Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year 2015!

 Wondering what the "Stars" in our solar system's  influence on you will be this, New year, of 2015?

 Well, here is how I see it!

 At first glance...I would sum it up, as a year of surprises!

And to some extent, that includes all sun signs. However, yes...some signs it will be more apparent to, than to others!
Why? Because of the planet that rules unpredicted events, both good and bad, called Uranus, in the sign of Aries, and how it aspects the Sun, in Capricorn, as we begin this New year?

 Very similar to last years New Years day 2014! Because of Uranus and the Planet Pluto, both in difficult square aspect to the sun. That helped to bring many changes and surprises, like unusual world news, weather events, and unexpected upheavals? All during the year 2014. But Where Uranus, and Pluto move so slowly...
This year? More of the same!

 But to some extent a little more concentrated, in a positive way, around our finances, personal relationships, and home life.
Because this New year 2015 starts with the moon in money making lovable Taurus, in favorable aspect to the sun, Mercury, and its ruler Venus! Those surprises, that are indicated can be pleasant ones!

 Like new love, in your life for 2015! Along with unexpected money, and domestic expansion! Nice!

Those signs that will be directly influenced? Are... Aries, Libra, Capricorn, and Cancer. Though all signs well be effected, in some ways  many things coming to them, through others!

Also new for this year's 2015 happenings, is the fact that the planet Saturn, is newly into Sagittarius, and that will strongly effect those born under the signs of, Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces!
Helping them, to start to own up to changes, that are happening towards laying down a new more secure realistic foundation, for their future lives. Bringing slow steady progress, that others can see.

This New Year too, begins with the planet of luck Jupiter, in Leo! And  that will help the fire, and air signs, to be more expansive and lucky!
Those are..( Fire signs, ( Leo, Aries, Sagittarius,)  Air signs, (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra)
Those signs will likely experience more opportunities in many areas of life, like their jobs, education, travel, health, and spiritual growth! Perhaps adding a professional degree, and consults about legal matters! Don't  be penny wise and pound foolish. Use professionals to avoid bad advice and being mislead.

Area of life that we all will be more concerned with?

 Our priorities!

 And many wise decisions will come from careful planning, patience, and getting down to those concerns that matter most around our loved ones and comforts!
Looks like a good year to plan out future security too. So get to it, no matter what your sign is...And Make 2015, one of your Best!

Happy New Year 2015 everybody! 

Monday, December 22, 2014

 New Season...Yes!
And we can... Just Blame it on the Stars!
 By Valerie Greene
Winter begins this year, on December 21 at 6:03 PM EST. This is an important event because Each season gives us a fresh way
 of viewing our lives, and how life's daily events effect us!!!
 Because the Sun's position in the heavens, rule our
 individual egos, we can all expect to feel some
 changes brewing! However, because Winter is the
 season of sleep, the changes that the Stars are tying
 to manifest in your life are likely to be more inward,
 happening for sure, but not as likely to be as visible to
 others as  what occurs in the first season of the New
Year, Called, Spring!
How the season go, are...
"Spring", the first season of the new year!
It is "The time of planting"

"Summer", the year's second season! The time of cultivating what was  planted in the spring!
 "Autumn " is the year's third season, The time of "reaping" what was planted and cultivated during the other two seasons.
And finally, the fourth and last season! 
 What we are now experiencing.  "Winter" The time of "Sleep" where what was planted, cultivated, and reaped, during the year of 2014, lies dormant, quietly waiting recognition, with the bursting out, renewed, in Spring!
Meaning that brewing change now, will be seen in your world by others, sometime in the season of Spring 2015...
Starting, March 20, until the season of Summer.
Now what does all this mean to you?
Expect that winter will help you to be aware of what changes you need to make in your life! And know that, it will be happening more inside you, until the time of events in your life push you forward into expanding the changes you need and want. But be patient right now!
Saturn's entrance into Sagittarius on December 23 initiates an important new journey that will be happening over the next
two and a half years
 Giving all sun signs a new cycle of growth and learning.  Also the planet Mercury's  difficult aspect to the planet of the unexpected Uranus, on Dec. 24 is likely to bring at least one surprise! Try to work at making it a good one by being  flexible as possible with holiday plans. A Pluto conjunction to Mercury on Christmas day makes communication and travel difficult! Slow down, and count to 10, hast brings waste and upheavals, but sudden truth may merge too, that can be very helpful in the future.  But keep those thoughts to your self, if you can! All new information can help you to set your course!
Then on Dec. 26, the Sun makes positive aspect to the planet Neptune, that can inspire into ideas that by spring can create opportunities to help make your wishes come true!