Sunday, March 27, 2011

Our work week begins with a strong desire to overthrow any kind of restriction!

Monday, March 28, 2011, our Aries Sun, squaring the planet of endings Pluto, along with a Jupiter Saturn, Opposition...and you are likely to experience some unsettling feelings... as you seem to want more control...but are afraid of it, at the same time.

Be cautious, but persevere as you push against restrictions. That persistent sudden desire in going after, needed change?

You can just... "Blame It On The Stars"!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011, the intense desire for doing things independently, lessons!

In fact, we become a whole lot more reasonable. All due to a positive influence from the Aquarius moon to Saturn, and Jupiter. Helping us all... to be more aware of what is really good in our lives. And what we need to do, to keep it that way!

Making Tuesday, my pick of the week, for achieving our day's we are more easily appeased, positive and realistic!

True for all signs, but particularly so... for the fire and air signs of...Aries, Libra, Sagittarius, Gemini, Leo, and Aquarius.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011, has an enthusiastic dreamy quality to it. With the planet Mercury almost standing still, as it prepares to start its retrograde cycle...we will have an extra bonus from an innovating Aquarius moon, to that Aries Mercury, early in the morning.

Giving us all a good start to our day, from 6:00 a.m. EDT.

Later in the day... just before 3:00 p.m., a moon conjunction to Neptune, brings those dreamy ideas to the surface and helps us with our intuition.

The dreamy atmosphere continuing into the evening... when the moon changes, also into sensitive, dreamy, Neptune, ruled Pisces!

Though your energy may be a bit subdued, from the changing Mercury almost retrograde...and moon, sign change. Wednesday too, looks mostly like a winner. Especially when it comes to using your emotional intuitive side.

Thursday, March 31, is the last day of March, 2011. The planet of communication Mercury, appears to be almost standing it begins a 24 day cycle, of moving backward. Which gives us once again a period of time...from March 30, 2011, until April 23, 2011, that we seem to be moving backward too, called a retrograde Mercury.

Why is that? Because Mercury is the planet that rules our thoughts and decisions. And when it is in retrograde direction... we back track too, often changing our minds. Mercury also rules anything that has a motor.

So expect the next three weeks, might be somewhat frustrating? Because this is, the most likely time, for the car and those appliances that have been just limping along, to now completely break down!

Also a time, you will need extra care with anything involving communication! With all kinds of mix ups, and glitches...where it seems you are having to do everything, over? This effects all sun signs, unless you are one of those that was born with the planet Mercury in Retrograde?

If that is so, for you? This is the time period... that you can now move forward, and feel at last, that your decisions will be kept!

Friday, April 1, 2011... Do not play the fool, as we begin this new month. The Pisces moon still at the helm of our day, will continue to push us towards a very sensitive, dreamy, mood.

The kind of mood that will help you, use your imagination, on those April fools day pranks, successfully!!! Just try to be aware that you could be your own willing victim, if you let yourself believe the impossible all day on Friday.

Saturday, April 2, 2011, our weekend gets off to a very active perhaps abrupt start!

For three reasons. Firstly, the planet that rules action, and energy, Mars, enters the energetic fire sign of Aries, just 51 minutes after midnight, EDT. This placement for Mars, will bring more energy and desire for activity, while it is in that sign, for the next 39 days!

Secondly, the moon enters the sign of Aries, too, Saturday morning at 7:16 a.m.EDT, giving us an extra push of force, towards our passions, and energy!!!

And then thirdly and the most the aspect that, the planet Mars will be making to the planet of disruption, innovation, and freedom, the trigger moon co-joins both Mars and Uranus!

How all this effects us, could be quite startling? From small, unexpected annoyances... like awaking Saturday morning with a bad headache, due to Friday night's over indulgences? To unexpected out of the norm news, from far away?

Whatever the case, Saturday starts a new cycle, that will have it's effects on us for some time? Try to use Saturday's extra energy and enthusiasm, on those new projects...with a careful, cautious eye. Staying flexible, and open to the unexpected, as possible?

Sunday, April 3, 2011...a significant trend continues... as we Welcome a new moon, at 10:32 a.m. EDT. But this new moon, will have it's down side!

Yes, that Sun, Moon conjunction, will also be in an Opposition, to the restrictive planet, Saturn, all day on Sunday! Perhaps making it difficult to stay in a positive mood? With aggravations and entanglements, that seem to come from others!

It is always important to remember, what we put in motion with a new moon, tends to stays with us all month. However, this warning for Sunday's activities, is extra imperative... if you want to increase the positive, good in your life?

But, with the planet Mars and Uranus in an uncomfortable conjunction, also all day on Sunday? It might not be easy, to keep to the status quo, to plan out your New moon day, productively? Patience flexabilty, and innovation is the key!

Happy, safe April 2011, everyone!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Spring everyone!!!!

What a great way to begin a new work week with the first full day of the season of Spring, 2011.

So when you find that your day's step is a little lighter with more bounce and enthusiasm! You can just...

"Blame it on the stars"

It is true that astrologically speaking the first day of spring, is what we Astrologers, call the Earth's Birthday.

As the first sign of the Zodiac, is Aries, and that new cycle for Aries begins at theVernal Equinox. Happening on Sunday, March 20, 2011 at 7:21 PM EDT.

With Monday, March 21, 2011 the first "full" day of our Sun in the fire sign of Aries, bringing more activity into our daily lives.

And accompanying our new placement of the sun, is the planet Uranus in conjunction... that can really spice up our daily routine.

So Monday, this week... should be an active out of the norm one! With an extra emphasis on our close relationships and the need for them!

All due to a very powerful full moon over this past weekend along with Monday's moon placement in loving Libra, our thoughts and feelings are involved with a desire for companionship!

Especially if you happen to be born under the signs of Aries or Libra?

However, all signs will have the tendency on Monday, to as they say..."count their chickens". What that means is, we are all more likely on Monday, to look more critically at what we can truly count on, with a desire for it to be more, we can be impatient...leading to a bad mood!

So with that in mind, perhaps your inner truth will be illuminating enough for you, to give some added thought to where in your life you are lacking? And what kind of new spring activities that you might now engage in, that could change your plight?

That would be the best way to use up those extra energetic feelings, that need to be directed, to make Monday, this week a positive one.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011, our mood is more secretive and inclusive from a Scorpio moon. A really good day to put your mind into overcoming, some handicap with a sudden surge of willpower!

A truly powerful helping hand, for those new projects, that are started on Tuesday. Practically helpful for the water and earth signs of Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces, and Virgo.

Wednesday, March, 23, 2011, could begin with a jolt! Emotions and idealism are in conflict! The Scorpio moon, will be testing where your priorities are. Not an easy way to begin our day?

However, as the days goes on, things get better! The moon's change into the positive fire sign of Sagittarius, at 4:45 p.m. EDT, on Wednesday, in harmonious aspect to our Aries sun, and planet Uranus, can give us a new vision of our day.

With many new exciting possibilities coming from far away places, higher education, and spiritual conciseness. Perhaps even giving you that needed push, to make desired travel plans, to that far away place you have been dreaming of?

Thursday, March 24, 2011 is my pick of the week for feeling motivated! And will be particularly helpful to complete those plans you made yesterday. Especially true with a positive boost... if you are a fire sign, Aries, Leo or Sagittarius?

With all sun signs, wanting to get out and about, and get things accomplished. Really try to keep to that positive vision, because the moon and it's ruler Jupiter, in positive aspect on Thursday, can help you receive back... what you are putting out there! Prayers answered, when you believe!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011, desire is strong, but your timing could be off? A moon Mercury Trine, at around 8:00 a.m. EDT gives you the positive thought and motivation.

However, your going to have to be patient, because the planet Mars in negative aspect as you begin Friday, can quickly dampen those plans, causing unexpected setbacks.

Best to keep an open mind on Friday, and expect an easier time getting things done as the day progresses. And that could be if you are out in the early evening... a pleasant time for social gatherings?

Then Our weekend, is another one filed with important Astrological happenings! Which seems to be the norm lately?

Starting with Saturday, March 26, 2011... giving us the unusual, Venus conjunction of Neptune, in the sign of Aquarius.

Making you ready for romance? Venus represents personal love while Neptune represents spiritual love.

So what could be better to open your heart now? Also increasing new love possibilities? Or is it the returning of an old love?

You are likely to see beauty in the least expected places; just make sure you bring a discerning eye to the object of your affection! When Neptune is involved, realism is difficult!!!

What is most important, is to make the most of this dreamy energy on Saturday... by spending SPECIAL time with people you LOVE. It can also be a very lucky day for use it wisely! Lottery tickets anyone?

Sunday, March 27, 2011, we will welcome the planet Venus entering it's cycle, in the sign of Pisces.

It will be with us, until Venus enters Aries on April 20, 2011. However, Sunday's entrance into Pisces continues Saturday's soulful theme. Pisces, is a Water sign... and is wholly immersed in feelings... adding to a very romantic time. Spring!

So for about a month... involved detail during conversations will not be necessary... it's what you feel that counts!!! This transit offers a great chance to meet your soul mate or strengthen the spiritual bonds of an old or existing relationship.

All beginning this weekend, and on Sunday, through April 20 2011. Enjoy!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

It seems that our Earth dramatically reacted... to the Planet Uranus, changing signs...with a devastating Earth quake in Japan!

All bringing...unexpected changes... out of our control... that have negatively colored our moods all weekend?

And Monday, March 14, 2011, some difficult planetary, Cancer moon aspects... continues that trend. So when you find your emotions... ruling your first work day of the week?

You can just...

Blame it on there stars!

Yes, lots happening astrologically to make us feel extra emotional as this work week begins.

And three planets, in fiery Aries, in difficult aspect to the moon, in the water sign of Cancer, as our day gets started, would have been enough to have our morning fizzle?

But making our moods lean even more towards the dark side the planet that teaches us and restricts us, Saturn... in difficult aspect to the moon as the day begins too.

So try to remember that gloom only comes... to teach us something? And that is the best way to deal with those feelings of dissatisfaction that you could now be suddenly feeling. Especially when it comes to your personal relationships, your finances, health or home life?

In fact, a positive aspect from the planet that rules our feelings, Venus, to the planet Saturn...all day on Monday and Tuesday this week... can make us more realistic to what we need to own up to, so that we can make needed positive changes in our future lives.

Kind of like taking that bad tasting medicine to cure your ills! Time to identify what you have been doing wrong and make amends! That way your Monday and Tuesday dull drums... would have served its purpose!

And Tuesday, March 15, 2011, keeping things balanced will take extra effort. Because your enthusiasm will not match what you are truly able to do? Due to a planet Mercury, Jupiter conjunction. Best to guard the tendency towards being extravagant and carelessness... causing fire, accidents and foolish spending.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011.. is better, and my pick of the week, as the best one to feel good and get things accomplished. Coming from that Venus, Jupiter, conjunction... still with us...and even more powerful... for the good...with Wednesday morning's accompanying... helpful, fire Leo moon.

All making Wednesday... a more positive, realistic and energetic one. Helping all sun signs! But most helpful to the fire and air signs of, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius (fire) and Libra, Aquarius, Gemini (air).

Thursday, March 17, 2011... Happy St Patrick's Day, with the wearing of the green. However, self doubt can creep into our thoughts, spoiling your party mood... if we find ourselves responding to the doubts of others, or what is happening in the world around us?

All leading to more pessimism, on Friday, March 18, 2011...coming from the planet Mercury's pulling aspect to the planet Saturn...that will be with us all day. Look at how your thoughts have been influenced by others, and if their opinions are really true for you?

Saturday, March 19, at 2:11, p.m. EDT.. a Virgo Full Moon, will rein. And that can strongly effect your feelings. So your day will be one that is best shared! And later in the day, on Saturday... that need to be with others is likely to intensify. With Saturday's evening hours, bringing the strong possibility of many new relationships being made.

Sunday, March 20, 2011, is a very significant day!

The Sun moves into the first Zodiac sign, of Aries, marking the beginning of spring! Happening on, March, 20, 2011, at precisely 7:21 P.M. EDT...or (universal time) 23:21, p.m.? That is the time the Sun will cross directly over the Earth's equator. This moment is known as the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.

Also an extra out of the ordinary aspect, included into Sunday night, is... the Suns move into Aries also will co- join with the planet Uranus, and this conjunction... will activate already intense energies...

So try to be aware that if you are unwilling to compromise, only looking for quick results, you may be tempted to act rashly, regardless of how it affects others. Keeping in mind... that though this aspect is brief, it could leave you full of regret, if you are too quick to burn your bridges, over reacting... trying to get your own way.

Instead...use your ingenuity all day on Sunday...that is the key, to setting the trend for your first day of spring... making it wonderful!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

As we begin our work week, Monday, March 7, 2011...Our fiery enthusiastic attitude might not be enough to give us the desired expected results!

So if you find your Monday fighting with bad timing, which could even make you late for work? You can just....

"Blame it on the stars"!

Yes, due to an early morning negative aspect from the moon in the fire sign of Aries, to the planet of restriction, Saturn. We can get ourselves into mixed messages, and all kinds of aggravations, coming though things, that are just out of our control? Making a day that is hard to plan, and get things accomplished.

Patience... and not allowing others behavior, to pull you into discord is your best defense!

Tuesday March 8, 2011... a moon Neptune aspect in the morning...can give us lucky, innovating ideas!

A Planet Pluto, Venus aspect, that will be with us all day on Tuesday, brings strong emotions! So... try to set your day's trend in the morning hours...using your energy and intuition towards new accomplishments.

And avoid emotional controversy that is likely to cool down by itsself in a few days.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011, again the morning hours are astrologically significant in setting a negative day's trend?

However, if your wise enough to not let your emotions get the best of you in the morning on Wednesday, it is very possible that Wednesday could be your most productive one, all week!

With extra attention to your finances and personal relationships really paying off! Because Wednesday, March 9, 2011 begins the planets Mercury's cycle in the energetic fire sign of Aries. Which will be giving us all more energy and assertiveness for the next 67 days!!!!

Which is an extra long time for Mercury to be in a sign. Nice to have Aries Mercury... that rules spring with us that long! Due to its retrograde motion at the end of month.

Thursday, March 10, 2011, practical concerns take up our thoughts. Perhaps helping you towards getting those taxes done... or future travel plans made. However, get things like that accomplished during the daylights hours. Because by 7:00 p.m. EST the tendency to dream, can throw the practical side of you, out the window!

Friday, March 11, 2011, a 7:00 a.m. positive Gemini moon, Mercury, aspect... can give us all a needed lift. Especially helpful to the fire and air signs of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Also Friday, is an important day...because it is the last day of the planet Uranus, cycle in the sign of Pisces... that has been with us since March 11, 2003. And therefore helping you to complete the cycle of sensitivity in how we express our desire for freedom and independence ... or even the tendency towards suffering in silence!

Saturday, March 12, 2011 ... is a most astrologically IMPORTANT day!

Because it begins a new cycle for the planet of individuality Uranus...that will be with us for the next 7 years!!!

How has your life changed in the last seven years? Lots of changes in the way you view your life I'll bet, since March 2003?

But with Uranus entering Mars ruled Aries...for the next 7 years...our changes can be very abrupt and energetic! Giving us all more drive, toward new ways of expressing our individuality.

Especially if your sun sign is Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn? But all signs will be effected... with change in how we exert our independence... coming from Uranus in the sign of Aries... that will be with us through 2018.

Sunday, March 13, 2011 is a day that will need to be tempered with caution! All the new Aries, fire, and enthusiasm, from the planets Mercury, Jupiter, and Uranus newly into Aries...will be conflicted by our emotional water, Cancer moon. Water and fire? Steam!

So please, slow down, and try not to over react to possible family emotional discord...that might lead to unnecessary dangerous disputes!

Careful... everyone!