Thursday, September 24, 2015

Lots happening with our Stars, with ten days of astrological changes!

Here they are with the EDT that they began their new trek. being topped of with another super moon! 
Sept 17, 2:10 PM EDT Mercury enters Sagittarius
Sept 17, 10:49 PM EDT Saturn enters Sagittarius.
Sept 23, 4:20 AM EDT Sun enters Libra! 

Sept 24, 10:18 PM EDT Mars enters Virgo.
Sept 25, 2:58 AM EDT Pluto Direct Pluto 12°
Sept 27, 10:50 PM Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse 4 Aries
What might this mean to you?
1) Mercury now retrograde in Libra) Feeling a lot of delays,strong emotions, unexpected expenditures, all with lots of repeats and do-overs that can be annoying. Best to avoid making important decisions, until after Oct 9.

2)Saturn enters Sagittarius...a time when the signs of, Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, and Sagittarius will be tested to see if their last 7 years they have been going in the right direction for a stable sound future? Saturn will be in Sagittarius until Dec. 20, 2017
3)Sun enters Libra with the first day of Fall 2015...
Happy Birthday to those born in that sign! Which can be a go getting month for, Libra and the other Air signs, Gemini, Aquarius! Also giving a nice extra push of zest and enthusiasm, for all the Fire signs! They are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, Libra Sun, will be with us until Oct 24
4) Planet Mars enters Virgo, making all of us more practical, moving with extra thought! Giving extra energy to the sign of Virgo, and the other earth signs of Taurus and Capricorn. Mars will be Virgo until Nov. 13.

5) The Planet Pluto, goes back in direct motion. A time period that pending lasting changes, can now be finished. And you have a few months to get things done! Pluto will be moving in direct motion until April 17, 2016 .

6) Last but not least...Another super moon!

September’s Full Moon taking place on September 27th, will likely be one of the year’s biggest planetary events—given that both its astronomy and astrology will be front and center.
This is going to be a full moon with a lot of extra flavor and for good reason.

Many popular media outlets have been talking about it for weeks and the hype will only continue as we get closer to the date. It’s an exciting event and the influences in motion will likely have a direct personal impact on many of us.

First, it will be a total lunar eclipse which means that the Earth, sun and moon will all align precisely which only happens a few times a year.

During the exact time of the eclipse, the moon will actually pass behind the Earth’s shadow over the span of several hours. Many of us will be able to see this happen visually in the night sky which will no doubt be a gorgeous site. Check out EarthSky for precise times of the eclipse around the world.
Secondly, it will be a supermoon which means when we look up at the night sky the brilliant glow will be breathtaking!
Whew what a busy astrological ten days...Heads-up!

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