Thursday, January 22, 2015

Important News, Mercury is now Retrograde!
Feeling a little bogged down chasing yourself with details?
Well, you can just, "Blame it on the Stars!"

Because Today Jan. 22, 2015 is the  First Full day of the planet Mercury in Retrograde, of  our New Year, 2015!

 It began its backward motion yesterday in Aquarius, at 3:54 PM Greenwich time, 10:54 AM Eastern time, and 7:54 AM Pacific time.

Making this day Jan 22, when Mercury will be fully moving in retrograde direction, giving us all a little of that moving backward feeling too!

Mercury is the planet that rules all our communications, and what we re lie on to do it! Mail, phone, Internet!  It also rules all kinds of travel, and all the working parts, that help us to communicate, and travel. Cars, trains, planes, and all their motors, that keep them moving.
So when Mercury starts moving back, those moving parts, motors, and ways we use communicate, can react by breaking down, or getting snarled! Especially if an appliance or motor was just limping along! Now is the time it is most likely to stop!
 How to cope? The thing to keep in mind the most during the next 21 days ...key word, Patience!
 Because lots of ideas and plans, that you are involved with during this time, you will find, that you will need to do over!
Consciously try if you can, to postpone making any major decisions until after March 3rd when Mercury will be past the point it started its backward motion.
 And for the next 21 days be as flexible, and as patient as you can be, with all those do overs! Until Mercury starts once again back to its normal forward motion on, February 12.
The good news is, this Mercury retrograde period, is a little shorter than most.! And, this is also a time when you could connect with that old friend, or redo an old project that you are suddenly once again interested in.
Yes, Mercury Retrograde has a positive place in our lives too? What for? To give us a chance to reflect and connect to the past, having another chance to do something over, and better! Look for it!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Happy Birthday Aquarius ! Your yearly cycle began yesterday! When our sun entered your sign! And will shine its Aquarian influence on all our lives for the next 28 days.
This placement for the sun, now in Air sign Aquarius is  ruled by, the planet Uranus! The planet that will help us to use our humanitarian innovating ways! And makes us want to break from routine.
Which is always a yearly trend, that unconsciously helps to lift us from, those winter dull, more conservative Saturn days, during Capricorn's Cycle! Which included the beginning of Winter, and the sobering ending of our past year!
All signs now, from yesterday sun changing signs, will be wanting to use their ingenuity more, helping to make their remaining  days of winter more fun. Specially true for the Air and Fire signs! They are Aquarius, Gemini, Libra,( Air) and Leo, Sagittarius, Aries, (Fire)
But even the Water signs, of Pisces, Cancer,  Scorpio, and Earth signs, of Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, will receive the benefits of a less serious attitude. Bringing more excitement and change of routine into their  daily lives.
 However, that being said about lift, and change! There also needs to be warning! Especially to those fixed signs, of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, and Scorpio. To not allow your stubborn side to get the best of you!
This is a great time of year to make diplomacy and, detachment, be your guide, for best results!
Happy Aquarius Sun Cycle everyone! What are your plans for doing something new?

Saturday, January 17, 2015

 Today and yesterday...Our Stars dictate lots of Energy flying around! But the key would, is it "Miss", use of energy? Where we are only Spinning our wheels and getting no-where?
 Why? Because the planet Mars, that rules our energy, and what we feel passionate about, is now in sensitive Pisces, in a negative tangle, with truthful Saturn, in the optimistic truthful, sign, of Sagittarius!
So if you have been wanting to know the truth,  about any important area of your life, theses were the days that you might have been hit over your head with it!  Especially if you asked!
 However, the old saying, "Of the Truth will Set you Free", is the benefit! Even if you cannot see it, as a positive, right now!
Saturn plays long term, and the truth emerging in the last 23 hours will in the long run, set in motion truths and lessons, that have been brewing!
 All not easy to deal with when an ugly truth emerges! How to cope?
Slow down, and think! Try to look at what is good about knowing something, that you had been blind sighted about. And be honest, with yourself! In what needs to change long term, even if it is scary and hurtful.
 Safety in expressing your energy and disappointments is a must! Do Not allow an argument to get out of hand. Where your desire is to  hurt, or punish someone physically!
 This is a True warning for all sun sun signs, but most important, in effecting, the Sun signs...Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Gemini to keep in mind!
And in fact, as the planet Mars, continuing in the sign of Pisces approaches, its ruler, Neptune in a conjunction, into Monday. 
 Some of this weird behavior of how we have been wanting to use our energy is going to continue.
  Mars, action planet, bringing to the surface, those hidden fears and secrets, wants them exposed!
 So stand back and Learn. Right into Monday!
What surprise truths are you going to be dealing with?

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Jan 15, 2015
The moon in Scorpio today might have brought some intense thoughts and communications that were difficult today.
 Especially true, if your sun signs is Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, or Taurus?
 With all sun signs needing to use more patience and diplomacy?
Why? Because of the planets, Venus, and Mercury's, conjunction, in the freedom loving sign of  Aquarius...being (squared),
 negative aspect, by the moon, that was today, in intense, desire for control, Scorpio!
 Both of those signs are called fixed signs! So neither one finding it easy to yield their power!
 And with that unyielding trend, effecting all who you were communicating today! Impacting everyone, No matter what your sign is>
So now you know, why the daylight hours today had its aggravations!
However the good news is, tomorrows moon aspects to Venus and Mercury are no longer difficult! And in fact, a Scorpio moon, Sun in Capricorn positive aspect, can give you a much clearer perception to achieve what you could not get accomplished today! 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Today Jan. 12, 2015, the most important planetary news, is a new position and sign for the action planet Mars, entering the dreamy water sign of Pisces, early this morning.
 This is the action planet, that rules and effects our energy, and passions. And while moving in a direct orb, usually takes about 6 weeks, to go through a sign, shedding the traits of the sign it is in, on all of us! 
Mars has been in the innovating, freedom loving Air, sign of Aquarius, since DEC. 5,.  Helping us to wind down our year's end 2014, in an open minded style!  
However, now with Mars in the sensitive water sign Pisces, until late in February,  we  can expect quite a different impact on our daily energy, than what we had been dealing with.
All signs will tend to use a less direct way of expressing their energy. Because water adapts, to where it is placed.
Taking up the form it is placed. And very different in influence than  
 Air, sign that rises above, (Aquarius) as we have been experiencing in the last 6 weeks.
How to cope and what to expect?
If you are born under a water sign, Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer, you have always submerged your energy, into adapting to how your best strength comes from working behind the scene
 Sometimes undercover but always deriving strength from adapting to circumstances! 
So this time period of Mars in Pisces you can expect to quietly move forward, taking new reins toward goals that involve others!
 If yours is a Earth sign, Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus? The next few weeks with our water Mars, giving you a helping hand, you can expect your energy, geared towards, getting things done! 6 weeks of possible accomplishments.
If you were born under the Air signs, Aquarius,  Gemini or Libra? Your turn to wait! As things in your life, are now more submerged as you feel less motivated and reflective.
And Fire signs? Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo?
 What does water do to Fire? Puts it out, yes, Or at the  very least puts a damper on it. Causing fog?
Meaning that Mars in water sign Pisces, at the very least will be apt to slow you down a bit? Not your usual get out there and get it done self. Patience! The Good news for you is, After Feb. 20, the next 6 weeks give you back all the Fire, your sign needs! 
And the other good news is, for all signs. Today's new trend for Mars was accompanied with a very nice conjunction trine to the moon in Libra, getting our day and this new cycle for Mars to a very nice start.
Giving all signs a boost! Enjoy!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

 A Libra moon greets us as we begin this day! A nice lift from what the more consecutive Virgo moon had been doing to us!
So what will the moon today in Libra do to you today? That mostly Depends on your sign, with some having it be a more a exciting day than others.
 The air sign of Libra, gets along in influence real well to the Air sign Aquarius, And that means that today's moon gives a positive aspect to the planets Venus, and Mercury, that are now in that sign! And that helps our thinking and our emotions to be and feel, more contentment, and peaceful! Affecting all sun signs in a nice way With the signs of Libra, 
and Aquarius, and the other air sign, of Gemini, getting a special lift,
that could entail some lucky communication opportunities! However, all signs can Enjoy a day that gives us a desire to share their time with others!
So get out and about today, and that Libra moon work its loving magic for you!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Our day begins with optimism, but ends, with a more serious trend!  
And you can just, "Blame it on the Stars!"
It is true, that the moon at the helm of each day tends to shed its influence on our lives! Some days having a greater impact on us, than others!
Aspects, between planets, sun, and moon, are always in our solar system going on, without noticeably effecting us.
But in order to have their effect, impact, our lives, there needs to be a trigger, to setting off their influence! 
That trigger acts like a combustion, creating enough energy , or magnetic pull, that we react to, that noticeably effect us, as it impacts, our lives in some way!
 Even though, most of us, are not knowing why, we are suddenly reacting, or acting out from their influence! All creating events, that we, in all different ways, become involved with.
But the actual timing of those events, can only come when that trigger, as I named it, setting forth the combustion, effect!
Working and effecting our world consciousness, as well as our own individual birth charts!
Today's daylight hours of, Jan 8, 2015, Leo Moon's aspects, are so fitting, as it helped to establish our New Governor of Massachusetts, firmly and splendidly, in office!
 Giving off the air of pride, and authority, just like that Fire sign, Leo, that was at, today's helm. A sign recognized for its love of pomp and ceremony. Perfect!
However, as nice as that has been during daylight hours, it is quite opposite to what we can expect during tonight's evening hours!
 The reason? The Moon ending it stay in the happy fire sign Leo, entering the more conservative earth sign, of Virgo! And that fact alone, tends to cool us down, and make us more thoughtful and practical!
But this evening EST, Our moon changes signs, entering into the more conservative, Earth sign, of Virgo.
 And from around 7:00 p.m. EST tonight, it will negatively aspect the serious, planet Saturn!
Causing that trigger impact, that might not only be aggravating but very disruptively, active in your evening hours?
 Causing arguments and unnecessary accidents!
How to cope> Watch your general mood! Expect that you may suddenly feel down, or agitated.  Guard your mouth with what you have to say....
Which will not be easy, as analytical Virgo moon, tangles with truth seeing,  restrictive, Saturn, now in Sagittarius! Forming that  combustion trigger, from 7:00 PM EST, until Midnight!      
Yes, those Planets, moon, Sun, in our solar System, spinning out in space do make orbs, and aspects, that effects us!. With tonight's being one of them.
 Most people  will just experience a general mood change!
 Buy those of us that are born under the signs of, Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius, and Gemini, tend to have, their egos, health, and safety challenged!
 Best behavior for those sign tonight would be to go with the flow!
 Key word,( Patience!)
And the  Key word, for all signs, ( quiet) keep quiet, and Learn!   

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Feeling today Jan. 7, like you want to be out and about, more than you have wanted to, lately?
It's only natural! And you can just, "Blame it on the Stars"!
In today's case, its the influence of our Fun loving, fire sign, Leo moon!
 Nice to have it out of yesterdays pulling aspect to planets Venus, and Mercury, that was causing delays and communication snags! 
Instead it is now today moving more freely, sharing its more proud, fun, enthusiastic, Leo traits!  Giving out Positive energy that we can all receive a lift from! Nice!
 And it this newly found energy tend today, gets even better as the day goes along. Due to the moon moving towards a conjunction to the expansive lucky planet Jupiter just around midnight! 
So have a fun more out going day! Mostly good for all sun signs! But especially good for  those fire signs, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries.
 Just don't over do a good thing. That moon Jupiter, conjunction at midnight though lucky, can cause you to be over confident and careless.
Best bet> Like Cinderella, be home before midnight!  

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

  Morning hours after 7:00 a.m. and through out the daylight hours today Jan. 6, EST can put you into a tug of war with your others.
 Why?  Because....
The proud Leo moon, is in a pulling aspect, called an opposition to the planets of love, Venus, and, the planet of communication, Mercury!
Bringing situations that we become involved with those we interact.  Like...Friends neighbors, and co-workers, and even your partner, or Boss? 
 Some of those interactions today could be helpful, and good! Bringing unexpected opportunities that you might gain from?
But, unfortunately the opposite of that can also be true for you today. With you, getting pulled into unnecessary conflict and trouble through  those  you are in contact today!
 How to cope?
 Be extra aware of your environment and how those you are in contact with today are relating to you and effecting how you feel? And only allow the positive influence from them!
 Do not get pulled into things, where it involves others lives, that YOU, can't control !
 Important for all signs to keep in mind this day!
 But most significant, for those born under the signs of Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, and Taurus!
Have a fun day, but slow down and think first, before you say Yes to anything! And guard your Ego, it could cause you to over re act!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Did you find today, that your communications skills were used more than usual> Yes?
 Well, you can just "Blame it on the Stars"!
 Effecting all signs, some?
 But would have been especially true, today,
 for the Air, and Fire, signs. Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, ( Air)
  Leo, Sagittarius, Aries, (Fire)
 And What was the astrological cause for today's busy communicating day? The planet of communication, Mercury's change in sign!
And it's  new position, entering the sign of Aquarius last night!
 A normal trek through a sign for Mercury is about a month. With the sign that it is in, giving off its effect on our communication style and thoughts.
So when it changes signs as it did last night we feel it in areas around our communications, thoughts, and travel!
  The freedom loving,  Air sign Aquarius, is very different in influence, than what we had been dealing with, when Mercury was in the conservative earth sign, Capricorn, from December 17.
 And that fact, of change into Aquarius alone, would have made our thinking to now, be more open minded, and seek new communication, connections!
 However, the fact that the planet Venus, that rules the pleasures and luxuries in life, had also recently entered Aquarius, brought the two planets together into a powerful conjunction,  is why our day was so busy!
Perhaps bringing lots of new thoughts and opportunities your way! Nice!
And the special news about Mercury too will stay in the sign of  Aquarius longer than the usual month! As it retrograde on Jan 22, and continues in that sign until March 13! 
A great effect on our minds for this New Year! Helping us all with a more innovation and desire for change! Let is help you, with all your hopes and wishes in what you would like to accomplish in this season of winter. That can all be firmly and properly planted in the coming Season of Spring!

Interesting Facts about yesterday's Full Moom!
Taken from "The Old Farmers Almanac"
Full Moon Names
January is the month of the Full Wolf Moon. It appeared when wolves howled in hunger outside the villages. It is also known as the Old Moon. To some Native American tribes, this was the Snow Moon, but most applied that name to the next full Moon, in February.

Moon Phase Dates 2015
All dates and ti
mes are ET. See the Moon Phase Calendar for your city/state.

Full Moon: January 4, 11:53 P.M.
Last Quarter: January 13, 4:46 A.M.
New Moon: January 20, 8:14 A.M.

First Quarter: January 26, 11:48 P.M.

Best Days in January 2015
Below are the best days for activities, based on the Moon's sign and phase in January.

For Planting
Aboveground crops: 4, 22, 23
Belowground crops: 14, 15

For Setting Eggs
1, 2, 10, 11, 29, 30

For Fishing
1–4, 20–31

See Best Days for more activities.

Moon Folklore:
A bright first Moon promises rain and a bountiful harvest; a red-tinted Moon means a dry year.

A growing Moon and a flowing tide are lucky times to marry.

A halo around the Moon predicts wet or stormy weather.


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Is tonight's pending full moon have you a bit jittery, as you begin this day? I am not surprised! This Full moon called the Wolf moon is one that has powerful accompanying influence with it! An aspect called a T Square...A T-Square or T-Cross is when two planets are in opposition aspect to each other (180 degrees) and both making a square aspect of (90 degrees) to a third planet.
Causing all energies to be magnetized. That with any sign influence would be difficult on our emotions! However this Full moons signs are in Cardinal signs. Called the rule breakers! Meaning their effect can't be predicted as easily. These sign are Cancer, the sign our full moon is in today. Capricorn, the sign that Pluto is now directly pulling on the moon. And Aries, the sign the planet that rules surprise, Uranus is in.  Wow! Lots of pulling and restricting going on in that T square?

 And how does this pulling effect you? First thought should be to be aware that you might be challenged today with something around your domestic life. That coming from the moon sign influence. Then do not allow other to lead you into problems that are fighting or having discord with. And third use extra care in all you do, during evening hours between 7-9 PM. Helpful for all signs to keep in mind! But most signifying for the signs of, Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra to do! The moon tonight will be ins fullest just before midnight. But is most troublesome aspect, occurs in the evening hours, from 5 PM on with most danger driving at 9:30 PM. Caution, patience, and guarding your temper tonight is your best defense! Stay safe everybody! Happy first full moon of our New Year!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Did you get a chance to sleep late this morning? Wanting to start your day slowly? Well if you did you can just...."Blame it on the "Stars" The reason? The planet Venus during early morning hours was finishing up is cycle in the earth sign of Capricorn, that has been with us since DEC. 9, 2014. And when any planet's cycle is coming to a close it tends to wind down the impact it had on the areas of life that it rules and effects. Capricorn a consecutive earth sign, ruled by Saturn,  is concerned with a tradition, and keeping to how we have done things in the past.  All  very helpful and fitting for celebrating holidays, with family and enjoying old trends.
 However that trend ended in today's morning hours, hence maybe giving your day a slow start.
But the big Astrological news is, that changed today! We are under a new influence from  the planet Venus, that entered the humanitarian sign of Aquarius  at 9:49 AM EST. And the way the sign of Aquarius acts on us, is very different than Capricorn. So its effect on us will help give us new humanitarian like trends! Ones that we will notice around our finances, emotions, and love life.
This trend from Venus being in the sign of Aquarius will be with us until, Jan. 27, 9:59 A.M. then entering the sign Pisces at, 10:00 A.M. EST.
 You now must be wondering?
How does this Aquarius Venus connect with your sign?
 And what might you expect from it?
Well, Aquarius is Air sign, So if your sign at birth is also Air?  Gemini, or Libra, it can be a big lift in your life! Bringing many new beginnings  into your life this month, helping to get your New Year off to a productive more loving trend! And if yours is a fire sign, which is fed by air? You are also going to have your emotions and fiances receive a lift! Those are the birth signs of, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius! 
However, all signs can now feel less conservative , and look towards feeling a need for more excitement and change, brighten up our emotional moods. A trend will grow even stronger tomorrow! Which I will tell you about tomorrow ! In the mean time, enjoy that need today, that comes after 10 A.M. to use your ingenuity and think about what kind of things that you would like to be doing that helps your finances and emotional life? Meaning?  Today, try to think, and do something new!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Stars and Your Love Life

Author: Valerie Greene
Ever wonder why a relationship never got off the ground? Well there really is a magnetic influence coming from our solar system that is controlling who you like…and even more important who likes YOU. As it has been said, “the stars impel (urge or drive forward) not compel" (urge with force) but the urge is still very much there for a love tie to be made.
So now you can understand that feeling of utter despair you have been experiencing is unnecessary. Your last relationship’s ending wasn't your fault after all, just blame it on the stars.
Now how does this information guide or help you? The truth is it can. Knowing your own planetary birth chart gives you the edge of seeing yourself objectively. This inner knowledge keeps you awake to your real needs in a partnership. Yes, romantic or financial our stars dictate the success or failure of a relationship.
And you thought Astrology was all about sun signs. But now you have been told it is much more than daily predictions. In fact, it is all about the details of you and your very own uniqueness. So do yourself a huge favor and give yourself a wonderful present for the New Year. Order an Astrological birth chart, based only on your very own individual birth data. This chart can really help you to understand how to make the most of your potential for love. Including best time frame for you to meet that RIGHT match and what signs would be best for you; for a TRUE love tie in the coming New Year …

To order an Astrological birth chart based on your very own individual birth data click here ... 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year! Lots to think about as this New Year Begins!
The truth is all beginnings set a mold that stays with us! So always try to remember how you start something, has a lot to do with its changes, and when and why some things we have been involved with,
suddenly ends!
My new beginning for this first Day of 2015, is my new face book page 
  Feel free to visit that facebook page often, it is open to all, and you will find that I post on it often,  sharing lots of interesting thoughts, ideas,and photos that can also be very helpful  to know

Happy New Year 2015!


 New Year 2015
A, look at each sign...for 2015! Check out yours!

Your New year, will tend to be centered on, and about, your partner and your closest relationships! Be aware that anger and trying to control those that are closest to you will back fire. And No you should not run from established patterns even though you might want to! Patience is the key! Look  for the good, in everything and it will pay large dividends!
Taurus... This New year will finally be less controlled by others! So try to spread your wings with confidence in your own worth! Communication is the key?  The areas of your life that you want to improve, can expand nicely. So step up, and get it done, just don't over do a good thing! Bragging never makes a good impression, time to show your worth!

Your New Year has already begun to be influenced from how you deal with others! A pattern that you can expect throughout the next 12 months.  That is why you need to stay very flexible. As each day you learn that you cannot change others, you can only control yourself. Much to learn from those you see has your partners, their lives are indeed affecting yours. Take the good that is being offered, and leave the negative where it is. Saturn's opposition is testing you! The key is to always think, positive!

Notice that life has changed this last year, though how others in your life, have affected you?
 Some of it good? Some of it unexpected! The good news this year, is... more calm, and control will prevail! Money opportunities coming from Jupiter in your second house can bring luck, and positive, expansion! However guard your enthusiasm over spending and foolhardy, investing, can put you into unnecessary debt. Also being careless in taking things for granted, this year,  can bring unexpected loss. Spend that extra money on what is truly worth it! Giving you needed future security! 

Lucky you! Jupiter the planet of luck, is in you sign this year until August 10.
That is the planet that only spreads its expansion, and luck in our signs once, in every twelve years! So look for it to expand all you desire! And give you what you have ben wanting! Especially around your career and desired recognition. So what is your great wish for this New year 2015? It can be yours! Think positive, and be more assertive, in going after those long range sought after goals? The only negative? Putting on weight? I said expansion! Yes! In all areas, even your body! Better to let Jupiter help you to get that degree, new relationship, better health, or new job!

.your New Year 2015 will highlight your communication skills! Saturn in truthful Sagittarius, brings a need to be detailed, and clear up those nagging snares, that you will now have to deal with!
 All of which, can bring conflict with those that are closest to you. Partners having their own problems, being sidetracked into confusing issues, causing unnecessary rifts!  All of which can be avoided with extra patience, and thoughtful truthful communications. The key is being honest!
.your sign is also highlighted this New Year with your close relationships! Making your partnerships the most significant area this New Year. Some events with partners, and close friends will be a surprise. Try to be flexible and open for compromise. Use extra time and patience when communicating. Don't allow yourself to over react and give in to anger and impulsive behavior. Keep friends close and who you know as your enemy closer that way you will know what they are up to and cannot use your best intentions against you! Slow down and think co-operation, that is the key!

The good news is...Saturn the planet that teaches and makes us learn and struggle, is after two years, at last as this New Year 2015 begins, out of your sign, until June 14!
 Whew. What a relief it can be, as you suddenly find yourself feeling lighter and less restricted than you have been. Nice, for your inner ego as the New Year starts to give you new opportunities that you have been working so hard for, right into and through out this spring!
 Enjoy! And then prepare again for more restrictions and learning experiences, when Saturn returns into Scorpio, from June 14 through September 17. Then at last, from mid September on you will return to a more carefree you. Like you are now, no more delays from Saturn.

Yes, it is your turn, to have the planet Saturn on your sign to teach and guide you into putting forth your best efforts. The key for you, would be to dust off old ambitions. Then the slowing of time, and delays can work for you! Your ruling planet Jupiter, will help you through the tough parts of this year! Good aspects to the planet Uranus, in the fire sign of Aries, can bring some nice ideas, like unusual inventions, and unexpected  surprises! Your sign is also usually very positive, and spiritual. And now this year you might at last begin to unveil it! Your desire to travel might be quelled as you find that your financial resources are more restricted

 saying move at a slow pace is good advice for Capricorn, especially as this New Year 2015 kicks off!.
 In fact, your inner instincts are telling you just that, as you find yourself wanting to take sometime alone.You are just not feeling like the life of the party! Which is the key towards making your 2015 a good one!  Because careful thought behind the seen, gives you the extra edge in how you are going to handle those extras that are coming your way this year! The money Taurus moon, at the helm of this year, puts you in the right place at the right time, bringing more security with your finances and home life! Expect some surprises!

 Expanding your energy, and being busy is the trend this New year, for your sign!
Due in part, to the planet Mars, blasting off in your sign, as this New Year, 2015 begins!  But to bring even more excitement, and activity into your life a first day opposition, to the planet that rules expansion and luck Jupiter, is an aspect that seeds activities and events through others. So you can expect to have events from others that keep you on the go! It is key, to know which activities that you want to get drawn into and what would be best for you to stay away from that can just drain your energy, weakening you, delaying  what you might most want to accomplish! Partners are lucky, guard health, and finances!

money comes into your life in unusual ways. Play those hunches! Communication, will not  be easy but it plays an important role in your life this year. Honesty is the best policy in all your dealings with others! Services given and received, are lucky for you, but weed out the ones that make you feel good about what you are doing. Prayer, faith, and patience, gives way to needed progress, in removing some inner obstacles that have been holding you back. Think new, career ideas and they will come! And so will the new opportunities to see you best hopes and desires coming true!