work weeks of Sept. 30 2013
tells us what to expect!
Take your time to sort through
choices as the Libra Sun contacts the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square on October 1 and 3! If
you pay attention, the new Moon in Libra on October 4 will show
you how to turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones! And when Saturn quincunxes Uranus on October 4,
you'll find that the more adaptable you are, the better you'll
October 1: The Sun squares Pluto
October 3: The Sun opposes Uranus
As the Libra Sun connects to the Uranus-Pluto square, you're confronted by people and circumstances that cause you to take a step back and assess not only what you want, but who you hope to associate with. Take time to talk with people you know well and trust to help you sort it all out, for these challenges can help you in the long run. For now, be flexible and thoughtful as you consider all your options. You can control part of your destiny; other areas, though, are outside your control. Learn how to recognize one from the other so you can make decisions that will be most beneficial to you.
October 4: New Moon in Libra
Could you use a little peace and quiet? Usually the new Moon in Libra brings a desire to socialize as you work to build and strengthen your relationships. This year, however, the Libra new Moon receives challenging aspects. Leave plenty of room to make changes in your life as you let go of situations that aren't working out. Invest your energy in relationships you'd like to see become stronger and more important in your life. The power of the new Moon phase is in effect until the full Moon on October 18.
October 4: Saturn quincunxes Uranus
This is an aspect of adjustment, so don't be so wedded to the way things are that you're unable to adapt to changing circumstances. If you try to clamp down and control events
or people, your efforts will
backfire; alternately, you'll find that you'll be most effective if you're
simply realistic. Most of all, leave the past behind so you can embrace
everything new coming into your life!
October 1: The Sun squares Pluto
October 3: The Sun opposes Uranus
As the Libra Sun connects to the Uranus-Pluto square, you're confronted by people and circumstances that cause you to take a step back and assess not only what you want, but who you hope to associate with. Take time to talk with people you know well and trust to help you sort it all out, for these challenges can help you in the long run. For now, be flexible and thoughtful as you consider all your options. You can control part of your destiny; other areas, though, are outside your control. Learn how to recognize one from the other so you can make decisions that will be most beneficial to you.
October 4: New Moon in Libra
Could you use a little peace and quiet? Usually the new Moon in Libra brings a desire to socialize as you work to build and strengthen your relationships. This year, however, the Libra new Moon receives challenging aspects. Leave plenty of room to make changes in your life as you let go of situations that aren't working out. Invest your energy in relationships you'd like to see become stronger and more important in your life. The power of the new Moon phase is in effect until the full Moon on October 18.
October 4: Saturn quincunxes Uranus
This is an aspect of adjustment, so don't be so wedded to the way things are that you're unable to adapt to changing circumstances. If you try to clamp down and control events
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