Saturday, March 19, 2016

It is in the stars, by Valerie Greene
Yes, tonight just after midnight, on March 20, 2016, we in our area of EDT celebrate, Earth's New Year, 2016, Spring Birthday!
 Astrology teaches...what we Plant in the Season of Spring...we cultivate all Summer. And then in the Season of Fall we reap all of what was planted and cultivated...during those months. Then the Season of Winter we sleep, resting to be ready for the Earth's new year! 
Which is now...thru next winter! Each of us...will have aspects on our birth Sun signs...that I have looked at and made a chart for! Giving each sign, a short heads up for all 12 signs....hope you find a hint that will be helpful for your, New Earth Birthday, Spring! They are as follows.....
Aries...behind the scenes communicating will be your trend more than usual the remainder of this year. Look for help and possible annoyances coming thru others. Unexpected happy expansion of family! New, house, baby, wedding?
Taurus...working at new goals prove successful! Gains with Job, education, health... Lucky Jupiter is with you to improve all your skills, and adds to your spiritual knowledge. Far away places and higher education beckon. and working close with another, highlight this year. Feeling pulled through others too cannot be avoided. Careful communication is the key to avoid problems. And not making promises that you will not be able to keep important to remember!
Cancer concerns are likely without careful planning. Expenditures around family come unexpectedly, Stay with the facts and do your home work, when dealing with legal issues. Don't be penny wise and pound foolish. Extra patience with work and health problems, will pay off!
Leo...Emotions run high this new spring year. It begins with the moon in your sign. Binging unexpected expansion around your family or recognition that is promotes you into a new career title, relationship, or job advancement! dealings from the past will now need to be reckoned with. Family and home matters change, requiring your extra time and attention. Jupiter in your sign helps you to see an important truth! A lower energy, signals health issues that you have been ignoring!
Libra... Suddenly you find yourself spending money! Your judgement around your financial, and emotional life, needs to be more prudent ! Slow down and think, before you get off course? Communication around old alliances can be lucky. Don't be greedy and overdo a good thing!
Scorpio...your going find yourself, more  on the go than usual! And that busy schedule  is a hidden plus...keeping you from acting out about all of  those inner feelings of frustration! Your time of feeling held back from positive opportunities, is coming to a close. Luck comes to you from expanding your knowledge, and family ties! plays a huge role, as you face a mountain off self doubt and struggle. Old legal problems, or health concerns need to be handled. Pay professionals, their expert help is worth the price. Stand your ground, and take your time! This is not a time of instant success...but hard work now puts down a firm foundation for your future!
Capricorn...a new you is trying to emerge! Change is necessary, and it is good in the long road ahead.
 Lucky Jupiter, brings the new into your life, around family, career, and travel. Attention to detail when making financial decisions would be wise. Check the details, to avoid being fooled. Something is not as it appears!
Aquarius....Nagging self doubts are asking you to use your intuition, and creativity. All those talents that are unexpressed are needing an outlet. Partners play an important role in bringing you a new perspective. 
Old alliances are renewed that prove very valuable, for your future!
Pisces... Expect that you will be more in the spot light than usual. Communication with others will be key. A lucky hunch pays off! New partnerships and friends come out of the blue. Go with the offers you get for fun...our intuition can pay off big! Those in power will listen helping you towards your future goals, So Speak up!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

News! Two important Astrological, change in sign, for the planets, Mercury, and Mars!

Astrology by Valerie Greene

  These new positions, and signs for Mars, and Mercury, will help all of us, to bring change in how we think,  communicate, and how we express our daily, energy, passions!   

 Yes, Mercury, the Planet of thought entered Pisces, March 5, at 5:23 AM EST!

 And Mars, the Planet of energy, newly entered the sign of

 Sagittarius, also on March 5, that evening, at 9:29 PM EST.

Pisces, is a sensitive, intuitive, water sign. Now with that Mercury influence, we are likely to be much more inward in our thoughts! Making us all a little more introspective, along with increasing our imagination and desire to help the underdog!

 Water, and Earth signs, will be being given the biggest boost from this new, Pisces, Mercury!  

They are: The signs of, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio.(water)

 Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. (earth) 

However, those born under Gemini, Sagittarius, are the signs that now may suddenly require a little more patience and alone time?

It will be the signs, Libra, Aries, Aquarius, and Leo, that will be helped the most, by the extra push of our new fire energy!

 That is now due, to the Planet Mars, newly into the optimistic, lucky, Fire sign, Sagittarius!

 Those are the signs, that can gain the most momentum toward what they are wanting to accomplish this soon to be... Spring season!

Also, making our whole entire work week quite significant!

 Is the influence coming from a New Moon, total Solar Eclipse, Tuesday, March 8, at 8:54 PM.

Whew..a lot of possibilities for change this week!

Just keep in mind, what we set in motion on a new moon day, seems to expand all month?

 So try hard to make  your Tuesday eve. and Wednesday all day, an extra special good one! Happy New trends everyone!