Friday, March 20, 2015

About today's Sun Eclypse:March 20, 2015

“This is the week we’ve been talking about and building toward since the beginning of the year —arguably the most powerful week of 2015, in astrological terms…”
“We might call this a pivot point, a time of choosing new options and releasing the old. It is a time for breakthroughs and insights, when we can ride the energies of change into a new future.”
“…THE SOLAR ECLIPSE on Friday occurs in the very last degree of Pisces, which is also the very last degree of the zodiac. The 29th degree of any sign is called the ‘anaretic degree,’ and it indicates that we are at a choice point…”
“The Eclipse portal is opening…This portal lasts all month long (the entire lunar cycle) and is followed by another Total Eclipse- this time a Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 4th.
“With two Total Lunar Eclipses back to back- we have a very powerful Eclipse cycle opening up which brings in with it some powerful and inevitable changes…Are you ready for them?”

Saturday, March 14, 2015

 It has been said... "For everything there is a season!"
And as we look at our good earth, with its reigning sun, we can see those seasons come and go! But not always understand their total purpose!

Soon at the end of this coming week of March 15, 2015, we will say good bye to our season of winter, and Welcome Spring 2015!

 So many of us will be whispering hallelujah! We here in New England had suffered such a difficult Feb 2015! It is wonderful to be entering a warmer trend! So what does a  season of winter represent anyway?

The truth is...plenty! For our good earth, it is the time of rest!
 Natures time for seeds and nature's work to lie dormant and sleep! Inwardly preparing for the coming of the Earth's new year! Which is the season of Spring! Called The Yearly Earth Equinox!

This  March equinox happens at the same moment across the world but is converted to local time. In 2015, it falls on March 20 at 6:45 P.M. EDT, 5:45 P.M. CDT, 4:45 P.M. MDT, and 3:45 P.M. PDT, 
With the First Full day of Spring on March 21, 2015!
However, as I write this we are still ending our winter season. And how might that pertains to you?
As winter comes to a close this week it can be helpful to think about where your life has been in it's dormant phase


 What areas of your life was more thought about, and planned than achieved. Those thoughts and plans were your seeds quietly waiting for the push of spring to be truly planted as visible seeds that you will cultivate all season of summer, so that you can enjoy harvesting them, come the season of Fall! Nice!

Yes all seasons have a purpose. And our great new one, Spring 2015 will begin in just a few days !
 Happy Spring Everyone!