Sunday, July 29, 2012

Our work week begins with the month of July, 2012, closing out, on a more serious trend
So expect Your Monday July 30, to be dealing with some of your life's practical, concerns?
Just remember that the planet Mercury, is the one that rules decision, and it is still back tracking, in retrograde. And that means, those decisions, cannot be set in stone!
In other words, while making up your mind, you need to allow your self room to change your mind? Best to wait until after August. 8, if those important contacts and legal documents need to be signed.
Also Monday's daylight hours, EDT can be disruptively, difficult. A moon Pluto, conjunction, late afternoon, around 4:00 PM, can be explosive! Especially if you are trying to keep everything status quo! So keep clam cool, and flexible. As they say..."go with the flow"
In any case, your Monday this week, is best used towards looking at what needs to be looked at for future decisions. As you allow Monday's serious Capricorn moon, to help you to attend to any neglected responsibilities.
That advice stands for Tuesday, July 31, the last day of the month too. In fact on Tuesday morning this week, you are likely to begin your day with your worries, concerns, and responsibilities, on your mind?
Why? Because the ruler of the Capricorn moon Tuesday morning, Saturn, will be in conflict as it squares the moon, thru out most of our daylight hours. Putting pressure on us emotionally, and bringing us into emotional sober picky moods. So slow down, try not to over react, as you allow those serious thoughts, to teach you something important about yourself.
Wednesday, the first day of August 2012... even with an impending full moon, can be like a breath of fresh air!
Our moon will enter the free mined sign of Aquarius at 5:56 a.m.. EDT, bringing needed relieve from all that serious thought. Nice.!!! But do not let that need for freedom pull you into something you will have to answer for latter. Expect a lively day, with others having their influence in how you see, & view it?
And then the Full Aquarius moon will rein Wednesday night...
at its fullest 11:28 PM EDT... giving lots of emotion, and desire for alliances and romance . A good night to spend with a loved one, or spouse?
Thursday, August 2, continues with a desire to connect with others to have, fun! And in fact, it is my pick of the week as best day, to feel good and be sociable.
Friday, August 3, moods become more withdrawn, and sensitive.
A Pisces moon, will start to dictate to, our intuitions. As it starts out its monthly visit in the sign of intuition, Pisces, at 9:28 a.m. EDT on Friday.
And yes, that can put a damper on your Friday activities, if you let your feelings get hurt, by a too fragile ego. Remember listen to your inner self. It is the voice of intuition, that can be helpful on Friday.
Saturday, the same is true! Pisces moon will still be at the the helm. Doing nice things for others will help you, to feel useful, and productive. Lightening Intuition knowing who might benefit from can play a role, towards making Saturday a good one after all.
But unfortunately, on Sunday, August 5, the aspect that the still Pisces moon, will be making to our love planet, Venus, is a difficult one! And that can mean discord with those we love? How to cope?
Try not, to be overly sensitive, and guard those unrealistic expectations! A sudden desire of yours, to go over board, on Sunday, could be responsible for unnecessary discord. Take a step back, and wait. Emotions change over night

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Monday, July 23, the sun newly into Leo...(the sign that loves fun) we have little patience for any aggravations!
However, the reigning Virgo moon, especially in the morning hours, seems to want to point them all out. Causing, delays, and snarled communication.
Hang in there, the day gets better as it goes along, with Monday's evening hours, being more active, and productive, coming from the moon's change into loving Libra, at 6:38 p.m. EDT Try to make the most of that, calmer productive time, because by Tuesday, morning it is likely to be, just the opposite!
Yes, whatever you have to do on Tuesday, morning July 24, it better be flexible!

Early morning looks practically difficult! All from a moon Mars conjunction in
opposition, to the planet of the unexpected Uranus.
And intensifying, even more difficult morning hours...on Tuesday,
includes that same moon aspect, as it also squares, the planet of endings, Pluto! An aspect that is so negative, that it can be explosive, and bring danger and upheaval.
Patience, and flexibility is your best defense.
Like Monday, the evening hours of Tuesday, are best!!
Wednesday, July, 25, I am happy to say that our stars smooth out some...
but leave us with a need to contemplate our futures!
A moon Saturn conjunction around noon EDT time, on Wednesday, sets that pace.
Work with it, as you pay extra attention to, those serious issues and responsibilities.
Thursday, July 26, try to guard your temper!
The moons change to Scorpio on Wednesday night, might have caused a bruised ego! That bruising, bringing Thursday's, difficulties... like arguments, and breakups
Friday, July 27, can be a day of reconciling, as we feel a need to reflect, our recent behaviors, and happenings. Spending a little tome alone to do that on Friday could be very helpful.
Saturday, July, my pick of the week, as best day to feel good, and be productive.
A fire Sagittarius moon harmonizes with our fun, Leo Sun! A great day to be with loved ones, also giving you lots of inspiration towards anything that you want to be successful with.
And that good mood, should continue into Sunday, July 29, The only problem being too many options, not knowing which one to pick. So plan a weekend that is filled with those you have the most fun with, and Enjoy!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Mars and Lucky Jupiter, create a desire to be expansive and busy, as our work week begins. But the Gemini moon, with Mercury's new retrograde direction, can bring double trouble!
Yes, it is likely that your Monday, June, 16, will planned out, to be a busy one? And with an added boost, from the planet Saturn, that likes the long haul, ambitious goals could be tempting you? Just be patient if you want to see real progress, because when Mercury is retrograde as it will be until August 8, many do overs, and changes will be the norm.
Tuesday, July 17, the added momentum of energy continues, along with some unexpected disruptions. Play your intuition, and stay flexible! Keeping your schedule as free as possible, can help your overall mood, as you get pulled into pressures from others.
Wednesday, July 18, a morning tangle between, the waning moon and Saturn, creates a what is best, verses what we want problem? A time when we try to measure up to some ideal. Patience! This waning moon, is a perfect time to put an end to a bad habit, or rid yourself of something that you were not successful doing in the past.
Thursday, July 19, just 24 minutes past midnight, Est, we will have a New moon!
Remember that is the time, when, what we put in motion what expands with the moon, in its first quarter. So it great time for new beginnings!
Any project that you would like to see an increase in? Like putting money in the bank, on Thursday, to be expanding your savings. Or meet that new love interest, or, put that new business plan into motion? Yes, Mercury retrograde will change the outcomes of your expansion, but that can work in your favor too!
Friday, July 20, a playful Leo moon gets you in the right frame of mind for a fun weekend! Making Friday my pick as the best, of the week, for feeling good, and getting things accomplished.
In fact that Leo moon, and its harmonizing aspects, started Thursday night, lasting into early Saturday morning. A great lift for all sun signs, but especially for those fire, and air signs. Leo, Sagittarius, Aries, Aquarius, Gemini, Libra?
Saturday, July 21, a Virgo moon midmorning, will quiet down our energy a bit, as we turn to activities that help to expand our wisdom and desire to serve. Helping, yourself and others to be more organized, makes your Saturday a good one!
Sunday, July 22, the Sun, enters the sign of Leo. A time of year when we want to be more in control, and proud of accomplishment!
The season of summer, usually fits that description, as we are more prone to be out and about, being noticed? Leo loves to shine, and it will be with us, doing that, until it enters Virgo, August 23.
Extra time to sleep in, on Sunday would be wise. An early morning square aspect to Jupiter makes you careless, and extravagant. Sunday's afternoon hours will be most favorable towards mental pursuits.
Where Sunday's evening hours Est, will also require extra caution, due to a Moon Venus square, that can bring problems with communication and travel.
Taking extra caution, helps you to enjoy your weekend time off!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Looks like our stars will be testing out our patience this week?

With Monday, July 9, "staying open minded, and flexible", as my best advice, to make it a good one!
Why? Because the moon's entrance into Aries, around 8:00 a.m.Edt will challenge the planet Mars, in opposition throughout Monday's morning hours, complicating things enough, to color our whole day!
Tuesday, July 10, will be easier to plan, but, our ego's can be ruffled!
You could find, due to a Moon, Sun, square aspect, by late afternoon on Tuesday, that using diplomacy can save the day, and make it a productive one.
Wednesday July 11, how we allow others to influence us, is key, too!
An early morning moon, aspect to, Saturn, the planet that desires structure, and permanence, will be pulled by our still Aries moon, as we begin our Wednesday. This aspect gives our moods a somber, serious, streak.
Thursday July, 12, a more practical approach will sooth out our thoughts some, coming from the moon's new affect, in the earth bound sign of Taurus.
However, stubbornness will likely reign! Guard expectations!
Friday July, 13 Uranus, starts back tracking again, called retrograding.
Every year about, this time, sometime late spring or summer? Uranus, the planet that represents innovation, and freedom, goes retrograde!
This back track, motion, causes lots of opportunities, to come and go, fairly quickly. With the total outcome of each new direction, to be known when Uranus is back in it's normal forward motion, usually happening around the end of our year?
It seems that our winter months trend to be more dormant, with working on what has been seen as permanent, and solid in our lives.
In this past cycle of Uranus, It has been direct since Nov. 10, 2011.
Wow, another planet keeping our lives pretty status quo. Meaning, that needed change has been held back, quite a bit for many of us, since Nov. 2011.
Therefore, Friday's star's, including through the weekend, we are beginning a time of flux, and innovation!
But, promises and ideas... can be very misleading!
As Saturday July 14, the planet of communicative Mercury, turns retrograde, too.
And in bold, colorful, Leo! Some conversations will be filled with love and laughter.
Others will be filled with ego, not wanting to face uncomfortable facts that might be critical, to making wise decisions.
When it comes to relationships? Best to open your heart , but don't lose your head!
How you are now, thinking... and what you are saying, may change!
All because decisions being made, will not be on firm ground until, Mercury, goes direct again, on August 8, 2012!
So expect, to have a few annoyances, over our weekend, from the planetary changing dance, that will have it's influence on all of us!
Being sociable and active is a must! The Gemini moon at our weekend's helm will demand it! Just be careful not to make plans and promises that in the future, you might not be able to keep!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

More change, is in our star brew this week!

A large shift in relationships, begins, from the planet that rules passion, Mars, sliding into loving Libra, the partnership sign!

This new placement for Mars, will Help us, to want to pair up! Giving us all more of a green light, than what we have been dealing with, since...would you believe last year?

Why, because Mars has been in the more analytical, mental, earth sign of Virgo, for all those months. Yes, from Nov. 11, 2011 until ,early Tuesday morning, July 3, a thoughtful, analytical, type of energy, ruled our direction!

But then 8:32 a.m. Est, on Tuesday, we begin a new energy projection, from Mars starting it's trek, in the air sign of Libra. Freeing up our inner doubts, and bringing new momentum, to our hearts, and finances. That position for Mars will be with us through August 23. Look for it to lighten our hearts and give us a better feeling of movement towards our passions! Good food for our Full moon too, on Tuesday July 3.

Expect that feelings will be extra intense, and many relationships will be formed and broken because of it!

Nice to have with us as we prepare for our Patriotic July 4th celebrations!

However, Wednesday morning July 4, a negative aspect from our Capricorn Moon, to its ruling planet Saturn, can cloud up your entire day. So give safety and careful planning your greatest attention, to avoid unnecessary discord, and accidents.

And try to remember a friendly approach and flexible attitude helps to bring peace to stressful situations and invites connections with new people.

Best to avoid over compromising or denying real feelings just to make a good impression too. Because a Capricorn Moon can magnifies ambitions, that might not seem as important latter in the week.

Thursday July 5, though still emotional, your going to feel more free, to communicate how you really see things. Go for it, your loftier side is working towards a more peaceful understanding that can bring that fresh start you have been looking for!

In fact, Thursday and Friday this week, with an Aquarius Moon, in good aspect to Venus, and Saturn, we gain back any, lost confidence, that could have happened over Tuesday and Wednesday!

Pretty nice, to set things up for more fun weekend. Enjoy!

Saturday July 7, early morning, the moon enters the sensitive sign of Pisces, Great for continuing our nations birth celebrations! But difficult for those who are spending the weekend alone. So try to use that extra compassion, that the moon is pushing you towards, and reach out, to someone who could use a helping hand.

That way your weekend can truly be a good one!