Wednesday, February 18, 2015

This is a very important astrological week!
Giving us a new moon, a change in sign for the Sun,  change in  sign and influence, for the planet of action, Mars! And also a change in sign and influence, for the planet of love, Venus. Wow!
 First, a new moon, remember is a great time to put your best, forward! Because whatever you want to expand and increase in your life expands, as the moon does.
Farmers use a new moon to plant their seeds for spring. You can use it too. What area in your life, do you want to grow and expand? A bank account? A new relationship? Get to it, on Thursday Feb. 19 with the first full day, of the new moon's influence.
Second, Thursday Feb 19, is also the Sun's first full day, newly into the sign of Pisces! Happy Birthday Pisces!
 Yours is the intuitive water sign, ruling planet Neptune! A planet that is one of service, and sacrifice!
 During the Sun's stay in Pisces we can all benefit from playing our hunches and wanting to give back to others in some way. That desire stronger within us, from Sun in Pisces, Feb 19, until the first day of Spring.
Third, also happening on the evening of Feb. 19, this week, is the planet Mars, enters its own sign of Aries at 7:11 PM EST.
 This is the planet that has its influence around our energy and passions!
 So when it changes signs we are bound to feel it! How?
Whatever you feel strongly about? How you go after something!
 And your day to day energy, and enthusiasm?
The planet Mars, in Aries from Feb. 19 until April 1, 2015, can help us to swing into spring, more easily. Aries being the Sun sign, of Spring!
 So lets hope the extra lift of energy coming from Mars will  bring an early spring, something we all need now in this area for sure!
And, the change in sign, for the planet of love Venus. 
 That change happens at 3:05 PM, Feb. 20, 2015, when Venus also enters Aries, and will be in that sign until March 16, 2015.
 Another factor in giving our lives more action, and enthusiasm. As we will now be more able,  to go after our heart's desire! Nice!
Wow what a week... lots of changes are now, going to get us out of those winter blahs!
 Just what we need! Good News! And we can just,
 "Blame it on the Stars! 

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