Monday, April 8, 2013

Taking some time off to travel! Leaving you with
This weeks.
News from by Vivian Owen April 07, 2013
Make Way for the New!

This jam-packed week of cosmic action begins with an inspiring new
Moon in Aries on April 10 that implores you to make a fresh start! Two days later on April 12, when Saturn quincunxes Uranus, do your best to let go of anything you can't control; also on April 12, use Pluto's retrograde to give neglected areas of your life a thorough review. Finally, Mercury's entrance into Aries on April 13 offers you plenty of new ideas!

April 10: New Moon in Aries
Sometimes life pushes you into a new situation faster than you'd like. Well, this is one of those times, so buckle up for the ride! If you can make the most of boosted energy and fresh ideas, you'll further your dreams and goals more than you ever thought possible. Throughout this time, just keep in mind that Aries is the sign of the warrior, so be considerate of others while advancing your own causes, projects, and ideas. The great German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said, "Whatever you do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it." Be inspired!

April 12: Saturn quincunxes Uranus
With this powerful aspect bringing plenty of changes, you'll need every ounce of your concentration to make thoughtful decisions. No matter what you're in charge of or want to control, we all know life doesn't always cooperate. This aspect is designed to help you cast aside things, people, attitudes, and behavior that no longer serve you well (if they ever did in the first place). Leave the past behind and embrace everything new coming into your life!

April 12: Pluto turns retrograde
There's something in your life that needs your attention. It might be a relationship, or perhaps it's your lifestyle, finances, health, or job situation. Any area of your life you've been neglecting deserves a thorough review now, so take this opportunity to create a solid foundation that will pave the way to a brighter future. You'll just have to do a little digging, repairing, and rebuilding first! If you're familiar with your birth chart and would like further information, examine the house
through which Pluto is retrograding between now and September 20.

April 13: Mercury enters Aries
The communication planet's entrance into the first sign of the zodiac brings new ideas and fun conversations. Do you have a project or message you hope to share with the world? If what you have to say is inspiring, people are ready to hear you! Take a few risks and use this transit (lasting until May 1) to do what you need to do and say what you need to say. Of course, you'll want to keep Aries' feistiness in mind, so try not to argue too much; instead, take that ball of energy and direct it toward achieving your goals!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Interesting stars this the

News this week from Vivian Owen

This week, get out into the world and take advantage of the opportunities that surround you! On April 1, the Sun in active Aries sextiles Jupiter in chatty Gemini, when you'll get all the information and ideas you need to make progress on your goals! Then on April 6, Venus and Mars -- the planets of attraction and desire -- conjunct in Aries, an event that marks the dawn of a new relationship cycle!

April 1: The Sun sextiles Jupiter
In this opportunity-laden aspect, the bold Aries Sun is inspired by Jupiter's bevy of ideas in communicative Gemini! Listen to what people have to tell you, as this aspect provides plenty of chances to improve your life and open up your world. You're surrounded by inspiring people who possess knowledge that can help you succeed, so make sure you reach out to those who can benefit from what you know!

April 6: Venus conjuncts Mars
Venus and Mars have been traveling closely together through fiery Aries lately, and now they finally catch up and share their experiences! This is a perfect chance to spend time with those you love -- or would simply like to get to know better. Since any planet in Aries has difficulty sitting still, you'll get the most out of this transit's energy if you find an activity you can enjoy together. After all, sharing
s your heart and soul with someone else can make your life seem so much richer for the experience!