Our First full week of spring
Monday, March 25...Indecision and
self doubt greets us in the morning hours.
Not an easy day to stay on track!
It's a sun, Venus conjunction bringing an emotional stand still! And the moon,
in our morning hours playing tug of war on our thoughts. Patience!!!
Tuesday, March 26...
We are still under the influence of the Aries Sun, in conjunction to
This aspect can
cause intensity concerning our emotions, and finances. Some of which can be good
to give us enthusiasm. But, remember what we do in haste we might just repent in
Also any
connection to the Sun, connects us strongly to our egos. That's
the aspect helping us to make a positive impression to those in authority. So
Tuesday this week, could be the day you get the nerve up to ask the boss for a
Or is it the day you
decide to quit? Guard against sudden impulses all week.
Wednesday, March
27...The warning about being careful to avoid doing things on sudden impulse, is
heightened! The Moon is Full! And this one is an a especially difficult
Why? Because the
planet of action, Mars, and the planet of the unexpected Uranus, is combined in
it. All making for stronger than usual emotions!!! Causing actions, that can
misuse, energy.
Bringing danger,
from arguments, accidents, and a sudden desire to break free.
Slowing down and
thinking carefully before reacting, will help to keep you safe and on the right
track all day on Wednesday.
Thursday, March 28,
thoughts can turn more to practicalities, thanks to a Mercury, Saturn, trine. A
helpful aspect day to think things through, before making unrealistic
commitments. Just what you might need to do, too. Due to that Aries Sun, and
Venus conjunction that has been steering us toward impulsiveness all
Friday, March 29, a
solemn religious day, for many, called "Good Friday" Not an easy one to plan!
Best to keep your day as flexible as possible. A Sun Uranus conjunction, brings
surprises. But an accompanying moon Saturn conjunction in positive aspect to
Mercury, helps you to recognize your true priorities.
Saturday, March 30,
finally impulsiveness has lessoned. Just in time too, for completing our plans for
family get togethers, and the celebration of Easter. All, activities increase during the evening
Sunday, March 31, not
only the end of March 2013...
but, also this
year, the date that many celebrate, Easter!
And I am happy to
see that a Sagittarius moon, on Sunday too, will help to make it an extra
specially good one! So enjoy it for positive energy, enthusiasm, and prayer! "
Happy Easter", Everyone!