Friday, July 29, 2016

It Is In The Stars
by, Valerie Greene
Feeling a bit edgy lately? There is a reason! Yes it is in the Stars! All starting today!
 Firstly, as I write this, July 29, 2016, the planet that rules innovation, and freedom Uranus, has come to a stand still as it prepares to retrograde, tonight at 5:06 PM EDT.
And because that is the Star of the unexpected, it is likely to bring some frayed nerves, and unexpected disturbances, giving you that edgy feeling! Along with unsettled annoyances, into your day and evening? No matter what your sign.
Also the planet of communication Mercury is completing its yearly stay in Leo today...Setting a new trend in the way we receive our thoughts and how we share them. Giving us a more practical thought approach when Mercury enters Virgo, tomorrow, July 30, 2016, at 2:18 PM EDT 
All signs will start to be more thoughtful when getting their thoughts and plans across to others. Effecting us from the practical earth Virgo influence, from July 30, until Oct. 7, 2016.
That is a longer than usual stay for the planet Mercury to be in its on sign of Virgo! Why? Because Mercury will again turn retrograde, on Aug. 30, 2016 at 9:04 AM. until it get backs to its normal direction on Sept 22, at 1:30 AM. And then continue its Virgo influence  until Mercury will enter Libra, on Oct 7, 2016, at 3:55 AM.
Wow, you can see and feel change in the Astrological brew!
But there is more, coming soon, too!
On Aug. 2, at 1:49 PM our planet of energy and passion Mars, will enter the fire sign of Sagittarius! Which will change how we use and direct our passions! Mars stays in Sagittarius until Nov. 9, 2016, at 12:51 AM, when Mars, then will enter the Liberating sign of Aquarius!
 Interesting that it will be in that sign, of independence... for the tallying and completion of our political race for a new president of our beloved united States?
Also, on Aug. 2, 2016 at 4:44 PM, EDT we will have the benefit of a new Leo, moon. That is the time each month when we set in motion patters that will increase through the whole month
 So try to stay as flexible as possible, and use your more detailed self to prepare for a busy fruitful Aug. and Sept.
 Particularly if yours is a earth or water sign?  Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus? Earth! Or Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio? Water! Think long term towards expansion to what you want to improve and gain from all month.
Yes, I would say we are in for a  pretty significant astrological few days!
 Try to work hard, at making them good ones!

Monday, July 11, 2016

It Is In The Stars
By astrologer, Valerie Greene

Changes in sign for the planets Venus, and Mercury, can heat things up making an impact on the rest of your summer!

 Yes! The Planet of love Venus will change signs into the sign of Leo, July 12, 2016 at 1:34 a.m. EDT.

And the planet of communication, Mercury, also entering the sign of Leo, on July 13, 2016 at 8:47 p.m.

Leo, is a fixed Fire sign! So when planets move into it, the effect can stir up activity that is more assertive, active, and fiery!

Especially igniting all fire signs, Leo, Aries, Sagittarius... but also uplifting the air signs, Aquarius, Gemini, Libra. 

However, all signs will notice a tendency for more prideful activity in our daily lives! Nice!

 Leo is a summer sign and it denotes, sunshine, leadership, and a desire to control!

Therefore, don't be surprised if you now want to suddenly climb out of your shell no matter what your sign!

 This new trend can also complicate your life?  Venus, and Mercury with us, in Leo, through July...  can now, make you more stubborn! Bringing troubles that are tied to your ego?

So guard your foolish pride when trying to control all those you love, your $, and how you communicate in those areas!

 This warning is particular important for the signs of Taurus, and Scorpio, to keep in mind!

 But all signs will benefit more from this more fiery trend, if they can tread carefully, without Ego!

Adding more Fire, into the mix will happen, July 22,! As the Sun takes  up its yearly stay in Leo, at  5:30 a.m. EDT 

  Another influence to make us want to be more active that will be with us until Aug. 21.

Quite a change from all those water signs that have been active in our daily lives that last 3 weeks! Which have been giving us more home, involvement, and feeling extra sensitive!

Add the fact that the plant Mars, that rules passions in Scorpio, has been with us off and on, since the first of our new year!

 A stay for Mars, much longer than usual!  Bringing, what we have seen... as many disturbing events, created by passions!

 Igniting, many evil passions that were most unfortunate and disturbing! Including around our police force!

The good news is... that trend of the use of negative anger  with such evil passion, will end when Mars changes signs and enters Sagittarius on Aug. 2, 2016 ! A big relief!