Friday, January 22, 2016

Full moon time again! Can you feel it?
Blame It in The Stars , by Astrologer Valerie Greene
Yes, at 8:46 PM EST, Jan. 23, 2016, the moon will be in exact opposition to the sun... which causes the full moon! 
This one being in bold Leo... pulling on the desire for innovations and freedom sun, now in Aquarius!
This can give us an emotional ride! Which in turn... can lead you towards some emotional reassessments! Including those that may seem to be impulsive, causing the unexpected!
However, ones that can be transforming, and good for a more realistic future! 
As I am sure you have noticed when the moon is full, people seem to be more emotional? However, some of them have a greater impact in our lives, than others. And yes, this Full moon's potential, can be that!
Many of us will experience this one, through out of the norm, weather! Making travel plans difficult, or... for just getting about  in general, needing to change our previously desired social plans.
Others, that are not in a bad weather pattern are likely to deal with more personal issues... those that are likely to include our egos, and who we feel has the most control of our days activities, and lives?
Also, change of  sign, for  planet Venus, newly into Capricorn, along with our pending direct orb for the planet Mercury, that will go direct on Monday, Jan. 25, complicates the effect of this full moon phase. Why? Because as Mercury starts forward in motion it will be in conjunction to the Planet of change, and upheaval Pluto! All three planets in restrictive Capricorn, on Monday! That is why, your full moon effect could include aggravations that have a tie to Monday...that  might bring unexpected emotional and financial change!
How to cope? Firstly slow down... give in to those intuitions  that are telling you to hold your temper! Try to avoid others too who seem to want to pull you into their problems, and arguments!
 Look for the long road ahead...not the instant now. Because Capricorn's ruler is serious Saturn, and that planet is the one that holds us to being conservative and cautious, for long term gain!
Most important be aware that the next few days will require more patience, and all those annoying delays have a necessary purpose! 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Blame it on the Stars,
by Valerie Greene
Are you ready? The Sun's cycle again enters innovating Aquarius, on Jan. 20, 2016 at 10:27 A.M. EST.
So, Happy Birthday Aquarius! You will be celebrating your birthday sometime in the next 30 days!
 But this change in position for the Sun brings in a new trend around everyone's Egos too!
 The Sun is the area that connects us to how we see ourselves, and the position in life that we are recognized for.
 The sign of Aquarius, is the most unique sign of all that it gives off a lofty do your own and let live attitude! Always wanting to rise above the norm... not afraid of being their own person, and having an independent style.
Now helping all signs this time of year, to want to express some of that extra desire to live and let live attitude as well. Nice!
Therefore, do not be surprised if your attitude in general is less involved with status and conformity. Helping our general moods towards finding new ways of doing things and how we react to our now, position in life? Whatever position you are now holding at this time?
 Other Air signs, of Gemini, and Libra, especially will get an extra lift, now too from the Aquarius sun for the next 30 days.
  Along with the Fire signs,  that will tend, to  be suddenly invigorated with more momentum in their lives also! They are the sign of, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
The Earth, and Water, signs?
 Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer,and Scorpio?
  Yes, you too will want to break free from some of that rigid control that you have been experiencing lately.
 However,  the changes that will be presented to you this month, will be through those choices that you make... that will require extra effort from you! "If" they can be helpfully implanted into your life? You hold the key!
All helpful to know...that a new trend helps us all to want to kick up our heels a little, and look for the new! 
 Remember Aquarius is an Air sign. So lets all open the windows of our minds, and hearts, and take a New and uplifting Breath of Fresh Air, no matter what the weather? Think new...  


Saturday, January 16, 2016

An interesting look at this month's First Quarter moon !

A First Quarter of Dramatic Realizations and Creative Resolutions
Posted on January 16, 2016 in Configurations
By Henry Seltzer for Astrograph Astrology

Saturday's First Quarter Moon in late Aries has much to offer, as we arrive at a crucial moment in this January lunation cycle, in the very heart of this current Mercury Retrograde period. Regarding the latter, which has characterized January's Capricorn cycle, we have in these last few days come past the point of the Sun's conjunction with Mercury, one peak moment of the retrograde period, and we are now heading for another, in Mercury's January 25th station to direct motion. This will represent one further stage in our inward-leaning journey of meditative reflection on who we are and where we are truly headed; and to what end. As Mercury straightens out, eventually regaining the sign of Aquarius, by mid-February, we will be in a better position to move forward, with  Mercury's January 25th station occurs in close conjunction with Pluto, at 15 Capricorn, which could prove to be quite significant as we further assess the massive transformation that we are all in the midst of. We are in a process now, as unnecessary aspects of our lives fall away, of seeing more deeply into changes in life direction; entirely appropriate to the season in which we find ourselves. 

This is in part as a practical response to recent realizations, and to a time of sensing into an expanded vision, heading into the relatively unknown territory of another year on planet earth. At the moment of this weekend's somewhat difficult quarter 
Moon, we might also more clearly recognize the obstacles to what we are idealistically attempting. The Sun and Pluto are also separated now by about eleven degrees, therefore still in a wide conjunction, with Mercury traveling at a degree that is quite close to their mathematical midpoint. The timing of this interesting lunar phase is therefore very relevant to our exploration of where we are in our evolutionary journey, how far we have come and how far there still remains for us to go.

Kicked off by the quarter moon of a somewhat dicey weekend, this latter half of January also features the optimistic energy symbolized by 
Jupiter's expansive archetype. Jupiter is prominent in this configuration due to being in close conjunction with the lunar North Node, square Venus, inconjunct the Moon and Eris in conjunction, and in close trine to the SunMercury midpoint in Capricorn. This powerfully future-oriented presence indicates a strong determination to be carrying through, no matter what, with whatever in which we most deeply believe, and is therefore an important antidote to ever giving in, even when the going gets tough.

The Sabian symbols for this 
First Quarter Moon are encouraging. They are, for the Sun in the 27th degree of Capricorn, "A mountain pilgrimage;" Marc Edmund Jones refers to "unquestioned devotion to [the] worth-while task at hand," and calls this symbol an emblem of "intensification of every vision to which intelligence might aspire." For the Moon in the same degree of Aries, we find the mysterious and subtle: "Lost opportunity regained in the imagination." Jones enlarges upon this image, as "the psychological maturity of [humankind] on the practical side of life, the all-important and creative fluidity of character which makes [of us] immortal beings." Indeed, in these days of relative adversity, attitude is everything. With positivity on our side and trust in our process, when we sense worthwhile struggle we try all the harder to make significant progress. And when we run up against hardships, we can treat them as opportunities for finding inner strength.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Having a few days of double trouble?
Blame it on the Stars!

by Valerie Greene
Yes, if you noticed since last week that you seem to have to do things over, and over, needing at least a second try to get anything accomplished? is the planet Mercury, in Retrograde again!
That is the planet that rules all form of communication, and when it changes its normal forward direction as it did on Jan 5, 2016 it brings that annoying problem of delays and mistakes with our communicating.

Mercury does this to us about three time in a year. Each time giving us a time period when communicating will be impacting in your life, more than usual!

Some seeming to appear aggravating, and costly...but some in ways that can be very beneficial?
Which one for you depends on your birth planets...and where Mercury is in sign, when it retrogrades?
And this time period it is in fact, out of the norm?

First because it had just entered the unique freedom loving sign of Aquarius on Jan. 2, this new year! . And coming from the more conservative sign of Capricorn, it gave us all needed lift.

That is until it started back tracking in retrograde in Jan 5... then landing again in sober Capricorn this past weekend.
All of which is why you are now suddenly more practical minded most likely doing things that involve your past...and important planning around your future?

The good side of Mercury in retrograde, as it now is, in Capricorn, can help your practical mind dig out helpful details from your past that can impact your future security!
Especially if they are concerns, or have ties to past dealings?

You see Mercury in retrograde gives us another chance at something that we have left unfinished!
A time of repairs? A time of reunions? Bumping into or hearing from an old friend? All a way to bring your past dealings up front again thanks to the Planet Mercury?
The difficult side of Mercury now? Is likely to be those snarled traffic jams... those do overs... the car troubles, the broken appliances and feeling a bit more reserved and drained and misunderstood! 

Patience everyone! Mercury will go back in direct motion on Jan. 25, 2016...when we will again first feel like we are going forward again too!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Has your New year 2016 started out busy?
By Valerie Greene
Yes? Well, you can blame it on the Stars!
You see the planet Mercury rules our current thoughts and the decisions that we make that are attached to them.
 And on Jan 1, 2016 Mercury chanced signs! That happening all by its self would trend to bring a different trend with our thinking.
 However, this Mercury change being now in freedom loving sign Aquarius, we would want to be more freedom minded! With a sudden desire to change things, to break our daily routine!
All because the action planet Mars, also now in a new sign, is in a difficult square aspect to Mercury too!  Giving that greater need to stir things up! Hence your more busy, days!
But ones that also seem  to bring a greater need to take control... that can  cause arguments, and out of control behavior.
 The worst effect of Mars and Mercury in a bad tango aspect as it is now, would be impulsiveness causing accidents! So try to slow down and think before acting. 
Not the best planet pattern to begin a New Year!
How to cope? Use the desire part you now feel... to push towards getting things that take your skill and energy, done!
Closets that need cleaning need moving or cleaning? Or how about annoying clutter? These first few days of our new year, is a great time to clean out and work at improving your life in some way. Just do it with careful thought and patience, and you will use that extra energy properly.
And guard your temper! Mars now in intense Scorpio, tends to do a slow burn...with a huge outburst!
Signs that need to use extra caution right now? Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius, and Leo.
 With all of us feeling a need to be more active...and needing extra patience!

As, Mercury... is also slowing down and will turn retrograde Again on Jan 5, at 8:06 a.m. est.