Sunday, January 30, 2011

After a rather lively weekend, and a more subdued way of thinking, Sunday... we begin our work week saying goodbye to Jan. 2011.

However, our desire to be active and accomplish our Monday's goals, might be difficult???

So when your Monday Jan. 31, 2011 seems to lack opportunities and luster? You can Just...

Blame It On The Stars!!!

Our Aquarius Sun moving in close proximity to the planet Mars, has given us all... a be more active desire!

But the moon in reserved Capricorn, in negative aspect to it's ruler Saturn, will make that difficult on Monday!!! So a patient, wait a day or two, for what you are passionately wanting to do, is wise!

Tuesday, Begins a new month, and so we welcome, February 2011!

And with it.... an ending phase of the moon. A time to end and do away with what we want to permanently rid ourselves of?

So whether it is committing to a diet or to stop smoking...

Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2011 is a great day!

Also as your day begins on Tuesday, around 7-10 a.m. EST, you are going to have the benefit of the serious Capricorn moon conjunct the planet that rules decisions Mercury... helping you to have the will power to keep to your plan and really accomplish that desired result!

All signs can use the power of Tuesday's waning moon to clear out the unwanted in their lives! Farmers often use that moon phase to cull or rid garden pests. How you use it is up to you? Just keep in mind that a waning moon clears away, to make room for the new? A new moon phase...that cultivates the new... happening tomorrow!

For two reasons Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2011 is a very "get it done" Day!

Firstly, the Sun and the planet that rules energy and passion, Mars...are in a conjunction all day... Which help us to feel and believe in our desires more strongly...and be more assertive in going after them!

And second, the moon will be in its New Moon phase as it conjoins the Sun...happening in the evening EST, at 9:31 p.m. with... the extra impact of the planet Mars!!!

Wow! New moon with the planet mars! And these three astral bodies are all in the erratic fee minded sign of Aquarius! That really ups the anti of making Wednesday night, and Thursday and even Friday... days that will be bringing you, to new starts!

Just remember that these new trends... that now seem to want to establish themselves in your life, are Not likely to be, the status quo.

Because the stars are trying to welcome in, the New... with vigor!!!

Therefore, look at Wednesday night after 9:30 p.m. new beginnings...and expect that Wednesday's morning and afternoon hours you will still be dealing with false starts and endings! All coming at you with a greater impact of energy and ego!

So, Wednesday also has to come with a Big caution!!! Explosive behavior from the Sun conjunct Mars, is possible! Egos can be out of control, and there will be an extra tendency towards accidents and fire!

All signs can feel the fiery impact as our sun and mars co-join...but the signs of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, and Scorpio, are likely to carry the brunt of it!

It is also important for everyone to remember that the new moon influence is at its most helpful...from its inception into the first quarter moon. With days this month being...Wed. Feb 2, at night, from 9:30 p.m. EST through the weekend...but actually also continuing a very helpful time for new beginnings, the first 7 days of the moon, bringing you to Feb 9...and then through to first first quarter which happens on Feb.11, 2011.

And as if Wednesday's important moon mars sun conjunction wasn't enough? The planet that rules our feelings, Venus is in negative aspect to the ruler of that three way conjunction...the planet of invention, Uranus!

Another reason to guard any impulsive action that you my suddenly feel the urgent need to do? As the tendencies that you are putting forward, from Wednesday night on, can color, the next 4 weeks! So try extra hard to make them Good ones.

Then once again, Thursday, Feb. 3, 2011... another new trend is established! The planet Mercury enters the sign of Aquarius, too..being in that sign until, Feb. 21, 2011...heightening our need for the new, in our daily lives!

It really does Seem like the stars are lining up this week to bring some changes into our lives?

As Thursday's thoughts, are now going to be inclined towards breaking routine, and thinking more about social causes and human rights, for the next 20 days.

So if you have been waiting to start up, or join that new club or organization, Thursday is a good day for it. And thanks to the Aquarius a conjunction to Neptune, Thursday will also be good day for using your intuition, and imagination.

Friday, Feb. 4, 2011...Could it be? Another planet, changes signs! This time the planet that rules emotions, Venus, changing into practical Capricorn, very early a.m. at 12:58 EST. This will, bring a more serious attitude when dealing with matters of our hearts, and how we spend our money, being with us until, March 2, 2011.

And also it starts an important beneficial cycle... to those Capricorns...bringing them more opportunities and recognition for the next 26 days.

With a Pisces moon at the helm on Friday, positioned well with the planet Pluto... Friday can be a helpful day, for everyone to dig out the facts about things, that perhaps have been recently evading them?

A day for helping others too, can make Friday, Feb. 4, 2011, an uplifting one.

Saturday, Feb. 5, 2011, and Sunday, Feb. 6, a Sun, Planet Mars still riding, close together, with a favorable aspect to the planet, Saturn...

helps to make our weekend a good one to see things more clearly....and to mend those tattered relationships... or make those realistic future plans!

Also this weekend, giving in to a desire to be of service to others, can really make this first weekend of Feb. a very meaningful and memorable one!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Important planetary aspects from Saturn... makes this is a very significant week!

All getting started with a desire to be on the go!

However, your Monday will have its unexpected delays...

and you can just... "Blame It On The Stars"!

Yes it is true, Monday, Jan. 24, 2011, the stars are making you want to get out and get things accomplished! Maybe even having a desire to plan future travel, or sign up to further your education? All desires leaning you towards expanding your horizons?

So if that is true for you, on Monday, get to it early in the day! Because by 6:00 p.m. EST you are likely to meet with some delays, snags, and aggravations... that might make you want to change your mind?

Especially if you are an Aries, Libra, Capricorn or Cancer!

These extra stresses, Monday night, will be coming from the planet of thought Mercury, that rules the ability to make decisions in conservative Capricorn...that is in difficult aspect to the planet, Saturn.

The planet Saturn rules restrictions... and is now in loving, wanting to balance everything, Libra?

Which can put us all in a battle of what we want, verses what we view, as realistic? Optimism to pessimism, not easy!!!

Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2011... in the morning hours we recover some, from being extra picky. But the natural tone for most of Tuesday and through the whole week... should be caution!

Thanks to Mercury making its planetary square to the planet Saturn, as Saturn, comes to a halt... starting its retrograde cycle, that usually happens around this time each year? Have you ever noticed that the month of January, often brings things to mind, from your past?

The good reason for this timely past viewing is, because the planet that teaching us lessons, Saturn... at this time of year starts its retrograde cycle! So that we find ourselves... having to own up, to past behavior that has... or should have, taught us something valuable!

About how we can do better in our lives... even if the lesson was costly? The better future comes, from owning up!!!

So expect to think in terms of review, and what you have learned from your past, from Jan 25, 2011, until, June 12, 2011...when Saturn then returns to forward motion...bringing you totally back to the NOW!

As was it or not... this "Is" a very significant week!

And Wednesday, Jan 26, 2011, continues that trend! As the moon in the intense sign of Scorpio... Wednesday morning, will be in a combative aspect, to our free minded, Aquarius Sun...

making us feel rebellious and egocentric. Not a good way to begin our day...with it even getting worse when the moon aspects the planet of passions, Mars.... right around your lunch break?

Guard against... wanting to control everything! You can't! Also be aware that others are unyielding too. Isn't it just your ego trying to persuade you to take a stand? Especially if your sign is Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, or Aquarius? Patience and slow down, should be your Wednesday's motto!

Thursday, Jan 27, 2011, passions continue to broil, as the Sun and the planet Mars, move closer to each other!!! We will want to be on the move...but our Scorpio moon...

wants us to tests out our inner fantasies....and try to break from routine... wanting to do the untried? Careful!!! Is what you want now, going to pass the test of time? Probably not!

Friday, Jan. 28, 2011...a new spark is added to our desire to be busy! The moon changed in sign, to the enthusiastic positive fire sign, of Sagittarius, early morning, at 1:55 a.m. EST.

This helps us to feel more positive too, because the ruler of Friday's moon, the planet Jupiter, is also now in a fire sign! And that combination, can help us to be inspired to go after, what we wish for!

Add the Sun, and planet Mars, both in the air sign of Aquarius that make positive aspect to Friday's fire moon, through most of the day... and you have my pick of the week, for best one to feel good, and get things accomplished!

All signs can benefit...but most helpful to the fire, and air signs of Sagittarius, Leo, Aries...Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra. With all signs getting a boost in mood, for the start of the weekend!

Saturday, Jan 29, 2011... positive energy and enthusiasm...with more optimism continues. And in fact, can make Saturday, one of having some fun!!! With Saturday night being a great time for all social gatherings, and many love relationships, old and new will be formed.

Sunday, our weekend closes out Jan. 30, 2011, back to a more serious... life can be difficult, attitude!

So what is it, that now has made you more somber? Bad weather? An argument? Well, you can blame an early morning moon, in restrictive Capricorn... making a difficult square aspect, to the planet, Jupiter!

This is the reason things are suddenly not as easy as you would like them to be? Try to slow down and reorganize. Because, using a little extra patience, and your picky, serious attitude, can help you to make Sunday, a productive one after all!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Perhaps you are wishing for a little extra time for some quiet contemplation..on this Monday, Jan. 17, 2011, as we observe Martin Luther King JR's Birthday?

However, that's not likely in the morning and afternoon hours.

Because of two signification astrological happenings!

First, a conjunction of our mind planet, Mercury, having its third and last handshake with Pluto, this year. And second, the Gemini moon in difficult aspect to the planets, Jupiter and Uranus...all bringing us some very deep thoughts, and perhaps even unpleasant surprises.

So when your Monday this week starts out like double can

"Just Blame It On The Stars"!

Especially true for the Sun signs of...Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces as we begin our day. But by Monday's evening hours...those aspects will be giving extra aggravations to the signs of Aries, Libra, Capricorn, and Cancer.

However, we should all try to use extra caution and avoid problems this Monday, by being as flexible and open to what we can't control as possible. As they say..."going with the flow." That way not all surprises will be unpleasant ones?

Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2011, the moon's influence in its own sign of Cancer, brings out our nurturing side! And that means wanting to be close to and do things that involve your family, home life, and future security?

But by Tuesday after 7:00 p.m. EST evening hours, the moon in a negative aspect to stern Saturn, can give you a tendency to expect, or demand too much...

upsetting yourself and others needlessly. So try to keep your cool on Tuesday night, emotions are spiraling so much, that they can spill over into Wednesday!

Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2011, You guessed it... is going to be a day that we continue... with our emotions and desires for security being the strongest drive! You may even have felt it before you jumped out of bed this morning? Your inner clock is telling you that it is a full moon day?

Especially if you also, like today's full moon, are a water sign? Blame it on the tide, but a full moon's pull is strong on water, and therefore greatest on the water signs! Are you a Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces?

The strongest pull on all of our feelings from the exact full Cancer moon, will be at 6:22 p.m. EST, but it is very likely that you will feel more emotional, and have to deal with other's emotions all day!

Another Wednesday Jan 19, 2011, influence is... the ending phase of the Capricorn sun, which ends a more restrictive serious tone to our lives, which was the first full month of our season of Winter!

A more dormant period of time, where we tend to be less active! Farmers in our northern states refer to it as the time the earth sleeps!

Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011...Happy Birthday, "Aquarius"! The sun begins its second month in our northern hemisphere of Winter.

But this winter month, is with a lighter tone, due to the Sun's influence placed into a Air sign...

which makes us more active and social. And on Thursday, it is doing that...with a positive, aspect to the optimistic lucky planet, Jupiter!

A great way to start out the Sun's new trek in Aquarius, that will be with us until Feb.19. And because Aquarius is a tolerant and social sign, it can now be more possible to work together with others to accomplish group activities, and spend more time with friends!

Thursday's moon in the fire sign of Leo, also fires up our energy to be on the move, and go after our desires...and with that Leo moon in positive aspect to our love planet Venus...

I make Thursday, my pick of the week, as the best day to accomplish what your emotions are telling you to do? Just keep in mind that a pushy stubborn attitude from your ego, can undo all the good!

Practically if your birth sign is, Taurus, or Scorpio?

Friday, Jan. 21, 2011, the Leo moon, is still gearing you up towards being active...putting you in the right mood for some fun that increases by Friday night?

All signs will want to be out and about on Friday...but for the fire and air signs, it is a must! They are the fire signs of Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius. Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini, Air.

But all signs, will be effected by some rather out of the ordinary happenings...due to a moon, planet Neptune pull, Friday around 3:00 P.M. EST, that gives us intuition with a desire to escape dull routines, we can overindulge our imaginative selves...likely, coming from the coaching of others? So best to look carefully, before you leap on Friday.

Saturday, Jan 22, 2011, we are somewhat, back to practicalities, and improved judgement! As our change in sign of the moon, to the earth sign of prudent Virgo, makes us weigh the consequence of our former actions?

And around mid morning EST, we are under good influence to express ourselves well! So allow the helping hand of the Virgo moon, to its ruler Mercury... Say it like it is!

However, just after 7:p.m. EST thoughts can get a bit muddled, and emotions get too demanding, due to a then picky, Virgo moon, that tends to expect too much on Saturday evening. Caution driving, and what you are spending money on, would be wise.

Sunday, Jan 23, 2011, we welcome the planet Jupiter, into its new placement of Aries! It will be shining on our beliefs and luck in that sign, until June 5, 2011, especially helping the Fire, and Air signs!

This sign change for planet Jupiter, will give us all more enthusiasm, and drive, to use that extra found zest, in having more faith, to meet our goals? But for the sign of Aries, this Jupiter brings, a once in every twelve years, cycle of opportunity, expansion, and Luck!!! So make the most of it Aries!

Sunday, is also a good day, for realism and future planning...emotions are now wanting to feel the comfort of a practical approach, that is for the long haul?

So what kind of practical concerns can you work at on Sunday, to make your whole weekend feel like a productive one?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wow! Big astrological news on Friday Jan. 14, 2011 that I thought warranted its own posting!!!...

Astronomers...are now claiming that due to the earth’s rotation axis over the years, our zodiac signs could have changed???

This is news to me as an astrologer! That perked my curiosity enough to research and find, in my opinion, a well written explanation to help us still feel connected to what we have always known as our Sun Signs!

Choosing the most relevant portions, here is my condensed version of this informative article, by Jace Repshire, Kansas City Metaphysical Examiner.

New zodiac signs: Has my astrological sign really changed?
By Jace Repshire, Kansas City Metaphysical Examiner.

“Astrology – comes from the Latin word “astrologia” which means “astronomy”. It is important to note that in ancient times, Astronomy (the study of the heavenly bodies) and Astrology (the study of heavenly bodies’ effect on Earthly matters) were one and the same. They were not two distinct fields of study until sometime during the Renaissance. The subjects delivering the information about Astrology in these recent articles are Astronomers.”…..

“Tropical Astrology vs. Sidereal Astrology – There are many schools of Astrological thought. These two are they key players here.

In Tropical Astrology, the system most widely adhered to since ancient times (and the one used to calculate the horoscopes in the paper), the positions of the zodiac signs are fixed around a ring called the ecliptic. The ecliptic traces an imaginary line through the sky, passing through the twelve constellations we know as the Zodiac. Throughout the year, the sun appears to travel along this ring, passing between the earth and each constellation, making the sun appears to be “in” that sign. Your horoscope sign is in fact your "Sun Sign", the sign the sun appeared to be in at the moment of your birth.

Around the time of Astrology's formal inception (thought to be somewhere between 500-786 BCE), the sun would have entered the sign of Aries at the moment of the Vernal Equinox (roughly March 21).

In Tropical Astrology, despite the fact that the zodiac constellations are all vastly different in size, the ecliptic was divided into twelve equal sections called Zodiac signs. They are named after the constellations that roughly appeared to be in them at the time.

Tropical Astrology, as described by Roman astrologer-mathematician Ptolemy in the second century CE, does not account for axial precession. It does this knowingly, regarding the zodiac signs in relation to the fixed zones originally defined, with Aries beginning at the moment of the Vernal Equinox.

Sidereal Astrology, however, is a system which accounts for axial precession. Because of the Earth’s wobble, there is a gradual shift that causes the sun to glide backwards through the zodiac, so that at the moment of the Vernal Equinox, the sun appears to shift further back toward the preceding constellation each year. It enters a new one approximately every 2,150 years. Sidereal Astrology is based on where the sun is in relation to the constellations sharing the names of the Zodiac signs. However, Sidereal astrology, though it has been practiced for hundreds of years now, has remained a minority system, as the Tropical system has always held precedence in the western Astrological community.”…..

“Both Tropical and Sidereal Astrology put a heavy emphasis on our Sun’s position in relation to the earth and other stars. The key difference is that Tropical Astrology is based on Earth’s relationship to the sun and the symbolic meaning of each Zodiac sign, while the Sidereal system is based on Earth’s relationship to the other stars and the intrinsic meanings of the Zodiac constellations.

In the Tropical system, with the Sun moving into Aries at the Vernal Equinox every year (in the Northern Hemisphere), the theme of the zodiac sign of Aries, unruly beginnings, occurs at the first signs of spring. At the height of the sun’s seasonal power, in late July, the sun moves into Leo, the sign of blazing vigor and abundance. As the sun recedes in the later part of the year leading into winter, it moves to more inward-seeing signs like Scorpio and Sagittarius, signs that yearn for reflection and understanding.

It is this consistent seasonal symbolism that is sought to be preserved by Tropical Astrologists, so Earth’s relationship with the sun, which governs the changing of seasons, is valued over Earth’s relationship to other stars. Hence the twelve original signs of the zodiac is fixed in place in correspondence with the seasons. Their symbolism is influenced by the constellations that were originally in them, but the Zodiac signs in Tropical Astrology can be understood as separate concepts from the star patterns they are named after. The physical constellations themselves and their current positions in relation to Earth are not regarded, whereas, in Sidereal Astrology, they are the key element in interpreting the signs.

So which sign is your real sign? That’s really up to you. History has shown immeasurable favoritism towards the Tropical system, the one you were accustomed to before those pesky Astronomers in Minnesota had their day in the sun, but now that the Sidereal system is out there in the open, it’s fair to consider which of these two systems are more meaningful to us personally. Astrology is not a strict science, but a belief system, so meaning is everything.”

So now that you have had a chance to digest the facts about this latest astrological controversy...and hopefully feel at peace in understanding that your birth sign has not changed...things can get back to normal, as we look forward to tomorrow's new weekly Astro blog, "Just Blame it On The Stars"!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Pisces moon's influence as our work week begins this Monday morning... has us still feeling the fog of un-clarity... that we might have felt over much of this past weekend?

So when your Monday morning, Jan. 10, 2011, still feels a bit foggy and confusing?

You can just..."Blame It On The Stars"!

It is true that the moon's position, in the very sensitive sign Pieces, throughout most of our weekend, could have dampened our spirits a bit?

Perhaps even setting us up...with the pay off of...

"Monday Morning Blues"???

affecting all sun signs in a negative emotional way! But most strongly those born under the signs of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini or Sagittarius!

However, the good news is...that those aggravations that seem so important and confusing in our Monday morning hours, should be over and behind us, by Noon EST.

All due to a change in sign for the moon, as it enters the fire sign of Aries, just after 10:30 a.m. EST. And that new fire influence will help to liven up our general moods, giving us a desire to be more active and energetic! Just try not to overdue with impulsiveness that could later back-fire!

That warning is most important for Monday's evening hours, when rash judgement and explosive behavior, will come from a negative moon, planet Pluto aspect, that affects us all...with the signs of Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn... carrying the biggest brunt from it.

Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2011, morning and afternoon hours we will still want to be more active and productive!

But it is also likely.... to be a whole day of ...

unexpected... and unwanted surprises!!! As a negative planet Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, aspect... takes its hold on us.

Also Tuesday's EST evening hours... continues to be difficult from feeling frustrated with our sudden acknowledgment of our more serious concerns and annoying delays? Patience works best... when you find yourself NOT blaming others for what YOU only can control.

Wednesday Jan. 12, 2011, starts out our day with the Aries moon in conflict with Sun around 5:30 a.m. EST. This aspect gives us a problem with our egos... affecting how we deal with those in authority? So if you find yourself driving too fast to get to work Wed's morning. You ARE likely to get a speeding ticket!

Also, by Wed. night... it would be wise for all signs to be cautious with how you are expressing your angry self? Arguments can really get out of hand...when the planet Mars and the Moon meet each other head on, in a negative square aspect... at around 6:18 p.m. EST, coloring our emotions all night!

Thursday, Jan. 13, 2011, the Planet that rules communication Mercury... moves into the sign of Capricorn at 6:25 a.m. EST... where it will stay until February 13, 2011.

So conversations and thoughts are going to get more serious for a few weeks! As all signs will start to be more interested in talk that will yield results, and that are involved with those more practical concerns?

Also Thursday's early morning Taurus moon, in favorable aspect to the planet of change, Pluto... helps us to positively reflect on what we need to change in our lives? Especially giving the earth signs of...Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, a helping hand to see the truth as Thursday begins?

Friday, Jan. 14, 2011... is my pick of the week for being in a good mood with positive results! Because the planet Mars will be making a positive aspect to the planet of luck, Jupiter...bringing together practical energy, and good intuition that can change your future fortune? And everyone will have a chance at feeling more optimistic!

How about you? The positive mood felt on Friday can yield... a good results for a fun weekend?

In fact, our weekend starting on Saturday, Jan. 15, 2011, the planet Mars that rules our passion... moves into Aquarius, where it will stay until February 22.

With this change in sign of Mars to Aquarius, the energy theme will be to reform and make changes. All increasing your desire to feel independent and want to try out anything new?

Add the moon into the air sign of Gemini, as it is just after 8:23 a.m. on Sat. morning EST... and you have the perfect mixture to be outgoing and sociable for weekend fun?

But try to keep in mind... if you focus on your own projects, and allow others to do the same, you'll be productive and have fun while you are doing what your independent self needs the most!

Have a happy and out going Saturday and Sunday everyone! With an extra positive boost from our Gemini moon... going to those air and fire signs of... Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Our New Year 2011, first week...starts out a bit serious and reflective!!!

So when Your Monday Jan. 3, 2011, turns out to be one that you are forced to deal with some serious unpleasantness and inner refection?

You can just..."Blame It On The Stars"!

Yes, This first Monday of our New Year, will tend to be a serious and reflective one... coming from the waning moon in serious Capricorn, that will co-join the planet that rules endings, and new beginnings Pluto!

This aspect tends to bring things to a head that have been pending? Forcing us to deal with necessary change!!! And in fact can be helpful in making us see and acknowledge what we need to let go of?

Yes, our waning moon this Monday, Jan. 3, 2011, is the perfect day to get rid of what we want to put a stop to in our life? Like making a commitment to begin that diet or bad habit... stop smoking or ending an addiction? Farmers always use the waning moon to cull... and weed out bad crops to prepare for the new. You can do that too! Because this Pluto moon, waning moon, aspect affects all signs!

However, Monday's influence, will be felt most strongly, by the signs of Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn?

Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2011, is a Very astrologically significant Day!!!

Starting out bright and early, from a new moon solar eclipse! Happening while most of us are still sleeping here in the EST time zone at around 4:03 a.m.!

It can be helpful for all sun signs to remember that a new moon is the best time in a month to begin something new! Farmers always pick that day of the month to plant what they want to expand and grow! So whether it is your plants that you begin with just a tiny seed this Tuesday, or a bank account, or a new relationship? Use Tuesday's new moon to get it off to a positive new beginning! True for all sun signs!!!

Another aspect making Tuesday of this first week of 2011, a significant one... is...the exact conjunction of the planet of luck Jupiter and the planet of invention, Uranus!

Which can give us some very inspirational ideas and thoughts, that could be helpful for getting out of old rigid patterns! Especially if you are a water sign of Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio? But whatever your sign be alert for lucky surprises that have been in the works for some time that are finally being given the green light to go!!!

But with some realism please? Venus the planet of emotion, affecting your feelings and money, is in negative aspect to the planet Neptune that rules delusions too, effecting us all day on Tuesday!

Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2011, the day begins with a more practical blend, with positive aspects at around 7:00 a.m. EST, from the moon to the planets Venus, Jupiter, and help bring out our best feeling and intentions! All signs will get a positive push to begin their day. But those born on Jan 17, March 18, May 18, July 20, Sept. 20, and Nov 20, can have the most lucky effects from it.

Thursday, Jan 6, 2011, the moon will be making us more free minded and restless... from its influence in the sign of Aquarius! Which can be just the help we need to be more active? And by Thursday night, we can actually have that lighter mood give us the push to make some fun plans for the the moon makes a positive aspect to the planet Saturn!

Friday, Jan 7, 2011, change is in the brew...and the morning hours EST, are tricky! The moon's conjunction to the planet of deception Neptune, in difficult aspect to our love planet Venus...clouds our judgment! Giving us the probability of a confusing Friday morning... that could affect our whole day? And a change of sign for Venus, into the fire sign of Sagittarius.. puts our emotions into a more direct fashion for the next 27 days!

Saturday Jan. 8, 2011... with our moon newly placed in Pisces...begins and ends our weekend on a sensitive tone! Try to keep in my mind others needs... more than your own, on both Sat. and Sunday, to make your weekend a good one! Saturday, that will be a little easier because of a positive aspect to Pluto.

However, Sunday Jan. 9, 2011 especially in the evening hours, that being unselfish... might really be difficult? As the moon challenges the planet of communication and travel Mercury.

So what is it... to get you aggravated and delayed on Sunday? Bad weather? Arguments? Try to look at the other's side of the issues? And if to get an early start to end your weekend safely!