Monday, November 23, 2009

Are you finding it difficult to get those Holiday plans for your family Thanksgiving nailed down?

If you are in that... I am not sure who's coming to our Holiday dinner dilemma? You can "Blame it on the Stars!"

Strong Emotions...and mixed up plans... will be due to our love planet Venus, as it crosses paths with excessive planet Jupiter on Monday, making us unrealistic, and careless!

But it is on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, when confusion, deception, and strange imaginings... can create discord, and the changing of our Holiday plans?

Yes it is... the planet Venus again! However this time, it is in conflict to the dreamy planet Neptune. Making it difficult to really know what we want?

So if you are expecting more romantic fulfillment, and all family ties to get along, and be in the proper holiday mood, guess again?

It's best to keep an open mind, and as they say, "go with the flow" this Thanksgiving? In other words... be flexible and open minded? And do not jump to Any conclusions!

Your greatest allies this Thanksgiving, will be your kind, generous, and understanding, spirit!

All leading you to a more balanced mood... just in time for our weekend?

Monday, November 16, 2009

This work week of November 16, begins... with a fresh start... new moon, in the passionate intense sign of Scorpio, bringing with it... a need to straighten out our relationship entanglements?

So if you are in a battle of romantic wills, pulling against each other this week... Just blame it "On the Stars"

Yes, the new moon, on November 16, and the planet Venus, in planetary square to Mars, on November 19, will be brewing up some very powerful emotions this week!

However keep the faith...because as our week ends, the Sun's entrance into optimistic Sagittarius on November 21, restores our positive attitude, and will help us to see what is truly good in our lives! And that more positive attitude, helps a lot with mending those romantic fences that need attention? This is especially true if your sun sign is...Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo or Pisces ? But all signs will feel more positive!

So think ahead to plan a more fun filled weekend of November 21.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Feeling silently determined, and hoping that all you are longing for... will work out in your favor?

Well, you can blame that edgy "I want things to go "MY way" feeling...On The Stars!

This extra push of determination is coming from our Sun, in the determined sign of Scorpio that is forming several Planetary aspects this week? Along with... (what can be life-changing ) Saturn-Pluto square... taking place on November 15! But FIRST, we have to deal with our Scorpio Sun in square to expansive Jupiter, on November 10, bringing possible misunderstandings and an overconfidence that could lead to doing more of something than is good for you?

However, look to receive out of the blue support, with the Sun's good... position in a beneficial trine to independent Uranus on November 14, which would be the best day of the month to be open minded and look for the new? Then Keep an eye out for being hopelessly fooled as the Sun, squares the planet Neptune on November 15,. That is a day when everything may not be as it seems!

Finally, for significant November changes coming soon... Mercury's entrance into outspoken Sagittarius , on November 16, brings information we may -- or may not -- want to hear! And, begins a new cycle of being more productive, to our fire signs, of ...Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Wednesday November 4

The visionary planet Neptune after being retrograde for half the year; is now changing motion and going direct. And Dreams that have been on the edge of your consciousness can now come into clearer focus!

Yes, still another planetary aspect to make your November more significant!

Since last May, have you felt like your life has been on a pendulum going back and forth? Well, you can blame that seesaw feeling, and change, of your dreams and goals, "on the stars" !!!

But....the good news is... the planet of expansion and truth, Jupiter is now also in direct motion in the same sign as Neptune, and that can set things in motion to make those most important expansive dreams come true! So think positive, and look for the real truth, to have major expansive changes in December.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fasten your seat belts for a rocky November 2009!

Yes, if you find yourself up-tight, and argumentative as this November begins? You can blame it on the stars!

The fireworks happen when information-collector planet Mercury in emotionally intense Scorpio: squares the planet Mars in respect-driven Leo! This argumentative aspect makes us eager to jump into the fray to give our opinions! We all have our sensitive spots, and with this feisty aspect in our solar system on November 1, you may feel tempted to sting with your words! But... If you can take inventory of yourself rather than focusing on other people's issue, you'll be the one that gets things accomplished and be the peace maker.

November 2: Full Moon in Taurus heats things up with our love life, and our pocket books!

You will want to keep your wits about you, in both areas, with our emotional, stubborn, full Taurus Moon, as Neptune changes direction... bringing confusion and deception.

So don't allow yourself to be in the dark about your love life or your money! This is a time when it makes sense to be more on top of where your money is going, and if... a relationship is worth keeping? During this full Moon, step back and go through your financial affairs, and look for the truth in your emotional ties. If something doesn't make sense, use the current Mercury in Scorpio to play detective. You may need to address areas of disagreement about how money is handled, or how an existing relationship is valued? Although conversations can get a bit feisty with warrior Mars weighing in with a square, make more, practical investments, and clear up the confusion in your love life, with a heart to heart, honest appraisal of a relationship that, can make you feel more content and secure!

This full Moon will most affect those born October 31-November 4, January 28-February 1, April 29-May 3, but it puts all sun signs in the mood to weed out what is not working in their lives.

Aries...This months activities will be difficult for you to control. So much depends on how others are affecting you. Try to stay with your original plan and let others help you?

Taurus...Anger and a desire for control, are issues that will plague you this month of need to use that extra energy in a wise direction that can improve your life, not unsettle it?

Gemini ... Doings things that have lasting effect on your future security makes this November a purposeful and significant. Use your time wisely!

Cancer... This month You now are seeing all those cracks in the area of your security, that you were not aware of before? Don't panic...create a plan.

Leo....If you Are feeling angry and disorganized as this November begins, do not rush to fix things on impulse! Instead take it slow, and look carefully at where the long haul takes you?

Virgo...Feeling better ? Saturn has finally left you sign, and this month gives you a lighter
more fun feeling. Enjoy, and look for a new direction that brings future surprises.

Libra... November brings a need to be more serious and practical that will be with you for some time? Do not look for the easy answers or short cuts, it time to practice patience, and Learn!

Scorpio...You are a master in solving mystery's, but this month you could allow your pride
to keep you from seeing what really need your attention? Stay extra alert!

Sagittarius...This month you can move out of that fog, as you can see truths that alluded you before. Think long range, and be optimistic to bring positive changes.

Capricorn...A month to look at what you have been avoiding. Saturn your ruler is trying to bring a better more secure future, and faces change is never easy, but necessary! Wake UP!

Aquarius...Your open minded attitude will come in handy this month. Remember you do best when you can see things from a distance. Slow down, and do what you do best detach!

Pisces...Your feeling pulled from all the new possibilities this month. But clarity in what your true needs are, can give you the push towards a more realistic secure future.

So if your feeling a little different during this month...Just blame it on the stars!
Saturn is now in a different sign, after a two-year stay in Mercury ruled Virgo.
Now in Venus ruled Libra, the sign of partnership, Saturn's tough love forces us to face our flaws.

However, when we've learned our lesson, Saturn acts as the planet of security, and Saturn in Libra can ignite the painful process of working on ourselves, and shedding our relationship that are NOT working... Improving our long range future -- And the pay-off may just be... the lasting love you have been looking for?