Sunday, July 21, 2013

Are you feeling a little emotional as we begin this new work week?

 If you are... you can just "Blame It On The Stars."

 Lots happening in our solar system. The planet Mercury, now moving forward again...the planet Mars, in the home loving sign, now in Cancer, co=joining the planet of expansion and luck, Jupiter... the Sun, entering it's yearly cycle in Leo! And a full moon! Whew! And those aspects, are just some of it!

Monday night, July 22, we can also add the planet of love Venus newly into it's yearly cycle of Virgo.

 All of these planetary changes bring changes that our necessary, into our lives. 

Including important news worthy events. Like the birth of royalty, as we all await England's royal baby, that we are told is now due?

 Sure makes perfect sense to me that it would happen soon... With the a great aspect, of Mars and Jupiter in a conjunction! That is an unusual active lucky aspect to have for a royal birth. Which will be especially potent on Monday, and even more so on Tuesday, this week.

Venus in Virgo, and the full moon on Monday...changes our emotional out look, making us a bit more picky, as we lean strongly towards what is practical in our life! 

Wednesday July 24, also can bring a strong current of the unexpected! As a Pisces moon helps our intuition, but puts us into a tug of war between what we want, verses others, and their desires. Slow down and count to ten, before you over react.

Thursday and Friday, our moods....& our timing, improves. Nice! And just in time for a productive weekend. Though Saturday morning, looks like it might be difficult!

Could that be a bad weather problem  again ??? Maybe? Use extra caution if traveling in the morning hours on Saturday.

Sunday July 28, looks much calmer, use it to get things done.

It will be the Aries moon leading you toward being active, productive, and social!






Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Back from a needed vacation! 

 I hope your stars have been kind to you while I was away?

 So much has been happening, in changes with our planets, it is hard to pick, which are the most helpful for you to know about?

The one change that you are most likely would have noticed is the planet Mercury's change into retrograde motion!!!

 The most recent cycle of that... started the evening of June 26. 2013. A cycle that happens about three times a year. And when it does, we notice having the feelings like we have to everything we do, over, and over again. I call it double trouble? With if we get into third tries, to get something completed, a fourth is usually the charm?

 Or it brings us to things that need to be completed from a time, in our past!?

 Running into an old friend often is a bright side of Mercury in retrograde. 

But if not hearing from, or unexpectedly seeing an old the very least it's influence will have you dealing with...and thinking about the past!

All interesting likelihood's... happening from June 26, through July 21...with us all still fleeing somewhat on hold... until Mercury goes past the point that is started retrograding. That's not until August 4. So try to go with the flow, use extra patience, and if you can, avoid making any important decision, or purchases that have moving parts until then.

Expect to need to repair those troubled appliance that you have been nursing along. And let those memories flow. There could be some renewing of old thoughts that need to be brought out into  the light again? Just remember to use that new information about an old problem wisely, and kindly.

 Yes, there are other important new aspects too for you to be aware of!  Like the planet Mars new position in home loving Cancer, happening over this past weekend  of July 14.
So check out this blog in a few days, because I will beck back to give you a heads up insight on how to use it wisely.