Sunday, December 26, 2010

Didn't get what you wanted for Christmas?

Well, the planetary aspects this week, can give you a second chance at receiving it! Or, is it the realization that a gift often comes in many sizes and forms?

Yes, when this Monday, DEC. 27, 2010...brings the unexpected...

you can just "Blame It On The Stars!"

All coming from a heavy Sun, planet Pluto, conjunction! Along with a moon's opposition to exuberant, Jupiter, and inventive Uranus! These significant aspects will be with us as we begin our day around 7:00 a.m. EST... setting a trend for this whole last week of the year, 2010.

All Sun signs will feel it's effect with unexpected changes! Like endings and new beginnings! But those of us that have a birthday on this date... and those that were born... June 27, March 25, or Oct. 29, are likely to have the most lasting effects from it?

But whatever your own personal birth date is... try to be as patient, flexible and aware of any illuminating truth coming to you that can now on this day be exposed?

Tuesday, DEC. 28, 2010 is likely to be another day when patience might be wearing thin, and a cautious attitude would be wise? Due to the Libra moon, in difficult aspect to the planet that rules our passion, and energy, Mars.

And like that isn't enough, on Tuesday to rattle our day... to give us problems with misuse of our energy, causing arguments and accidents. But we will also have the moon in conjunction to the restrictive planet Saturn, by 4:30 p.m. EST... effecting our general mood, making us feel serious, picky and generally dissatisfied! Not an easy day to go smoothly without putting in an extra effort, to be cautious and patient!

Wednesday, DEC 29, 2010, the aspects lift a bit to lighten our general moods, giving us a new desire to be more carefree. And just in time to save the last few days of this year, 2010 on a positive! As you will want to use your lighter attitude, to have some fun! Even perhaps now wanting to make those fun, New Year's Eve plans?

But keep them flexible? Wednesday's planet Mercury is slowing down... getting ready to again change, to direct motion! Which tends to effect any decisions that you might make, with your game plan changing like the wind! This can also can make Wednesday, a bit confusing with snarled communication, and problems from break-downs, of all forms of communication, and machinery.

Thursday, DEC. 30, 2010, the Planet Mercury, again starts back in its normal direction! Good news, if you have been suffering from indecisions, and feelings of being held back lately. Because as Mercury moves forward, so at last, can we!

Also Thursday's Scorpio moon, in positive aspect to the Sun, around 7:00 a.m. EST, helps our day too, at being productive! In fact, Thursday is my pick of the week, to get the most accomplished!

Especially giving a helping hand to the water and earth signs. They are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo.

Friday, DEC. 31, 2010, the last day of our year, begins on a positive! The moon and the planet, of love, Venus start out our day, hand and hand! And this conjunction gives us the desire to be in harmony, as well as want to seek out loving peaceful, companionship?

All setting our thoughts, on wanting loving close time, New Year's Eve?

So if possible, make those plans around those, who you like to be with the most! Or, a quiet be at home alone time, to do some inner reflecting, on what emotional truths you have learned about yourself, this year?

It is the morning hours of Friday, that inner reflection, and a loving attitude is very helpful and strong! But, just after 2:30 p.m. EST, your mood will be more restless setting a stronger desire for excitement? And you could be a bit impulsive, making New Years Eve plans, that you might later regret? So enjoy your New Years Eve, with a note, not to totally throw caution to the wind, with a look before you leap attitude?

Saturday Jan. 1, 2011, "Happy New Year" everyone"!

Our New Year begins... with a fire moon, in the optimistic sign of Sagittarius, at the helm! One of the best signs for the moon to be in, to help set our New Year's trend, Positively!!!

But, it will be up to you, to do you try to be extra aware of all the things that are good in your life... that you are truly "Thankful" for!

All signs can benefit from that optimistic thankful attitude, as we begin our New Year on Saturday! However, the fire signs of Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries are the signs that will receive, a extra lift, from our first Day, of a new year, with a Sagittarius moon... in their favor!

Sunday, Jan. 2, 2011, our energy will be directed towards being busy!

And in fact, due to a planet Mercury moon, conjunction, can be a very productive! So what is your wish to use the extra energy? Taking down those holiday decorations? Making those phone calls? Or traveling back home? It will be the morning and daylight hours, EST... that will work out to be the best! So get an early start in doing the things that you want to go well.

Your activities will not seem as clear and easy, by late afternoon and evening on Sunday. Because the moon will then make a negative aspect to its ruler the planet of expansion, and truth Jupiter, and the planet of invention, Uranus... effecting judgment, leading towards over indulgences, and a sudden desire to break from any restrictions, perhaps leading to accidents.

So try to be realistic, and open with any scheduling of your the evening hours of Sunday... and use extra care and thought, when driving, communicating, or making decisions. All helping you to end our first Sunday, of our new year, 2011 with a smile!!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

What a week... A full moon, a lunar Eclipse, a sun sign change...

The celebration of Christmas!

All getting started...with what looks like... Planetary aspects lined up to give us... another few days of struggles, and controversy!

So when you are feeling confused and a bit cranky, early this week...

You can just..."Blame It On The Stars"

Yes, that strange fluctuating mood, you may find yourself in this, Monday, DEC. 20, 2010 is like the Ebb and flow of the tide!

One minute up and the next down? And in fact, it actually is... the natural rhythm on all of us...from Monday's almost full moon... along with some negative significant aspects, that it is making to other celestial bodies...

Giving us a somewhat, roller coaster Monday! For all signs! Which is just setting the stage for our... Winter solstice, on Tuesday, DEC. 21, 2010!

Also being accompanied with... the rare event of a lunar Eclipse! So rare, on that date... that NASA data claims.. the last winter solstice with a lunar Eclipse was DEC 21, 1638?

This year's event will take 3 hours and 38 minutes of early Tuesday! Beginning at 1:33 a.m. EST, when the Earth's shadow will turn up just on the edge of the moon, according to NASA. Then it will take about an hour for the shadow to cover the entire moon! Totality begins, at 2:41 a.m. and lasts for 72 minutes....

NASA also claims that total lunar eclipses during winter in the northern hemisphere is fairly common...but a lunar eclipse falling precisely on the date of the solstice is quite rare! However, we won't have to wait 372 years for the next one! Because the next one... occurring on that date will be just 84 years...happening on DEC. 21, 2094.

Best time for viewing, again according to NASA is.... if you only have time for a quick look, that you take a peek 3:17 a.m. EST. That's when the moon will be fully covered...and it is just after the moon is at its fullest, occurring at, 3:14 AM EST. All brewing things up astrologically on us, even if you are sleeping, it can tug at you!

Which can have you feeling cranky and emotional when you awaken and start your day on Tuesday!

Especially if you happen to be born under the signs of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, Libra, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, or Sagittarius.

But all signs will have to deal with unexplained annoyances most of Tuesday. At 6:38 PM the Sun will start its cycle in the Earth practical sign of Capricorn, beginning the time that nature in our area has its time of sleep. Which is why our own personal lives become more reclusive and use the season of winter to attend to our more serious survival skills.

So that is maybe why Tuesday night, you find yourself taking stock of what you have, and what you do not have. Effecting your general mood!

With a bad mood following you right into Wednesday, DEC. 22, 2010. And between 6 and 9 a.m., it would be wise to use extra care in all you are doing. That is the time that the moon is making a difficult aspect to the planet of restriction Saturn, judgment will be off... and the way we deal with disappointments can be explosive! Caution!

Thursday, DEC 23, 7:51 a.m. EST, the moon entering the fire sign of Leo, I am happy to say... can brighten things up a bit...with the fire and air signs of Leo, Sagittarius, Aries, Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini, getting the biggest boost! However, all signs can find Thursday's mood better, and able to at last accomplish those last minute Holiday shopping chores.

Friday DEC. 24, the day before Christmas...Looks mostly positive, with the Leo moon in good aspect to the planets, Saturn and Mercury, we should be thinking more optimistically, and clearly. Just try not to let it get out of hand, as the moon's fire may tend to have you over-do... bringing unnecessary spending, on impulse buying?

Saturday DEC. 25, 2010. A Merry Christmas Everyone...the stars are cooperating to give us, what I see is the best day of the week! With a harmony aspect between the Capricorn sun and a Virgo moon! Putting our inner self and outer self more at peace...

which is what Christmas is all about!!! Peace On Earth And Good Will toward Men! All signs will benefit! And the signs of Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, are in line for some very nice Santa surprises!

Sunday, DEC. 26, 2010, tops off our weekend, on a see saw... with a few positive morning aspects, where things in general seem to go well... and then evening negative moon aspects... bringing mix-ups, and change of plans, that might just dampen our spirits.

Is it the weather that's changed... causing problems... or is it snarled communication?

Just try to stay open and flexible, and use extra caution traveling Sunday, to end your Christmas weekend, happily!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

We begin our work week this Monday, DEC. 13, 2010, with the planet of communication Mercury, moving in retrograde direction...which will make it difficult to keep our thoughts and communications clear!

So when you find yourself confused, and wanting to change your mind, this week? You can just..."Blame It On The Stars"!

It is true that changing your mind, and communication glitches are likely to bring you some trying moments, that will test your patience this week!

All beginning with a negative Sun moon aspect, Monday, DEC, 13, 2010, effecting us during the morning hrs EST, giving us problems involving our suddenly fragile egos. Then Monday's late afternoon, and evening hours, brings a tendency towards over over indulgence, with a unrealistic game plan.

Remember, whatever you are doing in the first few days of this week... it will not be easy to do things half way. Also try to guard yourself from over reacting, and over promising!

Tuesday December 14, 2010... negative moon, Pluto, Mars, aspects, continues, to make it difficult to stay on track... and in fact, is my pick of the week for the most aggravating and difficult!!! Especially if your sign is Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn.

But all signs are likely to feel aggravated about something on Tuesday! From wanting to dig out truths, so much...that impatience to receive results can lead to very angry outbursts bringing explosive behavior! With quarreling that causes relationship break-ups, and unnecessary accidents! So Caution and patience should me your motto all day on Tuesday.

Wednesday, DEC. 15, 2010 morning hours are still not much better! Due to the Aries moon in a tugging aspect called an opposition to the restrictive planet, Saturn. Which can put you right in the middle of something, that would be best to avoid.

So ask yourself, if what is making you upset and angry, on Wednesday morning, isn't really someone else's battle? Or, just who has influenced you to feel the way you do? Because by Wednesday evening, you might just feel... or see things very differently? True for all sun signs!

Thursday DEC. 16, 2010 a Sun, planet Jupiter, conjunction, puts the pressure on our enthusiasm...effecting how we see ourselves, challenging us all day, to keep from over doing or spending? However, our optimistic attitude on Thursday, makes it my pick of the week, as the best day to feel good and be lucky! Just be careful not to overdo a good thing!

Friday, December 17, 2010, a Taurus moon brings our thoughts back towards practical concerns. As we seek out those special gifts and make Holiday party plans, that include our love ties? But a moon, planet Venus opposition, might make it difficult for you to include everybody on your list? Expect to feel pulled between what you want, and what is really possible.

Saturday, December 18, 2010, again a tendency to over spend, or over extend yourself, will be the trend. And if you are attending evening holiday parties, try to avoid over indulgence's that can bring unnecessary problems, and embarrassing behavior, that could even be dangerous!

Sunday, DEC. 19, 2010, our communication planet stirs things up again, as it back tracks once more into the fire sign of Sagittarius. Bringing our weekend to a close with even more communication mix-ups! This will be especially true for the sign of Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces. But all signs are likely to be doing some reminiscing, and changing of their minds over Sunday. Patience everyone!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

On December 5, the new Moon in, Sagittarius, the Archer... made it a great time to take aim at your most ambitious goals, and fire!

Perhaps giving you a direct hit, towards something that can be finally within your reach?

So if you are feeling as though you want to get a lot accomplished as you began this new work week?

You Can Just..."Blame It On The Stars"!

And your new feeling of ambition that is with you this...Monday DEC. 6, 2010,.... is only the beginning!

Because... last night, Sunday December 5, 2010 along with a new moon... the planet of invention, Uranus,... that has been in backward motion since July 6, 2010, (called retrograding) finally went direct again! Add the planet of action Mars, moving into calculating and practical Capricorn on Tuesday evening, and we are definitely in a move forward mode!

Yes, these three significant planetary aspects, acting on top of each other early this week... gears us towards opportunity!!! You will feel the benefit of their influence so much more, ...if...and when, you find yourself taking your own individual initiatives seriously enough, to put your new ideas into motion!

Remember a new Moon is always a good opportunity to start something new, and with optimistic, adventurous Sagittarius Sun, in your corner, it's time to shed any doubts or questions, slowing you down?

Monday, DEC. 6, 2010, Uranus is now direct again! You probably have had some plans and ideas brewing in the background since Uranus took a backwards stroll in Pisces, on July 6, 2010! Now, as the planet moves forward, it urges you to do the same. It's time to stop thinking about your ideas. It is time to turn them into reality!

And Tuesday, evening DEC. 7, 2010... to help you towards practical accomplishment in implementing those new ideas,... is the change in sign of Mars... the planet of action! Mars will enter the get-the-job-done-right, Capricorn, at 6:49 PM. And this placement of Mars, encourages you to not only look before you leap, but to move toward your target in a forceful yet prudent manner. Which can mean... achieving your goals if you're realistic about what you can accomplish?

So what all of this means is...we now are in a time, of a few days...that it is good, to take action! Whether you go for something big, like a career change, or just decide it's time to clear the clutter from your space so you can think more clearly.

This week of December 5, 2010, Sunday through Wednesday, December 8, 2010, you couldn't ask for a better time to get any job you have been putting off done!!! Just remember that if you make your move on these particular days, it's not just your goals you can reach, it might even be your dreams!

Thursday, DEC 9, 2010 some of that ambition wanes... as the free minded sign of Aquarius is the moons new placement. And that gives us a desire to be less involved with work and want to play. In fact, so much that a negative moon, planet Venus aspect, can get us in trouble with the boss.

Friday, December 10, 2010, is also a day when you will want to feel free... looking towards a fun weekend! However, the planet of communication Mercury, will be slowing down in motion on Friday! And that slowing down, will begin to effect many areas that involve your thinking and expect to have some confusion with your weekend plans, effecting all signs!

Saturday DEC.11, 2010, the planet Mercury will be retrograding...which means that we will begin another time of review... from Mercury back tracking. That retrograding of Mercury, lasts until the last day of this year 2010, which will cause a lot of changes, and mix-ups of your mind...all during the Holidays!!! And that phase begins on Saturday, mixing things up a bit for your day?

Another reason the early part of this week... is the best time to be productive! Because it is difficult for us to keep to our decisions, that are made... when the planet Mercury, is retrograde.

Sunday, DEC. 12, 2010, early morning... pay attention to inspirational ideas, that could be lucky? And then plan a reflective, quiet day where you can give into a desire of helping others?

Our Pisces moon on Sunday, will make us sensitive, but very caring!!! Best time to include those less fortunate, into your holiday gift list, to make your Sunday a winner!