Tuesday, November 22, 2011

News from "Astrology.com"
Your Starcast for November 22 - December 20

Follow The Stars This Week for invaluable insight into how the cosmos affect your weekly life!

November 22: The Sun enters Sagittarius

Are you ready for a fresh perspective? Sagittarius is a sign with a big vision and loads of optimism. Two days from now, a solar eclipse in this Fire sign will highlight your plans for the future, but you should already feel the excitement today! This is no time to play it safe; instead, open yourself up to new experiences and ideas. It's time to ask the bigger questions about yourself: what you hope to accomplish and where you want to go.

November 23: Mercury turns retrograde

Back up your computer data to hard drives and clouds, and think twice before hitting the send button on e-mails and texts if you're feeling overly emotional! Why? Because misunderstandings, retractions and other problematic communications are unusually rampant during this Mercury retrograde period, during which the planet of communication changes direction within a day of the upcoming solar eclipse; the fact that Mercury is retrograde in well-intentioned -- but outspoken -- Sagittarius only adds to all the tension. If possible, avoid buying communication-related products such as computers and phones during this period, which lasts until December 13; if you absolutely must buy, hang onto your receipts. If you're traveling, double-check your reservations and be prepared for delays. Aside from all the usual travel and communication glitches associated with a Mercury retrograde period, this a wonderful time to review your plans, dreams and goals. Although information you'll need to make future decisions will be hard to come by, don't let that cause any anxiety. Instead, turn your attention to fixing past mistakes; that way, when Mercury turns direct in mid December, you'll have a clean slate!

November 24: Solar eclipse in Sagittarius

Eclipses are visually spectacular, and in astrology, they herald dramatic events. Knowing where this eclipse falls in your birth chart will help you make good decisions. Since the north node is transiting through Sagittarius, a solar eclipse in this sign can serve as a beacon to help you envision your goals and move toward them. Make sure your activities are in line with your life philosophy -- in other words, walk your talk! When you feel that there's meaning in what you do, and once you establish an ethical code for your decisions and actions, nothing can stop you!

November 26: Venus enters Capricorn and squares Uranus

Are you ready for a commitment? The love planet, Venus, in earthy Capricorn prefers knowing the bottom line. Free-wheeling nomadic types need not apply, nor should those who fail to make their intentions clear. The animal symbol for Capricorn is a practical, ambitious mountain goat that has places to go and pinnacles to reach! So if you're single and want a partner, make a plan; if you're in a relationship, do something to strengthen its bond. After entering Capricorn, Venus immediately squares independent Uranus, at which point you'll need plenty of room for both you and your partner to move and breathe. These transits can create an exciting time for your love life ... if you seek out new experiences!

December 1: Venus conjuncts Pluto

There's certainly nothing lukewarm about this combo! Expect to feel deeply and passionately today, whether the object of your affection is a person or simply an idea. Since Pluto's message is always about either going deeper or letting go, use this time to make a fresh start. Walk away from anyone who's uncommitted, and instead open your heart to those who have lots of love to give.

December 2: The Sun squares Mars

The Sun in Sagittarius is enthusiastic, optimistic and has a gift for seeing the big picture. Mars in Virgo, meanwhile, goes about its business carefully and makes sure no details are left unattended. Given these two very different approaches, you can see how this aspect represents people who tend to work against their own best interests! Since Mars heats up any planet with which it comes into contact, you can easily be led off-track by approaching people in a way that doesn't help you. Refrain from trying to nail down specifics if you're not getting a good sense of the other person's overall vision. And finally, don't be so vision-focused that you fail to take care of the details!

December 5: Venus trines Mars

If you need to reprioritize your love life, this harmonious aspect will certainly help you. Venus, the planet of love, is in commitment-focused Capricorn; at the same time, Mars, the planet of desire, is in practical Virgo. This combination is all about ensuring the basics are in place. Words don't count as much as actions; rather, it's what you do now that counts most! This is a terrific time to schedule a date night. If you're single, make use of Mercury's current retrograde by getting back in touch with someone from your past.

December 9: Uranus turns direct

Most astrologers will tell you to prepare for the unexpected when Uranus changes direction. Ever since this unpredictable planet turned retrograde last July, one of your main priorities has been to be open to change and reconsider some of your plans. Hopefully you've left old ruts, patterns and habits in the past -- where they belong! -- and you should now be ready to make headway as you move forward. Still, you must also be prepared to continue to adapt to changing circumstances -- after all, you've probably noticed a lack of stability in our world these days! If you're flexible now, you'll encounter wonderful opportunities and experiences along the way.

December 10: Lunar eclipse in Gemini

Thoughts and words are powerful. During this lunar eclipse, you'll be reminded that your mind has the ability to either heal the past ... or keep you stuck there. To stop yourself from looping around like a hamster on an exercise wheel, direct your attention toward the things that most inspire you; then, point yourself in the direction of that north star and move toward it! Don't get derailed or distracted by too much information or superficial conversation. As we get ready to close out this year and begin the next, get clear about what you want to achieve and what kind of person you wish to become. And with Uranus turning direct yesterday, be ready to make changes quickly. There is tremendous power within this eclipse, so use it to create something amazing!

December 12: Mars squares the North and South Nodes

Mars in Virgo is conscientious and diligent. Since November 10, you've been working with its practical energy and have hopefully made progress on whatever you've wanted to achieve in that time. The north node in Sagittarius and the south node in Gemini are both asking you to keep the big picture in mind and focus on where you're headed. Don't get lost among information that doesn't help you move forward! This dynamic aspect reminds you to make sure your actions support your goals.

December 13: Mercury turns direct

At last! The final Mercury retrograde period of 2011 is over, and now it's time to make a decision. Problematic communication and misunderstandings are on their way out; clarity makes a welcome return. For the last three weeks since Mercury turned retrograde on November 24, you've been going over the same options and conversations, as this period has asked you to conduct a thorough review of everything before you proceed. Over these next few weeks, you'll be able to act upon the information you've gathered and be able to make fully informed decisions. As the end of 2011 approaches, you should be in excellent shape to plan for the year ahead!

December 18: Venus squares Saturn

Venus in Capricorn is quite practical, values achievement and is interested in building a relationship that lasts. Saturn in Libra, meanwhile, asks you to not only invest in your social life, but also exercise concern for everyone to act fairly toward one another. Still, sometimes the most practical thing to do isn't necessarily the most fair. When Venus and Saturn meet in a square aspect, you're likely to gain clarity about what you want -- and don't want -- out of your relationship.

December 20: Venus enters Aquarius

Shared values and friendship creates romance as Venus travels through the social, egalitarian sign of Aquarius. If you're single, look for people with whom you can enjoy compelling conversation, and try visiting places you'd go even if you weren't looking for a relationship. If you're in a committed partnership, this is a wonderful time to make a list of the activities you both enjoy; then, make a point of doing some of them together!

Enjoy the Sun's transit through Sagittarius!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Astro- News! From, "Astrology.com"

The Scorpio Sun has played a formidable role in your world these last few weeks, but now the Sun is about to move into brighter, more exuberant Sagittarius. After that, adventure will flourish, and you'll be ready to take the world by storm!

First though, on November 20, the Sun in Scorpio will have to square off against Neptune. This could be a serious energy drain, and committing to anything may prove difficult. You won't get anywhere trying to fight this, so just go with the flow the best you can.

Then, on November 22, the Sun swoops into Sagittarius for a month of adventure and big dreams. You'll be inspired to reach for ever-higher goals. Sure, some of the ideas that pop into your mind may not be the most practical, but with the vision and courage of the Sagittarius Sun backing you up, you'd be crazy not to try something big and daring!

With a tip of its hat to the Sun, Uranus will join in on the fun on the 23rd. Ruts are to be eschewed and escaped, while all things new, original and experimental should be embraced -- within reason, of course. Mars and Pluto will also make an appearance this day, giving you insight into tricky problems and the determination to solve them. Keep your eyes open, and new doors and opportunities could appear out of nowhere!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New Month... new important planetary aspects!!!

Here is a heads-up from Astrology.com.

More: To think about and know...concerning Our Stars, now!
From Astrology.com

The influential Scorpio Sun may be giving off deep, dark, emotional vibes, but Venus and Mercury are both about to partner up with Sagittarius to add a bit of fun and flare to the mood!

It all begins on November 2, when both Venus and Mercury soar into Sagittarius. Venus in Sagittarius requires two things: 1) You and your partner must also be best friends -- no possessiveness allowed! 2) Entertainment and education must got hand-in-hand -- so culture it up! See an artsy movie, go to a play, attend a lecture or museum, or maybe try a new ethnic restaurant. Your options are endless!

Mercury in Sagittarius can be a bit like the intellectual version of a bull in a china shop. Words will tumble honestly and forthrightly out of your mouth, but you'll have almost no control over them. Sometimes that's useful, but sometimes the brutal truth isn't the best way to make a point and still keep friends. This does have the advantage of clearing the air, though, and allowing you to move forward with more freedom. And if nothing else, you'll have plenty of lively discussions!

As a bonus, Uranus will saunter up to Mercury and Venus on November 3. Be ready for at least a couple 'Eureka' moments, as answers to questions that have plagued you suddenly become clear. You'll also feel flirtier, and when you have an unusual urge to add adventure to your romance, go ahead and spice things up!

November 2: Venus enters Sagittarius

Enough intensity! Love planet Venus leaves the deep waters of Scorpio and enters the most restless, nomadic sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius, making freedom, independence and having enough room to breathe your new top priorities. If you're in a committed relationship, this is a wonderful time to do something new and adventurous. Are you single? Get out among people that actually do something! Ideas for activities could include joining a travel club or enrolling in a language class.

November 2: Mercury enters Sagittarius

Isn't it refreshing to meet people who tell the truth? As long as they temper their honesty with tact, what they say can be extremely helpful. When communication planet Mercury travels through such an outspoken sign as Sagittarius, plenty of benefits are inevitable -- and of course, nothing beats this placement for sheer enthusiasm and optimism! However, some people may have a tendency to say way too much during this transit, so expect some statements to be followed by retractions and explanations! You'll get the most out of this time by thinking before you speak.

November 9: Neptune turns direct

Neptune, retrograde since June 3, finally turns around in Aquarius and heads toward Pisces, a sign it will occupy for the next 14 years. Hopefully you used the retrograde period to revisit your biggest goals, and are now able to not only envision the future you desire, but ready to take steps to turn those dreams into reality! Neptune reminds us to strengthen our spiritual foundation and invest energy into achieving our dreams. For extra insight, check the house in your natal chart through which Neptune is currently transiting.

November 10: Full Moon in Taurus

To understand why the full Moon's influence is so strong -- and why it inspires emotions to peak -- you only need to watch the Moon's forceful pull on the ocean's tides. Each year as the Sun transits through Scorpio, the full Moon is in Taurus, the sign that rules money and values ... so, of course, right now you can expect to feel strongly about anything to do with finances. You may encounter other people whose values oppose yours, so part of this time will consist of seeing how you conduct yourself when your paths cross. Make sure you know how to stand your ground, but be just as aware of when you're being overly stubborn! In general, this is a good time to do something that helps you feel materially comfortable, whether it's investing, creating a savings plan or purchasing items with lasting value. And finally, because Neptune is changing direction during this full Moon, make sure you know where your money is going. Don't be in denial or in the dark about anything relating to your financial life!

November 10: Mars enters Virgo

As Mars enters the hardest working sign of the zodiac, you'll naturally feel quite motivated, possessing enough energy to make great strides toward your goals. This transit particularly favors progress on any health-related issue, so take advantage of this time to get fit, lose weight or learn to meditate. Virgo is also a sign that rules service, so if you've been considering a volunteer project, choose a cause close to your heart and lend a hand! Examine where Mars is traveling through your birth chart for plenty of helpful and fun ideas.

November 16: Mars trines Jupiter

Mars in analytical Virgo always wants to do everything perfectly. Right now, you're in all likelihood feeling very conscientious, and all your hard work will be rewarded with this supportive aspect to generous Jupiter. You have people in your life who believe in you and are your best cheerleaders, so let them be the wind beneath your wings. Your abundance of energy and confidence will propel you toward your dreams and goals!

November 20: Sun squares Neptune

As the Sun travels through investigative Scorpio, you're like a private detective who'll stop at nothing! Whether you're trying to find a job, a house or a new love, you're extra-determined right now. But with the Sun's challenging square to nebulous Neptune, not everything will be revealed, and you may need to make decisions without knowing all the facts. Watch out for dishonest people, as well as information that's too good to be true. This aspect is perfect for boosting your imagination, so get to work on creative projects: Make a vision board, write in your journal or put together a playlist of your favorite songs.

Enjoy the Sun's transit through Scorpio!