Tuesday, November 24, 2015

 Full moon time! And on Thanksgiving Eve, too!
by Valerie Greene

Yes, on Wednesday at 5:44 P.M. EST, Nov. 25, the Gemini Full moon will be pulling on our emotions!

 So try to keep in mind this trend, as you deal with all those extra activities to make your Thanksgiving, joyful! 

Because the planet, that rules communication, and transportation, Mercury, along with the planet of learning Saturn, and the planet of deception Neptune, are also in Sagittarius, the Full moon pull, will be effecting those areas of life, more strongly!

 Therefore, patience can go along way, if your traveling, or waiting, for those who are coming to you? Mix ups with your holiday preparation, plans, and do overs, are also likely. 

The best way to cope? Patience, and flexibility! Along with being aware of being pulled into discord through others.

 Some signs experiencing more of that negative effect, than others! They would be the signs of, Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, and Sagittarius.
But all sign would be wise to slow down and think, before they allow their emotions to get the best of them!

Remember, that this time of year, that Sagittarius Sun, is the sign of Faith, and good cheer!
Perfect energy to help us celebrate our holiday of Gratitude!

 Do not allow small aggravations ruin what should be a wonderful day of Thanksgiving! 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Happy Birthday Sagittarius!
by Valerie Greene 
 Nov. 22, at 10:25 AM EST the Sun began its yearly cycle again in your sign! 
 A time every year that its optimistic, truthful, and out going traits, lend nicely towards getting out, and about more!
Like family get together's, starting with Thanksgiving. Then helping us with the needed enthusiasm and energy to complete all those holiday plans, and holiday shopping! A lift for all signs to be more directly active. With some signs finding their schedule easier than others to manage.
All fire signs enjoy being active! Sagittarius is noted for being the traveler...but the other fires signs too, of Aries, and Leo, shine best when they are busy! And they can now feel the pace of their daily activities, picking up
 nicely for the next 29 days.
Air sign too, of Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius, enjoy being on the go! And they are often the planner of events! Being detached enough to become the life of the party.
 The earth signs of Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo, are slower to respond to the needed extra activity that this time of year brings. But will find their way towards achieving what they want their holidays to be, as they do every year at this time.
 Water signs, of Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio, mix with the Fire of Sagittarius, and that makes steam...good or bad!
 These are the signs that want to do for others so much that this time of year is exciting but difficult ! Never feeling that what they do is enough, there is a lot of frazzle and fret, in wanting to please others, in their daily plans. With the outcome by DEC. 23, bringing smiles of satisfaction!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! A time for all sun signs to celebrate! 


Friday, November 20, 2015

Astrology News for Nov. 20, 2015,
 By Valerie Greene
A new thought cycle began today!  Why? Because the planet Mercury, that rules our thoughts and how we communicate them, entered the outgoing truthful sign of  Sagittarius, this afternoon, at 2:43 PM EST. And will be reigning its fire influence, until Mercury, goes into Earth sign Capricorn, the evening of DEC. 9, at 9:34 PM. 
 Today's change of sign for planet Mercury, is one that we are ALL likely to notice, with some signs getting more of a lift from it, than others. 
Are you born under a Fire sign?  Sagittarius, Aries and Leo?  Yes? Then these next 19 days can help to get your point across, better than usual. Along with a nice feeling of momentum in moving forward, with decision making?
 Or are you born under an Air sign? Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius? You too can feel a lift from being more communicative, and active! Freeing you from all those snagged details and bad timing you might have been experiencing lately. Nice!
But what about those water and earth signs?
 The water signs? Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer?
 Not as up lifting!  But  still helpful, in that the next 19 days can bring needed truths to the service that can clear the slate with old annoyances.
 The earth signs also, could uncover some disturbing facts, in the next 19 days, that are needed to see. Even if  at first they can seam burdensome.
 Remember, if yours is the birth sign, of Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn?  Erupting sudden seen truths, can bring positive future plans clearly into focus for your holidays, and New year! Think patience! In the long run, things work out for the best!
All in all natures way is giving all signs a chance to be more direct, and honest! So let us Welcome Mercury into its now position, today! Happy safe weekend everybody!


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A Heads Up...for Thursday's First Quarter moon,
by Valerie Greene 
Thursday morning, EST  will bring some planetary aspects, with this month's First Quarter moon, that can be helpful for you to understand! And work through!
 First off, the planet that rules our way of
 communicating Mercury, will be in a conjunction  to the Sun, that morning too!
 That is a very strong aspect, which can blur our thoughts, that can make a tug of war, involving reason...and Ego!
 All making clear thinking difficult!
Adding to that, the planet of love Venus, that rules our love life, and finances will also be in a difficult square aspect,  to the upheaval planet, Pluto!
 Whew... these aspects, can bring some pretty intense happenings!
 But the key is...that these difficult aspects...possibly bringing some unsettling moments into your day, can also be providing a sense of  an on going opportunity for some important transformational progress!
How? Why?  Well, the Sun you see... is also parallel to difficult slow restrictive planet Saturn! And that is the planet that can teach us something! And slow us down!
Including that trend, with the first quarter Moon, Thursday morning, is also a parallel aspect, to mystical, intuitive, planet, Neptune
With Saturn slowing us down, and moon, reacting to Neptune's influence, to be more unselfish. We can  tend to want to relate more, to our inner values! Proving helpful for realistic future planning. 
Also, the planet Mars, ruling passion and energy in a positive aspect with Saturn, on Thursday too. We get a chance at renewed energy towards new momentum in seeking out long sot after goals?
So try to keep in mind, that while things will not go entirely smoothly over this somewhat difficult quarter Moon period. These aspects could be the very cartelists you have needed for a more realistic stable future? 
Remember as you now suddenly see needed adjustments in your life. Your start and making plans towards implementing them, should be done in the direction of taking a conservative approach!
Success, coming from being content with what you can actually achieve, from a more realistic view, of what is best for you in the long run? 
Call it a time, of the first steps towards new foundations in your life!   
 Therefore this first Quarter moon on Thursday, represents a period of time , when a cautious, practical response is best!
 Even though it may not be easy! As intensity wants to rule, encouraging impulsivity!

Try hard instead, to remember that the moon and stars are just trying to give you a chance for a possible transformational period of time? Especially when it comes to your love relationships, and financial future goals. Use it wisely!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Have you had an emotional Tuesday Nov 3, 2015? 
 Well, if your answer is yes!
You can just Blame it on the Stars!
When the planet of love Venus, meets the planet of passion, and energy Mars, in an exact conjunction, sparks can surly fly.
And that is what was effecting us all today, Tuesday Nov 3. 2015
 But with each sign, receiving different,  important reactions and results. 
 A Leo moon at the helm as we began our day in its last quarter moon phase, also was playing a role in today's happenings... with some signs experiencing life opportunities that can impact them for sometime, in a positive manor. With other signs having to face new restrictions, that today they may now, be suddenly aware of?
 Why? Because even though Venus, is a benefactor planet, most always bringing good, with the Planet Mars conjunction today, it turns up passions!  Increasing our feelings. Great for new budding relationships, but very hard on frustrated partnerships that could today, feel any kind of restriction. You see, Mars wants to fight, for what it  desires! Hence a day that could bring emotional arguments.
The signs that are the most likely to have some nice emotional surprises would be the Air signs of,  Aquarius, Libra, Gemini.
And our Leo moon, today also helps those born in the sign of Leo, to face important sought after facts that will be useful in the future.
 It also helps the fire sign of Aries to fight for what it wants..as it brings needed truth to the them and the  Fire sign of Sagittarius. 
However the Signs of Scorpio, and Taurus, today's moon can expose areas of their  life that is asking for needed change!
Virgo, Pisces, Cancer, and Capricorn will find emotions running high, goodly, if you work at seeing things... as happiness comes about through others!

So how did it effect you today? Remember whatever your day brought, the Stars are only trying to put you on a better more proper course...that can make your whole life, or month of November, a more productive happy one! Go with it!