Wednesday, February 18, 2015

This is a very important astrological week!
Giving us a new moon, a change in sign for the Sun,  change in  sign and influence, for the planet of action, Mars! And also a change in sign and influence, for the planet of love, Venus. Wow!
 First, a new moon, remember is a great time to put your best, forward! Because whatever you want to expand and increase in your life expands, as the moon does.
Farmers use a new moon to plant their seeds for spring. You can use it too. What area in your life, do you want to grow and expand? A bank account? A new relationship? Get to it, on Thursday Feb. 19 with the first full day, of the new moon's influence.
Second, Thursday Feb 19, is also the Sun's first full day, newly into the sign of Pisces! Happy Birthday Pisces!
 Yours is the intuitive water sign, ruling planet Neptune! A planet that is one of service, and sacrifice!
 During the Sun's stay in Pisces we can all benefit from playing our hunches and wanting to give back to others in some way. That desire stronger within us, from Sun in Pisces, Feb 19, until the first day of Spring.
Third, also happening on the evening of Feb. 19, this week, is the planet Mars, enters its own sign of Aries at 7:11 PM EST.
 This is the planet that has its influence around our energy and passions!
 So when it changes signs we are bound to feel it! How?
Whatever you feel strongly about? How you go after something!
 And your day to day energy, and enthusiasm?
The planet Mars, in Aries from Feb. 19 until April 1, 2015, can help us to swing into spring, more easily. Aries being the Sun sign, of Spring!
 So lets hope the extra lift of energy coming from Mars will  bring an early spring, something we all need now in this area for sure!
And, the change in sign, for the planet of love Venus. 
 That change happens at 3:05 PM, Feb. 20, 2015, when Venus also enters Aries, and will be in that sign until March 16, 2015.
 Another factor in giving our lives more action, and enthusiasm. As we will now be more able,  to go after our heart's desire! Nice!
Wow what a week... lots of changes are now, going to get us out of those winter blahs!
 Just what we need! Good News! And we can just,
 "Blame it on the Stars! 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!
The Stars and Your Love Life
Author: Valerie Greene
Ever wonder why a relationship never got off the ground? Well there really is a magnetic influence coming from our solar system that is controlling who you like, and even more important who likes YOU!
As it has been said, “the stars impel (urge or drive forward) not compel" (urge with force) but the urge is still very much there for a love tie to be made!.
So now you can understand that feeling of utter despair you have been experiencing is unnecessary!. Your last relationship’s ending wasn't your fault after all, just "Blame it on the stars".
Now how does this information guide or help you?
The truth is it can. Knowing your own planetary birth chart gives you the edge of seeing yourself objectively.
This inner knowledge keeps you awake to your real needs in a partnership. Yes, romantic or financial our stars dictate the success or failure of a relationship.
And you thought Astrology was all about sun signs.
But now you have been told it is much more than daily predictions!
In fact, it is all about the details of you, and your very own uniqueness.
So do yourself a huge favor and give yourself a wonderful present for this New Year.
Order your own Astrological birth chart, based only on your very own individual birth data, of birth date, hour, and location.
This chart can really help you to understand how to make the most of your potential for love!. Including best time frame for you to meet that RIGHT match. Also, what signs would be best for you; for a TRUE love tie!
What a great way to celecbrate Valentine's Day 2015!
To order an Astrological birth chart based on your very own individual birth data? Email me at

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Good to know that the planet Mercury is out of retrograde!
Feb 11 9:57 AM          happening EST Mercury Direct
With just these last 24 hours out of stationary position, and now resuming its natural forward motion! Yippee!
Mercury, the planet that rules our, communications, travel, all moving parts, and even effects our weather, certainly caused it's repeats the last few weeks!
 Especially happening in my area?
 And, if you too, have felt a bad pattern in your life repeating its self? You can just,"Blame It On The Stars"
 It has all been caused by the planet Mercury out of normal forward motion, the last three weeks!
 Does that mean you life will get back to forward motion too?
 Answer, Yes!
 But be patient, it could take a few weeks to really get into new patterns that proves fruitful.
Why? Because Mercury needs to get to, and past, where it was in sign and degree, when it started it's backward trend!
And that will not be until next month March 3. However all our daily trends that Mercury rules, should be smoother, stopping those repeating trends that could have been causing you all those aggravations.
Mercury in retrograde, is not supposed to be punishment!
 It has a purpose in giving us a chance to complete something that wasn't done properly. Including making amends with those we communicate to. Or to repair or redo a project, that we have, been held back from attending to! 
Hopefully, we all had some of those old ties, projects, and things left undone, solved, during Mercury's 3 week backward direction. And that led us to some needed resolutions? Or at the very least, brought an old friend, back into your life! Nice!
What ever happened, we now with Mercury in direct motion, can feel like we are in, a more normal routine! Good News!
 And I am hoping, that after March 3 rd Mercury's influence will lead us to an early spring!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Feeling a little more emotional? Well, you can, Just blame it on the Stars! And in today's case, the Leo full moon!
Yes, at 6:09 PM EST our reining Full moon will be in the fire Fixed sign of Leo!
Which will bring out our emotional side, as any full moon can do!
 However, when the moon is in the sign of Leo, as it is tonight, it can expose our stubborn ego driven, emotional side!
Especially if your sign is Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, or Scorpio?
How to cope?
 Guard your temper!
And be aware that your need to be right, and in control, could back fire!
 Bringing accidents, quarreling and disrupting behavior! All that can be  be avoided if you use your mind and will power correctly.
Patience! Is the Key!  Enjoy those extra feelings of emotions properly and our energetic fun loving Leo moon, can help you to have some fun tonight!
  Likely effecting the Fire and Air signs, towards wanting to kick up their heels the most! They are the signs of  Leo, Sagittarius, Aries, Aquarius, Gemini, Libra! 
And all signs can use those extra emotional vibes this evening to tackle some hard to do chore that can improve their self image.
What will your be? Working on your resume? Your Wardrobe, Or planning that new diet?

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Super Bowl Sunday! Are you wondering how our stars look for this important event?

Answer? Interesting!

The planet of emotion, and the one that rules the luxuries of life, Venus, in the sign of hard to read, Pieces, will be in a strong conjunction to Pisces ruler, the planet Neptune!

That is an unusual aspect, that can bring unusual happenings. And tends to help the underdog!

Bringing surprise, mystery, and increasing intuition!

..So with that aspect shedding its influence on the game today. We can expect that it will be one of a kind in some way? Bringing both teams under its spell. That will be talked about in the media for a long time!

Today's moon in its own sign of Cancer, makes a favorable aspect to Mars, helping this day to be a good one for family get together's!

Giving us all a need to share the fun with those closest to us!