Monday, October 26, 2015

Tuesday morning’s Full Taurus Moon, at 8:05 A.M. EDT,
 can bring us to a new way of searching within to more, fully understand our inner needs in how we relate, to our closest relationships!
 Even those that were in your past, like our childhood and family. As old hurts and undisclosed wounding from childhood can keep us from expressing our true needs. Therefore causing barriers to growth and necessary transformation.
 This Taurus Moon at its fullest, Tuesday morning can actually help you to pull all those areas of thought closer than usual to the surface. And in turn  bring emotional events, that shed light into a potential breakthrough of understanding that for years had been escaping you.
So pay attention as you day begins on Tuesday, letting your new desire to investigate, allow those inner exposed truths be the potential for your own inner breakthroughs.
 The Taurus Full Moon, is ruled by the planet of love, Venus! As it pulls strongly on the Sun in the transforming sign of Scorpio, on Tuesday morning, it really can bring change into our relationships. Try to make them good ones!
 Also the planets Jupiter and Mars, are playing a role in your day too, as they are in a  close conjunction.
 Mars, being your energy, and Jupiter representing, truth, and faith. Are also important astrological influences
connected to this Full Moon configuration, that can help us to explore ways to improve our lives!

 Especially relationships! Enjoy!

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