Monday, July 26, 2010

Our new work week begins with us all still feeling the effects of yesterday's Aquarius Full moon.

So if you have been feeling a little more emotional and intense on wanting and needing... to be close to a loved one?

Than you can just..."Blame It On The Stars"!

Yes, even though the Full Moon in Aquarius on July 25, around 9:30 PM EDT... was enhanced by a lucky trine between the Sun and Jupiter. It still gave us all some very strong emotions that we continue to deal with....making us feel a bit like a roller coaster ride...

It is true that our Monday July 26, going to be a little difficult...especially when it comes to what our hearts want, verses what our head tells us is best!

All due to the planet Saturn in Libra, opposing the planet Uranus in Aries... which makes for a tug of war between, our desire for independence, and our need to have what is real, and permanent in our lives?

And that feeling of being pulled stays with us problems with our thoughts and judgement... right into...

Tuesday July 27. And in fact, making Tuesday a day when we really need to exercise our patience in all areas that pertain to decision making. True for all sun signs, but most important advice for the signs of Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, and Taurus, to remember!

And, also making things more complicated...

Wednesday July 28, 2010... the planet Mercury begins its stay in the service minded earth sign of Virgo...bringing a more analytical way of thinking...along with a new way of communicating our thoughts...that will be with us... for almost the next 3 months?

Not a great day for Virgo Mercury's first day's sojourn either... as our Pisces moon on Wednesday morning, creates havoc with what we see as real, or what is illusion...making Wednesday a very hard day to plan.

Thursday July 29, 2010 around 8:46 PM EDT... the planet Mars moves into Libra...and as it does will aspect both Uranus and Saturn right into the final two days of the month.

And because Mars is the planet that rules are passion and energy...we will continue to feel very emotional, and our ways of dealing with our close relationship will suffer or improve?

What's for sure is... the planet Mars... in the air sign of Libra... will be with us...effecting our energy and what we pursue... until it enters Scorpio, on September. 15, 2010.

And in those first few days...of Mars in Libra in a conjunction to Saturn, and also in opposition to it will be on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday this week...

you are NOT likely to be in a mood for conducive calm discussions or agreements...causing misuse of energy and possible accidents...try to keep in mind....Mars-Uranus combinations can be explosive and disruptively difficult.

Mars-Saturn aspects, tend to be impatient, with teeth gritting and sober moods...that might lead to slightly volcanic anger, as held back tempers can get the best of you.

The best way to utilize these tricky planetary energies on Friday and Saturday constructively... is to keep your head down and plough ahead with difficult tasks requiring focus and perseverance...good advice to keep in we close out this month of July 2010... but, especially for Friday, July 30, 2010...when the moon will also enter the Mars ruled sign of Aries...

setting off again the trigger to explosive behavior...causing... accidents, arguments, and the kind of impatience with our loved ones...that could lead to broken relationships?

Remember, that while these transits indicate influences that can cause us to react impatiently or impulsively... we still hold the key to just how we handle the events of our personal lives...

we just need to be extra aware of what is truly make what is happening work out, in our favor? True for all suns signs on Friday and Saturday....but most important advice for the signs of...Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn to remember!

Sunday August 1, 2010 we begin our new month... on a easier astrological footing....hopefully, giving us all a happy, productive, relaxing way to end... our...very busy, difficult to plan... weekend!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

We begin our work week this Monday July 19, 2010, with our minds on what we want to accomplish! So when you find yourself sifting though your to-do list... You can Just, "Blame it On The Stars"!

Minds are active Monday morning, as our Scorpio moon activates our passion in wanting to get things "done" in our lives! And the planet Venus that rules our emotions, in the practical earth sign of Virgo, as it makes favorable aspect to the moon during the morning hours, wakes us into looking at how we can identity, our handicaps!

This attitude and thrust towards accomplishment is helpful for all signs, but particularly helpful for the earth and water signs of...

Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn... earth...and Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio...water.

Tuesday, July 20, also a day that we are geared towards weeding out what needs attention. Making Tuesday my pick of the week to have things in general work out the way we want.

Except for the early Evening hours, of 5:00 to 8:00 PM EDT, when a negative aspect from the moon to Neptune will make it difficult to really see... what is truly a problem as our imaginations can get the best of us, on Tuesday evening.

However, the planetary activity really becomes more significant on how we view what is important, and serious in our lives on Wednesday July 21, 2010... due to the planet Saturn moving into the sign of Libra again...but to stay this time... firmly in place until late 2012. Hopefully encouraging Venus like thoughts... of more balance, good will, and cooperation?

But also marking the beginning of period of time... of around two years...that the signs of Libra, Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn will experience.. a time of owning up...testing their important foundations that they have been working on for the last 7 years?

And also on Wednesday... with the moon in truthful Sagittarius, in difficult aspect to our emotions... it will be a day to exercise more patience, particularly when it comes to our relationships and our spending habits.

This warning is for all sun signs...but is the most important for the signs of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius to keep in mind.

Then on Thursday July 22...the Sun moves into fiery, fun loving Leo, for four weeks... bringing more glitter and glitz into our daily lives, as well as a yen... to just have more, summer fun!

However that fun mood will have to wait on Thursday...because a negative moon Saturn aspect... tends to have us only see... what we don't have...instead of the good things that are surely coming?

Add extra caution on Thursday, July, 22, 2010, too! It is likely to be a day... that the unexpected is... Thursday's whole trend. As the moon not only makes us more serious...but it also will be juggling aspects to the planet Uranus, and Jupiter... causing the possibility of cloudy impulsive judgment.

Then on Friday... July 23, 2010, Jupiter turns retrograde in Aries. Bringing a time when it may seem that our forward progress is impeded and things that seemed for sure suddenly come to a full stop.

However, Jupiter retrograde periods give us the opportunity to find inner wisdom and expand internal knowledge. And Friday's morning hours, with our Capricorn moon at the helm, are difficult and serious... as we find ourselves finding fault, and checking our priorities.

Saturday July 24, 2010... the moon in a more positive the planet Venus, helps us to feel better, and again set our desires... back on course...making Saturday a good one, to feel purposeful and productive.

However on Sunday July 25, 2010... along with an Aquarian full moon... the planet Jupiter may push common sense to one side as it squares Pluto. Beware of over confidence, miss-use of energy, and carelessness that could cause a fire or accident.

Jupiter and Pluto aspects run on a theme of 'might makes right' so you may think you can break a few rules, and have a tendency in general to over-do it. But be careful... what we start, might just bounces back at you, in away that you didn't want, or expect!

All making Sunday...the last day of our weekend a difficult one to plan! Keep an open mind, because you will NOT be in a mood to keep with the status quo...being flexible, and away from boring routine is your best way of making Sunday...a good one! Have Fun!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Just yesterday on Sunday, June 11, at around 3: 40 PM EDT we all experienced the effect of a very significant new moon...

Solar Eclipse...that is still giving us a chance to set things in positive motion... as this work week begins... Monday July 12, 2010.

So if you're feeling like your life is in for... or needs... important new direction? This is the time...and

"You can just Blame it on the Stars"

Yes, July 11, the New Moon in Cancer, was also a powerful total Solar Eclipse! A Solar eclipse that could bring us all into a time of heightened awareness.

Although, this eclipse was total, it was not seen by many people, since its pathway was over the South Pacific Ocean, it was only visible to several isolated places. However, it still had a very intense, and profound energy... that would, and still is, impacting all of us!

A solar eclipse always occurs during a New Moon, and denotes the start.., or beginning of something new in our lives? Challenging us to develop our lives in some new way?

And even though, we can turn our backs on the hints of what needs to change in our individual lives... the planetary pull...continues...and in a few days... or weeks time... we may... have to make changes... which are forced on us!

This solar eclipse New Moon in Cancer, made aspects to Neptune and to Mars, just as Mars was beginning to approach Saturn, in the last decant of Virgo.

Saturn itself is less than a degree away from its entrance into Libra, again... where it will form another almost perfect square, with Pluto..., like it did at the end January and early.. February this year.

In fact, this particular eclipse is like... that of what we have experienced before, even in... 1991-1992? So if you look back to early this year, and those past years, you might get a hint of what needs to be given a shakeup... that was started back then?

It may bring... a successful a situation which has been bothering some of us for a while? But, Don't worry if initially things seem worse, since you'll then, turn a corner... into better times ahead!

What is vital to remember... is that we get our heads and hearts together... and really focus on what needs to change in your life! A solar eclipse is a especially sensitive to our yin and yang...

what we want...and what needs to be in alliance... with what we should be doing! If we can focus, and act from our core center, using all our energies, then the positive results, will follow!!!

Pretty heavy stuff to begin this work week... and our Leo moon, this Monday July 12...puts our ego's into a challenge...that could sever relationships...or... help us to speak from the heart...bringing new alliances.

Whatever that needs to be done or said, Monday is my pick of the week to get things accomplished!

Tuesday July 13, there is still extra fire energy, coming from our Leo moon, but it is more geared towards having fun...than accomplishments.

Wednesday July 14, the morning hours will be difficult to plan, coming from a moon Neptune opposition. Then by mid day an analytical everything puts our feelings...and our pocket books into
focus...but are we being too picky, from our Virgo moon Venus, conjunction?

Thursday July 15, thoughts will be more clear...and a day that could be very productive...especially if yours... is an earth sign? Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn?

Friday July 16, 2010...can get off to a gloomy start? The moon and the planet that makes life appear serious, Saturn... are in a conjunction...and can color your whole day towards the negative...

Best not to judge things on how they appear Friday morning through late afternoon. By evening hours our general moods improve, and the Libra moon then... help us to want to be more social.

July 17, Saturday's morning... helps us to plan... a fun weekend's activities...that include, loved ones. All sun sign benefit, but particularly the air signs of...Gemini, Libra , and Aquariums.

Sunday July 18, 2010...morning hours can be inspiring, but a more introspective mood coming from the moons entrance in Scorpio, can bring on a desire to investigate the mysterious that are now suddenly apparent in our lives...ending the weekend's fun abruptly! Patience!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

We begin this Holiday Monday, July 5, 2010 with the Sun in the sign of Cancer... which will keep things on an emotional level, rather than a practical one, until the 23rd of this month...effecting all of us!

So when you find yourself being more emotional and wanting... that special feeling of being... connected!!!

You Can Just "Blame It On The Stars"!

Also this July 5, 2010, the Planet Uranus turns, retrograde! When Uranus is retrograde, expect the unexpected. Wonderful and startling surprises are very possible. This retrograde period, may set your wild side free, or... make a outgoing person, uncharacteristically shy? Which one are You?

Whatever you find yourself doing this holiday Monday... it is likely...not to go... quite the way you expected?

Especially if you born under the signs of... Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, or Libra? But all signs should try to be as flexible, and open towards not having things be a certain way, in order to have a good and safe, Holiday Monday.

Tuesday July 6, 2010, the moon's position in the sign of practical, Taurus, improves the general rhythm of the areas ... that our individual lives are involved us all a better opportunity to get things accomplished and at last, underway!

In fact, Tuesday July 6, 2010... is my pick of the week...for best day of the week... to be the MOST, productive and fruitful...

True for all signs.... but particularly helpful for the signs of... Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo, Pisces, Cancer and Capricorn.

Wednesday July 7, 2010... emotions can be explosive...the moon challenges the planet of love. Try to be aware that your ego might get the best of you...and guard against impulsive spending!

Thursday July, 8, 2010, the moon entering the sign of Gemini, can lighten our moods, and give the fire and air signs the nudge that they have been waiting for... to get going in a new direction?

They are the signs of... Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, fire signs. And Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, air signs.

Friday July 9, 2010, should be a busy day for communicating. A day to move forward at last... with carefully laid plans...that are now on their way to being implemented. All happening as the planet Mercury, ends it's stay... in the sign of Cancer, that has been with us since, June 26, 2010.

And then on Saturday July 10, 2010, a new more assertive way of sharing our thoughts begins... as the planet Mercury... enters the proud fire sign of Leo... that will be with us until, July 27, 2010.

Also Saturday July 10...the planet Venus enters earthy Virgo...changing our emotional perspective towards being... service minded... as we all... find ourselves much more enthusiastic, with our jobs and health... feeling more of a sense of accomplishment, even in every day chores...through August 6, 2010?

Overall a very significant Saturday, with important new trends establishing themselves....However, the main challenge this week, and in fact... the most significant aspect all month... is... Sunday' Solar Eclipse... on July 11, 2010. This will tend to make the cosmic energies even more like the sign of... Cancer! As it brings together the Sun, and the Moon.... into a particularly potent New Moon!!!

Solar Eclipses and New Moons, signal the beginning of new cycles in life!

This is the time to act, and make decisions!!! Go, with those plans that you may have been hesitant about before... they can now be implemented...and

NOT... just during the eclipse period... but for the immediate future... since the influence of eclipses... can last up to six months!

Therefore, Now... is the time... to make changes in those aspects of our lives... that you may be dissatisfied with???

Remember, Any changes started on July 11 -13-, however small... it may seem to be...can ultimately prove beneficial!!!

Way to go...July 2010...this is a time for positive new beginnings! And it all starts this, weekend! So... Make it a Good One!

Happy, "Solar Eclipse" everyone!!!