Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year 2015!

 Wondering what the "Stars" in our solar system's  influence on you will be this, New year, of 2015?

 Well, here is how I see it!

 At first glance...I would sum it up, as a year of surprises!

And to some extent, that includes all sun signs. However, yes...some signs it will be more apparent to, than to others!
Why? Because of the planet that rules unpredicted events, both good and bad, called Uranus, in the sign of Aries, and how it aspects the Sun, in Capricorn, as we begin this New year?

 Very similar to last years New Years day 2014! Because of Uranus and the Planet Pluto, both in difficult square aspect to the sun. That helped to bring many changes and surprises, like unusual world news, weather events, and unexpected upheavals? All during the year 2014. But Where Uranus, and Pluto move so slowly...
This year? More of the same!

 But to some extent a little more concentrated, in a positive way, around our finances, personal relationships, and home life.
Because this New year 2015 starts with the moon in money making lovable Taurus, in favorable aspect to the sun, Mercury, and its ruler Venus! Those surprises, that are indicated can be pleasant ones!

 Like new love, in your life for 2015! Along with unexpected money, and domestic expansion! Nice!

Those signs that will be directly influenced? Are... Aries, Libra, Capricorn, and Cancer. Though all signs well be effected, in some ways  many things coming to them, through others!

Also new for this year's 2015 happenings, is the fact that the planet Saturn, is newly into Sagittarius, and that will strongly effect those born under the signs of, Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces!
Helping them, to start to own up to changes, that are happening towards laying down a new more secure realistic foundation, for their future lives. Bringing slow steady progress, that others can see.

This New Year too, begins with the planet of luck Jupiter, in Leo! And  that will help the fire, and air signs, to be more expansive and lucky!
Those are..( Fire signs, ( Leo, Aries, Sagittarius,)  Air signs, (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra)
Those signs will likely experience more opportunities in many areas of life, like their jobs, education, travel, health, and spiritual growth! Perhaps adding a professional degree, and consults about legal matters! Don't  be penny wise and pound foolish. Use professionals to avoid bad advice and being mislead.

Area of life that we all will be more concerned with?

 Our priorities!

 And many wise decisions will come from careful planning, patience, and getting down to those concerns that matter most around our loved ones and comforts!
Looks like a good year to plan out future security too. So get to it, no matter what your sign is...And Make 2015, one of your Best!

Happy New Year 2015 everybody! 

Monday, December 22, 2014

 New Season...Yes!
And we can... Just Blame it on the Stars!
 By Valerie Greene
Winter begins this year, on December 21 at 6:03 PM EST. This is an important event because Each season gives us a fresh way
 of viewing our lives, and how life's daily events effect us!!!
 Because the Sun's position in the heavens, rule our
 individual egos, we can all expect to feel some
 changes brewing! However, because Winter is the
 season of sleep, the changes that the Stars are tying
 to manifest in your life are likely to be more inward,
 happening for sure, but not as likely to be as visible to
 others as  what occurs in the first season of the New
Year, Called, Spring!
How the season go, are...
"Spring", the first season of the new year!
It is "The time of planting"

"Summer", the year's second season! The time of cultivating what was  planted in the spring!
 "Autumn " is the year's third season, The time of "reaping" what was planted and cultivated during the other two seasons.
And finally, the fourth and last season! 
 What we are now experiencing.  "Winter" The time of "Sleep" where what was planted, cultivated, and reaped, during the year of 2014, lies dormant, quietly waiting recognition, with the bursting out, renewed, in Spring!
Meaning that brewing change now, will be seen in your world by others, sometime in the season of Spring 2015...
Starting, March 20, until the season of Summer.
Now what does all this mean to you?
Expect that winter will help you to be aware of what changes you need to make in your life! And know that, it will be happening more inside you, until the time of events in your life push you forward into expanding the changes you need and want. But be patient right now!
Saturn's entrance into Sagittarius on December 23 initiates an important new journey that will be happening over the next
two and a half years
 Giving all sun signs a new cycle of growth and learning.  Also the planet Mercury's  difficult aspect to the planet of the unexpected Uranus, on Dec. 24 is likely to bring at least one surprise! Try to work at making it a good one by being  flexible as possible with holiday plans. A Pluto conjunction to Mercury on Christmas day makes communication and travel difficult! Slow down, and count to 10, hast brings waste and upheavals, but sudden truth may merge too, that can be very helpful in the future.  But keep those thoughts to your self, if you can! All new information can help you to set your course!
Then on Dec. 26, the Sun makes positive aspect to the planet Neptune, that can inspire into ideas that by spring can create opportunities to help make your wishes come true!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hello Star followers.
  It is true that I have not been updating the Astrological news for quite sometime now!  For Many reasons that are too lengthy to tell you about.

 However, in all those days, of my absence in writing to you, I have come to the conclusion that the impact of Astrology is mostly about daily warnings!

Now, because I have learned to believe, that we are more than flesh, we are mostly spirit, only coming to this consciousness called earth for spirit soul's growth. And that daily warnings really keeps us from living freely ! Not the way for spirit... we humans as I see it should live!

Have I helped you with Mercury retorgade, full moon, and other Astro update to give you a heads up? I hope so. Proabley the most help was knowing the whys of what was going on in your life as far as delays and aggravations. And I still would like to do that a little.

 However my new idea for this blog, will be a monthly positive forecast. Or in the near future maybe a seasonal one. I just now feel the need to make you aware of my new Astro Blog that will began sometime soon. Watch for it!

Hopefully it will start giving you only positive feedback on how mother nature, (God) is seeding your way with our natural Astro-happenings!  All giving you the push to make the most of your months or seasons.

Thank you for being interested!  I hope you continue on as a reader!


Thursday, March 20, 2014

It is in the Stars,
 by Valerie Greene

At last...the March Equinox 2014

Converte Time in our area , happening, Thursday March 20, 2014 at, 12:57 PM EDT USA

Yes at last, this Thursday, will begin the first day of Spring 2014...
what we have all been waiting for even though the weather is not letting us feel it!
This is the day the earth starts its new cycle! So with that in mind, Thursday, March 20, put your best foot forward in all the ways that you can! That way you will keep in step with what a new earth cycle, can mean for you.

Our morning hours of Thursday, look a bit troublesome. However, the afternoon hours when the Equinox  actually occurs at 12:57 PM  we are in a more get to it mode! So all those pent up emotions that have had your enthusiasm stifled can now be let out .And  you can once again feel your life moving forward.

 Just be careful not to overdo it. Good new beginnings take care thought, and planning! Remember Spring is the time of planting.The summer is the time of cultivating what we are now starting, and come Fall, we reap the harvest!

So this time of new earth, year, at 12:57, PM EDT is just the starting point for what can be new , in your life.

Please try extra hard to Enjoy it...Spring is the time, of new beginnings!

 What will your New Start for this Spring, 2014, be?   

Monday, February 24, 2014

Its is in the Stars, Week of Feb. 24, 2014
 by Valerie Greene

Big Changes in the Star brew this week.

 With the most helpful being, the planet Mercury's return to direct motion!  Happening with a new moon too, all on Friday Feb. 28, the last day of our month of Feb. 2014

What a new moon gives us, is a chance towards new starts! Anything  new in our life, that we want to expand and grow.

 And what a normal direction, for our planet Mercury does, is help us to move forward at last, with our communication ties, also helping us to finalize, those lasting decissions. 

However, all that glitters at first sight isn't always gold!

 Meaning that even though we will all have some relief from the double trouble, of our Mercury going forward again on Friday. There are unfortunately some other planetary changes that can gum up the works, of us feeling like, we at truly moving on forward, towards accomplishing our long sought after goals. 

 Because , action planet Mars, turns retrograde on March 1, immediately followed by stern Saturn's own retrograde on March 2.

 Brining with it, a period of time that you'll want to review the course you've been traveling as you begin thinking about what needs to change, and why it needs to change!

 Both planets then having their turn at stalling us, that seems to give life a slower repeating pace,

 where we have to work things out through extra effort and patience....maybe bringing out stumbling blocks that might now be  suddenly recognized needing unexpected attention!

 All of that... until both planets get back to their normal forward direction . For Mars that will be after, May 18, 2014..... and for the disciplined planet Saturn that wont happen until July 21, 2014.

Seems like a long period of revaluating our lives, and delays. 

 Just keep in mind that the course of our Stars. help to put our lives on course...even though not always without stumbles, and some pain! 

It will be for progress that can withstand the long haul, so the aggravations and delays in the long run, will be worth it!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

It is in the Stars...
This week changes that you need to know!
 by Valerie Greene

Happy Birthday Pisces! The Sun just began its yearly trek in your sign!

 Giving you Pisces, sometime this month, your birthday!  Your very own personal New Year!

  Did you know.. that days like this, the beginning of any new planetary cycle tends to set the trend for the days ahead?

So, therefore it would be nice to set the new trend positively! Bringing positive results during that new cycle.

 Today's first full day of the Sun in Pisces has a  Libra moon, in positive aspect to retrograde Mercury in Aquarius.

 By its self this helps to set an innovating trend. But today, Feb. 19, our Libra moon will also co-join the action planet Mars, to give a push towards being more active! 

 A nice Help for all signs to want to be more involved with using their energy and passions to get things accomplished.

Seems just what is needed as we prepare for the season of spring!

 However, even though that is true, towards being more productive for the next 30 days, we also have a negative planetary  that can snarl up those activities, and muddy up our communications. 

Yes, it will continue to be the retrograde Mercury causing many aggravations,  and changes of your mind, making it difficult for you to see progress. But also the serious planet Saturn this day in negative aspect to our retrograde Mercury, complicates our thoughts, and keeps us seeing all the negatives.

How to cope? Slow down! Use this months trend towards serious careful thought. Maybe areas of your life that you have up until now, not wanted to deal with?  Also try to be as flexible as possible. Remember that innovation for this time period is the key, toward success!

 Happy moving towards spring, today, and Happy Birthday Pisces! Try extra hard to make this day a good one, as it sets our trend until

March 21 the first full day of our spring, 2014!  

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! A day to let loved ones know how much you care!

 Looks like our stars are bringing out those feelings, in a big way, with a full moon!

But... this full moon in proud Leo, is also opposite to the planet of communication. So don't be surprised if all those emotions start giving you, and others, mixed messages!

  That is because, part of you would like to show how much you care, and part of you wants to resist... staying aloof and free of any entanglements. 

 Foolish Pride will be at the root, of it all. Suddenly making you want to be noncommittal. 

 However, with the communicator Mercury, still moving backward, whatever you decide, concerning expressing Valentine's Day emotions, you are likely to change your mind about, by the end of the month!

So tread lightly and keep your options open. That way hopefully avoiding some emotional missteps in your future ?

Saturday, and Sunday, it will be easier to express yourself. All thanks to a Virgo moon leading you towards a more practical approach. 

That clearing thinking also can smooth out those ruffled feathers that could have happened on Friday, Valentine's Day. Enjoy! 


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Important Star changes this week...

by Valerie Greene

 Expect to feel pulled! Tying to please everyone will be impossible, as we enter the cycle that... I call, "double trouble"! 

 Yes, Mercury is indeed again,....changing direction! 

 The planet Mercury, is the planet that rules thought, communications, and travel. And from our earth's view, about three times in a given year, it appears to change its normal direction, and move backward!

 Bringing with it a feeling of moving backward ourselves! A time period when we change our minds often. When thoughts from our past, often resurface. Especially thoughts, concerning communications that were not finished well, or totally completed. This also includes bringing some people back into our lives that we have not connected to, or with for awhile.

 Mercury does this for completion. Bringing us back to things undone. However, that means that doing and thinking new things for this time cycle will not be easy!

 Mercury is now slowing down as I write this, but will appear to stand still, tomorrow Wednesday, Feb. 5...and Thursday, Feb 6, hence...not easy days to get things done or control! Days of feeling on edge, with many delays.

 Then as we ease into Mercury's full swing, Friday, Feb. 7... bringing more delays, confusion, and feeling like we have to do everything we attempt to do, on Friday, over! Setting that double trouble period in time for about three weeks.

 Mercury at last will again start to move forward, on March 1, But, even though there will be less double trouble, after March 1, keep in mind that Mercury will need to get past the point that it began its change in direction, before we ourselves can safely also move forward in our lives, too.

 That date? This year, also happens to be the first day of spring, March 21. A great boost toward a busy get things accomplished, type of Spring!

In the mean time, how to cope? Try to avoid making any new important decissions, or large purchases that you could find unreliable!

 Also, drive with extra care for the next three weeks. Because what we have set in motion in the past, might now come back to bite a ticket, or had an accident? watch out...could happen again in this time cycle...think patience, and get those old problems attended to!
 Making Mercury in rtrograde,,,Purposeful!

Monday, January 27, 2014 New Moon in Aquarius!
The Stars This week by Vivian Owen
A New Beginning!

You get a fresh start this week, beginning with a new
Moon in Aquarius on January 30 -- a date that also marks the Chinese New Year and the Year of the Horse! Then, January 31 brings three important planetary events! First, Jupiter opposes Pluto, when you'll be reminded to invest in a self-care program. Then, be sure to turn down the noise so you can hear yourself think once Mercury enters imaginative Pisces. Finally, your relationships get back on track as the love planet, Venus, turns direct in Capricorn.

January 30: New Moon in Aquarius
Get ready for a hardworking year ahead as this new Moon marks the beginning of the Chinese Year of the Horse! And, since Aquarius is a sign that loves teamwork, it's a
great time to invite others to help you reach your goals. Make sure you return the favor and invest your energy in group projects that make others' lives better. Spend more time with good friends -- they can help you succeed. As with all new Moons, you now have an opportunity to make a fresh start, so whatever you do, make a strong effort to pursue something, whether it's a goal, job, or relationship!

January 31: Jupiter opposes Pluto
Jupiter, currently retrograde in Cancer, is forming the second of three oppositions to powerful Pluto in ambitious Capricorn. Last August, when these two planets connected for the first time, you needed to find a healthy balance between your personal life and your professional commitments. Have you succeeded? Do you have a comfortable home, nurturing family relationships, and a solid self-care program? Invest in yourself during these next few months. By the time of the third opposition in April, your achievements will have been built on an unshakable foundation!

January 31: Mercury enters Pisces
Your imagination blossoms when the planet of communication enters this sensitive, psychic sign! What do you want most? Use this transit, which lasts until February 12, to focus on your goals. You'll experience the most success if you avoid distractions and spend time simply sitting quietly, writing in your journal, or walking in nature. Daydreams and night dreams hold important information for you, so pay attention! It's time to listen to the whisperings of your soul.

January 31: Venus turns direct
Venus entered Capricorn last November 5, then turned retrograde on December 21, so hopefully you've used these last couple months to review your commitments to others and make positive changes. You may have had to let go of certain people or revise the status of specific relationships; or, perhaps you renewed your vows or reconnected with someone from your past. Now the love planet finally turns direct -- and you are more than ready to move forward! Strengthen your relationship bonds as Venus continues its transit through Capricorn until March 5, 2014.

Monday, January 13, 2014

News: From
The Stars This Week: January 13-19, 2014
by Vivian Owen  

Invest in Yourself!
A full
Moon in sensitive Cancer on January 15 reminds you to keep your personal needs and your commitments to others in balance. On January 16, you'll need to sort out relationship issues as Venus, the planet of love, and Mars, the planet of desire, form a challenging square. Luckily, you get plenty of ideas when Mercury in Aquarius sextiles Uranus on January 17!

January 15: Full Moon in Cancer
Your ambitions and goals for the year were highlighted during the new Moon in Capricorn on January 1. Now, the full Moon in Cancer asks you to focus on your personal needs to make sure that the public and personal aspects of your life are in healthy balance with one another. How can you accomplish this? Start by making changes in your home that soothe you. Get rid of clutter, donate clothes you no longer wear, or simply buy yourself some fresh flowers. Tune into your feelings, thoughts, and body, and make a goal to nurture and take good care of yourself. In the days following this full Moon, but before the next new Moon, form a plan to maximize all that's great as you make changes that will make you feel more comfortable and secure.

January 16: Venus squares Mars
Are you wondering if you should leave -- or stay with -- someone? In this challenging aspect, the planet of love and the planet of desire are not getting along. Venus is currently retrograde in practical Capricorn, which means it's time to review your most important relationships; meanwhile, Mars is
traveling through fair-minded Libra. Venus in Capricorn wants a commitment. Mars in Libra wants to invest in a relationship ... but at what cost? This square can either energize your love life or cause complications, and you'll know which way things are heading by the end of the week.

January 17: Mercury sextiles Uranus
A surprising phone call, a chance encounter, an
exciting conversation that opens up new opportunities -- all these are possible as the communication planet in open-minded Aquarius contacts independent, unpredictable Uranus in bold Aries! Stimulating conversations can give you the fresh perspective you need at this point. Have fun and be open to whomever crosses your path today, for you're bound to meet plenty of interesting people!