Monday, December 21, 2015

The season of Winter begins!
by Valerie Greene
Today we welcome the official first day of winter! As the Sun enters Capricorn, on DEC. 21 at 11:48 PM EST.
Happy Birthday to those born under the sign of Capricorn!  You will be having a Birthday within the next 30 days.
Also a great start for all the earth signs.  With Tuesday's  earth Taurus moon, giving strength to Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo, starting out this season, on a positive note.
Wednesday, Dec.23, a Gemini moon can try everyone's patience.  Because of a  difficult aspect from the moon, to deceptive, sensitive, Neptune, causing deception!
All starting around drive time to work. And effect any travel that you need to be doing? The best way to cope for all signs, would be to check details in any of the days happenings to prevent unnecessary mistakes and confusion.
Thursday's mornings moon, Christmas Eve, can also make  us a bit overconfident, from a moon Jupiter square. Guard being negligent with anything that can be inflammatory. as an increase in the possibility of fire happens from over confidence and neglect.
The evening hours look more balanced, with an easier trend for all signs. And Just in time for Santa's visit! Enjoy!
Friday, Dec. 25, Merry Christmas Everyone~

The moon will be full in the home loving sign of Cancer. Putting the spot light on family and our home life, which includes our wonderful county of the USA. God Bless!   

Monday, December 7, 2015

It is in The stars, Dec. 7, 2015
 by Valerie Greene

A peculiar planetary aspect, between truth, and fantasy, could be  causing you some very disturbing happenings.

What is it?

 An unusual square exact  by degree between sober restrictive planet Saturn, and the deceptive, intuitive, selfless, planet Neptune!

Both planets are in a kind of a mutual reception...

As Saturn now in Jupiter ruled Sagittarius, is craving the truth, more than ever! All while Neptune, now in its ruler sign of Pisces, is in its most imaginative and sensitive mode possible.

 These two astral bodies are so different in action in our lives, that when they collide in exact conjunction, as it was from Thanksgiving Nov.26, - through DEC. 4, this year, it is hard to know what is real! And what is truly important! But both kinds of thought is more apparent for all of us during those  exact conjunction days.

 However, because those two planets  have a different movement pace, with Neptune's very slow, the aspect,  though not exact at this witting, it is still within a degree of each other and will be continuing its effect on us through New Years Eve! 

What to expect? And how to cope!

Firstly patience with your self and others moods!

 Which  can go from extremely high to discouraging lows with in min. from each other!

 And second, look twice at what you are feeling, and being told.

 The truth is there to see but it might have to be searched out and proved before you sign, or trust that it is dependable!

And third, avoid doing things in excess, or over promising! Good can from who those who wait, or those who have intuition.

 But you need professional advice to do those ideal deals that might be coming your way right now.

 In other words, do not be penny wise and pound foolish. Seek out those in the know, who have proof of their worth, and advice!

On the up side of theses aspects?  Our spiritual side can be wetted more than usual!

 Bringing special small miracles to you during the holidays...Look for them, and find the comfort and meaning of what the Spirit of Christmas, is really all about! 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

 Full moon time! And on Thanksgiving Eve, too!
by Valerie Greene

Yes, on Wednesday at 5:44 P.M. EST, Nov. 25, the Gemini Full moon will be pulling on our emotions!

 So try to keep in mind this trend, as you deal with all those extra activities to make your Thanksgiving, joyful! 

Because the planet, that rules communication, and transportation, Mercury, along with the planet of learning Saturn, and the planet of deception Neptune, are also in Sagittarius, the Full moon pull, will be effecting those areas of life, more strongly!

 Therefore, patience can go along way, if your traveling, or waiting, for those who are coming to you? Mix ups with your holiday preparation, plans, and do overs, are also likely. 

The best way to cope? Patience, and flexibility! Along with being aware of being pulled into discord through others.

 Some signs experiencing more of that negative effect, than others! They would be the signs of, Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, and Sagittarius.
But all sign would be wise to slow down and think, before they allow their emotions to get the best of them!

Remember, that this time of year, that Sagittarius Sun, is the sign of Faith, and good cheer!
Perfect energy to help us celebrate our holiday of Gratitude!

 Do not allow small aggravations ruin what should be a wonderful day of Thanksgiving! 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Happy Birthday Sagittarius!
by Valerie Greene 
 Nov. 22, at 10:25 AM EST the Sun began its yearly cycle again in your sign! 
 A time every year that its optimistic, truthful, and out going traits, lend nicely towards getting out, and about more!
Like family get together's, starting with Thanksgiving. Then helping us with the needed enthusiasm and energy to complete all those holiday plans, and holiday shopping! A lift for all signs to be more directly active. With some signs finding their schedule easier than others to manage.
All fire signs enjoy being active! Sagittarius is noted for being the traveler...but the other fires signs too, of Aries, and Leo, shine best when they are busy! And they can now feel the pace of their daily activities, picking up
 nicely for the next 29 days.
Air sign too, of Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius, enjoy being on the go! And they are often the planner of events! Being detached enough to become the life of the party.
 The earth signs of Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo, are slower to respond to the needed extra activity that this time of year brings. But will find their way towards achieving what they want their holidays to be, as they do every year at this time.
 Water signs, of Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio, mix with the Fire of Sagittarius, and that makes steam...good or bad!
 These are the signs that want to do for others so much that this time of year is exciting but difficult ! Never feeling that what they do is enough, there is a lot of frazzle and fret, in wanting to please others, in their daily plans. With the outcome by DEC. 23, bringing smiles of satisfaction!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! A time for all sun signs to celebrate! 


Friday, November 20, 2015

Astrology News for Nov. 20, 2015,
 By Valerie Greene
A new thought cycle began today!  Why? Because the planet Mercury, that rules our thoughts and how we communicate them, entered the outgoing truthful sign of  Sagittarius, this afternoon, at 2:43 PM EST. And will be reigning its fire influence, until Mercury, goes into Earth sign Capricorn, the evening of DEC. 9, at 9:34 PM. 
 Today's change of sign for planet Mercury, is one that we are ALL likely to notice, with some signs getting more of a lift from it, than others. 
Are you born under a Fire sign?  Sagittarius, Aries and Leo?  Yes? Then these next 19 days can help to get your point across, better than usual. Along with a nice feeling of momentum in moving forward, with decision making?
 Or are you born under an Air sign? Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius? You too can feel a lift from being more communicative, and active! Freeing you from all those snagged details and bad timing you might have been experiencing lately. Nice!
But what about those water and earth signs?
 The water signs? Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer?
 Not as up lifting!  But  still helpful, in that the next 19 days can bring needed truths to the service that can clear the slate with old annoyances.
 The earth signs also, could uncover some disturbing facts, in the next 19 days, that are needed to see. Even if  at first they can seam burdensome.
 Remember, if yours is the birth sign, of Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn?  Erupting sudden seen truths, can bring positive future plans clearly into focus for your holidays, and New year! Think patience! In the long run, things work out for the best!
All in all natures way is giving all signs a chance to be more direct, and honest! So let us Welcome Mercury into its now position, today! Happy safe weekend everybody!


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A Heads Up...for Thursday's First Quarter moon,
by Valerie Greene 
Thursday morning, EST  will bring some planetary aspects, with this month's First Quarter moon, that can be helpful for you to understand! And work through!
 First off, the planet that rules our way of
 communicating Mercury, will be in a conjunction  to the Sun, that morning too!
 That is a very strong aspect, which can blur our thoughts, that can make a tug of war, involving reason...and Ego!
 All making clear thinking difficult!
Adding to that, the planet of love Venus, that rules our love life, and finances will also be in a difficult square aspect,  to the upheaval planet, Pluto!
 Whew... these aspects, can bring some pretty intense happenings!
 But the key is...that these difficult aspects...possibly bringing some unsettling moments into your day, can also be providing a sense of  an on going opportunity for some important transformational progress!
How? Why?  Well, the Sun you see... is also parallel to difficult slow restrictive planet Saturn! And that is the planet that can teach us something! And slow us down!
Including that trend, with the first quarter Moon, Thursday morning, is also a parallel aspect, to mystical, intuitive, planet, Neptune
With Saturn slowing us down, and moon, reacting to Neptune's influence, to be more unselfish. We can  tend to want to relate more, to our inner values! Proving helpful for realistic future planning. 
Also, the planet Mars, ruling passion and energy in a positive aspect with Saturn, on Thursday too. We get a chance at renewed energy towards new momentum in seeking out long sot after goals?
So try to keep in mind, that while things will not go entirely smoothly over this somewhat difficult quarter Moon period. These aspects could be the very cartelists you have needed for a more realistic stable future? 
Remember as you now suddenly see needed adjustments in your life. Your start and making plans towards implementing them, should be done in the direction of taking a conservative approach!
Success, coming from being content with what you can actually achieve, from a more realistic view, of what is best for you in the long run? 
Call it a time, of the first steps towards new foundations in your life!   
 Therefore this first Quarter moon on Thursday, represents a period of time , when a cautious, practical response is best!
 Even though it may not be easy! As intensity wants to rule, encouraging impulsivity!

Try hard instead, to remember that the moon and stars are just trying to give you a chance for a possible transformational period of time? Especially when it comes to your love relationships, and financial future goals. Use it wisely!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Have you had an emotional Tuesday Nov 3, 2015? 
 Well, if your answer is yes!
You can just Blame it on the Stars!
When the planet of love Venus, meets the planet of passion, and energy Mars, in an exact conjunction, sparks can surly fly.
And that is what was effecting us all today, Tuesday Nov 3. 2015
 But with each sign, receiving different,  important reactions and results. 
 A Leo moon at the helm as we began our day in its last quarter moon phase, also was playing a role in today's happenings... with some signs experiencing life opportunities that can impact them for sometime, in a positive manor. With other signs having to face new restrictions, that today they may now, be suddenly aware of?
 Why? Because even though Venus, is a benefactor planet, most always bringing good, with the Planet Mars conjunction today, it turns up passions!  Increasing our feelings. Great for new budding relationships, but very hard on frustrated partnerships that could today, feel any kind of restriction. You see, Mars wants to fight, for what it  desires! Hence a day that could bring emotional arguments.
The signs that are the most likely to have some nice emotional surprises would be the Air signs of,  Aquarius, Libra, Gemini.
And our Leo moon, today also helps those born in the sign of Leo, to face important sought after facts that will be useful in the future.
 It also helps the fire sign of Aries to fight for what it it brings needed truth to the them and the  Fire sign of Sagittarius. 
However the Signs of Scorpio, and Taurus, today's moon can expose areas of their  life that is asking for needed change!
Virgo, Pisces, Cancer, and Capricorn will find emotions running high, goodly, if you work at seeing things... as happiness comes about through others!

So how did it effect you today? Remember whatever your day brought, the Stars are only trying to put you on a better more proper course...that can make your whole life, or month of November, a more productive happy one! Go with it! 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Tuesday morning’s Full Taurus Moon, at 8:05 A.M. EDT,
 can bring us to a new way of searching within to more, fully understand our inner needs in how we relate, to our closest relationships!
 Even those that were in your past, like our childhood and family. As old hurts and undisclosed wounding from childhood can keep us from expressing our true needs. Therefore causing barriers to growth and necessary transformation.
 This Taurus Moon at its fullest, Tuesday morning can actually help you to pull all those areas of thought closer than usual to the surface. And in turn  bring emotional events, that shed light into a potential breakthrough of understanding that for years had been escaping you.
So pay attention as you day begins on Tuesday, letting your new desire to investigate, allow those inner exposed truths be the potential for your own inner breakthroughs.
 The Taurus Full Moon, is ruled by the planet of love, Venus! As it pulls strongly on the Sun in the transforming sign of Scorpio, on Tuesday morning, it really can bring change into our relationships. Try to make them good ones!
 Also the planets Jupiter and Mars, are playing a role in your day too, as they are in a  close conjunction.
 Mars, being your energy, and Jupiter representing, truth, and faith. Are also important astrological influences
connected to this Full Moon configuration, that can help us to explore ways to improve our lives!

 Especially relationships! Enjoy!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Important Astrological news!
And all starting today! Thursday, Oct 8, 2015 At 1:29 PM EDT.
 That is the time, and date today, that our Planet Venus entered its yearly cycle, in careful, practical, Virgo!
Which is Good news for everyone towards feeling a bit more emotionally, in tune?
Especially for the Earth, and Water signs! They are Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, Earth. Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Water!
This more practical way of viewing things, effecting all signs, from Venus now in Virgo, will last until Venus enters Libra on Nov. 8, 2015 at 10:38 AM EST.
And then Tomorrow's Big Astrological News?
That troublesome retrograde Mercury, at last goes back to its normal forward direct motion, on Friday, Oct 9, 2015, at 10:57 AM EDT.
Whew...but keep in mind the first few days of Mercury's getting back to normal forward motion, can be a little unpredictable. And as  it settles down in forward motion, it will help bring back your more normal less stressed out routine too.
 However, that takes a few days! But getting completely out of its retrograde shadow, bringing the real new, in your life, takes until Oct. 24.
Other important Astrological news? Yes!
On Sunday Oct. 11, 2015 at 7:51 PM EDT.
The Lucky planet Jupiter will make a positive aspect to the Planet of change, Pluto!
 Because Jupiter is lucky and expansive,  and represents truth! Sunday evening's positive aspect called a trine, to Pluto, which is the planet that brings Endings, as well as New Beginnings... look for that Sunday, Eve, to be one, that can help you with seeing significant truths! Ones that have been needed, towards fruitful endings, and positive New Beginnings! Could be, just the right night to plan a more careful spending budget, as you suddenly realize you have just bounced a check? Or is it acknowledging, a relationship just isn't working? Truth at last seen, can now be helpful, in many ways! Look for it Sunday evening!
And last, but not least...  Important Astrological news!
The New Libra Moon! That happens Monday, eve  at 8:06 PM EDT  Oct. 12, 2015!
Remember a New moon is the time of New starts, and expanding the trend, that you are into when it think about what you are doing on Monday night, that you would like to be doing for the next few weeks? And that new moon will help to keep it going, and expanding all month. Just make sure its good!

So as you can now read...those Stars are cooking up a brew! Try hard towards making a good one! And have a Happy, Safe Columbus weekend too! 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Lots happening with our Stars, with ten days of astrological changes!

Here they are with the EDT that they began their new trek. being topped of with another super moon! 
Sept 17, 2:10 PM EDT Mercury enters Sagittarius
Sept 17, 10:49 PM EDT Saturn enters Sagittarius.
Sept 23, 4:20 AM EDT Sun enters Libra! 

Sept 24, 10:18 PM EDT Mars enters Virgo.
Sept 25, 2:58 AM EDT Pluto Direct Pluto 12°
Sept 27, 10:50 PM Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse 4 Aries
What might this mean to you?
1) Mercury now retrograde in Libra) Feeling a lot of delays,strong emotions, unexpected expenditures, all with lots of repeats and do-overs that can be annoying. Best to avoid making important decisions, until after Oct 9.

2)Saturn enters Sagittarius...a time when the signs of, Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, and Sagittarius will be tested to see if their last 7 years they have been going in the right direction for a stable sound future? Saturn will be in Sagittarius until Dec. 20, 2017
3)Sun enters Libra with the first day of Fall 2015...
Happy Birthday to those born in that sign! Which can be a go getting month for, Libra and the other Air signs, Gemini, Aquarius! Also giving a nice extra push of zest and enthusiasm, for all the Fire signs! They are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, Libra Sun, will be with us until Oct 24
4) Planet Mars enters Virgo, making all of us more practical, moving with extra thought! Giving extra energy to the sign of Virgo, and the other earth signs of Taurus and Capricorn. Mars will be Virgo until Nov. 13.

5) The Planet Pluto, goes back in direct motion. A time period that pending lasting changes, can now be finished. And you have a few months to get things done! Pluto will be moving in direct motion until April 17, 2016 .

6) Last but not least...Another super moon!

September’s Full Moon taking place on September 27th, will likely be one of the year’s biggest planetary events—given that both its astronomy and astrology will be front and center.
This is going to be a full moon with a lot of extra flavor and for good reason.

Many popular media outlets have been talking about it for weeks and the hype will only continue as we get closer to the date. It’s an exciting event and the influences in motion will likely have a direct personal impact on many of us.

First, it will be a total lunar eclipse which means that the Earth, sun and moon will all align precisely which only happens a few times a year.

During the exact time of the eclipse, the moon will actually pass behind the Earth’s shadow over the span of several hours. Many of us will be able to see this happen visually in the night sky which will no doubt be a gorgeous site. Check out EarthSky for precise times of the eclipse around the world.
Secondly, it will be a supermoon which means when we look up at the night sky the brilliant glow will be breathtaking!
Whew what a busy astrological ten days...Heads-up!

Monday, September 21, 2015

 Get Ready For Fall, 2015

What is the Autumnal Equinox?

Fall begins on September 23, early in the morning at 4:21 A.M. The autumnal equinox is when the Sun appears to cross the celestial equator from north to south. (The celestial equator is the circle in the celestial sphere halfway between the celestial poles. It can be thought of as the plane of Earth's equator projected out onto the sphere.)
Another definition of fall is nights of below-freezing temperatures combined with days of temperatures below 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
The word equinox means "equal night"; night and day are about the same length of time. This occurs two times each year: Vernal in late March and Autumnal in late September.
In addition to the (approximately) equal hours of daylight and darkness, the equinoxes are times when the Sun's apparent motion undergoes the most rapid change. Around the time of the equinoxes, variations in the position on the horizon where the Sun rises and sets can be noticed from one day to the next by alert observers.

Friday, September 18, 2015

 Sept. 18, 2015, by Astrologer Valerie Greene
Yes, the tricky planet Mercury has turned around and going retrograde. Again!
So what does that mean to you? That depends on many things! Like, what sign in your natal chart, Mercury is in?
And what placement does it have in your Natal chart?
So without getting too technical, lets go over again some of the basics of what Mercury does to everyone when it is in Retrograde. 
I like to label it, as a time of, "double trouble! " When glitches in communication and decision making, change so often that our days are suddenly filled with many, do-overs! Mercury, rules motors too, so any mechanical device, that has a motor, especially if it has been neglected, or is in poor condition. Including your family car.
 This is the time period it surly will break down. This also relates to things from your past, that weren't finished, accomplished or defined correctly.
 Mercury rules the signing of papers, your thoughts, your address, your phone number! And anything that is official. Therefore, expect the next three weeks, that you will be thinking more, about those areas of your life?
Signing papers? Changing phones? And dealing with official papers, that relate in someway to your past?
This Mercury now in retrograde happens to be in, the Air sign Libra. Which can sweeten, or spoil the love relationship pot too. Why? Because the sign of Libra is ruled by the love planet Venus. And its effects now being in that sign brings our thoughts to who, and what we love!
 Especially those from our past! So don't be surprised if run into, or hear from an old friend during this retrograde time. Or, perhaps it will be that you just find yourself thinking about an old friend, love tie, from long ago?
In any case, retrograde Mercury in Libra, for the next three weeks is a great time to make amends, or reap benefits that come from your past!

Try to make the most of it! Just keep in mind, this is not the time to expect any particular out come or  make any major decisions.

Moving forward for you, that can be more dependable, comes, after Oct 9. when retrograde Mercury ends.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Mercury Enters Libra Libra today August 27! 
What does this mean to you?
Well, for starters, Mercury change in sign, effects the way your thinking impacts your health, and how you communicate!
 But its first effect, is sublet and you will not notice Mercury's change in sign to Libra, until it makes aspects to your own chart.
 However, everyone will  find themselves now, being a little less analytical then they have been the last three weeks, which could have had a negative impact on your nerves, your overall health, and close relationships!
So lets all welcome the planet Mercury's new position in the loving peaceful sign of Libra that will be with us until Nov. 2.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

whew! By Monday June 15 the planet Mercury will once again be settled down to its normal pace, which is forward motion!
 No longer in Retrograde! Giving us all a more normal trend too! Also helping us with a very nice way to begin our work week, we will  have the added bonus of Monday's, waning moon. Which is always the best day in a month, to rid yourself  of those things that you no longer want to have in your life? Like any bad habit that you are trying to kick? Smoking? Over eating? Or getting rid of those pesky rodents? Ants? Garden bugs? What ever it is, you need help with putting a stop to! Monday June 15 is the day!
Then on Tuesday, June 16, it will be just the opposite!
You should be doing things that you want, to expand in your life! Like any new start, that you want to gain from? Yes from your garden to your bank account? Or even that new relationship? Tuesday June 16, this month is the day to do things that you would want to expand and grow in your life!
 Why? Because it the day of a New Moon! This month happening on Tuesday, June 16 at 10:05 AM EDT in the sign of Gemini.
 And in fact, this new moon will have an extra power too!  Because it will co-join the energy planet Mars. Happening earlier in the morning, around 8:00 AM? Perhaps that is the time you are on your way driving to work? If so, using extra care driving Tuesday morning, would be wise!
In any case, the energy and new beginnings that you put in motion all day on Tuesday this week, would have a natural way of expansion.  Proving fruitful, for you in the future. Remember, what seeds we plant in the Season of Spring, is what we harvest, in the Season of Fall!
 So Try extra hard to use this still Spring, new moon wisely! 

Friday, March 20, 2015

About today's Sun Eclypse:March 20, 2015

“This is the week we’ve been talking about and building toward since the beginning of the year —arguably the most powerful week of 2015, in astrological terms…”
“We might call this a pivot point, a time of choosing new options and releasing the old. It is a time for breakthroughs and insights, when we can ride the energies of change into a new future.”
“…THE SOLAR ECLIPSE on Friday occurs in the very last degree of Pisces, which is also the very last degree of the zodiac. The 29th degree of any sign is called the ‘anaretic degree,’ and it indicates that we are at a choice point…”
“The Eclipse portal is opening…This portal lasts all month long (the entire lunar cycle) and is followed by another Total Eclipse- this time a Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 4th.
“With two Total Lunar Eclipses back to back- we have a very powerful Eclipse cycle opening up which brings in with it some powerful and inevitable changes…Are you ready for them?”

Saturday, March 14, 2015

 It has been said... "For everything there is a season!"
And as we look at our good earth, with its reigning sun, we can see those seasons come and go! But not always understand their total purpose!

Soon at the end of this coming week of March 15, 2015, we will say good bye to our season of winter, and Welcome Spring 2015!

 So many of us will be whispering hallelujah! We here in New England had suffered such a difficult Feb 2015! It is wonderful to be entering a warmer trend! So what does a  season of winter represent anyway?

The truth is...plenty! For our good earth, it is the time of rest!
 Natures time for seeds and nature's work to lie dormant and sleep! Inwardly preparing for the coming of the Earth's new year! Which is the season of Spring! Called The Yearly Earth Equinox!

This  March equinox happens at the same moment across the world but is converted to local time. In 2015, it falls on March 20 at 6:45 P.M. EDT, 5:45 P.M. CDT, 4:45 P.M. MDT, and 3:45 P.M. PDT, 
With the First Full day of Spring on March 21, 2015!
However, as I write this we are still ending our winter season. And how might that pertains to you?
As winter comes to a close this week it can be helpful to think about where your life has been in it's dormant phase


 What areas of your life was more thought about, and planned than achieved. Those thoughts and plans were your seeds quietly waiting for the push of spring to be truly planted as visible seeds that you will cultivate all season of summer, so that you can enjoy harvesting them, come the season of Fall! Nice!

Yes all seasons have a purpose. And our great new one, Spring 2015 will begin in just a few days !
 Happy Spring Everyone!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

This is a very important astrological week!
Giving us a new moon, a change in sign for the Sun,  change in  sign and influence, for the planet of action, Mars! And also a change in sign and influence, for the planet of love, Venus. Wow!
 First, a new moon, remember is a great time to put your best, forward! Because whatever you want to expand and increase in your life expands, as the moon does.
Farmers use a new moon to plant their seeds for spring. You can use it too. What area in your life, do you want to grow and expand? A bank account? A new relationship? Get to it, on Thursday Feb. 19 with the first full day, of the new moon's influence.
Second, Thursday Feb 19, is also the Sun's first full day, newly into the sign of Pisces! Happy Birthday Pisces!
 Yours is the intuitive water sign, ruling planet Neptune! A planet that is one of service, and sacrifice!
 During the Sun's stay in Pisces we can all benefit from playing our hunches and wanting to give back to others in some way. That desire stronger within us, from Sun in Pisces, Feb 19, until the first day of Spring.
Third, also happening on the evening of Feb. 19, this week, is the planet Mars, enters its own sign of Aries at 7:11 PM EST.
 This is the planet that has its influence around our energy and passions!
 So when it changes signs we are bound to feel it! How?
Whatever you feel strongly about? How you go after something!
 And your day to day energy, and enthusiasm?
The planet Mars, in Aries from Feb. 19 until April 1, 2015, can help us to swing into spring, more easily. Aries being the Sun sign, of Spring!
 So lets hope the extra lift of energy coming from Mars will  bring an early spring, something we all need now in this area for sure!
And, the change in sign, for the planet of love Venus. 
 That change happens at 3:05 PM, Feb. 20, 2015, when Venus also enters Aries, and will be in that sign until March 16, 2015.
 Another factor in giving our lives more action, and enthusiasm. As we will now be more able,  to go after our heart's desire! Nice!
Wow what a week... lots of changes are now, going to get us out of those winter blahs!
 Just what we need! Good News! And we can just,
 "Blame it on the Stars! 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!
The Stars and Your Love Life
Author: Valerie Greene
Ever wonder why a relationship never got off the ground? Well there really is a magnetic influence coming from our solar system that is controlling who you like, and even more important who likes YOU!
As it has been said, “the stars impel (urge or drive forward) not compel" (urge with force) but the urge is still very much there for a love tie to be made!.
So now you can understand that feeling of utter despair you have been experiencing is unnecessary!. Your last relationship’s ending wasn't your fault after all, just "Blame it on the stars".
Now how does this information guide or help you?
The truth is it can. Knowing your own planetary birth chart gives you the edge of seeing yourself objectively.
This inner knowledge keeps you awake to your real needs in a partnership. Yes, romantic or financial our stars dictate the success or failure of a relationship.
And you thought Astrology was all about sun signs.
But now you have been told it is much more than daily predictions!
In fact, it is all about the details of you, and your very own uniqueness.
So do yourself a huge favor and give yourself a wonderful present for this New Year.
Order your own Astrological birth chart, based only on your very own individual birth data, of birth date, hour, and location.
This chart can really help you to understand how to make the most of your potential for love!. Including best time frame for you to meet that RIGHT match. Also, what signs would be best for you; for a TRUE love tie!
What a great way to celecbrate Valentine's Day 2015!
To order an Astrological birth chart based on your very own individual birth data? Email me at

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Good to know that the planet Mercury is out of retrograde!
Feb 11 9:57 AM          happening EST Mercury Direct
With just these last 24 hours out of stationary position, and now resuming its natural forward motion! Yippee!
Mercury, the planet that rules our, communications, travel, all moving parts, and even effects our weather, certainly caused it's repeats the last few weeks!
 Especially happening in my area?
 And, if you too, have felt a bad pattern in your life repeating its self? You can just,"Blame It On The Stars"
 It has all been caused by the planet Mercury out of normal forward motion, the last three weeks!
 Does that mean you life will get back to forward motion too?
 Answer, Yes!
 But be patient, it could take a few weeks to really get into new patterns that proves fruitful.
Why? Because Mercury needs to get to, and past, where it was in sign and degree, when it started it's backward trend!
And that will not be until next month March 3. However all our daily trends that Mercury rules, should be smoother, stopping those repeating trends that could have been causing you all those aggravations.
Mercury in retrograde, is not supposed to be punishment!
 It has a purpose in giving us a chance to complete something that wasn't done properly. Including making amends with those we communicate to. Or to repair or redo a project, that we have, been held back from attending to! 
Hopefully, we all had some of those old ties, projects, and things left undone, solved, during Mercury's 3 week backward direction. And that led us to some needed resolutions? Or at the very least, brought an old friend, back into your life! Nice!
What ever happened, we now with Mercury in direct motion, can feel like we are in, a more normal routine! Good News!
 And I am hoping, that after March 3 rd Mercury's influence will lead us to an early spring!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Feeling a little more emotional? Well, you can, Just blame it on the Stars! And in today's case, the Leo full moon!
Yes, at 6:09 PM EST our reining Full moon will be in the fire Fixed sign of Leo!
Which will bring out our emotional side, as any full moon can do!
 However, when the moon is in the sign of Leo, as it is tonight, it can expose our stubborn ego driven, emotional side!
Especially if your sign is Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, or Scorpio?
How to cope?
 Guard your temper!
And be aware that your need to be right, and in control, could back fire!
 Bringing accidents, quarreling and disrupting behavior! All that can be  be avoided if you use your mind and will power correctly.
Patience! Is the Key!  Enjoy those extra feelings of emotions properly and our energetic fun loving Leo moon, can help you to have some fun tonight!
  Likely effecting the Fire and Air signs, towards wanting to kick up their heels the most! They are the signs of  Leo, Sagittarius, Aries, Aquarius, Gemini, Libra! 
And all signs can use those extra emotional vibes this evening to tackle some hard to do chore that can improve their self image.
What will your be? Working on your resume? Your Wardrobe, Or planning that new diet?

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Super Bowl Sunday! Are you wondering how our stars look for this important event?

Answer? Interesting!

The planet of emotion, and the one that rules the luxuries of life, Venus, in the sign of hard to read, Pieces, will be in a strong conjunction to Pisces ruler, the planet Neptune!

That is an unusual aspect, that can bring unusual happenings. And tends to help the underdog!

Bringing surprise, mystery, and increasing intuition!

..So with that aspect shedding its influence on the game today. We can expect that it will be one of a kind in some way? Bringing both teams under its spell. That will be talked about in the media for a long time!

Today's moon in its own sign of Cancer, makes a favorable aspect to Mars, helping this day to be a good one for family get together's!

Giving us all a need to share the fun with those closest to us!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Important News, Mercury is now Retrograde!
Feeling a little bogged down chasing yourself with details?
Well, you can just, "Blame it on the Stars!"

Because Today Jan. 22, 2015 is the  First Full day of the planet Mercury in Retrograde, of  our New Year, 2015!

 It began its backward motion yesterday in Aquarius, at 3:54 PM Greenwich time, 10:54 AM Eastern time, and 7:54 AM Pacific time.

Making this day Jan 22, when Mercury will be fully moving in retrograde direction, giving us all a little of that moving backward feeling too!

Mercury is the planet that rules all our communications, and what we re lie on to do it! Mail, phone, Internet!  It also rules all kinds of travel, and all the working parts, that help us to communicate, and travel. Cars, trains, planes, and all their motors, that keep them moving.
So when Mercury starts moving back, those moving parts, motors, and ways we use communicate, can react by breaking down, or getting snarled! Especially if an appliance or motor was just limping along! Now is the time it is most likely to stop!
 How to cope? The thing to keep in mind the most during the next 21 days ...key word, Patience!
 Because lots of ideas and plans, that you are involved with during this time, you will find, that you will need to do over!
Consciously try if you can, to postpone making any major decisions until after March 3rd when Mercury will be past the point it started its backward motion.
 And for the next 21 days be as flexible, and as patient as you can be, with all those do overs! Until Mercury starts once again back to its normal forward motion on, February 12.
The good news is, this Mercury retrograde period, is a little shorter than most.! And, this is also a time when you could connect with that old friend, or redo an old project that you are suddenly once again interested in.
Yes, Mercury Retrograde has a positive place in our lives too? What for? To give us a chance to reflect and connect to the past, having another chance to do something over, and better! Look for it!