Tuesday, November 24, 2015

 Full moon time! And on Thanksgiving Eve, too!
by Valerie Greene

Yes, on Wednesday at 5:44 P.M. EST, Nov. 25, the Gemini Full moon will be pulling on our emotions!

 So try to keep in mind this trend, as you deal with all those extra activities to make your Thanksgiving, joyful! 

Because the planet, that rules communication, and transportation, Mercury, along with the planet of learning Saturn, and the planet of deception Neptune, are also in Sagittarius, the Full moon pull, will be effecting those areas of life, more strongly!

 Therefore, patience can go along way, if your traveling, or waiting, for those who are coming to you? Mix ups with your holiday preparation, plans, and do overs, are also likely. 

The best way to cope? Patience, and flexibility! Along with being aware of being pulled into discord through others.

 Some signs experiencing more of that negative effect, than others! They would be the signs of, Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, and Sagittarius.
But all sign would be wise to slow down and think, before they allow their emotions to get the best of them!

Remember, that this time of year, that Sagittarius Sun, is the sign of Faith, and good cheer!
Perfect energy to help us celebrate our holiday of Gratitude!

 Do not allow small aggravations ruin what should be a wonderful day of Thanksgiving! 

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