Monday, December 21, 2015

The season of Winter begins!
by Valerie Greene
Today we welcome the official first day of winter! As the Sun enters Capricorn, on DEC. 21 at 11:48 PM EST.
Happy Birthday to those born under the sign of Capricorn!  You will be having a Birthday within the next 30 days.
Also a great start for all the earth signs.  With Tuesday's  earth Taurus moon, giving strength to Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo, starting out this season, on a positive note.
Wednesday, Dec.23, a Gemini moon can try everyone's patience.  Because of a  difficult aspect from the moon, to deceptive, sensitive, Neptune, causing deception!
All starting around drive time to work. And effect any travel that you need to be doing? The best way to cope for all signs, would be to check details in any of the days happenings to prevent unnecessary mistakes and confusion.
Thursday's mornings moon, Christmas Eve, can also make  us a bit overconfident, from a moon Jupiter square. Guard being negligent with anything that can be inflammatory. as an increase in the possibility of fire happens from over confidence and neglect.
The evening hours look more balanced, with an easier trend for all signs. And Just in time for Santa's visit! Enjoy!
Friday, Dec. 25, Merry Christmas Everyone~

The moon will be full in the home loving sign of Cancer. Putting the spot light on family and our home life, which includes our wonderful county of the USA. God Bless!   

Monday, December 7, 2015

It is in The stars, Dec. 7, 2015
 by Valerie Greene

A peculiar planetary aspect, between truth, and fantasy, could be  causing you some very disturbing happenings.

What is it?

 An unusual square exact  by degree between sober restrictive planet Saturn, and the deceptive, intuitive, selfless, planet Neptune!

Both planets are in a kind of a mutual reception...

As Saturn now in Jupiter ruled Sagittarius, is craving the truth, more than ever! All while Neptune, now in its ruler sign of Pisces, is in its most imaginative and sensitive mode possible.

 These two astral bodies are so different in action in our lives, that when they collide in exact conjunction, as it was from Thanksgiving Nov.26, - through DEC. 4, this year, it is hard to know what is real! And what is truly important! But both kinds of thought is more apparent for all of us during those  exact conjunction days.

 However, because those two planets  have a different movement pace, with Neptune's very slow, the aspect,  though not exact at this witting, it is still within a degree of each other and will be continuing its effect on us through New Years Eve! 

What to expect? And how to cope!

Firstly patience with your self and others moods!

 Which  can go from extremely high to discouraging lows with in min. from each other!

 And second, look twice at what you are feeling, and being told.

 The truth is there to see but it might have to be searched out and proved before you sign, or trust that it is dependable!

And third, avoid doing things in excess, or over promising! Good can from who those who wait, or those who have intuition.

 But you need professional advice to do those ideal deals that might be coming your way right now.

 In other words, do not be penny wise and pound foolish. Seek out those in the know, who have proof of their worth, and advice!

On the up side of theses aspects?  Our spiritual side can be wetted more than usual!

 Bringing special small miracles to you during the holidays...Look for them, and find the comfort and meaning of what the Spirit of Christmas, is really all about!