn them around with new ways of accomplishing what we thought was impossible. Monday's evening hours, heralds in a new cycle for the planet Mercury when at 8:40 p.m. EST, it enters the optimistic fire sign of Sagittarius. What a good lift in how we communicative for the next 20 days.

Tuesday, DEC. 11, the moon, and the planet Venus in a conjunction as we began our day, gets us off to an emotional start. Guard the tendency to go overboard with loved ones, or overspending on holiday shopping.

Wednesday, DEC. 12, your problems will come from trying too hard, as you feel pulled to please everyone. Time to let go of old bad habits, the waning moon helps.

Thursday, DEC 13, as yesterday was one for letting go. Thursday is just the opposite. It is a day of New beginnings! A New Moon in the sign of lucky Sagittarius establishes itself early in the morning EST, at 3:43 a.m. Making Thursday the perfect day to set trends that you want to expand on all month.

All signs can use this new moon towards new beginnings. However, the Fire and Air sign, of Sagittarius, Leo, Aries, Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra, will get the greatest edge from it.

Friday, DEC. 14, a day of surprises! The planet Uranus moves forward again. And with Uranus going direct in fiery Aries we can now expect big changes to erupt on both a personal and global scale. Uranus in Aries is known for all kinds of sudden, unexpected events, and we've been spared some of this during its retrograde cycle. However, with Uranus moving in its normal direct motion into 2013, we began a cycle of more of the unexpected to come. Unexpected does not always mean negative. The challenge is how we can deal and go with change, as we use our inner genus to overcome obstacles!
Saturday, DEC.15, the trend towards keeping our feelings locked up is coming to an end, as the Planet Venus completes it cycle in Scorpio, on Saturday night.
What emotional phase is it that you will be finishing up with? Saturday's daylight hours, you will feel like dealing with life's practicalities, but Saturday's evening hours, you'll want to be free, and look for fun.

Sunday, DEC 16, Venus newly entered into Sagittarius, gives us an emotional lift that will be with us into the New Year. Nice!
We are all going to feel a positive push, from the Sun, Mercury, and now Venus, all in the outgoing lucky sign of Sagittarius, and it all there helping us to have a happy out going and positive, Sunday! Enjoy!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Monday, DEC. 3, after a rather slow start, your Monday gets into, a more positive trend from a Sun moon Trine, that will be with us thru out most of our day.
Trine aspects between the Sun and moon helps our moods, and brings a day that can be productive, being useful in most any area of your life. So step up and go after what is in your life that needs momentum.

Tuesday, DEC. 4 is not as smooth. The easy trine aspect that was with us on Monday, has been replaced with a difficult square aspect between the moon, and the planet of thought Mercury. Resulting in snarled traffic, communication, and short fuses complicating our day. Slow down!

Wednesday, DEC. 5, a reprieve towards normalcy cools down our jumpy moods and brings us back to careful thoughts. Thank the reasoning power of the Virgo moon, as it harmonizes with the planet Saturn, and Pluto. A good day to dig out the facts, and work out important details.

Thursday, DEC. 6, a few egos conflicts and bad timing in the morning hours, gives way to my pick of the week as the one to get the most accomplished! The Virgo moon dances in harmony nicely, helping us with our thoughts,( Mercury) our feelings, (Venus) and our energy (Mars) Nice! Make it a day, to get all those nagging chores done!

Friday, DEC. 7, a Libra moon swings into place mid morning, that replaces your conservative frame of mind into a lets have fun mode. Just try not to over do it. The unexpected is coming to you through others, and could be unpleasant, during Friday's evening hours.

Saturday, DEC. 8 your day begins still in a fun optimistic mood. The Libra moon, in positive aspect to the expansive lucky planet Jupiter, is pushing you towards pleasure. A wonderful aspect to get your weekend geared towards having fun. Don't waste it being alone!

Sunday, DEC. 9 the lighter mood directed towards pleasure graces our morning hours. Great for doing that holiday decorating and shopping. But get to it, during the day light hours. Moods will plummets when the moon changes into the more reclusive sign of Scorpio, and Co-joins the restricted planet Saturn Sunday night. Serious issues that you suddenly want to tackle Sunday night, can get out of hand.Try to detach a little.