Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A Heads Up...for Thursday's First Quarter moon,
by Valerie Greene 
Thursday morning, EST  will bring some planetary aspects, with this month's First Quarter moon, that can be helpful for you to understand! And work through!
 First off, the planet that rules our way of
 communicating Mercury, will be in a conjunction  to the Sun, that morning too!
 That is a very strong aspect, which can blur our thoughts, that can make a tug of war, involving reason...and Ego!
 All making clear thinking difficult!
Adding to that, the planet of love Venus, that rules our love life, and finances will also be in a difficult square aspect,  to the upheaval planet, Pluto!
 Whew... these aspects, can bring some pretty intense happenings!
 But the key is...that these difficult aspects...possibly bringing some unsettling moments into your day, can also be providing a sense of  an on going opportunity for some important transformational progress!
How? Why?  Well, the Sun you see... is also parallel to difficult slow restrictive planet Saturn! And that is the planet that can teach us something! And slow us down!
Including that trend, with the first quarter Moon, Thursday morning, is also a parallel aspect, to mystical, intuitive, planet, Neptune
With Saturn slowing us down, and moon, reacting to Neptune's influence, to be more unselfish. We can  tend to want to relate more, to our inner values! Proving helpful for realistic future planning. 
Also, the planet Mars, ruling passion and energy in a positive aspect with Saturn, on Thursday too. We get a chance at renewed energy towards new momentum in seeking out long sot after goals?
So try to keep in mind, that while things will not go entirely smoothly over this somewhat difficult quarter Moon period. These aspects could be the very cartelists you have needed for a more realistic stable future? 
Remember as you now suddenly see needed adjustments in your life. Your start and making plans towards implementing them, should be done in the direction of taking a conservative approach!
Success, coming from being content with what you can actually achieve, from a more realistic view, of what is best for you in the long run? 
Call it a time, of the first steps towards new foundations in your life!   
 Therefore this first Quarter moon on Thursday, represents a period of time , when a cautious, practical response is best!
 Even though it may not be easy! As intensity wants to rule, encouraging impulsivity!

Try hard instead, to remember that the moon and stars are just trying to give you a chance for a possible transformational period of time? Especially when it comes to your love relationships, and financial future goals. Use it wisely!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this! Do you know that I have felt this change and this frustration. So I went looking just now to see if you could provide some explanation and guidance -- and here it is! So helpful!
