Has your New year
2016 started out busy?
By Valerie Greene
Yes? Well, you can
blame it on the Stars!
You see the planet
Mercury rules our current thoughts and the decisions that we make that are
attached to them.
And on Jan 1,
2016 Mercury chanced signs! That happening all by its self would trend to bring
a different trend with our thinking.
However, this
Mercury change being now in freedom loving sign Aquarius, we would want to be
more freedom minded! With a sudden desire to change things, to break our
daily routine!
All because the
action planet Mars, also now in a new sign, is in a difficult square aspect to
Mercury too! Giving that greater need to stir things up! Hence your more busy,
But ones that also
seem to bring a greater need to take control... that can cause arguments, and
out of control behavior.
The worst effect of
Mars and Mercury in a bad tango aspect as it is now, would be impulsiveness
causing accidents! So try to slow down and think before acting.
Not the best planet
pattern to begin a New Year!
How to cope? Use the
desire part you now feel... to push towards getting things that take your skill
and energy, done!
Closets that need
cleaning out...furniture need moving or cleaning? Or how about annoying clutter?
These first few days of our new year, is a great time to clean out and work at
improving your life in some way. Just do it with careful thought and patience,
and you will use that extra energy properly.
And guard your
temper! Mars now in intense Scorpio, tends to do a slow burn...with a huge
Signs that need to
use extra caution right now? Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius, and Leo.
With all of us
feeling a need to be more active...and needing extra patience!
As, Mercury... is
also slowing down and will turn retrograde Again on Jan 5, at 8:06 a.m.
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