Monday, December 30, 2013

The Stars This Week: December 30, 2013 - January 5, 2014
by Vivian Owen

No matter what transpires this week, it's sure to be a memorable time as
Mars, the Sun, and Mercury connect with the Uranus-Pluto square! Firstly, Mars squares Pluto on December 30, when you'll find your plans challenged. On December 31, try to avoid arguments as Mercury conjuncts Pluto and squares Mars. And lastly, January 1 brings a fresh start in the form of a new Moon in Capricorn!

December 30: Mars squares Pluto
If you've ever dealt with control freaks, you know how difficult it can be to negotiate with them. As Mars connects with the Uranus-Pluto square, you're likely to encounter plenty of domineering people, so if you're trying to get something accomplished now, you're bound to face an uphill battle. Since you can expect to be tested, think twice about engaging dramatically with those who have no intention of playing fair. How you handle disagreements this week will indicate a
great deal about your character!

December 31: Mercury conjuncts Pluto and squares Mars
This week, do your best to avoid arguments with anyone who can't let things go. There's so much difficult planetary energy occurring this week, the more you can do to avoid disagreements, the better off everyone will be. Of course, if you feel it's important to take a stand and speak up, by all means do so! Just make sure you're extremely thoughtful about what you say -- this is no time to be careless or impulsive!

January 1: New Moon in Capricorn
This ambitious new Moon -- with its conjunction to Pluto, squares to Mars and Uranus, and opposition to Jupiter -- brings a fresh start loaded with tension and unresolved conflicts. The good news, though, is that you won't have to guess about what you're confronting. Make up your mind to
deal with people and situations in a way that makes you proud. Those who aren't behaving well will stand out like sore thumbs now -- this simply isn't an environment in which a person can get away with anything! Decide what you want to be responsible for ... and what you don't. Take action to make your life secure. As the Moon increases in light between its new and full phases, put your energy into something you'd like to see become stronger or more important in your life. If you do, you'll see results at the full Moon in Cancer on January 16


Monday, December 23, 2013

The Stars This Week: December 23-29, 2013
by Vivian Owen

This is a week when the more adaptable you can be, the better you'll fare!
Mercury enters pragmatic Capricorn on December 24, when serious conversations yield the most results. Be ready to make changes on a moment's notice, though, when Mars opposes Uranus on December 25! When the Sun conjuncts Mercury on December 28, you'll receive important information -- although it may not be what you expected to hear, since both the Sun and Mercury square unpredictable Uranus on December 29!

December 24: Mercury enters Capricorn
As the communication planet leaves outspoken Sagittarius and enters ambitious Capricorn, you're ready to stop exploring all your options and commit to a plan. Make a point to seek out those who've already accomplished what you hope to achieve. Talk to them about where you want to commit your resources and which projects you want to take on. These experienced contacts can give you valuable advice and connect you with others who may be able to help you!

December 25: Mars opposes Uranus
The action planet, Mars, connects to the Uranus-Pluto square, first via this encounter with rebellious Uranus. (Mars will square Pluto next week.) Be prepared to make changes to some of your carefully laid plans, and don't act impulsively -- and certainly don't freak out -- if at first you don't get your way! If you're able to remain calm and use your common sense, you'll be able to make any necessary adjustments with minimal fuss.

December 28: The Sun conjuncts Mercury
December 29: The Sun and Mercury square Uranus
On November 1, retrograde Mercury and the Sun formed a conjunction, offering information you were unable to put to use at that time. Now Mercury is direct and meets the Sun once again, signaling a time to reap the benefits of all your conversations and contacts over the last two months, although you'll need to keep in mind the volatile nature of both the Sun's and Mercury's contact to unpredictable Uranus. Stability is not a concept that's in the cards right now, but keep your eyes and ears open for new ideas and interesting people all the same. And if the deck keeps getting reshuffled, hold off on making any important decisions!

Monday, December 9, 2013

The Stars This Week: December 9-15, 2013

Everyone seems to be going in different directions this week, but that doesn't mean you can't take advantage of all the support that's available. Firstly, expect to change your plans on December 10, when the Sun quincunxes Jupiter Then, a beneficial trine between Jupiter and Saturn occurs on December 12, when others offer you help! And as Mars quincunxes Neptune on December 13, don't even try to figure out what people are doing, as you'll probably just be wrong. Instead, use this time to collect yourself and regroup.

December 10: The Sun quincunxes Jupiter
The Sun in Sagittarius is restless and ready to try something new. Jupiter in Cancer is protective, emotional, and security-conscious. Sagittarius dwells in dreams of distant lands; Cancer is a homebody. With this aspect, you may feel as if you're inhabiting two completely different universes, out of sync with your environment and other people. This is a time that calls for adjustments. Nobody will get everything they want now, so do your best to accommodate those with significantly different views.

December 12: Jupiter trines Saturn
Jupiter and Saturn rule social trends, and when they're in harmony with one another, you can often find people who'll support your projects, plans, and ideas. Take advantage of this time by utilizing any assistance offered and opputunities presented. Since both of these planets are in Water signs (Jupiter in Cancer; Saturn in Scorpio), allow your emotions and passions to help you connect with others. Just keep in mind that this trine takes place against the backdrop of difficult planetary patterns, so don't expect everything to be rosy! You'll need to act smartly and strategically to make the best use of this trine's benefits.

December 13: Mars quincunxes Neptune
Not everything is as it seems as action planet Mars encounters nebulous Neptune. Slow down and get your bearings so you can make wise decisions about your next move. Mars in Libra is focused on relationships, while Neptune in Pisces is impersonal and mysterious. Sometimes, the more some people talk, the more confusing they become, for as soon as you think you've got someone or something handled, they may just slip through your fingers! This aspect demonstrates how baffling certain circumstances and people can be, so do yourself a favor and don't try to figure them out now.

Monday, December 2, 2013

News: The Stars This Week: Dec 1-7, 2013 by

A Fresh Start!
New beginnings fill this week! Firstly, a new
Moon in Sagittarius on December 2 brings optimism and energy as you pursue your goals. Mercury's entrance into Sagittarius on December 4 helps you speak up about the things that matter most to you. Just watch out for Mercury's square to Neptune on December 6, when you shouldn't expect everyone to tell the truth! Finally, invest in your relationships once Mars enters Libra on December 7!

December 2: New Moon in Sagittarius
The symbol for Sagittarius is the half-man / half-horse centaur, who shoots his arrow toward the stars and, once it hits its target, retrieves it to take aim once again. Like this archer, if you can be adaptable as you pursue your goals, you'll do well during a lunar cycle that begins with this new Moon, culminates with a full Moon on December 17, and comes full circle just before the next new Moon arrives in Capricorn on January 1, 2014. Throughout December, make sure you revise your beliefs and worldview to accurately reflect the person you are today -- this is an excellent time to leave your past in the rear view

December 4: Mercury enters Sagittarius
December 6: Mercury squares Neptune
As the communication planet, Mercury, enters outspoken and enthusiastic Sagittarius, you're ready to tell everyone just what's on your mind! However, be sure to think before you speak during this transit -- this is a time that's infamous for people making statements that are immediately followed by retractions. Also, keep in mind that conversations can become muddy once Mercury encounters imaginative Neptune, when trying to uncover the truth could be like hunting for a needle in a haystack! People have secrets, and you may have a few of your own. Have the conversation you want to have, but just realize that not everything will be revealed quite yet.

December 7: Mars enters Libra
You're about to embark on a relationship journey that will have many twists and turns along the way. Mars will spend an unusually long time in Libra due to its upcoming retrograde period, set to last March 1 - May 20, 2014. Pace yourself and, most importantly, take time to assess your relationships (romantic and otherwise). What's working? What could improve? Try to leave as much room for others as you'd like others to leave for you, for by the time next summer arrives, everyone's nerves will be frayed. In the meantime, can you cut loose destructive relationships and invest in healthier ones? Are you able to listen as well as you speak? If so, it's likely you won't get too pushy about your own agenda. And if you can take a stand when necessary, you'll discover exactly what you're made of. Hopefully you'll pass through this period -- even if you emerge a bit weary on the other side -- knowing you've made good choices that will help you in the long run


Monday, November 11, 2013

 News: The Stars This Week: November 11-17, 2013 by Vivian Owen November 10, 2013 09:00 PM EST

Invest in Your Dreams!

This week kicks off with the
Sun's trine to lucky Jupiter on November 12, when people reach out to help you! The next day, November 13, sees imaginative Neptune turn direct as your goals finally gain traction. You're then challenged to be more open in your relationships on November 14, when Venus squares Uranus before conjuncting Pluto the following day, November 15. Finally, the full Moon in Taurus on November 17 asks you to pay closer attention to your finances.

November 12: The Sun trines Jupiter
Each year, days after Jupiter turns retrograde, the Sun forms a supportive trine to this good-luck planet. Take this opportunity to loop back to past conversations and people who can benefit you now. Since the Sun and Jupiter are both in Water signs, the more you're able to emotionally connect with people, the more help you'll get. An open heart brings the greatest rewards!

November 13: Neptune turns direct
Neptune turned retrograde last June 7, when a review process began to help you assess your goals. While you may not always see everything clearly or have your logical mind in tip-top shape whenever Neptune changes direction, nothing beats this transit for promoting imagination and creativity! However, because of Neptune's heightened idealism, you'll want to make sure you don't take everything (or everyone) at face value. If something sounds too good to be true right now, it most likely is! For extra insight, check the house in your natal chart through which Neptune is currently transiting.

November 14: Venus squares Uranus
November 15: Venus conjuncts Pluto
For over a year now, each time a planet transits though any Cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), it encounters the transformational, revolutionary energy of the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square. As Venus makes contact with Uranus and Pluto in these challenging aspects, expect changes to occur in your relationships. Help yourself by being more authentic in the way you relate to people, and be sure to allow plenty of room for you and others to move and breathe.

November 17: Full Moon in Taurus
Since Taurus rules finances and any full Moon tends to amp up emotions, you can expect to have a few interesting conversations about earning, spending, and saving moneey! But since Neptune changed direction only a few days ago, you'll want to make sure you use common sense -- this combination can open the door for financial scams and identity theft. Still, this is a good time to make tangible, practical investments in your life that could help you feel more comfortable, whether you make a plan to save money, vow to treat your possessions more kindly, tune in to nature, or formulate values that accurately reflect where you are at this point in your life. In the days following the full Moon, but before the next new Moon on December 2, take the time you need to find your comfort zone.

Monday, November 4, 2013

More News: From

The Stars This Week: November 4-10, 201

by Vivian Owen 

Mixed Messages

You may not know if you're coming or going this week as
Venus enters Capricorn (where Venus will retrograde next month), Jupiter turns retrograde, and Mercury goes direct! First, you're ready to make a commitment as the love planet, Venus, enters serious Capricorn on November 5. Then, Jupiter begins its backward motion on November 6, when all those ambitious ideas you have for your life need a thorough review. At least some of your plans get the green light, however, as Mercury turns direct in Scorpio on November 10!

November 5: Venus enters Capricorn
Are you ready to stop wasting your precious time on people who aren't ready to commit? As the love planet leaves freewheeling Sagittarius to enter earthy Capricorn, it's time to make important decisions about who you want to invest in ... and who you need to let go. But, pace yourself! Venus will turn retrograde in Capricorn on December 21, returning you to unfinished conversations and people from your past. So, be prepared to have those serious conversations; just don't make up your mind quite yet, as plenty will be revealed over the coming months. You'll be ready to move forward with your decisions next year, when Venus turns direct on January 31 before finally entering Aquarius on March 5.

November 6: Jupiter turns retrograde
Are you thinking of fixing up your home, buying a new house, or expanding your family? When Jupiter entered Cancer on June 16, your attention turned to personal matters, family issues, and the security of your home and loved ones. Now as this big planet turns retrograde, you'll need to backtrack and review these very personal areas of your life. Expect momentum to be slowed -- or even halted -- during this retrograde period, set to last until March 6. Still, don't worry about plans and projects being delayed, as whatever is held back could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. In general, this is a time of curtailing excesses.

November 10: Mercury turns direct
Mercury turned retrograde in Scorpio on October 21, when your plans and agreements suffered delays. If you used the power of Scorpio to look into whether people have been giving you accurate information, you'll be in good shape now to make progress on your revamped projects. Over the next week, be ready to put the finishing touches on your plans and move forward with confidence!


Monday, October 28, 2013

News from :Solar Eclipse
week of Oct 28- Nov. 3
During this tumultuous week, you'll need to keep your wits about you to take advantage of opportunities hidden behind a few challenges!
First, review your options as retrograde Mercury conjuncts Saturn on October 29. Then, be ready to implement plan B if you meet too many 
roadblocks once Mars trines Pluto and quincunxes Uranus on October 31.
 Uranus and Pluto square for the fourth time on November 1, when obstacles cause you to re-assess your plans.
 Finally, November 3 brings a dramatic solar eclipse in Scorpio, when you'll need to let go of the old to make way for the new!


Monday, October 21, 2013

News week of Oct 21, 2013
Return to the Past

It won't be easy to make a plan this week as
Mercury, the communication planet, turns retrograde in intense Scorpio on October 21. But this doesn't mean you shouldn't invest in your goals and dreams, especially with the Sun entering passionate Scorpio on October 22! Later in the week, you get plenty of support and inspiration when the Sun trines spiritual Neptune on October 25.

October 21: Mercury turns retrograde
Are you ready to move on? Not so fast! As the communication planet goes retrograde in intense Scorpio, much of what you thought was complete still needs your attention. It's time to take care of unfinished business -- until you do, there'll be no moving forward! Make the most of this transit by returning to previous conversations and rechecking your plans. Fortunately, you have the savvy powers of a detective and can get to the bottom of almost anything! On the other hand, obsession is a hallmark of Mercury's retrograde movement in Scorpio. Figure out what you need to let go of so you don't become stuck in a situation that's not good for you. Mercury turns direct on November 10.

October 22: The Sun enters Scorpio
Focus on your goals and give them everything you've got as the Sun travels through the most determined and passionate sign of the zodiac! No matter what you've been through (or are currently going through), have faith in the healing and transformative powers of this intense Water sign, and move forward with confidence. This is a great time to invest
your heart and soul in something that matters to you. The Sun's transit through Scorpio lasts until November 21.

October 25: The Sun trines Neptune
What inspires you? Do you know someone who motivates you to reach higher and do more? This fortunate aspect can give you the boost you need if you focus on your dreams and let go of unrealistic fantasies. People are ready to invest in you, so make sure you reach out to receive any blessings, inspiration, and financial assistance people are willing to offer. Of course, if you're in a position to help others, use this time to encourage and motivate!


Monday, October 7, 2013


 Venus Enters Sagittarius!
Plan Ahead!
Your social life gets more exciting as
Venus, the love planet, enters fun Sagittarius on October 7! Then, pay extra attention to what people say as Mercury, on October 8, begins the first of three conjunctions with serious Saturn. When the Libra Sun squares Jupiter in Cancer on October 12, be sure to proceed carefully in your relationships, since your emotions and thoughts are unlikely to be on speaking terms with one another!

October 7: Venus enters Sagittarius
Are you feeling restless? Can you be close to someone and yet feel free at the same time? The love planet in this Fire sign reminds you that relationships often see improvement once they break out of old habits and routines. Find something new to do together; discover fresh places to go. If you're single and looking for your soul mate, this is a good time to get out and meet new people. Venus is in Sagittarius until November 5.

October 8: Mercury conjuncts Saturn
Because of Mercury's upcoming retrograde on October 21, Mercury joins Saturn in Scorpio three times this month and next: October 8, October 29, and November 25. This is an aspect that highlights planning, agreements, and contracts. You're serious now and eager to do something with your ideas, but take your time! You'll change your mind more than once as new information becomes available. If you don't rush, you'll have a solid, workable plan in place by the end of November. Until then, do your homework!

October 12: The Sun squares Jupiter
No matter how nice you are, if you don't connect with others emotionally, you'll find it difficult to be heard. The Sun in Libra is focused on fairness, relationships, and making sure everyone acts pleasantly. Jupiter in the Water sign of Cancer is interested in security, as well as protecting and nurturing loved ones. On the surface, it may seem as if Libra's and Cancer's respective needs aren't at odds with one another. However, Libra comes from the thinking Air element, while Cancer is a member of
the emotional Water element. Have you ever reacted so quickly that you later wished you'd thought things through more carefully? This aspect demonstrates that social climates can be fueled by emotions, and that voices of reason and fairness can easily be drowned out by those who get their way only because of the strength of their feelings.


Monday, September 30, 2013

This work weeks of  Sept. 30 2013 tells us what to expect!
 New Libra Moon!

Take your time to sort through choices as the Libra Sun contacts the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square on October 1 and 3! If you pay attention, the new Moon in Libra on October 4 will show you how to turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones! And when Saturn quincunxes Uranus on October 4, you'll find that the more adaptable you are, the better you'll do!

October 1: The Sun squares Pluto
October 3: The Sun opposes Uranus
As the Libra Sun connects to the Uranus-Pluto square, you're confronted by people and circumstances that cause you to take a step back and assess not only what you want, but who you hope to associate with. Take time to talk with people you know well and trust to help you sort it all out, for these challenges can help you in the long run. For now, be flexible and thoughtful as you consider all your options. You can control part of your destiny; other areas, though, are outside your control. Learn how to recognize one from the other so you can make decisions that will be most beneficial to you.

October 4: New Moon in Libra
Could you use a little peace and quiet? Usually the new Moon in Libra brings a desire to socialize as you work to build and strengthen your relationships. This year, however, the Libra new Moon receives challenging aspects. Leave plenty of room to make changes in your life as you let go of situations that aren't working out. Invest your energy in relationships you'd like to see become stronger and more important in your life. The power of the new Moon phase is in effect until the full Moon on October 18.

October 4: Saturn quincunxes Uranus
This is an aspect of adjustment, so don't be so wedded to the way things are that you're unable to adapt to changing circumstances. If you try to clamp down and control
events or people, your efforts will backfire; alternately, you'll find that you'll be most effective if you're simply realistic. Most of all, leave the past behind so you can embrace everything new coming into your life!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 22: The Sun enters Libra
Take advantage of the Sun's entrance into social Libra (an event that marks the Fall Equinox) -- this is a time to strengthen your personal and business connections. Next month, the Sun reaches the Uranus-Pluto square, when obstacles may well impede your progress. Libra is the sign that rules relationships, so those who know how to compromise are bound to enjoy the best results. It's time to put down your work and spend quality time with the people you love!

September 26: Venus trines Jupiter
Venus represents love, relationships, and money. During this trine to Jupiter in Cancer, influential people are eager to nurture you and your projects; this is also a great aspect for socializing as you advance your relationships. Just keep in mind that Venus in Scorpio wants to connect on a deep level, so lighthearted and superficial conversations won't get you anywhere. Be authentic, accessible, and open to receiving any support people are ready to give to you.

September 28: Venus squares Mars
This aspect is ready to energize your love life! Venus in Scorpio is very charismatic, while Mars in Leo knows how to make an impression. You may find yourself drawn to someone not normally your type; alternately, someone you've never noticed until now may try to get your attention. While this square brings plenty of interest, people may nevertheless feel a bit out of sync with one another ... so give others the benefit of the doubt until you figure out what you want.

September 29: Mercury enters Scorpio
Do you need to find something or uncover a secret? In this deep water sign, the communication planet, Mercury, gives you the power of concentration, as well as the ability to investigate or research anything your heart desires. This laser-like intensity can help you learn something; on the other hand, it can cause you to obsess over topics -- or even people -- best left alone. Because Mercury will be retrograde in Scorpio on October 21, this transit will last a long time (until December 4!). Check your chart to learn which house Mercury is traveling through so you can make the best possible decisions.

October 1: The Sun squares Pluto
October 3: The Sun opposes Uranus
As the Libra Sun connects to the Uranus-Pluto square, you're confronted by people and circumstances that cause you to take a step back and assess not only what you want, but who you hope to associate with. Take time to talk with people you know well and trust to help you sort it all out, for these challenges can help you in the long run. For now, be flexible and thoughtful as you consider all your options. You can control part of your destiny; other areas, though, are outside your control. Learn how to recognize one from the other so you can make decisions that will be most beneficial to you.

October 4: New Moon in Libra
Could you use a little peace and quiet? Usually the new Moon in Libra brings a desire to socialize as you work to build and strengthen your relationships. This year, however, the Libra new Moon receives challenging aspects. Leave plenty of room to make changes in your life as you let go of situations that aren't working out. Invest your energy in relationships you'd like to see become stronger and more important in your life. The power of the new Moon phase is in effect until the full Moon on October 18.

October 4: Saturn quincunxes Uranus
This is an aspect of adjustment, so don't be so wedded to the way things are that you're unable to adapt to changing circumstances. If you try to clamp down and control events or people, your efforts will backfire; alternately, you'll find that you'll be most effective if you're simply realistic. Most of all, leave the past behind so you can embrace everything new coming into your life! Enjoy the Sun's transit through Libra!

October 7: Venus enters Sagittarius
Are you feeling restless? Can you be close to someone and yet feel free at the same time? The love planet in this Fire sign reminds you that relationships often see improvement once they break out of old habits and routines. Find something new to do together; discover fresh places to go. If you're single and looking for your soul mate, this is a good time to get out and meet new people. Venus is in Sagittarius until November 5.

October 8: Mercury conjuncts Saturn
Because of Mercury's upcoming retrograde on October 21, Mercury joins Saturn in Scorpio three times this month and next: October 8, October 29, and November 25. This is an aspect that highlights planning, agreements, and contracts. You're serious now and eager to do something with your ideas, but take your time! You'll change your mind more than once as new information becomes available. If you don't rush, you'll have a solid, workable plan in place by the end of November. Until then, do your homework!

October 12: The Sun squares Jupiter
No matter how nice you are, if you don't connect with others emotionally, you'll find it difficult to be heard. The Sun in Libra is focused on fairness, relationships, and making sure everyone acts pleasantly. Jupiter in the Water sign of Cancer is interested in security, as well as protecting and nurturing loved ones. On the surface, it may seem as if Libra's and Cancer's respective needs aren't at odds with one another. However, Libra comes from the thinking Air element, while Cancer is a member of the emotional Water element. Have you ever reacted so quickly that you later wished you'd thought things through more carefully? This aspect demonstrates that social climates can be fueled by emotions, and that voices of reason and fairness can easily be drowned out by those who get their way only because of the strength of their feelings.

October 15: Mars enters Virgo
If you've been hoping to make more progress on certain goals, you'll be able to do it this month as Mars, the action planet, enters practical, efficient Virgo! Have you been thinking about exercising, changing your diet, or getting started on a home improvement project? Go for it! This transit gives you discipline and energy, which makes it easier to commit to plans or projects that require extra effort. If you know the houses energetic Mars will be traveling through in your birth chart, you'll be able to identify the area(s) of your life that will benefit from an investment of extra energy. Mars will be in Virgo until December 7.

October 18: Lunar eclipse in Aries
When the bold, impulsive, and fiery sign of Aries is highlighted by a lunar eclipse, you can expect a few sparks! Lunar eclipses occur at a full Moon -- extra-emotional times when people are prone to reacting quickly to circumstances before properly thinking things through. On the positive side, no sign is more courageous than Aries, so you're likely to have the necessary energy and passion to advocate for yourself (and others). The ongoing Uranus-Pluto square is present during this eclipse, demonstrating that world-changing events continue to capture everyone's attention. You'll do best if you simply ride the waves of change rather than try to swim against the current.

October 19: Mars opposes Neptune
This aspect describes a confusing environment, as well as encounters with people who aren't straightforward. Mars' opposition to Neptune can let you know that you need to become clearer about what you want to do -- and why. If you find yourself spinning your wheels, stop and regroup. Your projects and plans can wait a day while you figure things out.

October 21: Mercury turns retrograde
Are you ready to move on? Not so fast! As the communication planet goes retrograde in intense Scorpio, much of what you thought was complete still needs your attention. It's time to take care of unfinished business -- until you do, there'll be no moving forward! Make the most of this transit by returning to previous conversations and rechecking your plans. Fortunately, you have the savvy powers of a detective and can get to the bottom of almost anything! On the other hand, obsession is a hallmark of Mercury's retrograde movement in Scorpio. Figure out what you need to let go of so you don't become stuck in a situation that's not good for you. Mercury turns direct on November 10.

Enjoy the Sun's transit through Libra!



Tuesday, September 10, 2013

This week the stars can help you to know, what you care about the most! 

Yes, the moon on Sunday, co-joining the planet Venus in loving Libra, heightens, what we feel and care about! A week that makes you, feel, your true emotions!

 Perhaps giving you the push towards getting your heart's desire that you have been looking for?

 Sunday also can be a day of winding up trends that started back in Aug.18, 2013, when the planet of communication began its cycle in Virgo. That is the sign, that is extra detailed, with communication, helping to dig out facts, that are practical, that need attention, and learn from them.

What is it that you have been so busy with? That trend changes by Monday, Sept 9, with Mercury's change into Libra, which brings your thoughts and communications more linked with your feelings and your money. Mercury will give that trend until it enters Scorpio on Sept 29.

Tuesday, Sept 10, the planet of love Venus will wind down things in your emotional life too. As it completes it cycle, entering intense Scorpio, on Wednesday Sept.10. A Scorpio Venus will be leading our emotions and our pocket book, through Oct. 7, 2013

Wednesday, is also my pick of the week as best day to get things done, and be productive. A Sagittarius moon helps you to be lucky, spiritual, and positive, as it trines Mars and Uranus

Thursday Sept 12, can be active, however guard your tendency to be picky and protective . It is your ego, that might be working overtime.

Friday Sept, 13. Who's afraid of the silly Friday the 13 superstitions? Your day might have a few surprises, with the Capricorn moon, Friday night. Just slow down, and try to stay flexible to stay safe, and happy.

 And Saturday's Capricorn moon, in positive aspect to our Virgo Sun, can make your day very productive! Enjoy! A good weekend day to catch up on all those chores you have been putting off.


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Are you feeling a little emotional as we begin this new work week?

 If you are... you can just "Blame It On The Stars."

 Lots happening in our solar system. The planet Mercury, now moving forward again...the planet Mars, in the home loving sign, now in Cancer, co=joining the planet of expansion and luck, Jupiter... the Sun, entering it's yearly cycle in Leo! And a full moon! Whew! And those aspects, are just some of it!

Monday night, July 22, we can also add the planet of love Venus newly into it's yearly cycle of Virgo.

 All of these planetary changes bring changes that our necessary, into our lives. 

Including important news worthy events. Like the birth of royalty, as we all await England's royal baby, that we are told is now due?

 Sure makes perfect sense to me that it would happen soon... With the a great aspect, of Mars and Jupiter in a conjunction! That is an unusual active lucky aspect to have for a royal birth. Which will be especially potent on Monday, and even more so on Tuesday, this week.

Venus in Virgo, and the full moon on Monday...changes our emotional out look, making us a bit more picky, as we lean strongly towards what is practical in our life! 

Wednesday July 24, also can bring a strong current of the unexpected! As a Pisces moon helps our intuition, but puts us into a tug of war between what we want, verses others, and their desires. Slow down and count to ten, before you over react.

Thursday and Friday, our moods....& our timing, improves. Nice! And just in time for a productive weekend. Though Saturday morning, looks like it might be difficult!

Could that be a bad weather problem  again ??? Maybe? Use extra caution if traveling in the morning hours on Saturday.

Sunday July 28, looks much calmer, use it to get things done.

It will be the Aries moon leading you toward being active, productive, and social!






Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Back from a needed vacation! 

 I hope your stars have been kind to you while I was away?

 So much has been happening, in changes with our planets, it is hard to pick, which are the most helpful for you to know about?

The one change that you are most likely would have noticed is the planet Mercury's change into retrograde motion!!!

 The most recent cycle of that... started the evening of June 26. 2013. A cycle that happens about three times a year. And when it does, we notice having the feelings like we have to everything we do, over, and over again. I call it double trouble? With if we get into third tries, to get something completed, a fourth is usually the charm?

 Or it brings us to things that need to be completed from a time, in our past!?

 Running into an old friend often is a bright side of Mercury in retrograde. 

But if not hearing from, or unexpectedly seeing an old the very least it's influence will have you dealing with...and thinking about the past!

All interesting likelihood's... happening from June 26, through July 21...with us all still fleeing somewhat on hold... until Mercury goes past the point that is started retrograding. That's not until August 4. So try to go with the flow, use extra patience, and if you can, avoid making any important decision, or purchases that have moving parts until then.

Expect to need to repair those troubled appliance that you have been nursing along. And let those memories flow. There could be some renewing of old thoughts that need to be brought out into  the light again? Just remember to use that new information about an old problem wisely, and kindly.

 Yes, there are other important new aspects too for you to be aware of!  Like the planet Mars new position in home loving Cancer, happening over this past weekend  of July 14.
So check out this blog in a few days, because I will beck back to give you a heads up insight on how to use it wisely.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Taking some time off to travel! Leaving you with
This weeks.
News from by Vivian Owen April 07, 2013
Make Way for the New!

This jam-packed week of cosmic action begins with an inspiring new
Moon in Aries on April 10 that implores you to make a fresh start! Two days later on April 12, when Saturn quincunxes Uranus, do your best to let go of anything you can't control; also on April 12, use Pluto's retrograde to give neglected areas of your life a thorough review. Finally, Mercury's entrance into Aries on April 13 offers you plenty of new ideas!

April 10: New Moon in Aries
Sometimes life pushes you into a new situation faster than you'd like. Well, this is one of those times, so buckle up for the ride! If you can make the most of boosted energy and fresh ideas, you'll further your dreams and goals more than you ever thought possible. Throughout this time, just keep in mind that Aries is the sign of the warrior, so be considerate of others while advancing your own causes, projects, and ideas. The great German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said, "Whatever you do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it." Be inspired!

April 12: Saturn quincunxes Uranus
With this powerful aspect bringing plenty of changes, you'll need every ounce of your concentration to make thoughtful decisions. No matter what you're in charge of or want to control, we all know life doesn't always cooperate. This aspect is designed to help you cast aside things, people, attitudes, and behavior that no longer serve you well (if they ever did in the first place). Leave the past behind and embrace everything new coming into your life!

April 12: Pluto turns retrograde
There's something in your life that needs your attention. It might be a relationship, or perhaps it's your lifestyle, finances, health, or job situation. Any area of your life you've been neglecting deserves a thorough review now, so take this opportunity to create a solid foundation that will pave the way to a brighter future. You'll just have to do a little digging, repairing, and rebuilding first! If you're familiar with your birth chart and would like further information, examine the house
through which Pluto is retrograding between now and September 20.

April 13: Mercury enters Aries
The communication planet's entrance into the first sign of the zodiac brings new ideas and fun conversations. Do you have a project or message you hope to share with the world? If what you have to say is inspiring, people are ready to hear you! Take a few risks and use this transit (lasting until May 1) to do what you need to do and say what you need to say. Of course, you'll want to keep Aries' feistiness in mind, so try not to argue too much; instead, take that ball of energy and direct it toward achieving your goals!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Interesting stars this the

News this week from Vivian Owen

This week, get out into the world and take advantage of the opportunities that surround you! On April 1, the Sun in active Aries sextiles Jupiter in chatty Gemini, when you'll get all the information and ideas you need to make progress on your goals! Then on April 6, Venus and Mars -- the planets of attraction and desire -- conjunct in Aries, an event that marks the dawn of a new relationship cycle!

April 1: The Sun sextiles Jupiter
In this opportunity-laden aspect, the bold Aries Sun is inspired by Jupiter's bevy of ideas in communicative Gemini! Listen to what people have to tell you, as this aspect provides plenty of chances to improve your life and open up your world. You're surrounded by inspiring people who possess knowledge that can help you succeed, so make sure you reach out to those who can benefit from what you know!

April 6: Venus conjuncts Mars
Venus and Mars have been traveling closely together through fiery Aries lately, and now they finally catch up and share their experiences! This is a perfect chance to spend time with those you love -- or would simply like to get to know better. Since any planet in Aries has difficulty sitting still, you'll get the most out of this transit's energy if you find an activity you can enjoy together. After all, sharing
s your heart and soul with someone else can make your life seem so much richer for the experience!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Our First full week of spring 2013!

Monday, March 25...Indecision and self doubt greets us in the morning hours.

Not an easy day to stay on track! It's a sun, Venus conjunction bringing an emotional stand still! And the moon, in our morning hours playing tug of war on our thoughts. Patience!!!

Tuesday, March 26... We are still under the influence of the Aries Sun, in conjunction to Venus!

This aspect can cause intensity concerning our emotions, and finances. Some of which can be good to give us enthusiasm. But, remember what we do in haste we might just repent in leisure.

Also any connection to the Sun, connects us strongly to our egos. That's the aspect helping us to make a positive impression to those in authority. So Tuesday this week, could be the day you get the nerve up to ask the boss for a raise?

Or is it the day you decide to quit? Guard against sudden impulses all week.

Wednesday, March 27...The warning about being careful to avoid doing things on sudden impulse, is heightened! The Moon is Full! And this one is an a especially difficult one!

Why? Because the planet of action, Mars, and the planet of the unexpected Uranus, is combined in it. All making for stronger than usual emotions!!! Causing actions, that can misuse, energy.

Bringing danger, from arguments, accidents, and a sudden desire to break free.

Slowing down and thinking carefully before reacting, will help to keep you safe and on the right track all day on Wednesday.

Thursday, March 28, thoughts can turn more to practicalities, thanks to a Mercury, Saturn, trine. A helpful aspect day to think things through, before making unrealistic commitments. Just what you might need to do, too. Due to that Aries Sun, and Venus conjunction that has been steering us toward impulsiveness all week.

Friday, March 29, a solemn religious day, for many, called "Good Friday" Not an easy one to plan! Best to keep your day as flexible as possible. A Sun Uranus conjunction, brings surprises. But an accompanying moon Saturn conjunction in positive aspect to Mercury, helps you to recognize your true priorities.

Saturday, March 30, finally impulsiveness has lessoned. Just in time too, for completing our plans for family get togethers, and the celebration of Easter.  All, activities increase during the evening hours.

Sunday, March 31, not only the end of March 2013...
but, also this year, the date that many celebrate, Easter!

And I am happy to see that a Sagittarius moon, on Sunday too, will help to make it an extra specially good one! So enjoy it for positive energy, enthusiasm, and prayer!  " Happy Easter", Everyone!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

For those who have been annoyed lately , experiencing what feels like double trouble? I have good news!

 A better trend begins this week!
It is true, that our Stars, have their effect on our daily lives.
So when one that controls all our communications, and ability to travel, changes its normal direct motion, like retrograding...
we in turn, have our own back tracking going on.
A few weeks ago that Star, a planet called, Mercury, began its back tracking motion, (retrograding) on February 23.
That being the date, that all those aggravations, concerning communications, effecting our decissions, travel, and anything mechanical, like the family car & appliences, started happening. 
Therefore it is Good News when that star, called Mercury, gets back to its normal direct motion! Bringing things in general back to normal for all of us!
 That is why I am happy to tell you this week's Monday, March 18, 2013, is that time, when the planet Mercury begins its forward normal direct motion again.
At last, giving us a helping hand, that will start to show up in our lives in a few days.
We will feel less indecision, also having success with those snarled communications, and getting those needed repairs done, that up until now, and the next few days have not been able to be accomplished. Nice!
However, in telling you all this good news. I must also alert
you to the fact that it takes Mercury, a few days before it settles into its new forward motion. So use patience in looking for that normal calm in your life, until the end of the week!
Monday, March 18, also has a Gemini Moon, accentuating all form of communication.
Slow down knowing that the dualities you might be experiencing, is just the moon, and forward Mercury's trend! Patience! Expect second try's at things you are now doing. All will get better, and back to a normal routine in a few days.
Tuesday, March 19, has its continuing double trouble. Only, Tuesday's aggravations are likely to pertain to your money, love life and ego!
Tuesday, this week, is Not an easy day to ask for favors!
 An early morning Moon, Sun, Venus, square, is bound to make all of Tuesday, difficult!
Best to use extra caution driving, and how you are reacting to loved ones!
We are caught between the season of Winter... giving way to the beginning of the new season, of Spring! Wow! Wonder what the weather will be doing to us?
Wednesday, March 20, the first full day of Spring, 2013!
And my pick of the week, as best day to feel good, and be one of accomplishments!!!
Just in time too before our patient wears out. All signs can feel the positive lift! But extra helpful for those water signs of Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer!
Thursday, March 21, a moon Venus trine, harmonizes our moods. A good way to begin our day, as we own what is important to us, concerning our security.
Helping our whole day on Thursday, to show our desires for closeness with, our loved ones, like family and friends. Perhaps even giving more attention towards plans for a weekend, that is geared to being with them?
Friday, March 22, a new placement and sign for our love planet, Venus!
Wow, a new more assertive one too, as it will reign in the most assertive fire sign, Aries, for the next 24 days!
Nice that today's accompanying moon in fire sign Leo, on Friday, stets that trend so positively!
What that can mean to you is, spring love is now very possible!!! And, that extra nice Astro-energy, will be with us... all weekend!!!
Perhaps ushering in, lots of new fun activities. So why not plan it?
Make plans to be out and about over Friday, Saturday, and morning hours on Sunday. They can be hours when new beginnings are many, as you enjoy, at last... the feeling of moving forward in your life again!
Is that spring fever I am seeing? Well, Enjoy it! Lots of positive changes are in this weekend's, Star brew!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Taking some time away, leaving you with news from...'s,The Stars This Week:

March 4-10, 2013,
by,Vivian Owen

Reach out and Connect!

While it's a good idea this week to return to past conversations (and even people), hold off on making any important decisions as retrograde
Mercury conjuncts the Sun on March 4. Your relationship life improves as Venus sextiles Pluto and trines Saturn on March 6. Finally, once Saturn and Pluto form a beneficial sextile on March 8, you receive help from influential people!

March 4: Retrograde Mercury conjuncts the Sun
Your mind works overtime as retrograde Mercury conjuncts the Sun in imaginative Pisces. This is an excellent time to gather information and investigate options as you consult visionary people, spiritual leaders, and even your dreams for inspirational messages. If you want help, people are available to assist you -- or direct you to those who can. Don't worry about delays, as your plans will get back on track once Mercury turns direct on March 17.

March 6: Venus sextiles Pluto and trines Saturn
Looking for a soul connection? The love planet's contact with passionate Pluto and serious Saturn brings an opportunity to meet new people and deepen your connections with those you already know. If you're single, this is a wonderful time to meet someone new. For those already partnered up, if you open your heart and reach out, the healing power of love will open a new romantic chapter in your relationship.

March 8: Saturn sextiles Pluto
When these two powerful planets connect in a positive aspect, your circumstances improve as helpful social and economic policies are put into place. But you must do your part! These planets symbolize authority, responsibility, and leadership. How can you step up to help yourself and others? Overall, these times are still under the influence of the revolutionary, reform-minded Uranus-Pluto square; therefore, nothing is completely stable right now. That said, this beneficial aspect will help you gain footing and make huge forward strides. Take advantage of any help that comes your way!