Sunday, November 28, 2010

Our work week begins with many still lingering thoughts... about last week's Holiday, Thanksgiving! Along with the rethinking about the purchases that we made, in our best time to buy... holiday weekend, shopping?

Therefore, when you are finding it difficult this Monday, November 29, 2010, to get back on track? You can just...

"Blame It On The Stars"

Yes, It will be a little difficult to keep your ideas and communication flowing easily Monday, as this month of November winds down.

So You should try to look carefully before you leap as the planet Mars, on Monday, hits an overly confident, impulsive negative aspect to the planet Jupiter... Add the edge of a very picky, Virgo moon. And these negative planetary aspects make us deal with opposites ...from being overly confident, to being picky and prudent. Which tends to lean us towards impulsive decisions that can backfire. All Coming from a false sense of bravado and wanting perfection!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010, the final day of November, the planet Venus, purrs back into the sign of Scorpio! Bringing with it, a sense to want to reform your thoughts and feelings. Especially when it comes to our fiances and love lives. So expect those deep down emotional, financial entanglements from the past of September 9, 2010, to be given a new look, and even perhaps, re-run?

Whatever was your delight, and romantic pleasure from weeks ago? Can be back from a transcendental nature, on the menu again, until early January, 2011.

Tuesday, early morning, from 5-9:00 AM EST... planetary moon Mercury aspects, makes communication and travel difficult, so use extra caution driving, or using machinery. And expect that the rest of Tuesday to be one that you are looking at mistakes that you have made in the past, that now need correcting?

Wed. December 1, 2010. a new month and a new placement for the planet of communication, Mercury! Bringing our attention to our more serious side? Yes, the planet Mercury enters the earth sign of Capricorn, having it's effect on us, until it retrogrades back into the sign of Sagittarius, on Dec.11, 2010.

This new effect on our thought planet, Mercury in Capricorn, also begins with conflict on Wednesday. Between a more practical mind set, and what our feelings and desires are saying.

In fact, an early morning Wednesday's moon, conjunction to {Capricorn's} ruler planet Saturn, makes Wednesday my pick of the week as the most difficult to be in a good mood! Not the way we like to begin a new day let alone a new month!

Thursday, December, 2, 2010, our moods will improve some. But we will be back to looking at our emotional and financial challenges. Because Thursday's moon, in the intense sign of Scorpio, makes a favorable aspect to its penetrating and explosive planet Pluto, helping us to solve unresolved mysterious and own up to past mistakes.

All sun signs can benefit from a more reflective attitude on Thursday, but the signs of Scorpio, Taurus , Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces, and Virgo the most!

Friday, December 3, 2010...intense moods prevail, with the moon in Scorpio. Not a great day to question authority figures. And if you were born under the sign of Leo or Aquarius... best to do a little soft peddling. Friday, we are feeling intense, and are not wanting to yield! Make sure what you are fighting for is really worth the effort!

Saturday December 4, 2010, a moon change to Sagittarius just before 1:00 PM EST, puts us all in a more positive energetic mood! And if you were born on a fire or air sign? Like Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra... you could find Saturday a key day, to enjoy getting a lot accomplished over the entire weekend!

Sunday, December 5, 2010, due to a { new moon}... is a very significant one!

Because, whatever we want to grow and expand, does just that... as the moon increases during the month! This new moon actually happens, Sunday , DEC. 5, 2010 at 12:36 PM EST. So try to keep a positive attitude starting Sunday afternoon, that can hopefully last all month!

And remember to do the things that you want to increase and have a positive new start, or beginning! True for all sun signs to keep in mind!

Happy First week of December 2010 everyone!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Our work week begins with a bit of an emotional, or financial hangover? Due to our recent weekend, topped off with Sunday's, full moon!

So if you find yourself, recounting how much money you spent over this last past weekend, or rethinking about your new romantic ties???

You can just..."Blame It On The Stars"

Monday, November 22, 2010, get ready to feel motivated!!!

The Sun has just begun it's cycle in the Fire sign of Sagittarius! And that new placement, effects all of us, sparking up our lives for the next, 29 days!

With Monday giving us an even bigger boost to be on the move to get things done... from our Air sign, Gemini moon... to the planets Mercury, Mars in a conjunction! Wow, lots of astral influence to put us out and about, motivated!

However, that extra energy might be combined with a fuse of emotion?

Feelings left over from the weekend that can stir things up a bit? What is it that now needs some careful thought and planning?

Is it your holiday plans? Re-checking the guest list for Thanksgiving? Monday is the day, to see what you have forgotten, and what needs your attention to make your week a fruitful one!

Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2010, the morning and afternoon hours EST, the Gemini moon will continue to make us feel like communicating and want to be busy! All sun signs can benefit from a positive Venus moon aspect, happening around 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM EST, that can help you in lots of ways for holiday planning or initiating any new endeavor? Romantic, financial, artistic, or just to holiday shop?

Make the most of it because Tuesday evening, the moon will enter the home loving Water sign of Cancer which can completely change your mood? Especially if your birth sign is Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn.
Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2010 the Cancer moon will heighten your thoughts about family... appropriately for thanksgiving day plans! But even more so, because of the Cancer moon, that will be in difficult aspect to the restrictive planet Saturn affecting us during most of the day on Wednesday.

Expect to be feeling sensitive and reflective. Guard tempers and your pocketbook... particularly if your sign is Libra, Aries, Capricorn or Cancer.

Thursday, November 25, 2010..."Happy Thanksgiving" everyone!!!

A day when the emotions continue to rein...and even perhaps on our Thanksgiving day table! Therefore, "you can't please everyone" should be your motto!!! Try not to allow the influence of Thursday's difficult moon Venus aspect, to cause hurt feelings, or to allow the negative tone of those that seem disgruntled, ruin your day.

Friday, Nov. 26, till you drop day? Looks good. The Leo Moon will rule, giving you the energy and strong will, to get out there and find those bargains!

Also, a positive Sun, moon, aspect early morning on Friday, can put you in the right place at the right time! So try to get an early start, that way, by Friday night, you can do some bragging about your newly found treasures, and gift finding. All putting you in a perfect party mood for the weekend!

Saturday November 27, 2010, the Leo moon, can bring out the fun side of you too! Stay busy and look for activities that keeps you on the move and social? In fact, Saturday night... moon Venus, moon Mercury, moon Mars... in positive aspect, makes it my pick of the week, for the most fun and feelings of sociability!!!

Sunday, Nov. 28, 2010, the moon changing to analytical Virgo, early morning around 4:34, AM EST, slows our pace and makes us strive for perfection. And that picky, think things through, attitude... will stay with you most of the day.

Use extra patience if you are driving, and best to get an early start, if you want to avoid the hassles that can come after 6:PM EST from a negative, Sun Moon square aspect that might end your weekend in a bad mood. Being Patient with a grateful attitude is the key!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Retrograde Venus already slid back into Libra, the sign of a close relationship, changing your feelings about something last week? However, this week parallels that in importance... as we continue to be influenced...

from Passionate and Action-oriented Mars, in Sagittarius that is raising enthusiasm and noise levels... all month!!!

So when you find yourself this week talking and acting more animatedly! Trying to be heard"???

You can just ... "Blame it on the Stars!"

And starting out this Monday, November 15, 2010... helping to make our Week significant... is a sticky Mars, Saturn, aspect! An aspect that hints to us...that self-discipline...

and hard work, will be needed... as we feel we want to make grand plans... with High hopes for Success!!! So keep in mind, as this work week begins, "Fortune," favors the brave... and rewards, honest, effort!!!

And with our Pisces moon, in favorable aspect to the sun, on Monday evening... our creative imagination, can give us the right ideas to bring very positive change into our lives? So pay attention to what you are thinking, and feeling, right into....

Tuesday, November 16 at between 7:00 AM, EST when there is a moon Jupiter, conjunction, along with a very favorable Moon, Sun Aspect! All helping you, to awaken with... inspirational, positive ideas!

This will give you more assurance to start your day, believing that things in general, are going to turn out OK?. Making Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2010, my pick of the week, to be the one for positive, action! Especially if you are a water sign! Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010, we are all feeling more energized, from a fire moon, in the sign of Aries, making a favorable aspect to Mercury, and Mars....which will gear us up, to be productive!!!

However, that enthusiastic feeling, could be somewhat frustrating as two planets Venus, and Jupiter, come to a stand still in motion, getting ready to again... pick up their normal direct, forward motion the next day.

Which means that even though you might be more optimistic towards new directions, you may not receive your full rewards for the efforts you put into on Wednesday? Therefore use this Wednesday's good planetary aspects, like a bank account? Putting something in motion, that will pay off in dividends later!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010, both planets, Jupiter, and Venus... after an appearance of standing still in motion... turn direct!!! Helping us all with a Welcomed lift in both our Confidence & Romance departments!

Venus being back in loving Libra... once again, soothes our love connections ...and Retrograde Jupiter, direct again, in Pisces! We are once more given... the green light to move forward under the benevolent care, of generous planet Jupiter, and loving planet Venus!

All happening... With our Thursday's Sun, in very positive aspect, to the innovating planet Uranus! Making this week's Thursday, a significant One, for unexpected positive change! Try to think in new, and creative ways... to make your life, Better!

Friday, Nov 19, 2010 the moons change into practical Taurus, which can help you to implement those innovating changes into a practical future, reality? Just be patient, on what seems to be showing up in your life...

Because it takes days for the forward motion of the planets Jupiter, and Venus to once again make their new impact enough to be evident in your life. So... Patience! But Not easy for the signs of Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Leo on Friday!

Saturday, Nov 20, 2010 we continue to look for concrete proof of our future stability? And finding proof of anything will not be an easy task on Saturday, due to Our pending full moon. Expect to feel quite emotional again, especially on Saturday night, as the almost full moon ignites our passions!!!

A night to spend with those you love! And a difficult one to spend alone, particularly if you are born under the signs of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, or Pisces?

Sunday Nov. 21, 2010, the Full Moon in earthy Taurus at 12:27 PM EST, will bring on the usual conflict, between our masculine & feminine nature! And as the Sun moves across the zodiac from the tug of war to the Moon...

we will be required to balance the give and take in our lives? From Our need for self-indulgence, as opposed to our need to be expansive, and generous!

So on Sunday, November 21, as your thoughts turn to up-coming holiday plans? Try to understand, that you may need to be a little more demanding, as opposed to being only cooperative. The Full moon is tugging on all the emotional, parts of you. And to be a winner, you need to be extremely honest about all of your desires!!!

Not a weekend, or a Sunday, to be alienated from others!!!! Think partnership!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Doing a little back tacking as you begin this work week...

Monday November 8, 2010???

You just might be! With our love planet Venus back tracking into the air sign of Libra, again? So when you find your mind and emotions looking at what has recently, or a long time ago... past?

You Can Just... "Blame It On The Stars"!!!

It is true, that our thoughts and feelings can be caught with our past behavior on our minds this Monday, Nov. 8, 2010. As we continue to be influenced from the backward motion of the planet Venus, entering the sign of Libra, again.

All making this... an interesting week! As we are caught between the OLD and the New? Looking at what is past, what we learned from it. And gearing ourselves up towards, new directions, that we will deal with later in the month!

And Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2010, does bring a new way of thinking, that is much more up-front... with a fiery tell the truth, attitude!! All thanks to the planet Mercury's new position, into the fire, truthful sign of Sagittarius that will rule our commutative minds through, Nov. 30!

Making this week's Tuesday a day when your going to want to look for ways to accomplish what you have left undone? Though Tuesday's early morning EST hours that might be quite difficult? Best to prepare for delays, and exercise lots of patience, until the evening hours!

Especially true for the signs of Pisces, Virgo, Libra, Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn to keep in mind!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010... A Moon Saturn aspect at around 7:00 A M EST, brings the tendency for us to only see what is missing in our lives... which can put our morning into lots of gloom and frustrating delays! Effecting all birth signs, but most particularly the sign of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and Libra!

Thursday, November 11, our day starts out with a desire to vent our we again are drawn to looking at what we have dealt with poorly in the past concerning our personal relationships, and finances. Time for owning-up? Perhaps... but because our planet Venus has yet to settle down in forward motion, we will have a tough time deciding, which direction to take? As our Thursday's Capricorn moon... makes us overly cautious, and feeling restricted!

Friday, November 12, 2010, I am happy to say the moon's change into lively, freedom loving, Aquarius, will lighten our moods...making Friday this week, my pick of the week to get things done!! Also a day when you will want to break away from routine! So look for fun things to do that will lift your mood! Especially if you are an air sign Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra!

Saturday, Nov. 13, 2010 that Aquarius moon continues... to lend it's self nicely to giving us that... "lets have a fun weekend", attitude! Just don't over do a good thing! Mid day on Saturday, strife will come from misplaced expectations, and rifts that involve your ego? Particularly if your sign is... Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, or Taurus.

Sunday, November 14, 2010, the moon changes into Pisces, around 7:00 AM EST... which will direct our pace, to be much more selective and somewhat subdued. Our Pisces moon makes us feel sentimental, and sensitive, and then our energy might seem to drop? Dampening our spirits!

Best to plan a day, that makes you feel helpful and creative? Especially if that might include, helping others! In fact, that is the key towards making your Sunday a positive one!

Because what we give to others...can come back in a positive way, to end your weekend, with a smile!