Monday, November 11, 2013

 News: The Stars This Week: November 11-17, 2013 by Vivian Owen November 10, 2013 09:00 PM EST

Invest in Your Dreams!

This week kicks off with the
Sun's trine to lucky Jupiter on November 12, when people reach out to help you! The next day, November 13, sees imaginative Neptune turn direct as your goals finally gain traction. You're then challenged to be more open in your relationships on November 14, when Venus squares Uranus before conjuncting Pluto the following day, November 15. Finally, the full Moon in Taurus on November 17 asks you to pay closer attention to your finances.

November 12: The Sun trines Jupiter
Each year, days after Jupiter turns retrograde, the Sun forms a supportive trine to this good-luck planet. Take this opportunity to loop back to past conversations and people who can benefit you now. Since the Sun and Jupiter are both in Water signs, the more you're able to emotionally connect with people, the more help you'll get. An open heart brings the greatest rewards!

November 13: Neptune turns direct
Neptune turned retrograde last June 7, when a review process began to help you assess your goals. While you may not always see everything clearly or have your logical mind in tip-top shape whenever Neptune changes direction, nothing beats this transit for promoting imagination and creativity! However, because of Neptune's heightened idealism, you'll want to make sure you don't take everything (or everyone) at face value. If something sounds too good to be true right now, it most likely is! For extra insight, check the house in your natal chart through which Neptune is currently transiting.

November 14: Venus squares Uranus
November 15: Venus conjuncts Pluto
For over a year now, each time a planet transits though any Cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), it encounters the transformational, revolutionary energy of the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square. As Venus makes contact with Uranus and Pluto in these challenging aspects, expect changes to occur in your relationships. Help yourself by being more authentic in the way you relate to people, and be sure to allow plenty of room for you and others to move and breathe.

November 17: Full Moon in Taurus
Since Taurus rules finances and any full Moon tends to amp up emotions, you can expect to have a few interesting conversations about earning, spending, and saving moneey! But since Neptune changed direction only a few days ago, you'll want to make sure you use common sense -- this combination can open the door for financial scams and identity theft. Still, this is a good time to make tangible, practical investments in your life that could help you feel more comfortable, whether you make a plan to save money, vow to treat your possessions more kindly, tune in to nature, or formulate values that accurately reflect where you are at this point in your life. In the days following the full Moon, but before the next new Moon on December 2, take the time you need to find your comfort zone.

Monday, November 4, 2013

More News: From

The Stars This Week: November 4-10, 201

by Vivian Owen 

Mixed Messages

You may not know if you're coming or going this week as
Venus enters Capricorn (where Venus will retrograde next month), Jupiter turns retrograde, and Mercury goes direct! First, you're ready to make a commitment as the love planet, Venus, enters serious Capricorn on November 5. Then, Jupiter begins its backward motion on November 6, when all those ambitious ideas you have for your life need a thorough review. At least some of your plans get the green light, however, as Mercury turns direct in Scorpio on November 10!

November 5: Venus enters Capricorn
Are you ready to stop wasting your precious time on people who aren't ready to commit? As the love planet leaves freewheeling Sagittarius to enter earthy Capricorn, it's time to make important decisions about who you want to invest in ... and who you need to let go. But, pace yourself! Venus will turn retrograde in Capricorn on December 21, returning you to unfinished conversations and people from your past. So, be prepared to have those serious conversations; just don't make up your mind quite yet, as plenty will be revealed over the coming months. You'll be ready to move forward with your decisions next year, when Venus turns direct on January 31 before finally entering Aquarius on March 5.

November 6: Jupiter turns retrograde
Are you thinking of fixing up your home, buying a new house, or expanding your family? When Jupiter entered Cancer on June 16, your attention turned to personal matters, family issues, and the security of your home and loved ones. Now as this big planet turns retrograde, you'll need to backtrack and review these very personal areas of your life. Expect momentum to be slowed -- or even halted -- during this retrograde period, set to last until March 6. Still, don't worry about plans and projects being delayed, as whatever is held back could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. In general, this is a time of curtailing excesses.

November 10: Mercury turns direct
Mercury turned retrograde in Scorpio on October 21, when your plans and agreements suffered delays. If you used the power of Scorpio to look into whether people have been giving you accurate information, you'll be in good shape now to make progress on your revamped projects. Over the next week, be ready to put the finishing touches on your plans and move forward with confidence!