Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year Everybody!
News: for our New Year, from

Welcome to a brand new year! You'll be happy to know that the stars are coming together to help January kick off 2012 with plenty of beneficial transits!

That said, there will be a couple bumps along the way, with the first one occurring on January 1 as Mercury squares off against Mars. Some rather harsh truths may be voiced, but this will only help clear the air for a fresh start. Simply say what needs to be said, hear what needs to be heard and move on.

Then, on January 8, Mercury leaves Sagittarius to join the Sun in Capricorn, boosting the latter sign's ambitious, confident and down-to-earth influence. And as if on cue, the full Moon in Cancer on January 9 restores balance, reminding you that emotions are just as important as ambition.

January 13 sees the Sun and Mars keeping idle hands busy -- which in turn provides an opportunity for Venus to steal the stage! On January 14, Venus leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces, making you more cautious about opening up to people, but also enhancing your romance with that special someone. Jupiter then makes a social appearance with Venus the next day, so grab your friends and do something fun on January 15!

Another small bump occurs on January 19, when the Sun squares Saturn on its final day in Capricorn. Delays and setbacks may occur, but you'll also overcome obstacles and correct mistakes. Then on January 20, the Sun moves out of Capricorn and into humanitarian, friendly and knowledgeable Aquarius. Sure, you may feel the need to upset the status quo a bit, but this will also lighten your mood while bringing about stimulating conversations, networking opportunities and leisurely activities. Adding to the pleasantries of that day, Venus and Pluto form a sexy connection, making January 20 another great time to hit the town with friends -- or to cozy up with your significant other!

The month ends with a couple mellow ups and downs. On January 22, the Sun tips its hat to Uranus and Jupiter, leaving you in a fairly benign, albeit lazy, mood. January 24 sees Mars turn retrograde in Virgo until mid-April, a transit that frustratingly signals more work with less results. However, January 27 finishes off the month with a sprightly tone as sharp-witted Mercury moves into provocative Aquarius.

All in all, 2012 should be off to a terrific cosmic start

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Astro-News for the end of our Year!
After a year of extreme ups and downs, it's hardly surprising that the Universe has one more obstacle up its sleeve before 2011 is over. Just in time for New Year's resolutions, the Sun conjuncts Pluto on December 29, demanding that you give up the old in favor of transformation and growth!
With this transit, Pluto is essentially telling you that there's something in your life clearly holding you back from becoming a greater person. It could be menial, but Pluto prefers to work on a grand scale. Likely examples include a dead-end job, a relationship (either romantic, platonic or business), your home, or even political or religious beliefs.

One of the biggest problems here is that you may not recognize this obstruction for what it is. In fact, you might even consider it a necessary part of your life! However, you may well need to address the possibility that something you love may be doing you more harm than good.

During this period, you'll feel more vulnerable, and therefore a bit desperate to get your defenses in proper place. Just do your best to keep in mind that once this is behind you, you'll emerge stronger, more capable and ready to take the world by storm!

With Pluto pulling you one way and your heart the other, it may be easy to lose track of who you are and what's most important.

Friday, December 23, 2011

More News, From Holidays everyone!

It's time to start fresh! With the new Moon and Jupiter both going direct, the stars are giving you a golden opportunity to move forward!

On December 24, a new Moon rises in Capricorn, the sign of ambition and initiative. Capricorn is not known as a big dreamer; rather, it puts together practical, real-world plans and sees them through to the end. This is exactly the type of energy you'll need to see your own plans to fruition.

Even if your idea seems like a faint dream right now, you'll have the wherewithal to turn it into something tangible and realistic during the next few weeks. There may be a few bumps along the way - as when a pair of troublesome planets (Pluto and Uranus) try to toss a wrench into the spokes of your dreams -- but determined Capricorn will help you overcome obstacles.

Then, on December 25, Jupiter finally turns direct. After months without the benefit of Jupiter's full benevolence, the luck you need will finally be on your side! This change of direction will add a helpful boost to any projects you take on under the influence of the Capricorn new Moon. More specifically, with Jupiter in Taurus, you can expect improved news on the financial front -- just in time for the holidays!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

More Star News From 

After slowing down and taking a bit of a break for the last couple days, the stars swing back into action with five days of heavy cosmic activity!

The cosmic action commences on December 18 as Saturn squares off against Venus ... with less than ideal results. How so? Work will trump pleasure, and romance could suffer. Saturn remains in the limelight the next day, December 19, when it forms a somewhat easier transit with the Sun. This aspect won't necessarily signal fun and games, but you'll at least get a good deal done -- a welcome change after the potentially traumatic day it follows.

Fortunately, the mood will immediately lighten on December 20 when Venus frolics into friendly Aquarius for a few weeks. Just in time for holiday festivities, sociable Venus will encourage you to mix, mingle and perhaps even match with anyone; the day will also feature a softer, sentimental feel as the Sun sends gentle light to Neptune. Then on the following day, December 21, Venus meets up with Jupiter and Uranus to bring frivolity and fun!

Finally, on December 22, the Sun moves into Capricorn and kicks off its stay with the Winter Solstice (or in the Southern Hemisphere, the Summer Solstice). Capricorn may have a justifiably materialistic reputation, but it also possesses the ability to transform the intangible realm into solid reality.

Also on December 22, the Sun forms jovial unions with both Jupiter and Uranus. These welcome transits will boost your mood, bring good financial news and raise your career or social status, making it practically impossible to remain stuck in any sort of rut!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

More: News from

December is shaping up to be a cosmically busy month ... and not just because of the holidays or the end of 2011!

Activity and animation will be in full swing on December 1, as Venus in Capricorn cozies up to Pluto. Your day will be sexy and seductive, but jealousy may abound. On the following day, December 2, the Sagittarius Sun will clash with Mars in Virgo. Watch out for sharp words, biting truths and people -- maybe even yourself -- who think they know best. Fortunately, once the dust settles, most of these tensions should clear away.

Count on experiencing lots of passion and enthusiasm on December 5, when Venus and Mars get together! Later in the week, on December 10, a scattered and impractical lunar eclipse between the Sagittarius Sun and Gemini Moon occurs. Fortunately that same day, Uranus turns direct in Aries, a transit that will drive you to move ahead with innovative plans.

On December 14, Mercury turns direct in Sagittarius, giving you the green light to tackle ambitious projects. Things may become a bit downcast on December 18 as Venus squares Saturn, but the Sun sending a friendly nod to both Saturn and Neptune on December 19 and 20 will return your idealism and realism to better balance. Also on December 20, sociable Venus moves into friendly Aquarius, at which point you'll move into full party mode by spreading social favors to everyone you meet!

The Sun moves out of Sagittarius and into Capricorn on December 22, immediately meeting Jupiter to bring you luck and success! Just as quickly, though, the Sun forms a challenging aspect with Uranus. Whether this latter transit is disruptive or enlightening will be entirely up to you.

Finally, the month ends just as tumultuously as it began. First, good luck reigns on December 25 as Jupiter moves into indulgent Taurus. The last transit of the year, however, bring challenges as the Moon conjuncts Pluto. Tensions will rise at this time, but with a bit of perseverance, you'll have as much fun as ever ringing in the New Year!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

News from ""
Your Starcast for November 22 - December 20

Follow The Stars This Week for invaluable insight into how the cosmos affect your weekly life!

November 22: The Sun enters Sagittarius

Are you ready for a fresh perspective? Sagittarius is a sign with a big vision and loads of optimism. Two days from now, a solar eclipse in this Fire sign will highlight your plans for the future, but you should already feel the excitement today! This is no time to play it safe; instead, open yourself up to new experiences and ideas. It's time to ask the bigger questions about yourself: what you hope to accomplish and where you want to go.

November 23: Mercury turns retrograde

Back up your computer data to hard drives and clouds, and think twice before hitting the send button on e-mails and texts if you're feeling overly emotional! Why? Because misunderstandings, retractions and other problematic communications are unusually rampant during this Mercury retrograde period, during which the planet of communication changes direction within a day of the upcoming solar eclipse; the fact that Mercury is retrograde in well-intentioned -- but outspoken -- Sagittarius only adds to all the tension. If possible, avoid buying communication-related products such as computers and phones during this period, which lasts until December 13; if you absolutely must buy, hang onto your receipts. If you're traveling, double-check your reservations and be prepared for delays. Aside from all the usual travel and communication glitches associated with a Mercury retrograde period, this a wonderful time to review your plans, dreams and goals. Although information you'll need to make future decisions will be hard to come by, don't let that cause any anxiety. Instead, turn your attention to fixing past mistakes; that way, when Mercury turns direct in mid December, you'll have a clean slate!

November 24: Solar eclipse in Sagittarius

Eclipses are visually spectacular, and in astrology, they herald dramatic events. Knowing where this eclipse falls in your birth chart will help you make good decisions. Since the north node is transiting through Sagittarius, a solar eclipse in this sign can serve as a beacon to help you envision your goals and move toward them. Make sure your activities are in line with your life philosophy -- in other words, walk your talk! When you feel that there's meaning in what you do, and once you establish an ethical code for your decisions and actions, nothing can stop you!

November 26: Venus enters Capricorn and squares Uranus

Are you ready for a commitment? The love planet, Venus, in earthy Capricorn prefers knowing the bottom line. Free-wheeling nomadic types need not apply, nor should those who fail to make their intentions clear. The animal symbol for Capricorn is a practical, ambitious mountain goat that has places to go and pinnacles to reach! So if you're single and want a partner, make a plan; if you're in a relationship, do something to strengthen its bond. After entering Capricorn, Venus immediately squares independent Uranus, at which point you'll need plenty of room for both you and your partner to move and breathe. These transits can create an exciting time for your love life ... if you seek out new experiences!

December 1: Venus conjuncts Pluto

There's certainly nothing lukewarm about this combo! Expect to feel deeply and passionately today, whether the object of your affection is a person or simply an idea. Since Pluto's message is always about either going deeper or letting go, use this time to make a fresh start. Walk away from anyone who's uncommitted, and instead open your heart to those who have lots of love to give.

December 2: The Sun squares Mars

The Sun in Sagittarius is enthusiastic, optimistic and has a gift for seeing the big picture. Mars in Virgo, meanwhile, goes about its business carefully and makes sure no details are left unattended. Given these two very different approaches, you can see how this aspect represents people who tend to work against their own best interests! Since Mars heats up any planet with which it comes into contact, you can easily be led off-track by approaching people in a way that doesn't help you. Refrain from trying to nail down specifics if you're not getting a good sense of the other person's overall vision. And finally, don't be so vision-focused that you fail to take care of the details!

December 5: Venus trines Mars

If you need to reprioritize your love life, this harmonious aspect will certainly help you. Venus, the planet of love, is in commitment-focused Capricorn; at the same time, Mars, the planet of desire, is in practical Virgo. This combination is all about ensuring the basics are in place. Words don't count as much as actions; rather, it's what you do now that counts most! This is a terrific time to schedule a date night. If you're single, make use of Mercury's current retrograde by getting back in touch with someone from your past.

December 9: Uranus turns direct

Most astrologers will tell you to prepare for the unexpected when Uranus changes direction. Ever since this unpredictable planet turned retrograde last July, one of your main priorities has been to be open to change and reconsider some of your plans. Hopefully you've left old ruts, patterns and habits in the past -- where they belong! -- and you should now be ready to make headway as you move forward. Still, you must also be prepared to continue to adapt to changing circumstances -- after all, you've probably noticed a lack of stability in our world these days! If you're flexible now, you'll encounter wonderful opportunities and experiences along the way.

December 10: Lunar eclipse in Gemini

Thoughts and words are powerful. During this lunar eclipse, you'll be reminded that your mind has the ability to either heal the past ... or keep you stuck there. To stop yourself from looping around like a hamster on an exercise wheel, direct your attention toward the things that most inspire you; then, point yourself in the direction of that north star and move toward it! Don't get derailed or distracted by too much information or superficial conversation. As we get ready to close out this year and begin the next, get clear about what you want to achieve and what kind of person you wish to become. And with Uranus turning direct yesterday, be ready to make changes quickly. There is tremendous power within this eclipse, so use it to create something amazing!

December 12: Mars squares the North and South Nodes

Mars in Virgo is conscientious and diligent. Since November 10, you've been working with its practical energy and have hopefully made progress on whatever you've wanted to achieve in that time. The north node in Sagittarius and the south node in Gemini are both asking you to keep the big picture in mind and focus on where you're headed. Don't get lost among information that doesn't help you move forward! This dynamic aspect reminds you to make sure your actions support your goals.

December 13: Mercury turns direct

At last! The final Mercury retrograde period of 2011 is over, and now it's time to make a decision. Problematic communication and misunderstandings are on their way out; clarity makes a welcome return. For the last three weeks since Mercury turned retrograde on November 24, you've been going over the same options and conversations, as this period has asked you to conduct a thorough review of everything before you proceed. Over these next few weeks, you'll be able to act upon the information you've gathered and be able to make fully informed decisions. As the end of 2011 approaches, you should be in excellent shape to plan for the year ahead!

December 18: Venus squares Saturn

Venus in Capricorn is quite practical, values achievement and is interested in building a relationship that lasts. Saturn in Libra, meanwhile, asks you to not only invest in your social life, but also exercise concern for everyone to act fairly toward one another. Still, sometimes the most practical thing to do isn't necessarily the most fair. When Venus and Saturn meet in a square aspect, you're likely to gain clarity about what you want -- and don't want -- out of your relationship.

December 20: Venus enters Aquarius

Shared values and friendship creates romance as Venus travels through the social, egalitarian sign of Aquarius. If you're single, look for people with whom you can enjoy compelling conversation, and try visiting places you'd go even if you weren't looking for a relationship. If you're in a committed partnership, this is a wonderful time to make a list of the activities you both enjoy; then, make a point of doing some of them together!

Enjoy the Sun's transit through Sagittarius!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Astro- News! From, ""

The Scorpio Sun has played a formidable role in your world these last few weeks, but now the Sun is about to move into brighter, more exuberant Sagittarius. After that, adventure will flourish, and you'll be ready to take the world by storm!

First though, on November 20, the Sun in Scorpio will have to square off against Neptune. This could be a serious energy drain, and committing to anything may prove difficult. You won't get anywhere trying to fight this, so just go with the flow the best you can.

Then, on November 22, the Sun swoops into Sagittarius for a month of adventure and big dreams. You'll be inspired to reach for ever-higher goals. Sure, some of the ideas that pop into your mind may not be the most practical, but with the vision and courage of the Sagittarius Sun backing you up, you'd be crazy not to try something big and daring!

With a tip of its hat to the Sun, Uranus will join in on the fun on the 23rd. Ruts are to be eschewed and escaped, while all things new, original and experimental should be embraced -- within reason, of course. Mars and Pluto will also make an appearance this day, giving you insight into tricky problems and the determination to solve them. Keep your eyes open, and new doors and opportunities could appear out of nowhere!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New Month... new important planetary aspects!!!

Here is a heads-up from

More: To think about and know...concerning Our Stars, now!

The influential Scorpio Sun may be giving off deep, dark, emotional vibes, but Venus and Mercury are both about to partner up with Sagittarius to add a bit of fun and flare to the mood!

It all begins on November 2, when both Venus and Mercury soar into Sagittarius. Venus in Sagittarius requires two things: 1) You and your partner must also be best friends -- no possessiveness allowed! 2) Entertainment and education must got hand-in-hand -- so culture it up! See an artsy movie, go to a play, attend a lecture or museum, or maybe try a new ethnic restaurant. Your options are endless!

Mercury in Sagittarius can be a bit like the intellectual version of a bull in a china shop. Words will tumble honestly and forthrightly out of your mouth, but you'll have almost no control over them. Sometimes that's useful, but sometimes the brutal truth isn't the best way to make a point and still keep friends. This does have the advantage of clearing the air, though, and allowing you to move forward with more freedom. And if nothing else, you'll have plenty of lively discussions!

As a bonus, Uranus will saunter up to Mercury and Venus on November 3. Be ready for at least a couple 'Eureka' moments, as answers to questions that have plagued you suddenly become clear. You'll also feel flirtier, and when you have an unusual urge to add adventure to your romance, go ahead and spice things up!

November 2: Venus enters Sagittarius

Enough intensity! Love planet Venus leaves the deep waters of Scorpio and enters the most restless, nomadic sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius, making freedom, independence and having enough room to breathe your new top priorities. If you're in a committed relationship, this is a wonderful time to do something new and adventurous. Are you single? Get out among people that actually do something! Ideas for activities could include joining a travel club or enrolling in a language class.

November 2: Mercury enters Sagittarius

Isn't it refreshing to meet people who tell the truth? As long as they temper their honesty with tact, what they say can be extremely helpful. When communication planet Mercury travels through such an outspoken sign as Sagittarius, plenty of benefits are inevitable -- and of course, nothing beats this placement for sheer enthusiasm and optimism! However, some people may have a tendency to say way too much during this transit, so expect some statements to be followed by retractions and explanations! You'll get the most out of this time by thinking before you speak.

November 9: Neptune turns direct

Neptune, retrograde since June 3, finally turns around in Aquarius and heads toward Pisces, a sign it will occupy for the next 14 years. Hopefully you used the retrograde period to revisit your biggest goals, and are now able to not only envision the future you desire, but ready to take steps to turn those dreams into reality! Neptune reminds us to strengthen our spiritual foundation and invest energy into achieving our dreams. For extra insight, check the house in your natal chart through which Neptune is currently transiting.

November 10: Full Moon in Taurus

To understand why the full Moon's influence is so strong -- and why it inspires emotions to peak -- you only need to watch the Moon's forceful pull on the ocean's tides. Each year as the Sun transits through Scorpio, the full Moon is in Taurus, the sign that rules money and values ... so, of course, right now you can expect to feel strongly about anything to do with finances. You may encounter other people whose values oppose yours, so part of this time will consist of seeing how you conduct yourself when your paths cross. Make sure you know how to stand your ground, but be just as aware of when you're being overly stubborn! In general, this is a good time to do something that helps you feel materially comfortable, whether it's investing, creating a savings plan or purchasing items with lasting value. And finally, because Neptune is changing direction during this full Moon, make sure you know where your money is going. Don't be in denial or in the dark about anything relating to your financial life!

November 10: Mars enters Virgo

As Mars enters the hardest working sign of the zodiac, you'll naturally feel quite motivated, possessing enough energy to make great strides toward your goals. This transit particularly favors progress on any health-related issue, so take advantage of this time to get fit, lose weight or learn to meditate. Virgo is also a sign that rules service, so if you've been considering a volunteer project, choose a cause close to your heart and lend a hand! Examine where Mars is traveling through your birth chart for plenty of helpful and fun ideas.

November 16: Mars trines Jupiter

Mars in analytical Virgo always wants to do everything perfectly. Right now, you're in all likelihood feeling very conscientious, and all your hard work will be rewarded with this supportive aspect to generous Jupiter. You have people in your life who believe in you and are your best cheerleaders, so let them be the wind beneath your wings. Your abundance of energy and confidence will propel you toward your dreams and goals!

November 20: Sun squares Neptune

As the Sun travels through investigative Scorpio, you're like a private detective who'll stop at nothing! Whether you're trying to find a job, a house or a new love, you're extra-determined right now. But with the Sun's challenging square to nebulous Neptune, not everything will be revealed, and you may need to make decisions without knowing all the facts. Watch out for dishonest people, as well as information that's too good to be true. This aspect is perfect for boosting your imagination, so get to work on creative projects: Make a vision board, write in your journal or put together a playlist of your favorite songs.

Enjoy the Sun's transit through Scorpio!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

News from

October 23: The Sun enters Scorpio

The Sun joins Mercury and Venus in this strong Water sign, adding to the intensity of these times. You won't feel lukewarm about anything, which makes this a great transit to go all-out for what you want! Just be sure to consider others' needs as well as your own, or you're likely to become embroiled in messy power battles. Scorpio is a sign that loves to merge, so if you can find other people with similar goals, the power of two -- or three, or more -- will push you further than you'd make it on your own.

October 26: New Moon in Scorpio

Money is a big topic during this new Moon cycle, so plan on having a few financial discussions. The Sun and Moon oppose retrograde Jupiter in money-focused Taurus, while also forming a trine with powerful Pluto in achievement-oriented Capricorn. With everything happening today, practicality is the key word. Given the Venus-Mars square in this picture, don't expect everyone to be in agreement. Few signs are as intensely driven and powerful as Scorpio, so use this time to put everything you've got into furthering your goals and dreams. Work hard and exercise patience now, for at next month's full Moon, you'll have a chance to stand back and take a look at all you've accomplished!

October 26: Venus squares Mars

Whenever these two relationship planets, Venus (attraction) and Mars (desire), engage in a square aspect, someone is conflicted. Maybe it's you. Venus shows us our attractions, and when it's in super-intense Scorpio, we're drawn to people we view as deep and mysterious. Sometimes the person you like is not necessarily the person you desire -- it's just one of life's odd conundrums! This square can spice things up or cause problems; you're sure to see the direction in which it's leading you by the end of the week.

October 28: Jupiter trines Pluto

This aspect last occurred on July 7, when Jupiter had just entered Taurus. Now that this big planet is retrograde, these two connect once again, returning you to people who are ready to help you; take this opportunity to get a leg up the ladder in your business ventures. As you advance your plans, remember that since Jupiter is retrograde, you're laying the groundwork now for future success, so don't get pushy with anything -- patience and thoroughness are your friends right now. Perhaps most importantly, believe in yourself and others will, too!

October 28: The Sun opposes Jupiter and sextiles Pluto

The Sun connects with the powerful Jupiter-Pluto trine, so be sure to take full advantage of this powerful aspect! Oppositions such as the current Sun-Jupiter placement (which always takes place approximately two months into Jupiter's retrograde cycle) give us the chance to stand back and reflect, so take time to consider what's happened over the last few months. There are probably things you thought would come about, but didn't; at the same time, it's likely that ideas you hadn't previously considered now seem viable. People in influential positions can -- and will -- help you, so now is the time to showcase your confidence and talents! (Note that Jupiter turns direct on December 25.)

October 31: Venus squares Neptune

Earlier this month, when Venus in Libra trined Neptune, your heart opened up to new possibilities. Now Venus is in sensitive Scorpio, and no matter how much you want to connect deeply with someone, you'll need to be extra-cautious since certain people are not always who they seem to be! When Venus meets spiritual, idealistic Neptune in a square aspect, people often experience difficulty determining the difference between fantasy and reality.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hello again, all my Astro-Bloggers. I thought I would share with you
what Astrologer, Henry Seltzer, at ASTROGRAPH.COM has to say about our...October 19, Last Quarter Moon.

"The Last Quarter Moon taking place on Wednesday, October 19, represents a time of contemplation, a pause amidst the maelstrom of events and realizations that have been the norm over the past three weeks of this powerful cycle.

This phase of the lunation cycle is a time when we take stock of what has been occurring in our lives and attempt to make sense of it all, distilling what we can into the seed of wisdom with which we begin the next cycle, kicked off by the Scorpio New Moon later in the month.

Meanwhile, Uranus and Pluto remain within a few degrees of a perfect square with each other, and Jupiter retrogrades into aspect with first Pluto and then Uranus before turning to direct motion in late December.

As Jupiter moves into a trine with Pluto, the Sun and Moon positively aspect Neptune, currently in the last degrees of Aquarius, bringing a strong hit of idealism into the picture.

Mars is also emphasized in this configuration by its aspects from Mercury and Venus, as he makes a sesquiquadrate to both Uranus and Pluto, highlighting the concept of action as well as of contemplation.

At this important juncture, the Sun and Moon, in square with each other, occupy the 27th degree of Libra and of Cancer respectively. The Sabian symbols for these degrees are revealing: ”An airplane hovering in the clear sky” and, for the Moon, ”A storm in a canyon.” Marc Edmond Jones gives as his keyword for the first symbol Reflection, while Dane Rudhyar speaks of Transcendent Realization, and indeed it is time and past time to think our way through the crisis of the present moment.

Only by an increase in consciousness will the future be saved. The concentration of energy represented by the second symbol of a storm flooding through a narrow canyon speaks to the intensity of these climactic days leading up to 2012. Our actions need to count now for the leisure of hesitation is rapidly passing.

These ideas apply to the transformation of the collective that we live in, as the Uranus-Pluto square nears its first exact completion – in of next year – and to our personal lives as well. We are on the cusp of change, as a society and as individual members of that society, and our actions must be carefully considered for they are crucial to the eventual outcome that we seek.

Gandhi perhaps said it best, and it rings even truer today: Be yourself the change that you look for in the world around you, and do not vacillate or wait for someone else to take up the challenge"

  I thought this might give you some food for thought!
We sure have had some more than unusual planetary aspects lately. And I will be back to give you more information on what you can..
 "Just Blame It On The Stars", Soon!

Monday, October 10, 2011

More Astro-news

Assess Your Relationships!
This interesting week gets going with a feisty Aries full Moon on October 11, and as much as you'll want to pay attention to your own needs at this time, you'll need to consider others' desires as well. As Mercury enters problem-solving Scorpio on October 13, you're set to discover valuable new information; meanwhile, the Sun-Saturn conjunction later that same day provides serious energy! Then, on October 14, your relationships get a second look as Venus opposes Jupiter
October 11: Full Moon in Aries No matter what you want, you'll have to contend with the wishes of others since the Libra Sun and authoritative Saturn oppose this spunky Aries full Moon. Full Moons always trigger emotions, and in this warrior sign, you're likely to feel especially combative. Just keep in mind that if  you can tap into your power and passion, you'll be able to move mountains! Focus on strengthening your relationships to further your own aims, while also advocating for others... as well as yourself ... so you can create win-win situations.

October 13: Mercury enters Scorpio
When Mercury enters the sign that loves to probe beneath the surface more than any other, it's like having a private detective at your disposal! No matter what you need to figure out, you'll have the power to acquire supremely helpful information now. Remember, however, that no matter how deeply and passionately you feel during this transit, everyone else is bound to feel just as strongly as you do, so be sure to leave room in your conversations for all points of view. In general, this is a fabulous placement for research, writing or meditation.

October 13: The Sun conjuncts Saturn
This conjunction was prominent in the Aries full Moon two days ago, so you've already experienced the Saturnine influence this week. In fact, this is reality-check time, so anything you haven't yet faced is bound to appear on your radar screen now. You'll be asked to stand in your authority, so do realize that plenty of
rewards await down the road if you step up now! Align yourself with those who have clout and the ability to help you. This is an important new cycle -- take advantage of it and you'll be sure to profit.

October 14: Venus opposes Jupiter
When Venus in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus, you'll feel compelled to weigh the costs and benefits of your most important relationships. Since you're looking for a way to balance your need to follow your own path with your desire for togetherness, this placement is about either coming together or realizing that, philosophically or socially, you're at opposite ends of the see-saw. Either way, you're examining the pleasure principle ... and whether or not it's in your life! Also remember that because money signs are in play here, this is a good time to assess your spending habits.
Check back.. to Learn more about what else you can just...
"Blame It On The Stars".... Soon

Thursday, October 6, 2011

More Astro- news from, "Astrology.Com"

Somber Saturn might affect your mood a bit on October 6, but fortunately, sweet Venus shows up on October 7 and 9 to lift your spirits and boost your romantic possibilities.

On October 6, Mercury falls in line with practical Saturn, a transit that may leave you feeling a little discouraged. Don't let it get to you! Just remember that Saturn helps you see things as they really are -- which is beneficial and necessary if you want to make progress. With Mercury involved, make sure you get your details sorted out now so you can make your dreams come true another day!

Then, on October 7, a soft, romantic energy emerges as Venus and Neptune pair up. You'll tend toward the sentimental and be eager to see the best in everyone. This can be great for romance -- just don't set your expectations too high.

Venus takes the stage again on October 9 when it moves from charming Libra into sexy Scorpio. Venus in Scorpio loves secret seductions, and your powers of attraction will become strong; however, you'll also be more tempted by manipulation and vengeance. Don't just give into any strong emotion you feel. Rather, explore and enjoy deeper understanding and intimacy!

Check back soon, to learn, can just...."Blame It On The Stars" 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Feeling a little self righteous lately?

You can just... Blame it on the Stars!

What is happening Monday, Oct. 3, 2011, to make you overdo it with your lofty opinion is...the planet Mars and the Planet Jupiter, in a negative aspect! Having its effect on all of us, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. But applying its negative energy the most to the Fixed signs of... Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio.

The best way to cope, is to guard against that tendency to overdo in all areas. And realize that what seems so important to you now, can change a lot in a few days. So slow down, and count to ten before you act, and react to what is coming at you.

Tuesday morning EST, is a time also when extra cautious in how you are dealing with your finances and loved ones is very important! A sobering moon in Capricorn, can have the tendency to make us gloomy and restrained to the point where decisions made in the morning hours of Wednesday, could come back to haunt you?

Aren't you just being too negative! Or could you be taking on, more of something, than you are really, prepared for?

Wednesday Oct 5, stirs things up with the moons entrance into Aquarius, giving us a desire to escape routine. Lifting our spirits.

Being more flexible is good, but easier said than done...with trends started Wednesday night, that could be difficult to handle all day on Thursday.

Thursday evening the moon's favorable aspect to the planet of communication Mercury, can help you to clear up those snarled communication, and finally make, those emotional, financial, decisions!

And Friday October 7, is my pick of the week for best day of the week to feel good, and be creatively imaginative, and intuitive.

Yes, thinking out of the box on Friday, can bring an out of the blue stroke of luck!

Just in time to liven up your weekend! Enjoy!

Friday, September 30, 2011

What has to tell us about October, 2011!

"The leaves may be changing and the weather becoming cooler and crisper, but the stars see no reason to let the start of Autumn dampen your spirits!

October kicks off with the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn residing in equitable Libra. On October 3rd, aggressive Mars and lucky Jupiter will square off, giving you a dose of enthusiasm and overconfidence. This is great for getting your way, but be careful not to get carried away thinking rules don't apply to you!

On October 6th, chatty Mercury will line up with severe Saturn. This may bring a hint of gloominess and a slight negative tone to conversations, but nothing too difficult. Then, on the 7th, charming Venus will meet with fanciful Neptune. Your good intentions could bring romantic fantasies to life, as long as you're not too impractical with your plans. When Venus moves into intense Scorpio on the 9th, you'll experience blissful closeness with your sweetheart. Just beware of unreasonable jealousy!

The full Moon will rise in Aries on the 12th, making you feel high-spirited and impulsive, but this will be tempered by a distinct cautiousness. Meanwhile, Venus will pair up with Pluto on the same day, creating a sexy and seductive mood. October 13th will be another cosmically active day as Saturn tips its hat to the Sun and Mercury moves into Scorpio. Saturn will ensure agreements are satisfied to their most minute details. Mercury in Scorpio will bring a couple weeks of deep, meaningful conversations, peppered with forceful and exuberant opinions.

After a few days of rest, the stars kick into gear again as the Sun shines a soft light on Neptune on the 21st, creating an aura of compassion. On the 23rd, the Sun will move out of wishy-washy Libra and into decisive, resourceful Scorpio. After spending the last month hearing every side of every issue, you'll now be able to act with confidence.

The new Moon, Mars and Saturn will all play a role on the 26th to give you a military discipline, which will help you force through new plans with unrelenting determination. Finally, October will end on a high note, as first Jupiter and then the Sun line up to shake hands with Pluto on the 28th and 29th. You'll experience incredible confidence blended with a sense of empowerment. Anything and everything is possible!"

I'll be back Sunday, to give you my October slant on how I see things for our very first work week!
And also what else, you can just...Blame It On The Stars!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

OK my Astro-Followers... You were forced to deal with the New Moon, on Tuesday! Hopefully beginning new trends, that will fortify you nicely, all month?

But how you deal with an extremely difficult aspect we have all day, on Wednesday, September 28, is also very important!

What is happening on Wednesday, is a square aspect between the planet Mercury, that rules thoughts, and communication, and the planet that rules upheaval, and endings, Pluto!

This aspect tends to make us want to meet head- on, any dissatisfactions.

Meaning, your not going to back down from a fight, or any kind of communication that needs attention! The Problem with that is, impulsive behavior! And that can bring hurt feelings, and accidents, all leading to unnecessary endings.

So slow down, and count to ten to ward off the explosive side of this square aspect.

Instead, use this newly found grit and desire for taking on the difficult, to get a lot accomplished. Or to begin or complete a difficult chore, that you haven't wanted to face, or have the courage and energy to deal with?

That will give you the plus side of what Wednesday's Stars have to offer!

Thursday also will have its challenges! The Moons change into water sign Scorpio, can fizzle our enthusiasm as it rains... on the planet Mars, in the Fire sign, of Leo.

Yes you will be feeling secretive, And cannot control others!

But why do you want to? It is just your Ego talking on Thursday.

Patience Everyone!!!! More Soon...on what you can just..."Blame It On The Stars!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hello Astro-bloggers... This is An Astro- Alert!
You will wake up Tuesday, to a new moon!

 And it looks like is a very important New moon too!

 All taking place in the early morning hours, of Tuesday, September 27, 2011 EDT.

As this new moon in Libra, also is accompanied by Uranus-Pluto square that has been with us off an on, a good part of this past summer.

And in fact, over these past few years! That fact, by its self would be enough to give you a surprising day, bringing erratic trends that could be with you all month?

But this New Moon in Libra.. will also be in conjunction to the planet Mercury, within just 2 plus degrees! Add, that we have a Aries Uranus, and Pluto in Capricorn, also in close degrees... and that mix will make a morning T-square... that can bring some pretty disturbing energies!!!

What this could mean is... trends that begin Tuesday morning, are likely to be with us for weeks ahead!

Effecting us... at the most mundane level? We can expect surprises!

But because a New Moon is the kick-off for the entire four-week lunar cycle, making that entire period more prone towards surprising events, as well as possible surprising enlightenment!

We also would be wise to be extra careful, since the planet Mars, is in the picture of this New Moon too. As it is in aspect to both Uranus, and Pluto.

The planet Mars with Uranus...often adds up to accidents, even though in this case the aspect is a Trine, a mostly positive aspect. It can make us suddenly self indulgent, and needlessly careless.

There is also the probability of strong intuition, with inspiring ideas! All seemingly coming, out of the blue? Even perhaps affecting the way we see the world around us?

Yes, to me this looks like a very important new moon! Heads -up!

 Best to stay alert as possible during Tuesday Sept. 27, since we can have the unique opportunity of setting an unusual trend that will be with you all month!

Be back soon to tell you more about our week, and what we can just..."Blame It On The Stars"!
What Astrology. com's... Amanda Owen, has to say...about our Stars,
September 26, 2011 02:00 AM EST

"A new Moon in Libra on September 27 begins this dynamic week with a call to make a few changes to your relationships. Then, on September 28, Mercury and the Sun conjunct in social Libra while squaring powerful Pluto, at which point you'll want to know what you're talking about before you speak. And make sure you recognize your limits as energetic, enthusiastic Mars squares Jupiter on October 2, when you'll have plenty to do!

September 27: New Moon in Libra

A new Moon is always a good time to put energy toward something you'd like to see become more important in your life. Libra brings a relationship focus, while this particular new Moon contains a number of dynamic and challenging aspects; given all that's going on, it will be necessary for you to leave room for change. Revolution is in the air now as both Uranus and Pluto connect to the Sun and Moon. With Pluto's square, don't try to hold onto people who are no longer worth your time and effort. Uranus opposes this new Moon, lending an exciting, yet unpredictable energy -- it's time to shake things up! Mercury is in the mix as well, and its conjunction to the new Moon provides plenty of interesting conversations. Just rest assured that the next full Moon will offer an opportunity to stand back, take a deep breath and plot your next move.

September 28: Mercury and the Sun conjunct each other and square Pluto

On August 16, retrograde Mercury formed a conjunction with the Sun in Leo. At that time, you received information you were unable to put to good use ... but hopefully you at least used the intervening period for research. Now, these two planets come together again, this time in social Libra, and finally a plan comes together for you! While it's time to reap the benefits of all the conversations, agreements and ideas you've had over the last couple months, you'll need to keep in mind the square to Pluto. This aspect describes an intense conversation, while also demonstrating that people can possess strong points of view right now. Speak up if you must, but keep your mouth closed in case what you say won't help your situation.

October 2: Mars squares Jupiter

This is a very energetic duo, and you're likely to have a lot of irons in the fire! Mars in Leo is strong; it can also be quite showy while soaking up the limelight. Jupiter in Taurus, meanwhile, is practical and prefers that you take a sensible view of your material circumstances. During this square, keep an eye on your financial bottom line. Remember: If you can watch out for any tendencies to overcommit or overdo things, you'll get a lot done!"

I'll be back soon to tell you my view on what we can all ...
"Just Blame It On The Stars"

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hello, my Astro- blogger Friends, and followers!

Our Sun will shift into loving, peaceful, Libra, on Friday Sept. 23, 2011 at, 5:05 a.m. EDT, which marks the powerful Fall Equinox, ushering in a refreshing new cycle that brings with it... countless possibilities. Why?

Because...As the seasons change they reflect the ever-changing nature of our individual lives.

 We become increasingly curious about where we currently stand, how we got here, and the steps we will take next, that can improve our status, and life!

All making our Friday a significant one! Add the Leo, moon to the mix, as it tangles with the planet, Jupiter, all day on Friday... and you need to be extra cautious! Especially it would be wise to work at avoiding carelessness, and overindulgence's!

But, with that cautious eye, a special boost for Friday night fun, is a Mars, Uranus trine, and that can bring a stroke, of out of the blue luck!

Saturday, Sept. 24, is you are liklely to want to come back down, to earth!

However, there can be a tug of war between what our feeling are telling us... to what is coming at us, from others.

A Saturday that might be particularly hard to see the truths... that are now immerging ... from our close, personal relationships?

Sunday, Sept 25, 2011, is more sobering... from the moon's change into picky Virgo, at just 49 minutes past midnight new day, EDT. Now you are ready to see results! And will be willing to work towards it!

Also, moods and thoughts are likely to change again, by Sunday night!

That change happening from the planet that rules our thoughts Mercury, also, entering Libra, at 5:09 p.m.EDT which will be with us for the next 17 days!

So all in all, it looks like a very important weekend, bringing new trends that will effect how we think, and feel for the next few weeks.

Giving the Air and Fire signs the biggest boost! They are Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Air...And... Leo, Sagittarius, Aries... Fire.

Check back to see how they will effect you next week, and what else you can "Just Blame It On The Stars"

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hello all my Astrology followers!

Thought you might find What... "" has to say about the next few days.
Check it out from... ""

Get ready, because between September 15-19, you'll experience a flurry of planetary activity that will leave you in a whirlwind!

It all begins early on September 15, when talkative Mercury exchanges pleasant words with ever-exaggerated Jupiter. The phrase "chatty Cathy" will be an understatement when applied to you .. but since everyone will realize how well-intentioned you are, you'll get a positive response to everything you say.

Charm, tact and diplomacy will also be amplified that same day as Venus moves into its own sign of Libra. This transit will spotlight the traits these two share, helping you to keep the peace and maintain harmony -- as well as increase your desire for indulgence!

On September 16, Pluto finally starts moving forward again following its five-month retrograde period. All those plans of yours that were originally sent back to the drawing board will now be ready to get put into action!

Then on September 17 and 19, poor Venus is jostled by Uranus and Pluto, respectively. The former planet is inclined to be unstable, while the latter can lean toward possessiveness. When these two combine with loving Venus, you'll find yourself on quite the romantic roller coaster. Avoid making major emotional decisions until the dust settles, as current problems may turn out to be nothing more than minor glitches.

Lastly, battle-hungry Mars moves into fiery Leo on September 19. Compromise will become an unknown word, and everything -- from work to romance to daily life -- will become supercharged!

Check back soon to learn more on how I see things, that we can just... "Blame It On The Stars!"

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hello, my Astro- Bloggers, and friends!

Notice that Full moon out there this Sunday evening?

Actually the full moon in the sensitive serving sign of Pisces, is at it's fullest tomorrow morning, Monday, Sept 12, 2011, at 5:27 a.m. EDT. A time that can set a trend for an emotional and hopefully loving harmonizing day? Especially if yours is a water sign, Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer.

Earth signs too, of Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn, can get an extra lift, but the sign of Virgo will feel the Moons pull the most. And would be wise to be watchful, that your feelings are truly your own, and not just pressure coming from others that you are reacting to?

Tuesday, September 13, is not as positive, for all signs. The morning hours can be very difficult, with unexpected aggravations.

The Moon's change early in the a.m. EDT to Fiery Aries, changes all of our moods, and it's negative aspect to the planet Pluto, can bring explosive behavior!

Best to slow down, and stay self aware, of the possibility of accidents and unnecessary arguments.

Trends that have been unsettling on Tuesday continue, into Wednesday Sept. 14. As the Aries moon most of the day on Wednesday, can magnify our thoughts, while it pulls in an opposition, to the restrictive, Planet of learning Saturn.

So Wednesday this week is a day when you will need to try to stay positive! Seeing what you really can control, and not what looks so negative, that is beyond you?

Also on Wednesday September 17, your likely to finish up trends that were started, last month August 22, when the Planet Venus first entered, Virgo.

Thursday, September 17, Venus, brings new emotional and financial trends, as it enters Libra, and it will be with us until Oct. 8. 2011. A very nice feeling Venus, that increases our desire for romance and partnership, making our Autumn more beautiful.

Check back to see how Friday, and the weekend measures up for your sign, and what other can just... "Blame It On The Stars"

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our Stars this September, continue to help us towards our more practical goals...

as Wednesday, Sept 7, gives us a pleasant push early in the day, that can help us to make Wednesday, a very productive one?

Go with the flow that is coming towards you, especially if you were born under a Earth, or Water Sign. Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio?

Thursday, Sept. 8, we will be winding down projects that we have had in the works or planning stage since July. As Mercury ends its stay in the sign of Leo.

 All the pros and cons of plans you can now see, if they are truly workable , and complete them.

 Then thanks to Mercury, late on Thursday and all day on Friday, it enters its own sign of Virgo, again!

But this time, staying in forward motion giving you the motivation to complete all those details that you could not see, or get to, until now, Friday this week...through September 25.

Then, just in time for our weekend, September 10: Venus is in positive aspect, with the planet, Mars!

Venus is the Relationship planet, (in practical Virgo) making positive aspect to the planet of action Mars (in protective Cancer)! And you have, what makes-up a great team! Earth/Water combo!

Venus softens the rough edges of Mars, which itself provides a comforting shoulder to lean on. Therefore you can have a wonderful day, and weekend to spend with people you love, or ones you might want to get to know?

Since Virgo loves to help and Cancer loves to nurture, this a great time to volunteer for helping others!

 In fact, with the moons influence on Saturday, in innovating sign Aquarius, and then on Sunday, in the sensitive serving sign of Pisces. Our weekend should be filled with a lofty open minded, unselfish, approach to all our endeavors. Enjoy!

More to... "Just Blame it On the Stars" coming soon!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day Everyone...The Stars seem to agree that our day off should be fun!

The Sagittarius moon in positive aspect to the planet of Communication sets the pace for our Monday, Sept. 5, 2011, Holiday to be an active productive one.

True in general for all of us. But partially so for the Fire and Air signs. They are Sagittarius, Leo, Aries, Fire, and Gemini, Aquarius, Libra. Air.

Best to use your daylight hours on Monday, for endeavors that you want to go well... because when the moon changes into the sign of Capricorn at just after 10:00 p.m. EDT tonight, your Happy mood can change into impulsive, accident prone behavior.

And that negitive trend could continue into the morning hours of our Tuesday, September 6, 2011.

Yes, a Tuesday morning... when your first thoughts are about gloom, or being such a self critic, that you put youself into a bad mood!

So try to be patient with yourself and others in the early part of Tuesday, because a favorable trine from the Capricorn moon, can bring a happy conclusion to your day!

Especially, bringing the earth and water signs extra goodies for a pleasant Tuesday night. They are the signs of, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Earth. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Water.

I'll be back to tell you, more about the rest of the week, soon...on what you can just..."Blame It On The Stars"

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hello my Astro- bloggers...Welcome to September, 2011!

I'll bet you had somewhat of a confusing, up- and down, first day?

If that sounds true for you... than you can just, "Blame It On The Stars"

The moon started out in the peaceful loving sign of Libra and ended in the intense secretive sign, of Scorpio.

So it was a sea-saw of up...and then down. To being open, and enthusiastic, then closed and withdrawn.

There are lots of Astrological reasons for that trend.
 Nit-picky Virgo Sun and Venus...makes us a tasks master! Add our Planet Jupiter newly retrograde, helping us to dig into the past, to see our frailties, and mistakes? Then, suddenly our mood plummets!!!

But hang in there, in gets better by Saturday...yes, Saturday September 3, when the Sun Trines Jupiter, you get an extra positive boost, and maybe even some good news!

Look for it around your money, and your love life. A great day for prayers to be answered too, as the moon enters the spiritual sign of Sagittarius on Saturday early evening at 5:03 p.m. EDT staying around to impact our Sunday too.

Although Sunday's challenge will be, not to overdo, a good that fire moon, conflicts with our Virgo Earth Venus, in how we see our practicalities!

Slow down, count to ten...before making any emotional or financial decissions on Sunday. Also best to keep an extra alert eye towards, carelessness that might cause an unnecessary accident!  Happy Safe Weekend everyone!

 Check back for what you can just.. Blame It On The Stars, next week?

Monday, August 29, 2011

Pay extra attention this week my Astro-bloggers! A week to get things done!

This Monday... day after the storm, seems to fit into what the Stars are trying to help us with!!!

Yes, this Monday began with a new moon! Perfect, time to be stetting our trend for the up coming fall season.

Virgo Sun, and Virgo Moon today, Aug. 29, gives us an extra emphasis on a more thoughtful, practical, approach to all our communications!

Hopefully you worked towards your goals this Monday? And if you did and are reading this after the fact...give yourself a pat on the back!

Because the trends that you set in motion will be working all month on your behalf. What a great why to start out our work week!!!

Tuesday Aug. 30 is also a significant one to get things done, as details on pending projects, can at last be qualified and clear enough, to make you feel like you are finally moving forward.

Especially if you were born under a Water or Earth sign,
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

 Wednesday, A Libra moon ends this month on a more serious tone!

 But serious can be good! It makes us get down to the basics. The areas of our lives that affect our future, and how to move diligently towards a more secure one!

The Libra moon in a conjunction to the planet Saturn, on Wednesday... help us to be more fugal and sober. But that approach along with putting extra effort, at trying to be heard, can really pay off!!!

Especially for the air and fire signs of... Gemini, Libra Aquarius
Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo.

The New month of Sept. 2011, begins in Thursday, and it also looks
Promising for progress!

I'll be back to give you my heads-up on it, soon... so that you can...again
"Just Blame It On The Stars"

Sunday, August 28, 2011

OK Astro- Bloggers, I know you must be wondering about how our "Stars" are effecting this North Eastern Storm, that many of us are experiencing... known as Hurricane, Irene?

Interesting that much of this storm has come under the influence of a waning moon in the powerful fire sign of, Leo!

A moon that tends to bring recognition...something we can really now relate to;
as the last two days, have really been news worthy. All coming from the warnings and stories, related to a major threat of a, powerful hurricane!

However, as I write this...on Aug. 28, the waning moon in Leo, will soon give way, and enter the Earthy, analytical sign of Virgo, at 2:13 p.m.EDT.

This change in moon sign, will increase our desire to analyze our individual situations, and as the moon conjuncts the reigning Sun, also in Virgo... at 11:04 p.m.EDT.

This moment in time, called new moon... dark of the moon...we set the pace for the next four weeks!

That is the monthly time, when what we are involved with, and doing... expands!

So try to keep that in mind as you pick up, clean up, or are just now living somewhere, Irene has not yet visited, but predicted in your path?

Also the high tide comes just after new moon at, 11:25, EDT...which might make the expansion of water and flooding worse than expected?

The best aspect that our Stars are giving us is today however, is a helping hand towards renewal, from a Sun Pluto trine aspect!

A positive aspect, that helps us to make lemons into lemon aid!

Meaning... use your super analyzing clearer thinking through tonight, into the first few days of September... to improve your life!

More we begin a new work week...of what we can

"Just Blame It On The Stars!"

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hello all my faithful bloggers..just keeping you informed about what those Stars...could be doing to us...And what... has to say about next few days....

"The stars seem to recognize that August is coming to an end and they're acting accordingly: all the troubles you've had this month will finally end, and you'll be ready for a brand new start!

That doesn't mean there won't be a bump here or there. On August 25, Mars will meet up with Saturn and the side-effects include severe crankiness and becoming extremely accident prone. If ever there was a day to physically exert yourself to total exhaustion, this is it! Try rock climbing, a triathlon, repairing everything broken in the house -- any specific, strenuous task that requires all your focus is a must.

Fortunately, by August 26, everything will start to improve as Mercury goes direct. Technical problems, delays, and communication issues will finally be resolved. Then on August 28, the Sun will shine a gentle light on Pluto, indicating that you've overcome some major problem, learned important lessons, and you're ready to move on. This, paired with the New Moon in Virgo on the 29, will provide you with an excellent opportunity for new beginnings!

Then, Jupiter will go retrograde in Taurus on August 30, and you'll have a chance to rethink what's truly most important in your life. For the next few months, you'll focus more on satisfying your internal needs than worrying about material possessions.

With all these planetary movements, this is an excellent time to evaluate your current career. Are you satisfied with your career path, or do you feel like you could do so much more with your life? "

Good advice to think about... Check back soon when I'll be back to tell you my slant on the latest Astrological movements that could be effecting your luck, and life!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Monday August 22, 2011.. the Stars will dictate a trend to do everything twice!

Yes, our work week begins with us being more connected to doing things over!

. It is just the Gemini moon, ruled by the planet Mercury, that is still retrograde, and a new Virgo Venus... giving us double trouble!

Try go with the flow, and allow the trend... it can even work for you, because your second try is likely to be better!

Along with a new feeling aspect...coming from the planet Venus, that on Monday began it cycle in the Mercury ruled sign, of Virgo that will be with us until September 15.

All this on the Sun winds up its stay in the powerful fire sign of Leo. That Leo Sun has been responsible, for a very out going and enthusiast 4 weeks. So do expect to put some finishing touches on projects that you have put into motion since July 23.

Tuesday August 23, we welcome the Sun also into the commutative earth sign, of Virgo and, that Sun's position will be with us until September 22.

This is the time of the sun's influence that helps us to get back to the more basic areas of education, and using our knowledge to advance our positions in life.

Virgo is a thinking sign, that tends to lean towards perfectionism, so we began a phase of wanting to be more detailed, working towards improving our lives in a practical way?

No wonder this is the time of year that children go back to school, and we get back to a more rigid daily routine.

Tuesday's planetary aspect look pretty good, for our welcoming new sun sign of Virgo. And in fact one of best days of the week for communication, education, and travel.

Hopefully you will make Tuesday a productive one, as Wednesday and Thursday of this week, shows more days of unexpected aggravations...

But of the two days, Thursday August 25, is the most difficult to plan, as the Cancer moon, and Mars collide and square the planet of restriction, Saturn.

Better aspects are brewing for Friday, August 26, and the weekend, I am happy to say! So check back, to learn about them...
And what else... you can, "Just Blame It On The Stars

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The planetary influence over this weekend, leans towards the positive!

As the Sun and Venus still in a close conjunction, increases our desires.

However the problem will be... to keep a balanced perspective. As our Moon in Taurus... makes us stubborn and overindulgent.

Saturday is the easier of our two weekend days. With a moon, Jupiter, conjunction at around 6:00 a.m. EDT. Putting us in a optimistic mood, that can reign throughout the day.

Just be aware that your enthusiasm might get out of hand, and be watchful of a tendency to go to the extreme in wanting to have all the control? You can't! And a bossy attitude will just create needless disputes.

Sunday's morning hours? Best to sleep avoid mix ups with communications.

Retrograding Mercury..will  tangle with the moon early by 5:00 a.m. EDT

And then most of Sunday ...egos are apt to clash... due to a Moon, Sun, Venus aspect, called a square.

 Not an easy day to keep your emotions running smoothly, especially if it involves, how you like to be seen or appreciated! Patience everyone.

Try to get out and enjoy yourself, but with a cautious courteous eye!

What Henry Seltzer has to say...

about this August 21, 2011 moon.

Last Quarter Moon

The Last Quarter Moon taking place this weekend, on Saturday, August 21 – at about 3 PM on the West Coast, 6 PM on the East Coast – represents an excellent chance to look back over the course of the month and evaluate where you have been and how far you have come internally. This phase is not so much about action, but rather about reaction to events that have transpired over the course of the three-week period that preceded it, and comes with an extra strong push in this direction from the Mercury retrograde period with which we began the month...At that time, Mercury occupied the initial degrees of Virgo, and now at this important crossroads, Venus enters Virgo practically coincident with this Quarter Moon, which features the Sun in the 29th degree of Leo in very nearly in exact opposition to Neptune, just as Mercury was when it began its backward motion nearly three weeks back.

With Neptune in the picture there is always an emphasis on paradoxical situations and feelings, along with an especially strong dose of synchronicity. Music and poetry are favored as expressions of mystical meaning; truth that is non-rational and that goes beyond the more obvious factoids of merely logical ratiocination. This mystical factor is very important to keep in mind as we ponder our position in an expanding personal universe. As a society we are in the midst of immense change, and we are striving mightily to discern what our own portion of that change might encompass, because it is going to take all of us. Part of what holds important clues for us now is our ability to see beyond the immediate concerns of putting bread on the table to what constitutes the largest possible picture meaning of what we as humans are up to at this important juncture in a radically transforming civilization. It’s a truly excellent time to journal, and to reflect on our transition, both personal and societal.

With this philosophical backdrop in mind we might begin to see where we fit in, and how the changes that we are going through personally contribute to the larger trends of either what we would appreciate or what we would like to eliminate as we look into our deeper motivations and the ultimate consequences of our actions.

More from me...soon  as I check to see what...You can,

 "Just Blame It On the Stars"


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ready for some more planetary happenings, that makes you feel like there still is, a full moon?

That will be with us, through most of this week!

Starting Monday, August 15, 2011, the Leo Sun, and the Planet Venus are in a conjunction, all day... that can surly light your fire!

But the secret will be, to keep it lit!

Water and fire produces steam... and with our Pieces moon, and water Cancer Mars, on Monday, and Tuesday, they are likely to dampen your spirits!

Enthusiasm would like to reign! The Sun, Venus, and even retrograding Mercury, are all in the powerful, ego driven, Fire sign, of Leo.

So expect your attitude to be more out going, forceful, and direct.

However, that attitude will come with some risks!

Especially that sudden desire you have to control things. You need to be really careful, that what you are trying so hard to achieve, is really all worth it?

Rational Judgment can be very off... all this week!

Things may appear better or worse, than they really are on Monday, and Tuesday.

But add Wednesday's August 17, Moon, into Aries... as it conjuncts Uranus , in the a.m... forming a Grand Cross with Mars, and Pluto, and then the moon's opposition to Saturn? And...

Stand back and expect the unexpected! With possible dangers, and arguments brewing!  I am wondering how it all, will effect the stock market? As well as your,  pocket book, and love-life?

We might also find that issues in our lives from early summer time, are reemerging now, creating opportunities for more thought, and greater clarification.

Just keep in mind, on Wednesday... the powerful pull that those aspects could be producing in your life, makes you more accident prone and impulsive. So slow down, and do not over react...especially if you were born under the signs of...

Aries Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn.

Thursday, August 18, 2011 is my pick of the week, for being the best one to get things done! And to feel better.

With a Sun Moon, positive aspect, called a trine...
that will also have the added zest of Moon trine... Venus Sun conjunction!

 Wow, even Mercury, gets a trine on Thursday, to the moon!

Perhaps making us all much more focused towards, the positive, to bring out our best?

Certainly a productive day for the Fire and Air signs?

They are... Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius, Fire. And Gemini, Libra,
and Aquarius, Air.

In fact all sun signs should have a better attitude on Thursday. Feeling at last, not as emotional?

And by Friday...August 19, that feeling of being pulled, almost like there is still a full moon... is noticeably lessoned, at last!!!

Look for more, star forecasting... for the weekend, of August 20... to check back to see what else...

You can..."Just Blame It On The Stars!"

Friday, August 12, 2011

Hello my Astro - Bloggers Friends...yes, we are in for a, Full moon!

Are you already feeling it... this Friday, August 12,?

Well, this is what... "" has to say about it!

On August 13, the full Moon rises in Aquarius, placing it directly opposite the Leo Sun. With these two planets playing tug-of-war over the Earth, your goal will be making sure neither wins!

If this sounds like a challenging task, that's because it is. Aquarius and Leo are polar opposites in the zodiac.

The full Moon in cool, detached Aquarius is a rebellious mischief-maker prompting you to shun the status quo, seek equality for all and have a strong desire to help society. The Sun in warm-hearted Leo, meanwhile, strives for status. You'll feel an urge to achieve greatness, and you'll worry more about your closest loved ones than improving the world.

Adding to your conundrum is the fact that each of these are fixed signs, making them stubborn and unwilling to compromise. Does this mean common ground is impossible to find? Absolutely not! On the contrary, the Universe throws these challenges your way specifically so you can learn to find the middle road - even in a sticky situation such as this.

The key is to pay close attention to everything around you, while making sure you don't find yourself pulled in one direction more than the other. Stand your ground and find a way to balance the situation out. The satisfaction of discovering a happy medium, will make all your effort worthwhile!

My take on it... is some of the same...but also giving a bigger heads up to those born under the signs of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio, to keep in mind.
Because they are the sun signs that are directly involved with this full moon's pull!

Another important factor that I find significant... about our Saturday August 13, 2011, full moon... is the aspects it makes to the planet that rules love, Venus, and to the planet that rules communication, Mercury!

When the aspect, of the full moon is pulling on Venus, and Mercury as it is most of the day on Saturday, there will be extra emotional intensity, that will effect our thoughts, and communications!

Not a weekend to spend alone! So try to get out and about, with a cautious eye to keep your ego in you look for new ways, to express yourself, and people to have fun with.

New romance is possible...just give it proper time to develop, before you can know if it is for real!

More soon...that you can just... "Blame It On The Stars"

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Get Ready to... "Blame It On the Stars"!

OK everyone, If you thought this past weekend was a bit aggravating? Stand back and prepare yourself for more of it...along with the unexpected all this week!

What are those Stars doing to us?

Mars in the sensitive home loving Water sign of Cancer, is in discord to the planet of disruption and Change, Uranus... in the Fire impulsive sign of Aries...

causing lots of weird happenings! But try to put your extra effort into making Monday, August 8, as productive as possible!

Because a favorable Moon, Sun, Planet Venus aspect, is the best this week gets.

Mercury retrograde, back into the proud Fire sign of Leo, along with Venus, gives us strong desires... and those desires will need an outlet!

The glitch would be to have them show harmlessly!!! With those extra desires being shown in a unique way, without anger or manipulation? Avoid trying to control others, because it will surly backfire!

True for all sun signs, but most important for the signs of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra, to keep in mind, all week!

More soon, we are heading for a Full moon, next weekend!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

August 6, 2011 First Quarter Moon.

The First Quarter Moon of Saturday morning, August 6, will be a bit hard to handle!

This is that first lunar phase... where we get to see just how much of what we put into motion from the time of the New Moon, one week ago, that has really proven viable?

Or we find in contrast that instead...what might be now running into trouble?

This August 5, Lunar phase is accompanied by Mars in opposition to Pluto, and square Uranus! Not easy! All while a newly retrograde Mercury exactly opposes allusive Neptune.

So you should expect some very interesting dynamics, that can tempt you into accomplishments, and activities that could be very out of the norm.

All being accompanied by first quarter energy, producing probable extra tension too.

It’s as though we are trying to put at least some of our eggs into a basket... but they are either falling out, or we are wondering what we really want now, in the basket?

Another problem with these aspects is the accident prone side of Mars-Uranus, that can be unexpected, and with Pluto, opposite as well... tempers could flare!

Therefore it a really, a time to watch your step and keep your eye on the prize! As you try to keep, a high-minded point of view.

One method might be to keep thinking, when things become intensely aggravating is, “what difference will this make in a hundred years"?

Another choice that might to step back from any reactivity as it begins, and not only count to ten, but count to ten again?

Since the Mercury Retrograde period is extra intense at this time we are faced with having to do everything twice; or perhaps finding out later that we didn't need to do it at all?

Remember to not, try too hard. However it’s a wonderful time to look into your true motivations... and allow yourself to see how your past is now effecting you?

Ever think about starting a journal? The timing now, is perfect for one!

As you learn to deal with these mixed up trends, your new ways of coping and knowledge...will help to better handle, your future...

so journal like crazy all weekend, regarding your concept of what seems to be happening to you. It should be very enlightening for your future reappraisals.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy August, 2011 my faithful bloggers!

As this first day of August begins, it looks like our "stars" might try to send you soaring?

However, watch out...almost immediately, they'll try to tug you back, to what could be an unpleasant surprise.

So Get ready for a bumpy "didn't go the way, I thought it would ride"? Because the sun and planet Jupiter are in conflict!

Also, loving fiery now Leo Venus, entices our emotions, as it favorably aspects unconventional Uranus!

This makes you more innovating, perhaps giving a breath of fresh air into your romantic life.

Or is it your financial life? Try the new approach.. in both areas.

Breaking routine is what can be useful this first day of August.

Just keep in mind, that the Sun has a conflict to indulgent Jupiter, and you could be tempted to go over the top!

Also, keeping that newly found enthusiasm will be extra-challenging on August 2, when fiery Mars moves into gentle Cancer.

Your energy might slow down a bit as everyone feels more emotionally sensitive all month from our planet Mars, now after August 2, being in the water sign of Cancer.

Try to be aware to strike a balance between what your feelings are saying to your energy, and what really needs to be accomplished this month.

Adding to the frustration...this week Mercury goes retrograde, on August 3.

As I have explained, with that planet Mercury moving backward in Virgo, you might find yourself becoming even more impatient when things don't turn out how you expect.

Just do your best to prepare in advance... and be ready to initiate backup plans!

The planet Neptune, also muddies our it too turns retrograde moving backward into Aquarius on August 5.

Hopefully, this will bring us back to a period of more humanitarianism..that could show up in our everyday outlook for awhile?

Or, will just magnify uncertainties about the future, while also challenging scientific and social conventions.

All in all... a week of changes in our solar system that will be with us for awhile...but now you know, just blame this weeks aggravation, and unruly changes on the stars!

More soon!!!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ok my Astro- Bloggers....get ready!!!

August 2 to August 26, the planetary trickster Mercury, will be retrograde again!

Remember this is the time when the planet Mercury appears to be moving backwards?

Since Mercury rules communication and motion, when it goes retrograde, messages get muddled, details get blurred, and technical difficulties get triggered.

Along with the breaking down of machinery that has been just limping along?

Sounds like annoying period of time? It certainly can be? Or if you happen to be one of those lucky people born with a Mercury in retrograde, this can be YOUR time of moving forward at last.

But most of us will experience a few weeks when it seems impossible to make any real progress. However, there is a positive side and purpose for the planet Mercury being retrograde.

And that is dealing with the past. As you will find yourself bumping into old friends or at the very least thinking about them? Even maybe rehashing mistakes that you made in the past with them?

Hopefully giving you the motivation to correct past actions? Making our communications more significant, though difficult!

Or is it at last the time for you to repair family feuds? Whatever the case, you will find yourself doing a lot of reminiscing?

What you must try to avoid is not to make important decissions? Because when Mercury is moving backwards we move backwards too, by changing our minds!

So heads -up everyone...think make up...not breakup, and post pone important decissions.

More later, my Bloggers...and remember when things are going haywire? Just ..."Blame It On The Stars"!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

To keep you informed this week, here is some...

More Astrological NEWS

As July comes to a close, a host of star transits is set to reveal unexpected opportunities for you. All this astrological action will also boost your love life, improve your communications and bring new beginnings - and that's just the short list!

It all begins on July 27, when the Sun gives experimental Uranus an encouraging nudge. That's all Uranus needs to bestow you with exciting new opportunities begging to be seized. Positive change doesn't come much more easily than this!

Then, on July 28, Venus joins the Sun in Leo for a lovely tryst that will color your life with a romantic glow. Venus loves parties and frivolity, and when paired with flamboyant, extravagant Leo, you'll be able to charm everyone in sight.

Not one to be left out, Mercury will also join the spotlight on July 28, when it moves into Virgo. You'll finally get the chance to finish all those seemingly smaller tasks, and your discussions will enjoy practical, satisfying outcomes. If you can avoid becoming bogged down with trivial details, your life will speed along swimmingly!

July 29 will see a temporary sag in energy as Mercury opposes Neptune. Your creative juices will be flowing, but you'll be too easily distracted to make real strides. Don't waste time trying to get (or give) straight answers to questions at this time -- it just won't happen.

Finally, on July 30, the Moon cozies up to the Leo Sun for a new Moon that will bring fresh beginnings, hints of new romances and a whirlwind of social activity. Let your inner light shine and show the world how talented you are! So many opportunities to Seize.

All important news: About aspects that you should try to use in a positive way!!!

Also try to remember to keep in mind... that the time of the new moon, always sets the trend for the next four weeks.

I'll have more to tell you soon...on... "Blame it on the Stars"

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hello, all my faithful Bloggers...Vacation time for me is over and I am back to help you, Blame it all on the Stars!!! Thank you for being patient, I hope you did not feel deserted? Because these last few weeks have been quite the astrological ride....

With some signs, like Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn experiencing some surprises, and they weren't all pleasant ones!

However, nature has changed the script with the Sun's new entrance into Leo, on July 23, bringing newly found motivation, towards real accomplishments! But... it is up to each of us to "use" this new motivation. And our egos will be the deciding factor.

Also for the month of August, from the 3rd to the 27th...expect and prepare for some aggravations around breakdowns in communication, things that have a motor, and are mechanical? Yes! It is another Mercury in retrograde cycle that I am warning you about.

And there is lots more, that I want to tell you about how the Stars could be effecting your August. It is good to be back...I'll be writing to you again soon...But in the mean time... right now, July 24, check out what has to say!

Some more... astrological news from,

The sensitive Cancer Sun has been jarred, jerked and jolted by Pluto, Uranus and Saturn these last couple weeks, and it's resulted in a fairly bumpy month so far. But on July 23, as the Sun moves into fiery and flamboyant Leo, all the emotional turmoil will fade and you'll be excited to embrace everything the Universe throws your way!

Sitting comfortably in the fun-loving sign it rules, the Sun in Leo exudes confidence and a distinct joie de vivre. Leo is a sign that loves to party and socialize, and it wants nothing to do with the negative side of life! As such, you'll find that evens if problems arise, they'll simply roll off your back and you'll be able to move on without even breaking stride.

These good times may not come cheaply, as Leo loves to live a five-star life. Still, right now fortune definitely favors the bold, so don't be afraid to grab life by the horns. Do everything with extra flair -- and have the fun flaunting it!

Leo may enjoy being the center of attention and putting on a show for all to see, but this sign is also about being true to oneself.