Sunday, February 26, 2012

Nice to have a, Astrological positive lift... as our Week begins.

And you can...Just Blame it on the moon's entrance into Taurus, at around 9:30 a.m. est on Sunday, Feb. 26....

That Taurus moon, making its way to a conjunction by Sunday night, as it co-joins the expansive planet Jupiter, also in Taurus...

lifts our moods... and makes us more optimistic, helping us to expand our horizons. Good for all signs, but especially so for the earth and water signs...Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Scorpio, Pisces, & Cancer.

And I am happy to say, that mostly positive attitude can follow us right through Tuesday, Feb 28. With both Monday and Tuesday, good ones, to get a lot accomplished!!!

So what is it you have been putting off? Time to dust off those old ideas, and regain your confidence.

Or, do your home work to define your goals? Not only will the moon's influence, help with that! But a Sun, Pluto, positive aspect on Monday and Tuesday, can make you a super detective, in sorting out all sorts of facts. Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, Feb 29, a day that only happens every four years, also looks intriguing...but not as easy. The moon's influence that will be coming from its monthly visit into Gemini, will produce a few ego challenges. With the tendency of double trouble snarled communication, right into Friday morning, March, 2.

Therefore, expect to welcome our new month of March, 2012 on Thursday... with some aggravations that can effect both your, attitude, and energy. Best to slow down, in all areas...think before you speak and act impulsively...the moon will be challenging Mars!

Friday morning, March 2, the stars can be really tricky...
as the moon sets us up for out of the ordinary experiences!

First, it challenges, Mercury, making it difficult with communication and travel. And then it changes to its own sign of Cancer, at around 10:08 a.m.est, and heads to a conflict with the planet of the unusual, Uranus. Oh my! It will be the weird that is likely to be the norm for all of Friday.

And the weekend??? Better check back to see, just what you too, can Just Blame It On The Stars!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

News from


Don't miss an opportunity to make significant progress with your goals and dreams this week as a new Moon in Pisces occurs on February 21! Then, when Mercury opposes Mars on February 22, you're challenged to get your words and actions on speaking terms with one another. Finally, people are willing to give you all the help you need when the Sun sextiles Jupiter on February 25. Be sure to take advantage of this beautiful aspect!

 February 21: New Moon in Pisces....

Turn off your cell phone, put your work away, stop being so busy and spend time alone. Neptune joins this magical new Moon, giving you an unusual opportunity to tap into your dreams and desires. What are your goals? Whether you write out a top-ten list of what you want to bring into your life, or simply set aside time to be more contemplative, spend quiet time today -- and for a couple weeks -- leading up to the next full Moon on March 8., Jupiter and Pluto form helpful aspects, demonstrating that powerful and influential people are available to help you.

February 22: Mercury opposes Mars

This is an argumentative aspect, and with Mercury currently in sensitive Pisces, do what you can to be considerate of others' feelings. You'll certainly hear opposing points of view, and your ideas are likely to be challenged. Mercury in Pisces is anything but logical, and retrograde Mars is a bit frustrated that things aren't moving more quickly. Take a deep breath and, if you can, choose another day to present your best ideas.

February 25: The Sun sextiles Jupiter

This aspect brings an abundance of opportunities, but you'll have to be alert to take advantage of them! The imaginative Pisces Sun is helped by the practical knowledge and financial know-how of Jupiter in Taurus. You may meet a benefactor or inspiring visionary to help you to see the world differently and break out of old ruts. Make the most of this opportunistic transit!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A week that is going to take some careful thought and negotiations... if it will be recognized as a good one!

Yes, even though this Sunday morning, Feb. 12, might have started out quite sublime...coming from a Sun, moon, trine.

Things go down hill a bit from that, in the afternoon. As we notice a large change in mood?

All due to our moon's influence! The first, aspect that seems to change our Sunday's trend...

Is the co-joining of the moon, to the serious planet Saturn... making us see the more somber, aspects of life!

Then, early Sunday evening... it changes its influence, again! As it enters the intense, secretive, probing sign of Scorpio, at 5:01 p.m. est.

That moon tend, is to withdraw, and go inside ourselves!

Quite a change, from what many of us were experiencing through most of the weekend.

Best to prepare for other changes, as we begin our work week too. Why...because of the ending cycle of the planet Mercury's stay in Aquarius... as it has been since, last month's, Jan 27?

Mercury, the fastest moving planet in our solar system, seems to be always changing signs...changing the ways we think, and it moves from one sign, to another.

Often causing changes to our...decision making, and what feels like our progress, towards future goals. And this week, this quick-talking, celestial body, has decided to do just that, bring lots of Change.

Starting as our work week begins, February 13, as it, still in Aquarius... forms a positive aspect, with sensible Saturn.

That alliance good, aspect, helps our Monday, to be a good one...especially helping you to make plans, and have serious discussions.

Perhaps, with even a bit of careful reflection on how we can uniquely and quickly, solve our pending problems? As these new ideas, can bring needed, solutions!

The very next day, February 14, is the day to say, "I love You"! Valentine's day!

Also, on Tuesday, Feb. 14 the planet Mercury changes its sign, as it enters the Dreamy, sensitive, water sign of Pisces...  unfortunately, adding towards making that special day, a bit difficult to plan, and get through... without a few mix-ups and hurt feelings!

In other words, this new position for Mercury, on Tuesday, Feb. 14...has a tendency to make communication challenging, and vague.

However, if you stop trying to be rational and simply tune into your inner self and your surrounding... Mercury in Pisces will significantly enhance your intuition. In fact, you could become almost telepathic, if you listen to your inner voice?

Also, on Valentine's Day... Mercury co-joins the planet Neptune, a transit that almost guarantees that our heads could be, in the clouds.

Best to save any meaningful talks, and decissions for another time! Instead, try to enjoy all that you are grateful for! Guard your ego too, if you want to have your Tuesday, Valentine's Day, to be a peaceful, happy one!

Wednesday, Feb. 15, another trend from a moon change... picks up our energy, and our spirits...but not without some challenges! The morning hours are that best time, to make needed amends, and get things done, from our positive Sagittarius, moon, in good aspect to the, love planet, Venus.

Thursday Feb 16...extra energy from our continued fire moon...helps to make Thursday a productive one!

Especially for the fire and air signs...Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, Gemini, Libra ,and Aquarius.

Friday Feb. 17, our work week closes...with our moods slowing down, as we start looking at the practical side of life. All being lucky... for the earth signs of... Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo.

But, not great for a fun weekend!!! Sunday, Feb 19, the moon swings into Aquarius...and you'll start using your ingenuity again... just in time for the beginning of our work week! So check back next, Sunday, to see... what you can...
"Just Blame It On The Stars"

Saturday, February 4, 2012

All geared up for tomorrows Super bowl? The Stars Are!

With the planet Mercury, now in innovating Aquarius... lending it's self nicely towards making it an exciting, interesting, one of a kind, game!

And as I analyze the two states, involved... their charts suggest quite a battle!

Call me prejudges, being a Pats fan, but, I believe I see...
viewing the day's planetary aspects... that the "Stars" favor, The New England Patriots enough, for them to win!

And now, that we have gotten that, out of the way!

Aren't, are you wondering how the Stars look for the rest of the week?

Well, actually the big News today...astrologically speaking is...that

Yesterday on February 3, the planet Neptune moved again into, Pisces (the sign it rules). Only this time, it will not retrograde back, into Aquarius, as it did for awhile last April- through August, 4, 2011.

No this time, the planet Neptune, will be in the sky with us in Pisces, until 2025. That is just over 13 years.

This transit cycle of Neptune, in Pisces, only occurs every 160 years, and will tend to usher in an era of creativity, compassion, charity, exploration, with an emphasis on mathematics, and science.

Speaking on a more personal level...

Neptune's historic move into Pisces can foster kindness and all forms of artistic, adventurousness with a likely new awareness of what the intuitive side of life can hold for us?

Marking real progress in physic phenomena too? Which could include, more genuine proof of life after death! Wow, what a period of time these coming years can hold for us with the Planet Neptune, in the sign of Pisces, effecting us for the next 13 years!

And,'s view of this important planetary change" ?
Has this to say..
"In the case of Neptune in Pisces, you'll experience a surge of creativity, especially in the realms of poetry and music, as well as a renewed interest in spirituality and exploration.
You'll feel a strong urge to follow your dreams and turn your idealistic visions into reality ... though you may lack the necessary energy at times. Ultimately, Neptune's greatest strength may be in softening the blow of some of the harder-edged planets currently holding sway -- this is a planet known for bringing everything into a gentler, dreamier focus".

And if that isn't enough for... "It Is In The Stars"... News?

We also have 2 other signifying astrological happenings...this new work week ahead!

The planet of love Venus, starting its transit in the sign of Aries, on Tuesday Feb .7
and the planet of learning, that makes us see the more serious side of life, Saturn... starting its retrograde direction on Wednesday Feb. 8,

Both of those, changes will be effecting us in an important way, that will effect not only this coming week, but for a few weeks!

Venus, giving us more assertive emotional energy, helping us to make progress towards our emotional romantic goals, where Saturn moving retrograde makes us look back and deal with left over unacknowledged restrictions and problems. Quite a week!

Monday Feb. 6, excitement with a Leo moon at the helm, puts sports in the spot light...of coarse, with everyone discussing the high lights, and disappointments of the Super Bowl on Sunday.

Tuesday Feb. 7, a full moon dominates...and emotions run high, guard egos!

Wed. Feb 8, and Thursday Feb. 9, we tend to be picky and analytical coming from a Virgo moon, slow down, and practice patience!

And Friday's Feb. 10, moon change, into Libra midday, can bring the unexpected!

 So try to stay neutral, and do not allow others to pull you into their problems, right into Saturday, Feb.11...

A desire to be with loved ones, will reign...
Enjoy, and show appreciation, to make your Saturday, and weekend, a good one!
Check back for more, on Sunday, to see what else,...
 "You can Just Blame It On The Stars"