Friday, February 19, 2016

Happy Birthday to those born under the sign of Pisces!
by Valerie Greene 

Today, Feb 19, 2016, at 12: 34 AM EST, the Sun entered your sign! Being the last sign of winter, it will be with us until the first day of spring! March 20, 12:30 AM

 Pisces, is a sensitive water sign, ruled by the mysterious planet Neptune. Which will now shed its influence on all of us helping us to be more intuitive, and imaginative, in dealing with others. Especially impacting our work lives, for the next 30 days.

 However, those born under the sign of Pisces, and the other water signs of Cancer, and Scorpio, can be helped the most, around their careers. Giving those signs a positive, 30 day cycle of time, that can gain them more recognition, and progress toward their important long term goals.

The earth signs too, Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn will get a needed push towards being more productive. With new opportunities more possible than they have been, during this Pisces, cycle.  

But those born under the signs Gemini, and Sagittarius, are just the opposite!

 This cycle for them can slow things down. The next three to four weeks they need to be extra patient around their career...not letting a bad, or sad, mood destroy even small gains, that could get a big boost, in spring!

If you are a Leo, or an Aquarian, progress made from the last month is still there.  Just don't spoil it by being overly sensitive, and fixed in your opinions.

And finally,  if you are an Aries, or a Libra? Patience!

 This is now a waiting in the background, time period! Yours for observing, and making those exciting fun plans that you will do in spring! Yes, a quiet slower cycle as you prepare for the blossoming that is just 30 days away. Spring! Your best time of year! 

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