Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lots happening with our stars this week!

We all want to experience falling madly in love like we see in the movies.
Well, right now it's possible! Because thanks to Venus, the planet of romance
shifting into the partnership sign Libra, Sunday at 9:04 a.m. EDT,
the Libra scales, are tipping in our favor for, love.

It is true, that whenever the planet Venus shifts into a sign,
the energy of that sign affects our romantic side!
The energy is bold in some signs, shy in others,,
but in Libra, Venus' home sign,
 we can get a balanced look at the big picture.
. So, get ready ... because your next round of romance is about to begin,
especially if your sign is Libra, or Aries?

A good start to your Sunday morning,
to welcome a new position and sign for the planet that rules the nice things in life,
like love,
and luxurious, including our money, and how we spend it
. All being with us until Nov. 21, Thanksgiving Eve, when it changes into Scorpio
just after 8:20 p.m. EST.
All that alone should get our week off to changes that are on their way to us?
But the there is more...much more!
The planet Mercury is changing its position, and sign too!
And that happens as our work week begins on Monday, Oct 29, at 2:18 a.m.EDT.
Mercury, is the planet of thought, and communication, and with this change into the
Fire sign, of Sagittarius, we should find ourselves being more assertive, truthful,
and positive, until Nov. 12, when it back tracks back into Scorpio.
However, the fact that a new sign for Mercury, and Venus, is also accompanied
with a moon in Taurus, that will be in opposition to the restrictive planet Saturn,
just before a Full moon at 3:49 p.m. EDT
All tending to make Monday, this week... a day to be reckoned with!
No wonder there are rumors of storms, and preparations to enhance our security!
This should be true for Monday and Tuesday this week no matter where we are living.
It is always the way of a full moon, to ignite our passions, but this particular one, looks
most intense!
Slow down and count to ten in all you do. action, and judgement are also off.
Due to a Mars, Jupiter, aspect on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday this week.

Wednesday, the last day of Oct, 2012, "Halloween" looks better! Which should be a high energy day.
Moon in Air Gemini, will feed the new placement and sign for Venus, as it pulls on Mercury in fire sign opposite Sagittarius. Caution in what you are being pulled into?

Thursday, New month, Nov. 1, 2012. A day to be in communication! Are you in need of professional advice, that you need to call for consult? Or is it just catching up with old friends? Thursday this week is the day!

Friday, Nov. 2, plans in the morning hours can go astray! Stay flexible, and the path is cleared by Friday night, with social ties and opportunities for fun, to multiply.

Saturday, Nov. 3, will be hard to plan.  As the unexpected will be the norm. Guard your first reactions. What you do in haste on Saturday, can come back to haunt you! But what a week!

Sunday, Nov. 4, you can smooth out those ruffled feelings enough to bale out your whole weekend, starting your new week on a positive foot.
Giving extra attention to home and family on Sunday, makes it so!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Monday Oct. 22, the beginning of our work week, has us ending a cycle during the day... and then in the evening, after 8:14 EDT starting a new one. 


What is happening, is the Sun, winding down its stay in loving Libra. As we put the finishing touches on projects in our day, that we started a month ago.

However, by night time, at 8:14 p.m. EDT, we will feel the Sun's change into intense Scorpio, that will change what we focus on for the next 30 days. A cycle when the desires of our ego's will tend to go undercover, as we become more secretive, but intense about our progress toward our long saute after goals. Add the Sun's co-joining with the planet of discipline Saturn, as it will be through Thursday of this week, and moods can plummet.

The best way to cope would be to go with the flow, allow those serious issues to surface, and use your inner resources to achieve your desired results. In other words, your new serious attitude, starting Monday evening, can be helpful, if you use it wisely!

Tuesday, Oct. 23, minds are clouded by a Mercury moon square, not a great day to get your point across peacefully. Slow down and use extra care during travel.

Wednesday, Oct 24, a moon, Neptune conjunction, in the sign of Pisces, greets us around 8:00 a.m. EDT, that will increase our intuition, and our desire to be helpful to others. It nicely aspects our new Scorpio Sun conjunction to Saturn, making Wednesday my pick of the week as best day for accomplishing goals.

Thursday, Oct 25, a tendency of over doing things, coming from a moon, Jupiter Square, makes it a day that a middle ground in anything will be hard to find. Guard against fire, extravagance and carelessness.

Friday, Oct 26, we awaken with a lot less, anxiety. The moon, is feeding a more in tune energy, as it harmonizes with the planet of thought Mercury.

Moods become more energetic late afternoon at 3:31 p.m. EDT when the moon enters the fire active sign of Aries, giving us all lift toward a fun Friday night.

That active pace, continues into Sat. Oct 27, and Sunday, Oct. 28, with the Aries moon, at the helm, helping us to enjoy our whole weekend. What fun happy things do you have planned? Halloween party's and a harvest dance would be perfect! Enjoy!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Monday's Oct. 15, we begin our work week with a New Moon at 8:03 a.m. EDT, that can lend a hand in helping us towards new beginnings!

This is mother nature's time of a natural expansion, as the moon goes from dark out of sight, as it is when a small sliver of light, in its first few days... so can the projects and new directions that you are wanting to grow and expand into acknowledgement.

Farmers have been known to use a new moon, as the best time for planting... giving those first few days of our quarter moon, the credit for strong crops!

What is it that you would like to have a good strong new beginning with? Get it done, on Monday, after 8:03 a.m.

Then watch it's progress as the moon goes to a half, and then to full during the next 14 days.

Also, relationships can be offered a fresh new start. Which is particularly true for this new moon being in the partnership loving sign of, Libra!
However, on Monday there could be a tendency to go too far. Moods will become more, reflective Monday evening, when the moon enters, Scorpio at 8:06 p.m. EDT.
Monday ends with a serious down trend, when it co-joins the planet Saturn at 10:30 p.m.

Tuesday, Oct 16, the planet of love Venus forms a stressful square with excessive Jupiter. Expectations and promises can be stretched beyond reason. Guard carelessness especially around flammables, an increase of danger from fire, and loss of valuables comes from being overly confident and careless.

Wednesday, Oct. 17, a desire to get your thoughts across to others makes you want to communicate, and think things through.
Venus, in detailed Virgo, harmonizes with an intense Mercury, in Scorpio, to solve mysterious, and get to the bottom of things.
Let that inner need to know, work for you, as you ask those important questions.

Thursday, Oct. 18, A Sagittarius moon, that co-joins the planet Mars as we begin our day around 8:00 a.m. EDT give us a push to make it a busy one!
So if you have been looking for a day to be motivated towards getting things accomplished, Thursday this week, is the one! Especially if yours is a fire sign, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius?

Friday, Oct. 19, early morning hours can be difficult that, might even lead you to being late for work? The moon tangles with Venus? Did you over sleep? Mid afternoon things improve just in time to plan a fun Friday evening.

Saturday, Oct. 20, 8: 00 a.m. EDT our Capricorn moon sets us up for some surprises in the morning hours. However, over all it looks like a somewhat disciplined weekend. Allow those serious concerns to come to the table, and be hashed out. But those Practical solutions can only happen, after the morning hours, and brought into the lights of understanding into Sunday.
Sunday, Oct 21, an early morning favorable aspect from our practical Capricorn moon, to Venus and Mercury helps us to a recognizing our true priorities, and see what we need to do to improve our security!
A Sunday to get those needed practical chores done. What will it be for you? Preparing your home, for those coming winter days? Or balancing your check book? Enjoy!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Our week begins, with a Holiday Monday, October 8, and with it, new momentum!
What is happening in our "Stars", to bring a change of pace?
A new sign and position for the planet of action, and passion, Mars, sneaking into the optimistic sign of Sagittarius just before midnight on Saturday night.
This new way of expressing our energy more positively will be with us through Nov. 18... especially giving all fire signs, Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo, a boost towards being more energetically productive moving toward their goals! Also the air signs will gain a lift , from Mars now in the positive sign of Sagittarius, they are, Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius, and will be given more enthusiasm!

 However, all signs should notice a desire to be more active, and assertive. A nice change of pace than what we have been experiencing for the last 6 weeks while Mars was in secretive, and intense, Scorpio.
In fact, our October 2012, is just a week old, and has already been a month of introducing us to change. Venus, Mercury, Saturn, and Mars all entering new signs that will produce new cycles for all of us.
Our Holiday Monday is one that it would be wise to stay flexible! Surprise, will be the trend. As Venus aligns awkwardly with unpredictable Uranus to alter social plans.
Tuesday, Oct. 9, a Leo moon gives us a needed push!!! Finally we are feeling able and fit to get things accomplished!
If yours is a fire or air sign, enjoy that extra push and get things done early in the day.

Wednesday, Oct. 10, a moon, sun, favorable aspect, makes Wednesday my pick of the week as best day to feel good, and have the day go, as planned. All signs can benefit!
Thursday, Oct. 11, weird, intervention. The change over at 3: 25 p.m. EDT of our moon into the analytical sign of Virgo, conflicts with Neptune, which can bring confusion and unusual influence through others. Make sure that what you are reacting to, is real!
Friday Oct. 12, a moon Venus conjunction early in the morning, EDT can give you your hearts desire. But what you are expecting could be too unrealistic, and being too picky, you wont recognize what is already yours.

Saturday, Oct. 13, communication tends towards being positive, from Venus, and Mercury in good alignment. All highlighting you towards getting your weekend off to a good start. Plan activities that could produce new alliances.
Sunday, Oct. 14, we wind down our moon phase. A good time to weed out a phase of your own. But Extra care, in the morning hours from a moon, Pluto, Uranus, aspect, might make you over react, causing unnecessary endings and accidents. Slow down, and count to ten, before acting! A peaceful good Sunday comes from weighing all your options, and balancing your activities.

Monday, October 1, 2012

October 2012, starts out with a jolt, from many significant Astrological happens. Another weeks of changes.

Yes, our new month of Oct. 2012 begins on a Monday, with an aspect that can make you feel as though we are still experiencing a full moon!

What is happening to make you over emotional is the Aries moon in opposition to the planet that rules our thoughts Mercury, in loving Libra. All causing a balancing act between what we feel and how we are being effected through our love ties. This as aspect is strongest during the early morning hours, EDT but will continue to put our feelings into a sea saw most of the day!

Tuesday, Oct. 2 emotions still running over time. The moons change into Taurus makes us practical minded, but a strong tide of feelings from our Libra Sun, brings a lot of indecision. And with the planet of love Venus winding down its stay in Leo, we seem to be completing a very important emotional cycle that we may not feel really ready to let go of.

Wednesday, Oct 3, Venus, moves into Virgo, and starts to makes us more emotionally introspective. Not an easy switch because it pulls on the planet of deception, Neptune...bringing lots of confusion and self doubt, that lasts right into mid day on Thursday.

Thursday, Oct. 4, mistakes, are likely, including the possibility of being late for is, and those difficult aspects bringing double trouble, from a Gemini moon, and a Mercury conjunct Saturn, as they both wind down their stay in Libra. Wow!

Friday, Oct 5, Mercury... enters the sign of Scorpio.

That is the sign that is very intense, and secretive...bringing us into deep thoughts, that we want to keep to ourselves. Intuition runs high, from a favorable aspect to Neptune, right into Saturday.

Saturday Oct 6, Saturn also enters Scorpio, making our whole weekend feel intense and serious. Also bringing a desire for changes that we know internally are coming!

Sunday, Oct 7, a Cancer moon lightens those intense emotions...but a moon, Uranus, Pluto, can bring some unpleasant surprises.